Happy Juneteenth!

Drag queens kicking the PBs asses should be enough. They should consider themselves lucky it only happened once. Drag queens can be some tough bitches when you finally piss them off.

And you know this how? From getting your ass kicked al the time?
I REALLY like that quote @ the bottom of your post!!!!!!!!
This is what happens when you have a holiday that specifically gathers large numbers of feral animals knowns as Afro-mericans.
We got millions of white Americans and black Americans that are either homeless or poor. And yet we got the Democrats and neoconservatives blasting us with the race division propaganda every day. I would urge everyone here to be happy love life and reject negativity.

CNN, Fox News, all the mass media legacy outlets. Hollywood all guilty of promoting race division in the name of BLM. And once again as everyone here knows the poor working class black man and white man on the street ain’t getting shit from BLM.
The statist left element of the Democrat constituency along with the neo-con element of the Republican constituency constitute 60%-70% of America's problems in my opinion. I group both as one & just call them the "statist left, but I would probably be more accurate in terminology if I just used the term neo-nazis to describe both of them.
Waving the Ukrainian flag, a Juneteenth flag, waving an LGBT flag ain’t puttin any money in the pockets of the working class white man and the working class black man ….everyone knows this.

Western civilization has never seen the types of things We are seeing in America today. we don’t have equality in America…. The rich Hollywood celebrities and Republicans and Democrats are catering to left wing extremism. Telling us things like “men can get pregnant”. It really is that simple. Unfortunately some portion of Democrats on this message board Don’t understand the message. They just think it’s like a joke. It’s not a joke. They’re trying to tell you “men can get pregnant” stop laughing at this. Stop saying that “well it’s not my life it’s not affecting me” because it affects everyone.

Rich multimillionaire Republicans and Democrats that are part of the establishment want every American to be a slave working 9 to 5 job do drugs all the time and be nothing. They want us all to listen to BLM to be weak and to cry, they want us to cry, they want men to act feminine. You know what man to hell with that establishment shit. That’s negativity. We need to embrace positivity and equality.
I was beginning to think I was alone in this world but now I know there are @ least two of us @ current on this planet.
Does anyone have the full national body count now that the celebratory weekend is over?
Blacks are so inferior....

Perhaps it was a mistake to free them because ever since then, they have been going downhill...


Republicans freed the slaves and these darkies should be on their knees thanking us for their freedom.....even if we mock this holiday as irrelevant and mock them as violent savages....

It's fun to not have a solid position on anything....


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