Happy Easter America! No more DACA!

Why yes, yes it is. When offered the opportunity to triple the number of eligible DACA recipients - the Dems fainted. ;)
The number of DACA is fixed. Try reading.

Perhaps taking your own advice would be the best advice? ;)

'First, the Trump offer covers a surprisingly larger number of illegal immigrants than expected. The White House plan more than doubles the number of people who could take advantage of its pathway to citizenship.

It would include not just the roughly 700,000 Dreamer immigrants who have applied for DACA protection since 2012, but an additional 1.1 million illegal immigrants who could have qualified but have not yet applied.

That's a major gift from the administration any way you look at it. Democrats were hoping to come out of these eventual negotiations with protections for about 800,000 people. But without even presenting a counteroffer, they're being offered protection for 1.8 million.'
Democrats would be crazy to reject Trump's DACA deal

DACA and 'Dreamer immigrants' are not real things - DACA was a temporary program going into an election season with a catchy name and set expiration date enacted by Obama outside of Congress. That the Dems ran from the opportunity to not only make it a 'real' thing, but to expand the pathway to citizenship exposes two dark motives...1. The illegal immigrants who would have benefited have more value as campaign tools than an issue solved. 2. Could not allow Trump to have credit for a solution...in other words, politics as usual before humanity.

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