"Hamilton" production lectures Pence...but they are actually racists, not Pence...

Pence showing up at a Broadway show reminds me of the final scene of cabaret.

How is that ......in Cabaret the left wing socialists show up.....Pence is not left wing and he is the complete opposite of a socialist.....so for your post to be accurate, hilary would have had to attend the play.....

I forgot how everything is opposite with you dimbulbs. :cuckoo:


No moron.....you left wing totalitarians lie about the national socialists because their crimes as socialist mass murderers were put before the entire world...while the international socialists murdered close to 100 million people behind the secrecy of their socialist paradises......so you have to lie, other wise the world will understand that the greatest mass murders of innocent men, women and children all happened under socialism......

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.
Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)
Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.

Pence showing up at a Broadway show reminds me of the final scene of cabaret.

How is that ......in Cabaret the left wing socialists show up.....Pence is not left wing and he is the complete opposite of a socialist.....so for your post to be accurate, hilary would have had to attend the play.....

I forgot how everything is opposite with you dimbulbs. :cuckoo:


No moron.....you left wing totalitarians lie about the national socialists because their crimes as socialist mass murderers were put before the entire world...while the international socialists murdered close to 100 million people behind the secrecy of their socialist paradises......so you have to lie, other wise the world will understand that the greatest mass murders of innocent men, women and children all happened under socialism......

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.
Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)
Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.

That is conflating the practice of fascism during peacetime with the necessities of a war economy. But of course war is inevitable when you run a protectionist economy, and so, most often fascism devolves into planning after 10 of 20 years. The odd Franco or Pinochet notwithstanding.

Fascism is socialism moron......you guys can lie all you want...but we now have the internet to show how dumb you are....
It does encourage diversity...diversity being defined as no whites.

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Im all for a boycott..but then again I wouldn't have gone to see it anyhow. And the type who would...wont. What the hell was Pence doing there anyhow?
Im all for a boycott..but then again I wouldn't have gone to see it anyhow. And the type who would...wont. What the hell was Pence doing there anyhow?

he went to see a musical...it was the asshole left wingers who made it a problem........they are violent, rude and hateful.....and put politics into everything....
I think that production will be in for a rude awakening. As in, boycott.

I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.
Im all for a boycott..but then again I wouldn't have gone to see it anyhow. And the type who would...wont. What the hell was Pence doing there anyhow?

he went to see a musical...it was the asshole left wingers who made it a problem........they are violent, rude and hateful.....and put politics into everything....

Yeah it was amazing when in the middle of the production the guy playing Burr jumped off the stage and attacked Pence! It was insane!
I think that production will be in for a rude awakening. As in, boycott.

I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

No asswipe....left wingers are stupid......they will go and see the play no matter what...but when you are in the business of entertaining people...you lose millions when you insult half of your audience just to push a political agenda........when your fucking job is acting....
I think that production will be in for a rude awakening. As in, boycott.

I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.
We are obviously not the ones who are scared here, bitch. :slap:

After eight years, it's your turn. :lol:
I think that production will be in for a rude awakening. As in, boycott.

I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

You are going to enjoy Gitmo...perhaps you will share a cell with cast members from Hamilton.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Nothing wrong with calling out the VP for his silence on the President Elect's rhetoric.

What rhetoric would that be......that he wants legal immigration, that he wants to vet muslim immigrants from countries mired in islamic terrorism....? You mean that rhetoric?

That a Hispanic judge cannot be fair and impartial because he's Hispanic. That rhetoric.

Now is the part where you deny it ever happened and play stupid.
I think that production will be in for a rude awakening. As in, boycott.

I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

You are going to enjoy Gitmo...perhaps you will share a cell with cast members from Hamilton.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yeah, can't wait until Trump starts jailing people who disagree with him... What is not more American than that????
Nothing wrong with calling out the VP for his silence on the President Elect's rhetoric.

What rhetoric would that be......that he wants legal immigration, that he wants to vet muslim immigrants from countries mired in islamic terrorism....? You mean that rhetoric?

That a Hispanic judge cannot be fair and impartial because he's Hispanic. That rhetoric.

Now is the part where you deny it ever happened and play stupid.

Yep.....Trump was attacked for being a racist........a lie...because he supports legal immigration, not illegal immigration....the judge....is a member of La Raza....an actual racist hispanic group.......

The judge is an actual racist not Trump...
I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

You are going to enjoy Gitmo...perhaps you will share a cell with cast members from Hamilton.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yeah, can't wait until Trump starts jailing people who disagree with him... What is not more American than that????

Oh...you mean the way obama and hilary put the film maker in jail after Bhengazi when they lied to the parents and said it was his fault......you mean like that moron....?
I think that production will be in for a rude awakening. As in, boycott.

I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.
We are obviously not the ones who are scared here, bitch. :slap:

After eight years, it's your turn. :lol:

Aw...did Mr. Obama scare you little girl? Figures.

I'm not scared of one thing you guys have to offer. You won the election; congratulations. Now you have to actually do something. The last time you guys had the ball, it didn't go that well.

From time to time "the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots...." Do you remember the last part of it???? "...and Tyrants". A periodic reminder of what can happen when the uninformed combine with the uneducated to produce the unqualified can be useful long term.
Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

You are going to enjoy Gitmo...perhaps you will share a cell with cast members from Hamilton.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yeah, can't wait until Trump starts jailing people who disagree with him... What is not more American than that????

Oh...you mean the way obama and hilary put the film maker in jail after Bhengazi when they lied to the parents and said it was his fault......you mean like that moron....?

Ben-Ghazi!!!! Still singing that song? Maybe you should get a congressional investigation of that or something? LOL
I think that production will be in for a rude awakening. As in, boycott.

I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

No asswipe....left wingers are stupid......they will go and see the play no matter what...but when you are in the business of entertaining people...you lose millions when you insult half of your audience just to push a political agenda........when your fucking job is acting....

But but but...you said boycotting would make them lose money!!!
I hope so......these nitwits don't understand economics and how capitalism works....they become millionaires using capitalism, then attack it whenever they get the chance.....

if you want people to pay you....you shouldn't fucking insult them...unless that is what they are paying you for.......and the morons in hamilton have just done that.....

Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

No asswipe....left wingers are stupid......they will go and see the play no matter what...but when you are in the business of entertaining people...you lose millions when you insult half of your audience just to push a political agenda........when your fucking job is acting....

But but but...you said boycotting would make them lose money!!!

It will.....there are now millions of people who will not give them money to see the show...or by the movie Blue Rays.....they will lose money because they wanted to be political over being actors.......
Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

You are going to enjoy Gitmo...perhaps you will share a cell with cast members from Hamilton.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yeah, can't wait until Trump starts jailing people who disagree with him... What is not more American than that????

Oh...you mean the way obama and hilary put the film maker in jail after Bhengazi when they lied to the parents and said it was his fault......you mean like that moron....?

Ben-Ghazi!!!! Still singing that song? Maybe you should get a congressional investigation of that or something? LOL

Yes...hilary sent men into harms way, refused to provide them with enough protection and then didn't send in a rescue mission when they were being murdered....then, she lied to the families and arrested a film maker saying it was his fault...

but you keep being classy, moron....
Ok, I'll make the same bet with you I offered in another thread. I bet you for the next 6 months Hamilton remains sold out. I'm right I get to pick your avatar for a month, if you are right and the boycott makes a difference you pick mine.

Not even worth the bet.....there are more than enough left wing assholes to go and see hamilton......I won't see it now, or when they make the movie......and they have lost millions of dollars with their stupidity...

Aww another Trumper to scared to back up their words.

No asswipe....left wingers are stupid......they will go and see the play no matter what...but when you are in the business of entertaining people...you lose millions when you insult half of your audience just to push a political agenda........when your fucking job is acting....

But but but...you said boycotting would make them lose money!!!

It will.....there are now millions of people who will not give them money to see the show...or by the movie Blue Rays.....they will lose money because they wanted to be political over being actors.......

Make up your fucking mind. Are they going to continue to sell out and make money because all the Libs are going to see it? Or are they going to lose money because so many Republican buttercups are too offended?

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