Hannity suffers 35% audience decline and gets demoted

Obviously you do!
Ohhh the agony...

Fox News Channel - Deadline.com

FNC CEO Roger Ailes, being interviewed by Fox Business News anchor Neil Cavuto at a 21st Century Fox investors confab in Los Angeles this afternoon, said Megyn Kelly has earned a primetime slot on the net and Sean Hannity is a brand “viewers love and want to see.” Asked about a report Kelly was getting Hannity’s 9 PM timeslot: “All of our stars will be back,” adding the network has “new deals with Hannity and Greta and Shep.” While giving Hannity a ringing endorsement and reiterating that Kelly had earned a better timeslot and “will be in our primetime line up,” he did not get into specifics on either.

I have to wonder why FOX haters pay so much attention (or not, as in this case) to what is happening @ FOX.

Hannity is a douche nozzle.

agreed, does he still let his con panel beat the snot out of the lefties he asks on? I don't know why they come....*shrugs*

The show was better when Alan Colmes was on with him and you got both sides of the debate. Now it's just Hannity whining and crying over people he disagrees with. I always thought they should have had Kirsten Power replace Colmes.
Ratings are meaningless. Unless you're buying or selling ads; that's all they're there for.

Says who?

Says Roger Ailes just above:
"...a brand “viewers love and want to see.” Asked about a report Kelly was getting Hannity’s 9 PM timeslot: “All of our stars will be back,”..."
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Lately all we have been hearing from the left is a combination of what they think is going to happen and what they hope will happen. They don't seem to be able to focus on reality. The big news a month ago was that a radio network "might" drop Hannity and Rush but there is nothing on the internet to confirm that it happened. The freaking world is falling apart and the only thing the radical left can come up with is the possibility that Fox might put Hannity in a different time slot. Hatred will do strange things to people but dancing in the streets over a change in a time slot that hasn't even happened is about the strangest.

What you're alluding to is Cumulus Broadcasting making noises about dropping Rash Limblob and Hannity at the end of the year when their contracts run out. The year doesn't run out until December 31st. And there's plenty on the internet; there were several threads here, including recently.
I wouldn't know if Chris Matthews time slot was changed nor would I care. Ditto for the rest of the liberal hoarde. The question is why is the left so interested in Hannity and Limbaugh and why are they at war with the 1st Amendment? The celebration doesn't jibe with reality. Dealing with the left is like dealing with a little army of schizophrenics complete with inappropriate emotional outbursts.

... Like this one ^^ ?

Well if Hannity goes, OReilly is already turning to the left for his marching instructions. Megyn favors the left. I'll be looking for another channel or spending a lot of time at Washington times if they remain conservative.

Quelle surprise!!! :doubt: :bye1:

Shep Smith is the only correspondent I've EVER watched for more than 20 seconds and that was on Youtube All of it but 2:10 in particular:


I wanted the public option but the repubs were so mad after the 2012 election results, they wouldn't even consider it. I wish Nancy would have rammed it through. I can't believe Ailes didn't tell them to turn the camera off :lol:
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Hannity is a douche nozzle.

agreed, does he still let his con panel beat the snot out of the lefties he asks on? I don't know why they come....*shrugs*

The show was better when Alan Colmes was on with him and you got both sides of the debate. Now it's just Hannity whining and crying over people he disagrees with. I always thought they should have had Kirsten Power replace Colmes.

agreed. Kirsten, aside from being Hot which is never a bad thing, doesn't back down and has a brain.
Well if Hannity goes, OReilly is already turning to the left for his marching instructions. Megyn favors the left. I'll be looking for another channel or spending a lot of time at Washington times if they remain conservative.

Quelle surprise!!! :doubt: :bye1:

Shep Smith is the only correspondent I've EVER watched for more than 20 seconds and that was on Youtube All of it but 2:10 in particular:


I wanted the public option but the repubs were so mad after the 2012 election results, they wouldn't even consider it. I wish Nancy would have rammed it through. I can't believe Ailes didn't tell them to turn the camera off :lol:

Nancy Did ram it through....duh.
This vid is from Oct 2009, ACA was passed in March 2010.

Where the heck did you get 2012 from?
Well if Hannity goes, OReilly is already turning to the left for his marching instructions. Megyn favors the left. I'll be looking for another channel or spending a lot of time at Washington times if they remain conservative.

Quelle surprise!!! :doubt: :bye1:

Shep Smith is the only correspondent I've EVER watched for more than 20 seconds and that was on Youtube All of it but 2:10 in particular:


I wanted the public option but the repubs were so mad after the 2012 election results, they wouldn't even consider it. I wish Nancy would have rammed it through. I can't believe Ailes didn't tell them to turn the camera off :lol:

Nancy Did ram it through....duh.
This vid is from Oct 2009, ACA was passed in March 2010.

Where the heck did you get 2012 from?

No -- I'm pretty sure the public option didn't make it. Joe Liebermann and his Big Health pockets saw to that. If it did it changes everything.
You are correct on the date, it was well before 2012.

But big props to Shep Smith for making sense. He does that a lot. Would that his colleagues could find the cojones to follow his lead.
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Shep is the only guy on that *cough* "news" station that has anything coming close to an objective opinion.
Well if Hannity goes, OReilly is already turning to the left for his marching instructions. Megyn favors the left. I'll be looking for another channel or spending a lot of time at Washington times if they remain conservative.

Quelle surprise!!! :doubt: :bye1:

Shep Smith is the only correspondent I've EVER watched for more than 20 seconds and that was on Youtube All of it but 2:10 in particular:


I wanted the public option but the repubs were so mad after the 2012 election results, they wouldn't even consider it. I wish Nancy would have rammed it through. I can't believe Ailes didn't tell them to turn the camera off :lol:

Nancy Did ram it through....duh.
This vid is from Oct 2009, ACA was passed in March 2010.

Where the heck did you get 2012 from?

Then entire video was about the public option :eusa_eh: which was not even debated sugar tits. :banghead: Try to keep up :thup:
Shep Smith is openly gay and that's the crayon he uses to color his show. That's why his ratings have never pushed him up.
Shep Smith is openly gay and that's the crayon he uses to color his show. That's why his ratings have never pushed him up.

Wow :cuckoo:

This must be one o' them "schizophrenics complete with inappropriate emotional outbursts" that other guy was talking about.
It will be such a joy to see that world class A-hole out of that primetime slot. Even if he's still on at another time, it's still a major victory, as he has been demoted and it will be well noticed by all.
He oughta team up with Ed Shultz and they'd own the weekend!
Quelle surprise!!! :doubt: :bye1:

Shep Smith is the only correspondent I've EVER watched for more than 20 seconds and that was on Youtube All of it but 2:10 in particular:


I wanted the public option but the repubs were so mad after the 2012 election results, they wouldn't even consider it. I wish Nancy would have rammed it through. I can't believe Ailes didn't tell them to turn the camera off :lol:

Nancy Did ram it through....duh.
This vid is from Oct 2009, ACA was passed in March 2010.

Where the heck did you get 2012 from?

Then entire video was about the public option which was not even debated sugar tits. Try to keep up

No it wasn't Mr. Misogynist.
Que @ approx 2:30 for other solutions.
With Democrats in charge of both branches of congress and a Dem President, how could there NOT have been a public option in place?
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Fox News Kicking Sean Hannity Out Of Time Slot In Favor Of Megyn Kelly -

In a move that every sane person in America would like to believe means Fox News is moving away from the crazy and extreme, the conservative media television channel is reportedly yanking Hannity out of his 9pm time slot and is giving it to Megyn Kelly when she returns to work after her maternity leave....

The change is a major demotion for Hannity, who has held the slot for a decade. So why would Fox make this move after so long? Perhaps it is because Hannity has struggled to maintain much of the audience who tunes into Bill O’ Reilly’s show. In February, it was revealed that Hannity’s program suffered a 35% ratings decline. Either viewers are just not that into Hannity or it’s their bedtime. One way or another, it’s clear that Fox News has chosen to bring a fresh and more popular face to their primetime fare in order to keep viewers glued to their television sets.

Read more: Fox News Kicking Sean Hannity Out Of Time Slot In Favor Of Megyn Kelly -

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