Hannibal Of Carthage: Was He Black?

Was Hannibal of Carthage black?

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Thats not ancient documentation. Thats a website.
Yes ... a website with documentation. Sorry I didn't make that easier for you.
There are plenty of websites with documentation. What makes this one any more believable than another website saying the opposite?

Proof Jesus IS Black Revelation Now

The documentation, itself, is historical in nature. If you're a fan of history and truth then you accept it. If you prefer hyperbole or fantasy over truth then you reject it. Sorry I didn't make that easier for you earlier.

So is the documentation on other websites in direct contradiction to your website. Sorry you are having a hard time grasping that.

That documentation is incorrect if the documentation on my site is correct. Does that help?
But your documentation is incorrect and the documentation on my site is correct. Is this confusing you?
I was going to post a picture of Hannibal but this new software doesn't allow it. Dang I wish we had the old software back. I left this site for awhile because I can't post the good stuff anymore. Disheartening indeed.

That's the picture I was going to post but no longer have that capability. Doggonit
He probably was. The proof is in the pudding

What is that supposed to be, a person with ugly disgusting facial features whos about to eat elephant shit? Why is he looking up that elephants ass like that?
Sorry folks. Every other one of my posts don't show up on the screen. Is this an ongoing glitch that's going to drive me nuts?

Yeah, it's just a small glitch, bro.

Another one is disappearing posts/ threads.

If you're say, on your profile, and lookin' for one of your old threads, don't be surprised if it's not there one day, and back again the very next day.

It'll all sort itself out eventually. :thup:
No record of Christ? I can tell you've spent a lot of time reading historical canon. The Romans were assiduous record keepers on top of everything else. Christ first appears in one of the finest of the ancient texts, the 'Annals' by Roman historian and senator, Tacitus. Written in 116 AD, Tacitus mentions the prophet Christ and his execution by Pontius Pilate. He also mentions that by 60 AD, there were many votaries of Christ, "Christians" they're called, living in Rome. Historians universally agree that Tacitus based his writings on empirical sources, like the regular dispatches sent back to Rome by her Imperial governors, governors like Pontius Pilate.

Do some reading before you castigate others for their "illiteracy"...that way you won't appear so illiterate.
Sorry folks. Every other one of my posts don't show up on the screen. Is this an ongoing glitch that's going to drive me nuts?

Yeah, it's just a small glitch, bro.

Another one is disappearing posts/ threads.

If you're say, on your profile, and lookin' for one of your old threads, don't be surprised if it's not there one day, and back again the very next day.

It'll all sort itself out eventually. :thup:

Sorry folks. Every other one of my posts don't show up on the screen. Is this an ongoing glitch that's going to drive me nuts?
You'll figure it out eventually. Now can you explain why you think your website is correct especially in light of the fact you cant seem to post without messing it up?

Certainly. I'll try to make this as easy and painless as possible:

1) I've referred to this website for many years and it's still standing strong without anyone having been able to refute the claims therein.
2) The same documented information can be found elsewhere on unrelated sites.
3) The actual documents are located in various museums and are known to respected historians.


Ancient Secular History Speaks About Jesus

Welcome to Evidence for the Existence of Jesus Christ
No record of Christ? I can tell you've spent a lot of time reading historical canon. The Romans were assiduous record keepers on top of everything else. Christ first appears in one of the finest of the ancient texts, the 'Annals' by Roman historian and senator, Tacitus. Written in 116 AD, Tacitus mentions the prophet Christ and his execution by Pontius Pilate. He also mentions that by 60 AD, there were many votaries of Christ, "Christians" they're called, living in Rome. Historians universally agree that Tacitus based his writings on empirical sources, like the regular dispatches sent back to Rome by her Imperial governors, governors like Pontius Pilate.

Do some reading before you castigate others for their "illiteracy"...that way you won't appear so illiterate.

Did you note that the dates BC and AD correlate to the supposed birth and death of Jesus? You actually believe something written a century or more later? Why are there no verifiable accounts during his time on earth? All we have is second hand statements from people that had hallucinations.....I mean visions. Did it ever occur to you that no one knows where the apostles are at either? There is not a shred of evidence he existed. Sounds like a made up story to me.
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Sorry folks. Every other one of my posts don't show up on the screen. Is this an ongoing glitch that's going to drive me nuts?
You'll figure it out eventually. Now can you explain why you think your website is correct especially in light of the fact you cant seem to post without messing it up?

Certainly. I'll try to make this as easy and painless as possible:

1) I've referred to this website for many years and it's still standing strong without anyone having been able to refute the claims therein.
2) The same documented information can be found elsewhere on unrelated sites.
3) The actual documents are located in various museums and are known to respected historians.


Ancient Secular History Speaks About Jesus

Welcome to Evidence for the Existence of Jesus Christ
You just sent me to some more websites. Those are not historical documents. Where are these documents and what year were they written? Is there even one that was written during the lifetime of Jesus. Everything says AD.
Jesus PROBABLY existed, given all the specific references to him, though i imagine alot of those references were untrue or taken from other cultures and his name was simply used in place of some other beloved dude from times past. Its far from a proven fact that he existed, but its reasonable to asume he probably did. He wasnt a wizard though, he never cured a blind man, his mother wasnt a virgin and he sure as fuck didnt rise from the grave.
I thought he was Macedonian?

Hannibal was a Carthaginian, a colony established by the Phoenicians. Tthe Phoenicians were a Semitic People that lived just north of the Jews on the Mediterranean coast. They were no blacker than their Semitic cousins the Jews.
I thought he was Macedonian?

Hannibal was a Carthaginian, a colony established by the Phoenicians. Tthe Phoenicians were a Semitic People that lived just north of the Jews on the Mediterranean coast. They were no blacker than their Semitic cousins the Jews.
The Phoenicians were Canaanites. Canaanites are descended from Ham who is the father Canaan who is the father of Black people.

Canaan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The name "Canaanites" is attested, many centuries later, as the endonym of the people later known to the Ancient Greeks from c.500 BC as Phoenicians,
I thought he was Macedonian?

Hannibal was a Carthaginian, a colony established by the Phoenicians. Tthe Phoenicians were a Semitic People that lived just north of the Jews on the Mediterranean coast. They were no blacker than their Semitic cousins the Jews.

The Phoenicians were Canaanites. Canaanites are descended from Ham who is the father Canaan who is the father of Black people.

Canaan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The name "Canaanites" is attested, many centuries later, as the endonym of the people later known to the Ancient Greeks from c.500 BC as Phoenicians,

Phoenician is and was a Semitic language; in early times language was a good indicator of race, later in history not so much. The Carthaginians were Semitic, however it is possible that Hannibal could have somewhat mixed with North African, but not very likely. Carthaginians were a proud people that saw other people as inferior.

"The Semitic languages are a language family originating in the Near East whose living representatives are spoken by more than 470 million people across much of Western Asia, North Africa and the Horn of Africa, as well as in large expatriate communities in North America and Europe. They constitute a branch of the Afroasiatic language family. The most widely spoken Semitic languages today are (numbers given are for native speakers only) Arabic (300 million),[2] Amharic (21.8 million),[3] Hebrew (7 million),[4][5][6] Tigrinya (6.7 million),[7] and Aramaic (550,000).
Semitic languages are attested in written form from a very early date, with Akkadian and Eblaite texts (written in a script adapted from Sumerian cuneiform) appearing from around the middle of the third millennium BC in Mesopotamia and the northern Levant respectively. However, most scripts used to write Semitic languages are abjads — a type of alphabetic script that omits some or all of the vowels, which is feasible for these languages because the consonants in the Semitic languages are the primary carriers of meaning. Among them are the Ugaritic, """""Phoenician,"""" Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, and South Arabian alphabets"

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