Happy Easter America! No more DACA!

Here is the thing about CNN...to them this is just another day. They dont share the tradition of Easter with Americans.

lol ! Easter Sunday and we see just how Jesus like you cons are . “Deport them all”.

Jesus would spit in your face .

What the hell makes you think Jesus or any other Judean or Israelite would have been thrilled to see a bunch of fucking Romans invading their country?
DIdn't he sign the Omnibus deal that forbid building the wall?
No.....what are you watching? CNN? he got the first installment of dollars for the wall in the bill he signed and he is in the process of linking the wall to national security (which as commander and chief he has a right to do) and is going to use some of the Pentagon dollars to finish the wall...then it's a simple matter of imposing tariffs on Mexico to recoup the money....Turn off CNN you are only getting half the story....

You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall

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DIdn't he sign the Omnibus deal that forbid building the wall?
No.....what are you watching? CNN? he got the first installment of dollars for the wall in the bill he signed and he is in the process of linking the wall to national security (which as commander and chief he has a right to do) and is going to use some of the Pentagon dollars to finish the wall...then it's a simple matter of imposing tariffs on Mexico to recoup the money....Turn off CNN you are only getting half the story....

You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall

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You know that those tariffs would reduce Mexican products competitiveness, and reduce sales, and thus be a cost to Mexico, right?
You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall
Buy American made it will work better taste better and last longer.....don't be a cheep skate....
DIdn't he sign the Omnibus deal that forbid building the wall?
No.....what are you watching? CNN? he got the first installment of dollars for the wall in the bill he signed and he is in the process of linking the wall to national security (which as commander and chief he has a right to do) and is going to use some of the Pentagon dollars to finish the wall...then it's a simple matter of imposing tariffs on Mexico to recoup the money....Turn off CNN you are only getting half the story....

You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall

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You know that those tariffs would reduce Mexican products competitiveness, and reduce sales, and thus be a cost to Mexico, right?

A cost to Mexico does not equal a wall being paid for. Prices still to go and the people paying the prices are paying for the wall.

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DIdn't he sign the Omnibus deal that forbid building the wall?
No.....what are you watching? CNN? he got the first installment of dollars for the wall in the bill he signed and he is in the process of linking the wall to national security (which as commander and chief he has a right to do) and is going to use some of the Pentagon dollars to finish the wall...then it's a simple matter of imposing tariffs on Mexico to recoup the money....Turn off CNN you are only getting half the story....

You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall

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You know that those tariffs would reduce Mexican products competitiveness, and reduce sales, and thus be a cost to Mexico, right?

A cost to Mexico does not equal a wall being paid for. Prices still to go and the people paying the prices are paying for the wall.

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That the two happen is the important thing, imo.

What kind of nation, not only openly disrespects the border of it's neighbor, but gets pissy, when that neighbor finally, belatedly takes steps to secure it's borders?

Hint: It's not a friend.
You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall
Buy American made it will work better taste better and last longer.....don't be a cheep skate....

I buy the best combination of price and quality. Never look to see where it is made, does not matter to me.

I am a huge fan of local craft beers, that is the only thing I could say with 100% certainty are American made that I buy.

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You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall
Buy American made it will work better taste better and last longer.....don't be a cheep skate....

I buy the best combination of price and quality. Never look to see where it is made, does not matter to me.

I am a huge fan of local craft beers, that is the only thing I could say with 100% certainty are American made that I buy.

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So, if we change the trade policy so that the price of Mexican and Chinese shit is high, you will be buying less of it, and supporting the jobs of Americans.

And that is what our support of Tariffs are all about.
I buy the best combination of price and quality. Never look to see where it is made, does not matter to me.

I am a huge fan of local craft beers, that is the only thing I could say with 100% certainty are American made that I buy
I'm with ya on the beer but my point is we must begin to manufacture goods in America again...it's important for jobs...careers...invention...innovation...
Look at our nations debt.
That should alone tell you something is wrong...too many folks permanently out of work because they failed in school...it shouldn't be that way...we need blue collar jobs too...sending those jobs to Mexico or anywhere else is foolish...
For every 10 people that go on to graduate from college 20 do not....what do you want them to do? Welfare? Crime? Drugs?
Oh yeah we have all of those problems in great excess...it's time to bring back blue collar jobs to America...it's good for the nation and it's the compassionate thing to do for our fellow citizens...
You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall
Buy American made it will work better taste better and last longer.....don't be a cheep skate....

I buy the best combination of price and quality. Never look to see where it is made, does not matter to me.

I am a huge fan of local craft beers, that is the only thing I could say with 100% certainty are American made that I buy.

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And that's exactly what capitalism is. Conservatives only want faux-capitalism.

It's crazy to see Conservatives who want less government, less regulations, BUT want to do whatever it takes to FORCE you to buy American made products even if it doesn't make sense for you as a consumer. If you can get a product that is made just as well for a cheaper price, why should you not be able to just because some American companies won't lower their prices to the levels of companies from Mexico? Sure if two products are equally well made, and the one is just a tad more expensive but from an American company I'll buy it, but consumers shouldn't be FORCED to. That's not how capitalism works.
Trump killed DACA with an Executive Order
DACA was unconstitutional and was headed to court with several law suits and would have been overturned sending the DACA people home immediately...Trump sent it to Congress where it belongs...that's all his order did...He did DACA a huge favor...he could have allowed the law suits to erase Obama's reckless EO if he didn't care about the DACA people...Stop lying...
Trump killed DACA with an Executive Order.

Obama enacted it by executive order, after openly admitting that he had no legal authority to do so. It never had any genuine legal standing, and even if it did, as it was enacted unilaterally by one President's order, the succeeding President at least equally has the authority to end it the same way.
You know that a tariff is a tax on the person buying the product, thus the US citizens will still be paying for the wall
Buy American made it will work better taste better and last longer.....don't be a cheep skate....

I buy the best combination of price and quality. Never look to see where it is made, does not matter to me.

I am a huge fan of local craft beers, that is the only thing I could say with 100% certainty are American made that I buy.

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So, if we change the trade policy so that the price of Mexican and Chinese shit is high, you will be buying less of it, and supporting the jobs of Americans.

And that is what our support of Tariffs are all about.

And I will be spending more money, so it is like an extra tax on me...and I thought you folks were against taxes

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