*Hamas War Will Carry, ON and ON!!!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Biden needs to silence, be fu*king quite, no one asked for your two cents, shut the hell up fool.
2. Lets look at the total evil of Hamas, Oct 7th is evidence enough.
3. To try to describe what Hamas, did is known by all, known to the world, and it was EVIL.
4. The Jews have to put this dog down that attacked them, they've already proven that they will do it again, wipe them off the face of the earth, if the supporting people of Hamas get in the way, oh well, they had plenty of time to flee, why did they stay?
5. The area of Gaza had these dogs as their leaders, they trusted them, they elected them, they will apparently die with them, so be it.
6. The Jews are to be protected, and our weak president knows nothing about this conflict, Jews are doing whats right, defending themselves, which they have that right.
7. And unless the Hamas are turned over to the, Jews and go on trial, for war crimes, and the release of all hostages, The Jews, have nothing to talk about.
8. GO JEWS!!

Outstanding question. Thank you. It was far better for Palestinians with Israel than it ever was with any surrounding Arab country who hated & ousted them & never offered them a right of return.
Don't reply with terrorist propaganda.

Tell us, from your first person, with your own eyes, how was it in GAZA on Oct. 6th?
It was an open air prison ran by the Israelis.

Did you see anything different personally and with your own eyes?
Sorry bout that,

1. Gaza is in whatever condition it was on Oct 6th, because thats how the people in Gaza live.
2. They hate each other, so they constantly oppress each other, no love within their hearts, for those in general, and those out of reach.
3. Its endless, no justice amongst themselves, no justice anywhere, a depressed, and the most despised people on earth.
4. How do they live like that?
5. Its a hell hole for sure, it would be better to be dead.
6. The Jews have to defend themselves from these animals, and will stomp them into the dirt, and never will another OCT 7th take place.

Sorry bout that,

1. Biden needs to silence, be fu*king quite, no one asked for your two cents, shut the hell up fool.
2. Lets look at the total evil of Hamas, Oct 7th is evidence enough.
3. To try to describe what Hamas, did is known by all, known to the world, and it was EVIL.
4. The Jews have to put this dog down that attacked them, they've already proven that they will do it again, wipe them off the face of the earth, if the supporting people of Hamas get in the way, oh well, they had plenty of time to flee, why did they stay?
5. The area of Gaza had these dogs as their leaders, they trusted them, they elected them, they will apparently die with them, so be it.
6. The Jews are to be protected, and our weak president knows nothing about this conflict, Jews are doing whats right, defending themselves, which they have that right.
7. And unless the Hamas are turned over to the, Jews and go on trial, for war crimes, and the release of all hostages, The Jews, have nothing to talk about.
8. GO JEWS!!

Sounds like you enjoy seeing Palestinian civilians killed.

Why did they stay?

Where can they go?
How often have they been displaced?
Where can they find food, water and she,ter?
Where is a safe place that doesn’t eventually get bombed.

Oh well you say.

By the way…when did Hamas allow an election?

Your BDS is so bad you don’t even recognize that you have the most consistent hard core supporter of Israel at the helm.
Sounds like you enjoy seeing Palestinian civilians killed.

Why did they stay?

Where can they go?
How often have they been displaced?
Where can they find food, water and she,ter?
Where is a safe place that doesn’t eventually get bombed.

Oh well you say.

By the way…when did Hamas allow an election?

Your BDS is so bad you don’t even recognize that you have the most consistent hard core supporter of Israel at the helm.
Sorry bout that,

1. Don't make this my war, cause if you did, it wouldn't look well for the arabs, in Gaza.
2. No, Im an outsider looking in like you are, with no ties to Israel, don't have a brother, or sister, by birth roaming around there.
3. Why haven't those arabs in Gaza left the country? that is a war zone, and perhaps Egypt is blocking their escape on the most part, and so is Jordon, kinda like a caged animal, Arabs do that to each other for, effect.
4. People escape from wars, they flee, become refugees, run for their lives, here they do not, they eat bombs for the world's sympathy, like yours.
5. Anyone worthy of surviving this war has someway fled, and are safe far away from this war.
6. All others are cannon fodder, just in the way, and history will prove they threw their lives away.
7. Biden trying to wrangle, Israel into a make shift peace, is fucking stupid, but Biden, will be Biden, right?
8. The only way this war ends is Hamas lays down its weapons and surrenders, no other way, give us our people back!!!!
9. Thats just the first thing that needs to happen, there are more things Israels looking for, like assurance that this will never happen again.
10. Safeguards will need to be put into place, maybe communities, brought in to keep a eye on the arabs, little strongholds dotted all over, Gaza.

Don't reply with terrorist propaganda.

Tell us, from your first person, with your own eyes, how was it in GAZA on Oct. 6th?

How about some truth from Jews in Israeli publications. That work for you?

It was an open air prison ran by the Israelis.

Did you see anything different personally and with your own eyes?
With an open border with Egypt. Not much of a prison. Plus until the Gazans started murdering Israeli civilians in the streets of Israel with everything from knives to suicide bombs, Gazans had free access to Israel and many held good paying jobs there. The Gazans built their own prison by their own conduct.
With an open border with Egypt. Not much of a prison. Plus until the Gazans started murdering Israeli civilians in the streets of Israel with everything from knives to suicide bombs, Gazans had free access to Israel and many held good paying jobs there. The Gazans built their own prison by their own conduct.
Subjugate people, put them under your boot, then punish them even more for fighting back, check....!
With an open border with Egypt. Not much of a prison. Plus until the Gazans started murdering Israeli civilians in the streets of Israel with everything from knives to suicide bombs, Gazans had free access to Israel and many held good paying jobs there. The Gazans built their own prison by their own conduct.

The Hamas fighters committed terrorism on Oct 7th and clearly if we examine the history, that terrorism is a response to far greater Israeli terrorism. It's not helpful to simplistically condemn Hamas as "terrorists" when the Israelis are also guilty of terrorism, such language only serves to obfuscate and frame the situation as "goodies" vs "baddies" which can then be fed to a largely passive and uncritical public.

Many of the older population of Gaza are (or rather were, many have been killed over the past 8 months) refugees from 1948, when the Zionists ethnically cleansed hundreds of thousands from their land.

Gaza is described as an open prison because the people inside are restricted from entering or leaving (just like a prison), they can only do so with permission which is rarely granted, travel to/from Egypt too has been all but impossible for many years. Gaza is not allowed to have an airport, medicines are forced to go through an approval process and so on, all of this predates Oct 7th by many years.

Here's an informative article from 2022, at that time the people of Gaza had been living in this open prison for fifteen years already.

Israel’s closure policy blocks most Gaza residents from going to the West Bank, preventing professionals, artists, athletes, students, and others from pursuing opportunities within Palestine and from traveling abroad via Israel, restricting their rights to work and an education. Restrictive Egyptian policies at its Rafah crossing with Gaza, including unnecessary delays and mistreatment of travelers, have exacerbated the closure’s harm to human rights.

These are people, men, women, children, parents, just like you or me, they have lives, they have broken no law, they have been and still are being punished collectively because they are an inconvenience, obstacle to the rapacious Zionist thirst for territorial expansion.

Gaza: Israel’s ‘Open-Air Prison’ at 15

Source: Human Rights Watch
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The Hamas fighters committed terrorism on Oct 7th and clearly if we examine the history, that terrorism is a response to far greater Israeli terrorism. It's not helpful to simplistically condemn Hamas as "terrorists" when the Israelis are also guilty of terrorism, such language only serves to obfuscate and frame the situation as "goodies" vs "baddies" which can then be fed to a largely passive and uncritical public.
I agree that it is not helpful to simplistically condemn Hamas as "terrorists". I reject the notion that the October 7 atrocity was a terrorist attack. Framing it as "terrorism" suggests that the acts are committed by rogue violent actors.

The attack committed on October 7 was an intentional, coordinated, long- and well-planned invasion by the Gaza government upon the sovereign State of Israel, in Israeli territory, against Israeli civilians. It was an act of war by one government upon another. The necessary response to such an invasion is not to "end terrorism". It is to remove the belligerent government from power (politically and militarily) in order to prevent the promised future attacks.

If the goal of the people of Gaza is to develop an independent, self-governing, recognized State with or without cooperation of the people of the West Bank, (and, to be clear, I don't think this is their goal) continued acts of war against your neighbors in the most brutal conceivable fashion is never going to get you there. It is exquisitely absurd to believe that committing acts of horrific violence against the citizens of a sovereign State is going to build trust and earn you greater access to that State.
Gaza is described as an open prison because the people inside are restricted from entering or leaving (just like a prison),
No. Not like a prison. Like every other country in the world with defined borders. No state has the obligation to allow citizens of another state to enter their territory. This is normal and is the basis of international law. It generally works just fine in the rest of the world. Why? Because the first tenet for statehood is the "ability to live at peace with your neighbors".

The cause of the restrictions for the people of Gaza is not some nefarious Zionist (read: Jewish) ideology. The cause of restrictions for the people of Gaza to enter Israel is violence committed against Israel. The solution is the end to violence against Israel.
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Subjugate people, put them under your boot, then punish them even more for fighting back, check....!

We (meaning we in the West) really have to stop framing it this way. It serves no one to perpetuate the idea of "subjugation" of Palestinian Arabs.

The Arab Palestinians have self-government in both Gaza and the West Bank. What they do with that self-government, by definition, is up to them. If those governments want better and more mutually beneficial relationships with their neighbors, the solution is negotiation -- not violence.
I agree that it is not helpful to simplistically condemn Hamas as "terrorists". I reject the notion that the October 7 atrocity was a terrorist attack. Framing it as "terrorism" suggests that the acts are committed by rogue violent actors.

The attack committed on October 7 was an intentional, coordinated, long- and well-planned invasion by the Gaza government upon the sovereign State of Israel, in Israeli territory, against Israeli civilians. It was an act of war by one government upon another. The necessary response to such an invasion is not to "end terrorism". It is to remove the belligerent government from power (politically and militarily) in order to prevent the promised future attacks.

If the goal of the people of Gaza is to develop an independent, self-governing, recognized State with or without cooperation of the people of the West Bank, (and, to be clear, I don't think this is their goal) continued acts of war against your neighbors in the most brutal conceivable fashion is never going to get you there. It is exquisitely absurd to believe that committing acts of horrific violence against the citizens of a sovereign State is going to build trust and earn you greater access to that State.

No. Not like a prison. Like every other country in the world with defined borders. No state has the obligation to allow citizens of another state to enter their territory. This is normal and is the basis of international law. It generally works just fine in the rest of the world. Why? Because the first tenant for statehood is the "ability to live at peace with your neighbors".

The cause of the restrictions for the people of Gaza is not some nefarious Zionist (read: Jewish) ideology. The cause of restrictions for the people of Gaza to enter Israel is violence committed against Israel. The solution is the end to violence against Israel.

The definition of terrorism makes no reference to "rogue" it is defined as the use of violence and terror in pursuit of political change, by that definition then Hamas and the Israelis are each terrorist forces, the 1948 ethnic cleansing was an example of terrorism - violence for political gains in this case territorial gains.

The Israelis are an illegal occupying force and the Palestinians are suffering under an occupation, the people - The Palestinians - have a collective right under international law to resist even violently, that occupation no matter whether they as individuals happen to reside on occupied territory or not.

The "necessary" response depends upon the objectives, if the objective is to continue the illegal occupation and even continue to seize more territory and build more settlements then what Israel is doing today is clearly in furtherance of that goal. If the objective is to reduce the probability of a future attack on Israeli civilians then one way to achieve that is to cease the illegal occupation, free all Palestinians held under administrative detention (aka hostages), cease settlement building and comply with the many UN resolutions that Israel is in breach of.

Where do you think many of the Palestinians go after their farms have been burned down, their olive trees burned and their homes destroyed by extremist settlers? They go to Gaza and they stay there because the Gaza strip is like an open prison.

The cause of the restrictions on Gaza is the Israelis, they built the wall, they approve (and disapprove) medicine import and medical equipment imports, they deny free passage between Gaza and the West Bank, they even once occupied Gaza by expelling Palestinians and building settlements there. The Gaza "barrier" is illegal and was declared so by the ICJ.

Read this from Israel's own B'Tselem, emphasis mine:

During the very first month of the war in Gaza, in early November 2023, Israel started working on a buffer zone inside the Gaza Strip. According to media reports, it will be about one kilometer wide, stretch along the entire border with Israel, about 60 kilometers, and feature military posts, paved roads and surveillance devices. The area will be off limits to Palestinians – even those who lived or cultivated fields in it before the war.

To create the buffer zone, Israel is currently destroying almost everything in the area it has designated for it, including residential buildings, public structures such as schools, medical clinics and mosques, fields, groves and greenhouses. A soldier involved in this work described it as “flattening everything”. Reservist testimonies confirm that the demolitions are carried out to clear the way for a security zone rather than as a response to intelligence information or findings in the field. Only buildings belonging to UNRWA or donated by the European Union, such as water reservoirs and wastewater treatment facilities, are left standing.

The Zionist monstrosity must be destroyed, wiped off the face of the earth just as was done with the Third Reich in 1945, that regime too was based on racial supremacy and a thirst for territory while ethnically cleansing the land from its inhabitants and Zionist Israel just like the Third Reich will fail, bringing nothing but misery not only to its enemies but to its own people.

Israel is today one of the most dangerous places in the world for Orthodox Jews, the irony. I'll leave you with this, if the people in Gaza were Jews and they were being bombed, repeatedly told to "evacuate" from one place to another, with schools and hospitals being attacked and women and children shot while entering places of worship and were being denied food, anesthetics, water and supplies and had a wall built to keep them in while this was all taking place, I think we both know how that would be described in the Western press...
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