Hallalueya.....both houses agree on a bi-partism bill...there is a GOD

lol looks like Byrd deserved it

Not even the Banana Republicans deserves to be chained by their feet and dragged behind a truck for 3 miles and getting dismembered in the process. Only a true American low life, or average Russian troll, would post such shit.
Maybe blackies should stop attaching whites.. and we will stop
Maybe blackies should stop attaching whites, maybe lice balls should keep their panties on and maybe they will stop....just sayin
Or just stop attacking white before we get more chains
My husband use to say, Jits....a boy will fight you, but a man will kill you....please stop talking tough shit, unless your man enough to back it up...nigga's today just as soon shoot you for looking at em wrong...please be careful, I worry about cowards like you.
Same black people that needed security to walk down streets my grand father was on because they were to chicken shit? Lol wake up we are the power

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message
The evil that we do in the eyes of God...can only mean one thing.....we as human's are worse than animals.

I was thinking it means there is no God and we're are no better than animals unless we want to be.
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Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

Dude, ya gotta stop. If your so bad, grab your chains, take your pick up to any black area you please and have at it, else shut the fuck up, coward.

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

Dude, ya gotta stop. If your so bad, grab your chains, take your pick up to any black area you please and have at it, else shut the fuck up, coward.
I just had one fired at the post office yesterday lol by pension lol

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

which of his actions rated be drug naked behind a truck....specifics please
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That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
Guys, Mr. Byrd is with the Lord in peace and while his attackers are asking for ice water and a fan from Satan in hell, let the shit go.
A nog asked me for the time yesterday, I told him no even thou I was on my phone.. then he tried fight me.. until he got close and he realized wrong white boy lol then he ran
Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks
Correction, of those 560,600 acts, 560,599 were violent aggressive acts of SEX....ASK YOUR WOMEN, THEY LOVED IT. The lumps on thier head came from hitting the head boards....chill out, they loved it.

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

The message was given loud and clear by Texas, last year.

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

which of his actions rated be drug naked behind a truck....specifics please
I told you the chances of the black being the aggressor is real.. and he lost. End of story... why do you care? How many blacks will be shot this weekend in towns run by democrats? You don’t care you are just a racist that wants to create victims

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
Guys, Mr. Byrd is with the Lord in peace and while his attackers are asking for ice water and a fan from Satan in hell, let the shit go.
A nog asked me for the time yesterday, I told him no even thou I was on my phone.. then he tried fight me.. until he got close and he realized wrong white boy lol then he ran
:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:so you scared off a black guy who dared ask for the time.... I mean, if that doesn't make me shake in my boots, nothing will...dude, get a life...talk is so cheap...I wanna read about you, see you in action....else once again, shut the fuck up tough coward.
Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks
Correction, of those 560,600 acts, 560,599 were violent aggressive acts of SEX....ASK YOUR WOMEN, THEY LOVED IT. The lumps on thier head came from hitting the head boards....chill out, they loved it.
When libs see an argument slipping away they try to get silly and change the subject

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
Guys, Mr. Byrd is with the Lord in peace and while his attackers are asking for ice water and a fan from Satan in hell, let the shit go.
A nog asked me for the time yesterday, I told him no even thou I was on my phone.. then he tried fight me.. until he got close and he realized wrong white boy lol then he ran
:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:so you scared off a black guy who dared ask for the time.... I mean, if that doesn't make me shake in my boots, nothing will...dude, get a life...talk is so cheap...I wanna read about you, see you in action....else once again, shut the fuck up tough coward.
Just facts .. blacks were to scared to walk down my white street years ago lol now your tough? Haha
Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks
Correction, of those 560,600 acts, 560,599 were violent aggressive acts of SEX....ASK YOUR WOMEN, THEY LOVED IT. The lumps on thier head came from hitting the head boards....chill out, they loved it.
When libs see an argument slipping away they try to get silly and change the subject
Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks
Correction, of those 560,600 acts, 560,599 were violent aggressive acts of SEX....ASK YOUR WOMEN, THEY LOVED IT. The lumps on thier head came from hitting the head boards....chill out, they loved it.
When libs see an argument slipping away they try to get silly and change the subject
I posted a fact that you couldnt deal with and you became the blowhard
House to vote on legislation making lynching a federal crime
House to vote on legislation making lynching a federal crime - CNNPolitics

Ladies and Gentlemen, have a seat and put a huge smile on your face and know that Washington is back to working together for the good of the people.....are you seated?????

Later on today, both houses have agreed that LYNCHING IN AMERICA IS NO LONGER LEGAL AND THE BILL IS TO BE CALLED THE EMMITT TIL BILL. IF THIS DOESN'T BRING IN THE BLACK VOTE TO BOTH PARTIES, NOTHING WILL. Imagine my black people no more fear of rope, no more fear of trees, no more fear of hanging...thank you, thank you, Mitch and Nancy, thank you.

I'm literally shaking in my boots from all the excitement, how about you?

Give me a fuckin break!! Next?

Somewhere in Chicago Jussie Smollett just breathed a sigh of relief.
House to vote on legislation making lynching a federal crime
House to vote on legislation making lynching a federal crime - CNNPolitics

Ladies and Gentlemen, have a seat and put a huge smile on your face and know that Washington is back to working together for the good of the people.....are you seated?????

Later on today, both houses have agreed that LYNCHING IN AMERICA IS NO LONGER LEGAL AND THE BILL IS TO BE CALLED THE EMMITT TIL BILL. IF THIS DOESN'T BRING IN THE BLACK VOTE TO BOTH PARTIES, NOTHING WILL. Imagine my black people no more fear of rope, no more fear of trees, no more fear of hanging...thank you, thank you, Mitch and Nancy, thank you.

I'm literally shaking in my boots from all the excitement, how about you?

Give me a fuckin break!! Next?
When that Bill was introduced in 1955, Rush was the only black man in Congress. The Bill went nowhere. Now it's taking three to help get it passed. Is it progress?

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

which of his actions rated be drug naked behind a truck....specifics please
I told you the chances of the black being the aggressor is real.. and he lost. End of story... why do you care? How many blacks will be shot this weekend in towns run by democrats? You don’t care you are just a racist that wants to create victims

You said this human being deserved to be dragged naked behind a truck. I want to know what he did to deserve such a thing.

I want to know your bar deserving such a thing.
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