Hail Trump....rally gives Trump the nazi salute....

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
Im not defending their bullshit, I am simply saying it has nothing to do with trump.

The Alt Right has nothing to do with Trump? How thin are you trying to slice this thing? Do you see why a minority might be concerned with this or does it only sink in when you and your group are in the cross hairs?
They are a minority, you stupid fuck.

Minority or not...I asked how the Alt Right doesnt have anything to do with Trump. Your response doesnt even deal with any portion of the question and why you deflect from it and refuse to admit that any or some of it is wrong in the smallest of terms is the problem.

You've found more fault and names for me than you have for actual fucking Nazi's....THAT is the problem.
They don't. The only ones that think it does are partisan hacks and strawman builders.

Why would Bannon create a strawman for himself thats not real?
- Rammed the disastrous ACA into law against the majority will of the American people

Oh look! Someone on the Right cares about the majority will of the American people.

Taking time out from you defending Trump's election contrary to the will of the people?

oh, btw, how do you know most Americans opposed the ACA?
Its not about the donations. Its about the number of BLM threads and post you make only to claim you dont care about hate groups. Here I'll quote you again.

No, I do not spend my time worrying what insignificant hate groups think, feel, believe, etc... Evidently you spend TOO much time doing so.

But mention some other group you deem a hate group and you have all the thoughts in the world. Because....You're not a hack

CC, you want to fret and worry about the 'dead - past' racist DNC organization who can't do anything worse to this country than support and donate to political candidates, as the KKK did for both Hillary and Trump.


None of this has anything to do with the power the KKK has and who it affects. Your deflection to turn attention from the same KKK you promote all the time now trying to downplay them wont work.

They were organized, meeting in a federal building and hundreds deep. If you want to pretend they are only racist on the weekends and they dont take that racism with them in their daily life then good luck on selling that bullshit.
Trump needs to stop denouncing nutcases every time the media heads to the fainting couches

"A group of white nationalists, neo-Nazis or whatever they were held a meeting of a couple hundred people in Washington this week. During the proceedings the leader of the “National Policy Institute” (somebody named Richard Spencer) apparently did a “Heil Trump” salute which immediately put the media into a tailspin. Normally you might imagine that a conference of racists small enough to fit into your average comedy club wouldn’t attract much attention but it’s been playing on a loop on cable news ever since. Why? Because it gave the cable news networks and major papers yet another chance to demand that Trump apologize for, condemn or in some other way comment negatively on this group of crackpots."

.So Trump denounced the group. Did that satisfy the Trump-Haters? Hell, No! They then claimed Trump's denouncing was not 'good enough'. The fact is it was NEVER going to be 'good enough' for the Trump Haters who are just out to destroy him NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES.

"In reality, this should be a fairly easy call for Trump. Was he at the meeting led by Spencer? Did he send anyone to the meeting? Was there, in fact, anyone from the Trump organization there or involved in the presentation? If the answer to all of those questions is no (and it is) then Trump has absolutely nothing to answer for."

Instead of giving the left-wing Trump-hating media the satisfaction of issuing a denouncement he had no obligation to make, he should have just given them one of these:


Trump needs to stop denouncing nutcases every time the media heads to the fainting couches - Hot Air

This entire thread has gone like this:

Me: This is wrong
Right: I'm not defending them but you're stupid
Me: But they are organized, doing Nazi Salutes and praising Trump
Right: That doesnt mean they are real racists tho
Me: But they are and they are praising Trump
Right: You praise Homo's
Me: This is a problem tho right?
Right: You're the problem!
Oh look! Someone on the Right cares about the majority will of the American people.

Yes. Thanks for NOT embarrassing yourself by trying to deny the Libs DID ram the ACA into law despite the majority of the American people opposing it.

Taking time out from you defending Trump's election contrary to the will of the people?
Oh, are you still pouting about how Hillary LOST the election, claiming how Hillary won the bloated, tainted Popular Vote by 1.5 million illegal votes?

You poor, Snowflake. :p
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They were organized, meeting in a federal building and hundreds deep.

REALLY?! As opposed to how the media covering them described them as "small enough to fit into your average comedy club'. :p

I know when you quote something without a link its bullshit. So link up or admit you're lying. Because the only media you're quoting is Hot Air. No one else
This entire thread has gone like this:

Me: This is wrong
Right: I'm not defending them but you're stupid
Me: But they are organized, doing Nazi Salutes and praising Trump
Right: That doesnt mean they are real racists tho
Me: But they are and they are praising Trump
Right: You praise Homo's
Me: This is a problem tho right?
Right: You're the problem!

This entire thread can be summed up as this:

Hillary Lost!
Trump is Evil!


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Jack booted nazi thugs are goose stepping on this forum.
Huh? Who cares what they do? I mean seriously? Try grasping harder, you still cant breathe

You should care. If you had any sense that is.

The man running this shindig is the self described creator of the Alt- right. A self described white nationalist movement. The very man that Steve Bannon, the now top advisor to the the president elect, said that he used Brietbart as a platform for.

If that doesn't make those tiny little cogs in your head turn, then nothing will.
Was Sessions ever actually a member of the KKK?

All of the accusations on Sessions stem from one guy, and that guy accused other people as well, and his accusations went nowhere.
He had that guy jailed, as well as another black guy that was working for him, and also bad mouthed the NAACP and ACLU.

Jeff Sessions accused of retaliation after claims of racism cost him a judgeship

he said they had communist roots, and there is a grain of truth to those statements. Many former communists from the 30's went into supporting the NAACP and the ACLU. He also complained about them interfering when he wanted the issues solved locally, again, maybe not a popular opinion, but hardly racist.

And one of the two was convicted, and all they ever had against him were accusations.
I know when you quote something without a link its bullshit. So link up or admit you're lying. Because the only media you're quoting is Hot Air. No one else
You KNOW that a quote from a link is me lying?!

It's from the same link I already gave you the 1st, Snowflake. You obviously didn't use it / read it the 1st time, so I don't know why I need to give it to you again. :p

Trump needs to stop denouncing nutcases every time the media heads to the fainting couches - Hot Air
"MARTHA’S VINEYARD – At a crowded book signing yesterday former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was photographed doing a Nazi salute as she and several women around her laugh. When Mrs. Clinton was asked about the photograph after it went viral she laughed and said her Nazi salute was “just a silly joke.” This morning Mrs. Clinton’s publicist dismissed any rumors alleging Mrs. Clinton was in any way associated with the Nazi party."

Hillary Clinton Says Nazi Salute at Book Signing Was Just a Silly Joke | The DAILY RASH
Wow, really?
yes, really. Why is this such a big deal?

Why are Nazi's and White Nationalist praising Trump a big deal?

Lets reverse it

Why would Black Panthers praising Obama be a big deal?
He doesn't have any effect on what his supporters do or say. Kinda like the KKK donating to Hillary or black racial extremists supporting trump..

You keep saying what its not because you know what it is. Its indefensible to shrug your shoulders at this group and what they stand for.

At the very least you have to have a problem with a Nazi Salute? Right? Or is that ok too?
Im not defending their bullshit, I am simply saying it has nothing to do with trump.

You would do well to get a spoon and dig around in that can of worms.
"MARTHA’S VINEYARD – At a crowded book signing yesterday former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was photographed doing a Nazi salute as she and several women around her laugh. When Mrs. Clinton was asked about the photograph after it went viral she laughed and said her Nazi salute was “just a silly joke.” This morning Mrs. Clinton’s publicist dismissed any rumors alleging Mrs. Clinton was in any way associated with the Nazi party."

Hillary Clinton Says Nazi Salute at Book Signing Was Just a Silly Joke | The DAILY RASH

Still the idiot you've always been.

You just quoted a fucking parody website. :lol:

"And we can't wait till you give up and just die." Gee, I can't for the life of me figure out why people call you and your ilk deplorable.
Jack booted nazi thugs are goose stepping on this forum.
Huh? Who cares what they do? I mean seriously? Try grasping harder, you still cant breathe

You should care. If you had any sense that is.

The man running this shindig is the self described creator of the Alt- right. A self described white nationalist movement. The very man that Steve Bannon, the now top advisor to the the president elect, said that he used Brietbart as a platform for.

If that doesn't make those tiny little cogs in your head turn, then nothing will.
I thought it was Richard spencer?

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