Hail Trump....rally gives Trump the nazi salute....

The Dems never stop with the clearly losing strategy of race baiting.

Most of those on the Mall, they are paid to do that by the Dems or a left wing group.

The number of these post election "hate crimes" that have already been busted as hoaxes is quite long, even though the "US media" won't report when they get busted....
I am sure the KKK donates to charities, too, but it does not mean they are not a Hate / Terrorist Group.

BLM has called for the overthrow of the govt, called for the murder of all cops and whites, and called for the assassination of President Trump...oh, but wait - they delivered some canned goods to a local charity - never mind. They're ok....


Its not about the donations. Its about the number of BLM threads and post you make only to claim you dont care about hate groups. Here I'll quote you again.

No, I do not spend my time worrying what insignificant hate groups think, feel, believe, etc... Evidently you spend TOO much time doing so.

But mention some other group you deem a hate group and you have all the thoughts in the world. Because....You're not a hack
hmmm you got one of Trump's campaign promises to empower white supremacy? I don't recall that being one of his policy changes. hmmmmmmm

Deporting millions of dark-skinned folks and banning Muslims sure sounds like "white supremacy" policies.
hmm i thought our country had borders. So the US is racist? Explain to me when vetting entry into our country was racist. Do you know what the term 'illegal' is? Please let me know your position on that.

Edit: BTW, isn't obummer deporting dark skinned people? Does that make him a white supremacist?
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According to Liberal Thinking, Hillary Clinton is an avid supporter of the KKK:

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
-- http://www.usnews.com/news/articles...-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president

Since the KKK endorsed Hillary, she is officially a supporter of the KKK, no matter what she or any liberal says.

According to their rules, the candidate IS a reflection of whatever nutball endorses them.

Hey moron.....did you even read what this fellow moron to your ilk is spewing?

Here's an excerpt...and you judge how "smart" he is....

When asked about the "hidden agenda," Quigg said, "I cannot reveal my sources.”
When the Telegraph asked Quigg why he reneged on his promise to support Trump in the race, he replied: "We don’t like his hair. We think it’s a toupee. He won’t do what he says he will do. He says he’s going to build a 20-foot high fence along with border with Mexico and make them pay. How’s he going to do that?"
The Dems never stop with the clearly losing strategy of race baiting.

When you call someone telling you that a Nazi conference was praising Trump and then call the messenger a race baiter it removes any doubt that you will always find fault with the person complaining and not the actions that result in the complaint.

These guys are doing a Nazi salute and your only response is to say that Democrats are race baiters?
Why are Nazi's and White Nationalist praising Trump a big deal?

Lets reverse it

Why would Black Panthers praising Obama be a big deal?
He doesn't have any effect on what his supporters do or say. Kinda like the KKK donating to Hillary or black racial extremists supporting trump..

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
Im not defending their bullshit, I am simply saying it has nothing to do with trump.

The Alt Right has nothing to do with Trump? How thin are you trying to slice this thing? Do you see why a minority might be concerned with this or does it only sink in when you and your group are in the cross hairs?
They are a minority, you stupid fuck.

Minority or not...I asked how the Alt Right doesnt have anything to do with Trump. Your response doesnt even deal with any portion of the question and why you deflect from it and refuse to admit that any or some of it is wrong in the smallest of terms is the problem.

You've found more fault and names for me than you have for actual fucking Nazi's....THAT is the problem.
The Dems never stop with the clearly losing strategy of race baiting.

When you call someone telling you that a Nazi conference was praising Trump and then call the messenger a race baiter it removes any doubt that you will always find fault with the person complaining and not the actions that result in the complaint.

These guys are doing a Nazi salute and your only response is to say that Democrats are race baiters?
I've seen even dumber on the internet, like people invoking Godwin's Law for comparing neo-Nazis with swastikas to Nazis.
Its not about the donations. Its about the number of BLM threads and post you make only to claim you dont care about hate groups. Here I'll quote you again.

No, I do not spend my time worrying what insignificant hate groups think, feel, believe, etc... Evidently you spend TOO much time doing so.

But mention some other group you deem a hate group and you have all the thoughts in the world. Because....You're not a hack

CC, you want to fret and worry about the 'dead - past' racist DNC organization who can't do anything worse to this country than support and donate to political candidates, as the KKK did for both Hillary and Trump.

CC, has the KKK declared they are going to overthrow the govt?
NO, but BLM did.

CC, did the KKK just recently call for the racist murder of Americans?
NO, but BLM did.

CC, did the KKK just call for the assassination of the President-elect?
NO, but BLM did.

The KKK is not seditiously out burning the American flag, calling for the overthrow of the govt, calling for the racist murder of whites and cops, and calling for the assassination of the US President. That makes them damn-well insignificant, especially compared to the Hillary/DNC-supporting political terrorists who ARE doing so right now.

If the KKK were doing so I would be calling on the govt to bust their balls right now as well. But they AREN'T, CC.

No the POLITICAL TERRORISTS right now are:
- The MAJOR POLITICAL PARTY that was BUSTED organizing and financing the violence against their political competitor - linked to the Hillary campaign and all the way into the Oval Office.
- A Bunch of violent, disgruntled Liberal Snowflakes pissed off that Hillary lost BUT WHO DID NOT CARE ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY VOTE!

You can sit here twisting, spinning, spitting, and foaming at the mouth in an attempt to protect your criminal political party that has waged war against its opponents / American citizens and who are calling for the overthrow of this country if you want....you can try to demonize me, Trump, and anyone else who supports him....

But all you're doing is exposing how pathetic, sad, and F*-ed up the DNC and it's Snowflakes are.

Bottom line....you're pissed and bitter Hillary lost. My suggestions to you and the DNC are:
1) Next time don't run a criminal
2) Next time Get your fellow libs off their ass and vote
3. Next time....don't LOSE!


Did Trump invest in that movie?

Then why bring it up?

The smart one's here can figure out why I posted it.

"Did Trump invest in that movie?" :lol:

The 'smart' ones know why you posted it all right..

Which is why they laughed at you.

There, there now, "smart" one.

Now go and give pepe a big ole smooch.


Did Trump invest in that movie?

Then why bring it up?

The smart one's here can figure out why I posted it.

"Did Trump invest in that movie?" :lol:

The 'smart' ones know why you posted it all right..

Which is why they laughed at you.

There, there now, "smart" one.

Now go and give pepe a big ole smooch.



that's right, a lot of idiots on your side thought Pepe was a racist..
He doesn't have any effect on what his supporters do or say. Kinda like the KKK donating to Hillary or black racial extremists supporting trump..

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
Im not defending their bullshit, I am simply saying it has nothing to do with trump.

The Alt Right has nothing to do with Trump? How thin are you trying to slice this thing? Do you see why a minority might be concerned with this or does it only sink in when you and your group are in the cross hairs?
They are a minority, you stupid fuck.

Minority or not...I asked how the Alt Right doesnt have anything to do with Trump. Your response doesnt even deal with any portion of the question and why you deflect from it and refuse to admit that any or some of it is wrong in the smallest of terms is the problem.

You've found more fault and names for me than you have for actual fucking Nazi's....THAT is the problem.
They don't. The only ones that think it does are partisan hacks and strawman builders.
The more I think about it, why is ANYONE worried more about the KKK than the DEMOCRATIC PARTY?

What has the KKK done lately?
- Gave money to Hillary and Trump.
- Endorsed Hillary and Trump....
That's pretty much it.

What has the DNC done?
- Rammed the disastrous ACA into law against the majority will of the American people
- Protected criminal Obama Cabinet Members and DNC Politicans from criminal prosecution
- Rigged their own Primaries, F*ing its own Constituents (like Bernie Supporters)
- Spied on the American people
- Used the IRS to target Americans
- Organized and hired people to engage in violence against Americans who did not support the DNC
- Burned the American Flag
- Call for the overthrow of the US Govt
- Call for the racist murders of all whites
- Call for the murder of cops
- Call for the assassination of the new President-elect

This is, just for a start, why I feel the DNC should be stripped of it's status as a Political Party and should be listed as a Political Terrorist / Hate Group!

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