Hamas: Jewish Murder Of Arab Teen Just Like When They Use Blood For Making Matzah


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Aah, we have the blood libel thing once again from a group of the world's biggest liars.

Hamas: Jewish Murder Of Arab Teen Just Like When They Use Blood For Making Matzah

7.3.2014 Israel Revolt Jeff Dunetz 32

Hamas, the terrorist group whose participation in the Palestinian Authority government was blessed by President Obama, is using the death of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, the Arab boy found dead in Jerusalem on Wednesday, to further incite people to hate Jews. In a Thursday article in the official Hamas newspaper Al-Risalah, Editor Wisam 'Afifa used the ancient anti-Semitic blood libel to explain the murder whose perpetrator and motivation are still unknown, writing, "Just as the Jews once killed non-Jews to use their blood for matzos, today they still engage in 'sacred rites' of vengeance." He added that Israel has adopted the ideology of the Nazis, who distinguished between superior and inferior races.

MEMRI, The Middle East Media Research Institute, translated parts of the article as follows:

The settlers used the body of 17-year-old Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir, from Shuafat in northern Jerusalem, to carry out their sacred [act of] vengeance by torturing him and burning him to death, in a crime reminiscent of their holy matzos that became part of their history of betrayal and murder – for the culture of violence and blood grew among the Jews to such an extent that it seeped into their sacred rites and prayers.

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Jew-hating retards will buy it. Normal people...not so much.
Libels? Libels?? Almost two centuries and they are still shoveling the same cr@p blood libels that have no basis in fact?
It's not even passover.

Can we please call anyone posting or encouraging the spread of this libel a r@ci$t m*r*n?
Personally, I prefer my matzah with brain matter shmeared on it , not blood. But that's just me. :dunno:
But what about the 3 Israeli teens kidnapped and murdered???
Dozens of Israel Arabs held as teen murder protests spread
6 July`14 - Israeli police made dozens of arrests overnight as violent protests over the murder of a Palestinian teenager by suspected Jewish extremists swept Arab Israeli towns into Sunday.
The military meanwhile carried out 10 air strikes on Gaza in response to persistent rocket fire into southern Israel as hopes faded of a renewed truce with its Islamist foe Hamas. Violence which rocked annexed Arab east Jerusalem for four straight days after the kidnap and murder of the Palestinian teenager on Wednesday, spread to half a dozen Arab towns in Israel on Saturday. The initial results of a post-mortem found that the 16-year-old was likely burned alive in what many Palestinians believe was a revenge killing by Jewish extremists after the kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank last month. "Around 35 people were arrested overnight, almost half of them minors," police spokeswoman Luba Samri told AFP. Of those, 22 were arrested in and around the northern city of Nazareth, the most populous Arab town in Israel.

The rest were arrested in Taibe in the north and the Triangle region around Umm el Fahm, an Islamist stronghold northeast of Tel Aviv, where clashes continued into Sunday, Samri added. "We are demonstrating against this incitement to hatred by Israelis online, who are saying 'death to Arabs'," one demonstrator in the Triangle town of Qalansuwa told army radio. Israel police confirmed they had opened an internal investigation into allegations of police brutality following the publication of a video showing border police beating a handcuffed detainee. The video was released as news emerged that a 15-year-old Palestinian with US citizenship had been badly beaten while in police custody in east Jerusalem, triggering condemnation from the US State Department. He was due to appear in court on Sunday morning.

- Rockets on Beersheva -

The latest round of violence began on June 12 with the kidnap and subsequent murder of three Israeli teenagers in an attack Israel blamed on Hamas. The kidnapping triggered a major army crackdown on the West Bank, with more than 400 Palestinians arrested, two-thirds of them Hamas members, and six people killed in clashes sparked by the arrests. Two days after their bodies were found, a Palestinian of similar age from east Jerusalem was kidnapped and killed, sparking clashes which on Saturday spread to Israeli Arab towns. Tensions have also been high in and around Gaza, where Hamas has its stronghold, with militants responding to the West Bank crackdown with rocket fire on southern Israel. The air force has hit back with almost nightly strikes, which have killed three Palestinian militants so far.

On Saturday, militants fired 15 rockets and mortar rounds at Israel, two of which targeted the southern city of Beersheva some 40 kilometres (25 miles) from the Palestinian territory, police said. It was the first time the city had been targeted since the army's last major operation in Gaza, named Pillar of Defence, in November 2012. The air force responded with new strikes early on Sunday, none of which caused casualties. "Following constant rocket fire at Israeli communities in the south, IAF (Israel Air Force) aircraft targeted 10 terror sites in the central and southern Gaza Strip, including concealed rocket launchers and a weapon manufacturing facility," a statement said. Also on Sunday, the army said it had arrested a Palestinian in the flashpoint southern West Bank city of Hebron, whom the Israeli media suggested was somehow linked to the kidnap and murder of the three teenagers. Israel has named two Hamas militants from Hebron as the prime suspects -- Marwan Qawasmeh and Amer Abu Eishe. Both remain at large.

Dozens of Israel Arabs held as teen murder protests spread

See also:

Jul. 6, 2014 — Israel arrested six Jewish suspects Sunday in the grisly slaying of a Palestinian teenager who was abducted and burned alive last week — a crime that set off a wave of violent protests in Arab sections of the country.
Leaders of the Jewish state appealed for calm amid signs the death was revenge for the recent killings of three Israeli teenagers. "We will not allow extremists, it doesn't matter from which side, to inflame the region and cause bloodshed," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a nationally televised statement. "Murder is murder, incitement is incitement, and we will respond aggressively to both." He promised to prosecute those responsible to the full extent of the law. The region has been on edge since three Israeli teens — one of them a U.S. citizen — were kidnapped while hitchhiking in the West Bank last month. Last week, the teens' bodies were found in a West Bank field in a crime Israel blamed on the militant group Hamas.

Just hours after the youths were buried, Mohammed Abu Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian from east Jerusalem, was abducted near his home, and his charred remains were found shortly afterward in a Jerusalem forest. Preliminary autopsy results found he was still alive when he was set on fire. Palestinians immediately accused Israeli extremists of killing the youth in revenge. And on Sunday, Israeli authorities said the killers had acted out of "nationalistic" motives. The suspects remained in custody and were being interrogated, authorities said. An Israeli official said there were six suspects and described them as young males, including several minors, all of whom lived in the Jerusalem area. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was continuing.

He said police had located a car used by the suspects. During the investigation, he said, police learned of an attempted kidnapping the previous day of a child in the same neighborhood and concluded the cases were linked. Israeli TV showed pictures of the 9-year-old boy with red marks around his neck. Abu Khdeir's family said that the arrests brought them little joy and that they had little faith in the Israeli justice system. "I don't have any peace in my heart, even if they captured who they say killed my son," said his mother, Suha. "They're only going to ask them questions and then release them. What's the point?" She added: "They need to treat them the way they treat us. They need to demolish their homes and round them up, the way they do it to our children."

Abu Khdeir's death triggered violence in his neighborhood, as angry crowds destroyed train stations and hurled rocks. The unrest spread to sections of northern Israel over the weekend. On Sunday, the situation in east Jerusalem, home to most of the city's Palestinians, appeared to be calming down, as businesses and markets reopened, and roads that had been cordoned off were reopened to traffic. Top Israeli officials expressed concern that the charged atmosphere of recent days had led to the boy's killing. After the Israeli teenagers were found dead, several hundred Jewish extremists had marched through downtown Jerusalem calling for "death to Arabs." Social media sites were also flooded with calls for vengeance.


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