Hallalueya.....both houses agree on a bi-partism bill...there is a GOD

Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks
Correction, of those 560,600 acts, 560,599 were violent aggressive acts of SEX....ASK YOUR WOMEN, THEY LOVED IT. The lumps on thier head came from hitting the head boards....chill out, they loved it.
This fool is quoting bullshit from Jared Taylors debunked white trash book "Color of Crime." Blacks did not commit 560,000 acts of violence against whites in any year, much less 2012.

Your statistics are the most accurate between the both of you.

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

which of his actions rated be drug naked behind a truck....specifics please
I told you the chances of the black being the aggressor is real.. and he lost. End of story... why do you care? How many blacks will be shot this weekend in towns run by democrats? You don’t care you are just a racist that wants to create victims

You said this human being deserved to be dragged naked behind a truck. I want to know what he did to deserve such a thing.

I want to know your bar deserving such a thing.

And he is the first to tell you that his personal racism is a thing of the past.
House to vote on legislation making lynching a federal crime
House to vote on legislation making lynching a federal crime - CNNPolitics

Ladies and Gentlemen, have a seat and put a huge smile on your face and know that Washington is back to working together for the good of the people.....are you seated?????

Later on today, both houses have agreed that LYNCHING IN AMERICA IS NO LONGER LEGAL AND THE BILL IS TO BE CALLED THE EMMITT TIL BILL. IF THIS DOESN'T BRING IN THE BLACK VOTE TO BOTH PARTIES, NOTHING WILL. Imagine my black people no more fear of rope, no more fear of trees, no more fear of hanging...thank you, thank you, Mitch and Nancy, thank you.

I'm literally shaking in my boots from all the excitement, how about you?

Give me a fuckin break!! Next?
This is crap!

We have an entire House of Representatives that need lynched for treason and coup attempt.

No wonder they passed a law against it, to save their own skins

But they did not say anything about a guillotine, right?

The entire House, is that where you really want to go?

That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

which of his actions rated be drug naked behind a truck....specifics please
I told you the chances of the black being the aggressor is real.. and he lost. End of story... why do you care? How many blacks will be shot this weekend in towns run by democrats? You don’t care you are just a racist that wants to create victims

You said this human being deserved to be dragged naked behind a truck. I want to know what he did to deserve such a thing.

I want to know your bar deserving such a thing.
Who cares.. it’s over time to move on.. what are you doing to stop the blackkis from getting shot this weekend?
House to vote on legislation making lynching a federal crime
House to vote on legislation making lynching a federal crime - CNNPolitics

Ladies and Gentlemen, have a seat and put a huge smile on your face and know that Washington is back to working together for the good of the people.....are you seated?????

Later on today, both houses have agreed that LYNCHING IN AMERICA IS NO LONGER LEGAL AND THE BILL IS TO BE CALLED THE EMMITT TIL BILL. IF THIS DOESN'T BRING IN THE BLACK VOTE TO BOTH PARTIES, NOTHING WILL. Imagine my black people no more fear of rope, no more fear of trees, no more fear of hanging...thank you, thank you, Mitch and Nancy, thank you.

I'm literally shaking in my boots from all the excitement, how about you?

Give me a fuckin break!! Next?

Trying to save the Coup plotters and planners
That has nothing to do with Byrd, tell us what his actions were that deserved to be chained to a truck and dragged behind it.

be specific please
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

which of his actions rated be drug naked behind a truck....specifics please
I told you the chances of the black being the aggressor is real.. and he lost. End of story... why do you care? How many blacks will be shot this weekend in towns run by democrats? You don’t care you are just a racist that wants to create victims

You said this human being deserved to be dragged naked behind a truck. I want to know what he did to deserve such a thing.

I want to know your bar deserving such a thing.
Who cares.. it’s over time to move on.. what are you doing to stop the blackkis from getting shot this weekend?

No, it is not time to move on, tell us what this individual did to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck. You claim he desrved it, tell us what he did do deserve such a fate.

Don’t be shy now
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
90% chance Byrd was a aggressor and lost.. and got torn up! Let this be a message

which of his actions rated be drug naked behind a truck....specifics please
I told you the chances of the black being the aggressor is real.. and he lost. End of story... why do you care? How many blacks will be shot this weekend in towns run by democrats? You don’t care you are just a racist that wants to create victims

You said this human being deserved to be dragged naked behind a truck. I want to know what he did to deserve such a thing.

I want to know your bar deserving such a thing.
Who cares.. it’s over time to move on.. what are you doing to stop the blackkis from getting shot this weekend?

No, it is not time to move on, tell us what this individual did to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck. You claim he desrved it, tell us what he did do deserve such a fate.

Don’t be shy now
I already told you. You racist
Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks
Wrong. Don't use that Jared Taylor bullshit with me chump.

Table 43

This is official and it shows that whites were arrested for 236,394 violent crimes in 2012 out of 402,470 violent crime arrests.

Among the single-bias hate crime incidents in 2012, there were 3,467 victims of racially motivated hate crime.

  • 66.2 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

In 2012, race was reported for 5,331 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 54.6 percent were white.
Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks
Correction, of those 560,600 acts, 560,599 were violent aggressive acts of SEX....ASK YOUR WOMEN, THEY LOVED IT. The lumps on thier head came from hitting the head boards....chill out, they loved it.
This fool is quoting bullshit from Jared Taylors debunked white trash book "Color of Crime." Blacks did not commit 560,000 acts of violence against whites in any year, much less 2012.

Your statistics are the most accurate between the both of you.
Jared Taylor’s source is the DOJ via Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute
Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks
Wrong. Don't use that Jared Taylor bullshit with me chump.

Table 43

This is official and it shows that whites were arrested for 236,394 violent crimes in 2012 out of 402,470 violent crime arrests.

Among the single-bias hate crime incidents in 2012, there were 3,467 victims of racially motivated hate crime.

  • 66.2 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

In 2012, race was reported for 5,331 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 54.6 percent were white.
The key word in the defense is “hate crime”

but blacks commit plenty of violence for other reasons that are not called hate crimes
Blacks aren't attacking whites. So you white dudes might need to shut that dumb shit up.
It would seem you are full of shit yet again IQ2.....


This article has been nominated to be checked for its neutrality. Discussion of this nomination can be found on the talk page. (February 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than Whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of White victims killed by Whites, and 93% of African American victims were killed by African Americans.[49][50][51]

In 2013, African Americans accounted for 52.2% of all murder arrests, with Whites 45.3% and Asians/Native Americans 2.5%. Of the above, 21.7% were Hispanic.[52][53]

Blacks account for the majority of gun homicide victims/arrestees in the US while Whites account for the vast majority of non-gun homicide victims/arrestees. Of the gun murder victims in the United States between 2007-2016, 57% were black, 40.6% white (including Hispanic), 1.35% Asian, 0.98% unknown race and 0.48% Native American.

Non-gun homicides represented about 30% of total murders in the time period. Blacks were still overrepresented although only by about 2.5x their share of the general population.[54] Of the non-gun murder victims in the United States between 2007-2016, 61.5% were white (including Hispanic), 32.9% black, 2.29% Asian, 1.89% unknown race and 1.43% Native American.[55]

The CDC keeps data on non-fatal injury emergency department visits and the race of victims.[56] While non-Hispanic white victims account for approximately half of total non-fatal assault injuries, most of which did not involve any weapon, black and Hispanic victims account for the vast majority of non-fatal firearm injuries. There was a total of 17.3 million emergency department visits or hospitalizations for non-fatal assaults in the United States in the 10-year period between 2007-2016. For non-fatal assaults with recorded race, 6.5 million victims were white non-Hispanic, 4.3 million black, 2.3 million Hispanic and 0.4 million other (non-Hispanic) and for 3.8 million, the race was not recorded. There were a total of 603,000 emergency department visits in the US for non-fatal firearm assaults in the 10-year period between 2007–2016. For non-fatal firearm assaults with recorded race, 77,000 victims were white non-Hispanic, 261,000 were black and 94,000 were Hispanic, 8,500 were other non-Hispanic and for 162,000 the race was not recorded. Despite gun injuries only accounting for about 3.5% of serious assault injuries between 2007-2016 they accounted for nearly 70% of overall homicides.[57]

While African Americans are highly overrepresented in murders and gun assaults, the disparity in arrests is small for the most common form of assault not involving any weapon or serious injury (non-aggravated assault). Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites are arrested for non-aggravated assault in a similar ratio to their share of the US population. Of the 9,468 murder arrests in the US in 2017, 53.5% were black and 20.8% Hispanic. Of the 822,671 arrests for non-aggravated assault, 31.4% were black and 18.4% Hispanic.[58]
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
IQ2 conveniently ignored this post.
What exactly is the legal definition of 'Lynching'?

A term descriptive of the action of unofficial persons, organized bands, or mobs, who seize persons charged with or suspected of crimes, or take them out of the custody of the law, and inflict summary punishment upon them, without legal trial, and without the warrant or authority of law.

I took that from Black's Law Dictionary.

They're likely just being proactive to try to save their own skin given their approval rating.
which of his actions rated be drug naked behind a truck....specifics please
I told you the chances of the black being the aggressor is real.. and he lost. End of story... why do you care? How many blacks will be shot this weekend in towns run by democrats? You don’t care you are just a racist that wants to create victims

You said this human being deserved to be dragged naked behind a truck. I want to know what he did to deserve such a thing.

I want to know your bar deserving such a thing.
Who cares.. it’s over time to move on.. what are you doing to stop the blackkis from getting shot this weekend?

No, it is not time to move on, tell us what this individual did to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck. You claim he desrved it, tell us what he did do deserve such a fate.

Don’t be shy now
I already told you. You racist

Nope, you have not listed a single action by Byrd that caused him to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck.

so far it was only because he is black...that seems to be enough for you
I told you the chances of the black being the aggressor is real.. and he lost. End of story... why do you care? How many blacks will be shot this weekend in towns run by democrats? You don’t care you are just a racist that wants to create victims

You said this human being deserved to be dragged naked behind a truck. I want to know what he did to deserve such a thing.

I want to know your bar deserving such a thing.
Who cares.. it’s over time to move on.. what are you doing to stop the blackkis from getting shot this weekend?

No, it is not time to move on, tell us what this individual did to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck. You claim he desrved it, tell us what he did do deserve such a fate.

Don’t be shy now
I already told you. You racist

Nope, you have not listed a single action by Byrd that caused him to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck.

so far it was only because he is black...that seems to be enough for you
Who cares
You said this human being deserved to be dragged naked behind a truck. I want to know what he did to deserve such a thing.

I want to know your bar deserving such a thing.
Who cares.. it’s over time to move on.. what are you doing to stop the blackkis from getting shot this weekend?

No, it is not time to move on, tell us what this individual did to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck. You claim he desrved it, tell us what he did do deserve such a fate.

Don’t be shy now
I already told you. You racist

Nope, you have not listed a single action by Byrd that caused him to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck.

so far it was only because he is black...that seems to be enough for you
Who cares

anyone that is not a racist piece of shit. Which leaves you out, as well as all the other right wingers in this thread.
Who cares.. it’s over time to move on.. what are you doing to stop the blackkis from getting shot this weekend?

No, it is not time to move on, tell us what this individual did to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck. You claim he desrved it, tell us what he did do deserve such a fate.

Don’t be shy now
I already told you. You racist

Nope, you have not listed a single action by Byrd that caused him to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck.

so far it was only because he is black...that seems to be enough for you
Who cares

anyone that is not a racist piece of shit. Which leaves you out, as well as all the other right wingers in this thread.
You don’t care about that boy
No, it is not time to move on, tell us what this individual did to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck. You claim he desrved it, tell us what he did do deserve such a fate.

Don’t be shy now
I already told you. You racist

Nope, you have not listed a single action by Byrd that caused him to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck.

so far it was only because he is black...that seems to be enough for you
Who cares

anyone that is not a racist piece of shit. Which leaves you out, as well as all the other right wingers in this thread.
You don’t care about that boy

Yes, I do. I cannot think of a crime that is worthy of the punishment of being dragged behind a truck, but for you being black is reason enough.

You are a racist piece of crap and I am glad your true colors have come out.
I already told you. You racist

Nope, you have not listed a single action by Byrd that caused him to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck.

so far it was only because he is black...that seems to be enough for you
Who cares

anyone that is not a racist piece of shit. Which leaves you out, as well as all the other right wingers in this thread.
You don’t care about that boy

Yes, I do. I cannot think of a crime that is worthy of the punishment of being dragged behind a truck, but for you being black is reason enough.

You are a racist piece of crap and I am glad your true colors have come out.
We’re you there?
Nope, you have not listed a single action by Byrd that caused him to deserve to be drug naked behind a truck.

so far it was only because he is black...that seems to be enough for you
Who cares

anyone that is not a racist piece of shit. Which leaves you out, as well as all the other right wingers in this thread.
You don’t care about that boy

Yes, I do. I cannot think of a crime that is worthy of the punishment of being dragged behind a truck, but for you being black is reason enough.

You are a racist piece of crap and I am glad your true colors have come out.
We’re you there?

Were you? You are the one that said he deserved it, not I. And the only information you have is that he was black, and that seems to be all that is needed to do such a vile thing in your world.
Who cares

anyone that is not a racist piece of shit. Which leaves you out, as well as all the other right wingers in this thread.
You don’t care about that boy

Yes, I do. I cannot think of a crime that is worthy of the punishment of being dragged behind a truck, but for you being black is reason enough.

You are a racist piece of crap and I am glad your true colors have come out.
We’re you there?

Were you? You are the one that said he deserved it, not I. And the only information you have is that he was black, and that seems to be all that is needed to do such a vile thing in your world.
Go back to your country of you don’t like it

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