Half Of Gay Men With Hiv Bother To Get Treatment For It

That's why it's a good idea for one to construct a blood bank within the honest, friendly confines of his/ her own family.

Better safe than sorry. :thup:
Homosexuals are people, too. They're not sub-human.
It's perfectly fine to not have a liberal stance on the issue.
There should be further regulations on this. One drop = death.
Throw the book at anyone knowingly spreading HIV/AIDs.
You're back steve!!! Thank goodness I've had NO idea what's been going on in the gay and tranny world for months!
All you ever talk about Old Stool is gay shit.

You big fag
Our country must force test every human annually for the HIV/ AIDS virus.

Everyone with HIV/ AIDS, whether they are man, woman, or child, should be incinerated.

Regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.

They must all be culled, and only then will we truly have combatted the threat HIV/AIDS the way we always should have done.

The ends justify the means... a small sacrifice for the benefit of many generations to come.​
Our country must force test every human annually for the HIV/ AIDS virus.

Everyone with HIV/ AIDS, whether they are man, woman, or child, should be incinerated.

Regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.

They must all be culled, and only then will we truly have combatted the threat HIV/AIDS the way we always should have done.

The ends justify the means... a small sacrifice for the benefit of many generations to come.​

So burn to death a child who was unfortunate enough to have been born with it? Murder a woman who got HIV from her rapist?

You sick bitch.
Our country must force test every human annually for the HIV/ AIDS virus.

Everyone with HIV/ AIDS, whether they are man, woman, or child, should be incinerated.

Regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.

They must all be culled, and only then will we truly have combatted the threat HIV/AIDS the way we always should have done.

The ends justify the means... a small sacrifice for the benefit of many generations to come.​

I do not support or promote the idea of homosexuality or gay marriage. However, I know they are people like me and everyone else, capable of giving, receiving, and deserving both love and respect. I don't have to accept their sexual situation, which I feel is either confusion or a hormonal imbalance, but I do know all life is sacred, I may not like homosexuality or the mockery of marriage, but I will fight vehemently against any hint of an idea that they somehow deserve to be punished or murdered for being gay or having the disease.

Ashtara, I hope you aren't being serious.
Our country must force test every human annually for the HIV/ AIDS virus.

Everyone with HIV/ AIDS, whether they are man, woman, or child, should be incinerated.

Regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.

They must all be culled, and only then will we truly have combatted the threat HIV/AIDS the way we always should have done.

The ends justify the means... a small sacrifice for the benefit of many generations to come.​

So burn to death a child who was unfortunate enough to have been born with it? Murder a woman who got HIV from her rapist?

You sick bitch.

Come now, Noomi. Open your eyes.

If we put to death everyone infected with HIV/ AIDS, there wouldn't be any "children who were unfortunate enough to have been born with it." There wouldn't be any "women who got HIV from their rapists." With this solution, those terrible possibilities would not exist anymore in America.

Wouldn't that make it worth it?

Can't you see that their sacrifice would spare countless future generations the suffering and death and disease that those infected with HIV/AIDS could bring upon them?

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