Happy Easter America! No more DACA!

DIdn't he sign the Omnibus deal that forbid building the wall?
No.....what are you watching? CNN? he got the first installment of dollars for the wall in the bill he signed and he is in the process of linking the wall to national security (which as commander and chief he has a right to do) and is going to use some of the Pentagon dollars to finish the wall...then it's a simple matter of imposing tariffs on Mexico to recoup the money....Turn off CNN you are only getting half the story....
You do know that none of that is going to happen? Right?

Talk about alternate reality!

Yes, yes he did sign the Omnibus Bill..and yes, his wall was expressly forbidden.
Trump killed DACA with an Executive Order.

Obama enacted it by executive order, after openly admitting that he had no legal authority to do so. It never had any genuine legal standing, and even if it did, as it was enacted unilaterally by one President's order, the succeeding President at least equally has the authority to end it the same way.

Obama isn't the first or only President to do it.
Looks like the Democrats have screwed themselves out of getting 1.8 million welfare queens voters.

Of course for those butt pirates is all about the numbers.

They are will to give up getting their filthy ass 1.8 million Mexican illegal assholes future Democrat voters to not provide border security and immigration reform. They figure they will get more numbers that way. They don't care if the country gets fucked and all these countries export their poverty to the US..

Of course Trump will get his border security other ways and all this will lead to the Nuclear Option in the Senate to do away with their stupid obstructionism.

The Democrats are the filth of this country.
And I will be spending more money, so it is like an extra tax on me...and I thought you folks were against taxes
You folks? I'm for jobs higher wages and more revenue to the government via economic growth....why aren't you?

I am for the Govt not controlling the economy, I prefer to let the free market work. Why should I pay more for something of lesser quality just so it can be made here.

If you want socialism, move to a different country.
You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall
Buy American made it will work better taste better and last longer.....don't be a cheep skate....

I buy the best combination of price and quality. Never look to see where it is made, does not matter to me.

I am a huge fan of local craft beers, that is the only thing I could say with 100% certainty are American made that I buy.

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So, if we change the trade policy so that the price of Mexican and Chinese shit is high, you will be buying less of it, and supporting the jobs of Americans.

And that is what our support of Tariffs are all about.

And I will be spending more money, so it is like an extra tax on me...and I thought you folks were against taxes

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We are FOR what is good for America and Americans. MOre jobs and better wages, are good for America and Americans.
You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall
Buy American made it will work better taste better and last longer.....don't be a cheep skate....

I buy the best combination of price and quality. Never look to see where it is made, does not matter to me.

I am a huge fan of local craft beers, that is the only thing I could say with 100% certainty are American made that I buy.

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So, if we change the trade policy so that the price of Mexican and Chinese shit is high, you will be buying less of it, and supporting the jobs of Americans.

And that is what our support of Tariffs are all about.

And I will be spending more money, so it is like an extra tax on me...and I thought you folks were against taxes

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We are FOR what is good for America and Americans. MOre jobs and better wages, are good for America and Americans.

So you are for using the power of the government to coerce consumers to buy particular products?

I bet you then are a huge fan of the higher CAFE standards and the curly lightbulbs.

I personally think that a free market is what is good for America

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Buy American made it will work better taste better and last longer.....don't be a cheep skate....

I buy the best combination of price and quality. Never look to see where it is made, does not matter to me.

I am a huge fan of local craft beers, that is the only thing I could say with 100% certainty are American made that I buy.

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So, if we change the trade policy so that the price of Mexican and Chinese shit is high, you will be buying less of it, and supporting the jobs of Americans.

And that is what our support of Tariffs are all about.

And I will be spending more money, so it is like an extra tax on me...and I thought you folks were against taxes

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We are FOR what is good for America and Americans. MOre jobs and better wages, are good for America and Americans.

So you are for using the power of the government to coerce consumers to buy particular products?

I bet you then are a huge fan of the higher CAFE standards and the curly lightbulbs.

I personally think that a free market is what is good for America

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We do not have a Free Market with our trading partners. What we have is a rigged game that we cannot win.
So, Donald ended the program and told congress to fix it. Republicans control congress. But it’s the fault of Democrats.


Conservatives take no responsibility for their own actions.

Tissue for what? You and Donald are the ones complaining about it and making excuses. Republicans control congress and the White House. Donald ended the program. If it’s not fixed, it’s on them.
Trump spends a second day incorrectly linking ‘caravans’ to DACA

An effort making its way through Mexico has nothing to do with the hundreds of thousands of young people still living in limbo.

A caravan of Central Americans making an annual pilgrimage to the U.S. border has found itself at the heart of two days worth of tweets from President Trump, who linked the effort to protections for undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children.

“Mexico has the absolute power not to let these large “Caravans” of people enter their country. They must stop them at their Northern Border, which they can do because their border laws work, not allow them to pass through into our country, which has no effective border laws,” Trump wrote on Twitter early Monday morning, calling upon Congress to pass legislation securing the border.

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