Happy Birthday President Obama

I am a conservative. Post the links, I'll wait
Post a link then twit. Prove your claim......

I'll wait

Right here, post #222........I don't see you getting after the conservatives that have avatars of ugly pictures of Hillary or Obama.....hypocrite.

If you have, post the link, I'll wait.

Now shut up and admit you're a damn hypocrite, hypocrite.

Domestic terrorists open fire on soldiers at Jade Helm
You don't pay attention then.
I lambasted the dumbfuck who has Obama as a monkey. I even created a thread trying to pressure him into changing it.

Get wrecked fool


Link? I'll wait.

Suck it bitch

You suck it dick.........your link doesn't even work.
The next link I posted does and I fucking knew you would be to much of a fucking coward to admit you were WRONG
And you know what's funny? I took on his avatar for the hateful message it sends while I only mock you all for being sheep with childish avatars. Yet here you are taking offense with me. All but accused me of being a liar with your stupid demand for a link. I provided one, you STILL haven't. I think it's clear who the clueless hypocrite talking out of their ass is.
That's typical. I said America suffered through the George Bush years and then was attacked as a Bush
suck up by this brain damaged fool. She's on ignore now.

You didn't say such a thing about Bush......you made an attempt at trying to look like you didn't like Bush without bashing him at all, and then you went full extreme right-wing Teabag claiming that Obama had even been responsible for Bush's dumbass fuckedness.....and then you try to weasel out of being so stupid as to have a Liberal as your username by saying you're not partisan.......try another one dumbfuck, it appears you are the brain damaged idiot.....and go ahead and put me on ignore, I don't give a rat's ass....I'll still make fun of your stupid comments and the fact you are so stupid you make a Liberal your idol......they don't make them stupider than that.
August 4th can't be confirmed as Obama's birthday until his original birth certificate is released. The one released on April 27, 2011 was confirmed a forgery after a lengthy investigation by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office.

Bwahahaha....another idiot from the right still holding on to that myth created by buffoons.
Look at Mertex pretending this link, the link she demanded doesn't exist.

Mertex is a coward. Admit you were wrong bitch.
Idiot, the link you provided first didn't work.

I'm not a coward, jackass......just because you called out one person doesn't mean shit.....there's plenty other posters here that carry anti-lib avatars that are really offensive and I haven't seen you call them out, too. At least the clown avatars are not vulgar like the ones your peers post of Michelle and Obama.....so suck it.
theres a reason libs love this guy- he is destroying America. You don't "fundamentally transform" something you love.

Destroying America by making it better? Yeah, right. People like you like it better when millions aren't able to afford health care, where women make less then men for the same job and more people are unemployed.......that's the America that Bush gave us and it was better only to the selfish morons on the right.
Look at Mertex pretending this link, the link she demanded doesn't exist.

Mertex is a coward. Admit you were wrong bitch.
Idiot, the link you provided first didn't work.

I'm not a coward, jackass......just because you called out one person doesn't mean shit.....there's plenty other posters here that carry anti-lib avatars that are really offensive and I haven't seen you call them out, too. At least the clown avatars are not vulgar like the ones your peers post of Michelle and Obama.....so suck it.
I KNEW you would not be a stand up poster & admit you were wrong. You're weak.
Right here, post #222........I don't see you getting after the conservatives that have avatars of ugly pictures of Hillary or Obama.....hypocrite.

If you have, post the link, I'll wait.

Now shut up and admit you're a damn hypocrite, hypocrite.

Domestic terrorists open fire on soldiers at Jade Helm
You don't pay attention then.
I lambasted the dumbfuck who has Obama as a monkey. I even created a thread trying to pressure him into changing it.

Get wrecked fool


Link? I'll wait.

Suck it bitch

You suck it dick.........your link doesn't even work.
The next link I posted does and I fucking knew you would be to much of a fucking coward to admit you were WRONG

I'm not a mind reader, jackass.........I didn't see your next post for a while, and I responded to you.....so quit your whiny ass crying.
You don't pay attention then.
I lambasted the dumbfuck who has Obama as a monkey. I even created a thread trying to pressure him into changing it.

Get wrecked fool


Link? I'll wait.

Suck it bitch

You suck it dick.........your link doesn't even work.
The next link I posted does and I fucking knew you would be to much of a fucking coward to admit you were WRONG

I'm not a mind reader, jackass.........I didn't see your next post for a while, and I responded to you.....so quit your whiny ass crying.
You didn't respond. You dodged. You're a coward who is incapable of admitting your own wrongs. I proved it and your continued responses to me prove it over & over.
Look at Mertex pretending this link, the link she demanded doesn't exist.

Mertex is a coward. Admit you were wrong bitch.
Idiot, the link you provided first didn't work.

I'm not a coward, jackass......just because you called out one person doesn't mean shit.....there's plenty other posters here that carry anti-lib avatars that are really offensive and I haven't seen you call them out, too. At least the clown avatars are not vulgar like the ones your peers post of Michelle and Obama.....so suck it.
I KNEW you would not be a stand up poster & admit you were wrong. You're weak.

Because one damn time doesn't make you not being a hypocrite.........I'll be sure to point it out when I see it again, because most conservatives are blind to their own hypocrisy and you think that by calling out that vulgar avatar of McJar's that absolves you of all hypocrisy......I've seen many of your posts, and you are not going to convince me you are not a hypocrite with that one thread.
The next link I posted does and I fucking knew you would be to much of a fucking coward to admit you were WRONG

I'm not a mind reader, jackass.........I didn't see your next post for a while, and I responded to you.....so quit your whiny ass crying.
You didn't respond. You dodged. You're a coward who is incapable of admitting your own wrongs. I proved it and your continued responses to me prove it over & over.

I did respond.........that I didn't bend over for you is what makes you get your ass all twisted up in a knot.
The next link I posted does and I fucking knew you would be to much of a fucking coward to admit you were WRONG

I'm not a mind reader, jackass.........I didn't see your next post for a while, and I responded to you.....so quit your whiny ass crying.
You didn't respond. You dodged. You're a coward who is incapable of admitting your own wrongs. I proved it and your continued responses to me prove it over & over.

I did respond.........that I didn't bend over for you is what makes you get your ass all twisted up in a knot.
YOU demanded the link dumbfuck. You did. I provided it. What was your response? That one link doesn't count.
WTF kind of logic is that?

You asked for a link. I provided it and you disregard it.

You're being hypocritical here.......when I said you dumbfucks I was referring to "conservatives" - of course you are too ignorant to understand the English language.
I am a conservative. Post the links, I'll wait
Bwahaha.....denial isn't a river in Egypt.
Post a link then twit. Prove your claim......

I'll wait

Right here, post #222........I don't see you getting after the conservatives that have avatars of ugly pictures of Hillary or Obama.....hypocrite.

If you have, post the link, I'll wait.

Now shut up and admit you're a damn hypocrite, hypocrite.

Domestic terrorists open fire on soldiers at Jade Helm
You don't pay attention then.
I lambasted the dumbfuck who has Obama as a monkey. I even created a thread trying to pressure him into changing it.

Get wrecked fool

I see you still got your retarded rw siggie so STFU
I see you got nothing. I schooled that stupid bitch. Go back to your couch & Bon Bons & let the adults converse.
Whatever CONvict.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
This is why people don't bother to provide links upon demand. It's pointless since even when proven wrong most of you just dodge & divert.
Ummm..... no. Its because most Xtreme cons here are lazy. Go figure.

That, and their *cough* "sources" wouldn't pass secondary school-level scrutiny.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

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