Happy May Day, they murdered 100 million people, and all they got was this stupid May Day...

What does it matter if communist killed, I can't think of one ethnic, nationality or race of humans that haven't to instill their will of the state..
Communism is not an " ethnic, nationality or race of humans"; they are ideologues and have slaughtered far more people than the next three causes of death combined other than accidental death and abortion.
It's WWI I was referencing, after the war, the slaughtering still continues..In certain places..
Well the date was post 1917 originally, but even WW1 was not mostly colonial troops.

The colonials were too long to call up and so the preference was to summon up the already trained and equipped reserves actually there in Europe prior to reaching deep in to the barrel for Aussies and NZies.
In addition to the 90,000 troupes indigènes already under arms when the war started, France recruited between 1914 and 1918 nearly 500,000 colonial troops, including 166,000 West Africans, 46,000 Madagascans, 50,000 Indochinese, 140,000 Algerians, 47,000 Tunisians and 24,300 Moroccans. Most of these French colonial troops served in Europe. - See more at: Experiences of colonial troops
What does it matter if communist killed, I can't think of one ethnic, nationality or race of humans that haven't to instill their will of the state..
Communism is not an " ethnic, nationality or race of humans"; they are ideologues and have slaughtered far more people than the next three causes of death combined other than accidental death and abortion.
No matter what banner it flies, they all have done the same..
So do guns.

Most of the hundreds of millions killed by leftwing ass hats like you Jake did not use guns. They simply worked the people to death with slave labor.

You ass holes fool no one any more, which is why you are losers.
I am not a lefty any more than you are a patriotic American. You have no way of documenting your stupid statement, JB.

When are you going to buy into the principles of the Constitution and American value?

I am well aware you defended the Constitution of this nation as did I. Please stop running around in circles, being childish, and skipping all over numerous points to find a position to correct the mistakes. You win a few, lose a few and a few always get rained out! Have you not learned that fact of life yet? Perhaps you are younger than I gave you credit for. Grow up Jake, do yourself a favor.
I was responding to JimBowie. Good that you served, I honor your service. I have had no trouble correcting you or JimBowie. Grow up yourself, I amso IR. :lol:
Yup. 100 million. Damned Chinese and White people.

And Vietnamese, Cubans, Chileans, Koreans, Cambodiand, etc etc et al. The unifying factor is they were all leftist scum just like you cock sucker.
Not at all. There were French and British and Dutch in the Far East. The Belgians tore the Congo apart. You simply are very uneducated or under educated, Call Sign Chaos.
What does it matter if communist killed, I can't think of one ethnic, nationality or race of humans that haven't to instill their will of the state..
Communism is not an " ethnic, nationality or race of humans"; they are ideologues and have slaughtered far more people than the next three causes of death combined other than accidental death and abortion.
No matter what banner it flies, they all have done the same..
No, that is just the point. They have not all done the same, dude, and you just repeating yourself does not make it true.

Ideologies are worse than plagues and warfare when it comes to killing innocent people and the communists are worse of all of them..
What does it matter if communist killed, I can't think of one ethnic, nationality or race of humans that haven't to instill their will of the state..
Communism is not an " ethnic, nationality or race of humans"; they are ideologues and have slaughtered far more people than the next three causes of death combined other than accidental death and abortion.
No matter what banner it flies, they all have done the same..
No, that is just the point. They have not all done the same, dude, and you just repeating yourself does not make it true.

Ideologies are worse than plagues and warfare when it comes to killing innocent people and the communists are worse of all of them..
Well since their system wasn't true communism then I guess you have a point..
From 1492 to 1600, nearly 100 million Native Americans died because the European eruption into the American continents. Colonialism was every bit as negative for First Peoples as were communism and fascism in the 20th century.

Capitalist Colonialism in Asia and Africa was murderous as well. You don't conquer India without killing millions, as the British did.

No they didn't you lying faggot in fact they liberated them from the Mughal Empire and Islamic Imperialist occupation responsible for the genocide of 80 million Hindus and Buddhists on the Indian subcontinent.
The British indeed were responsible for the deaths of millions in the subcontinent directly or indirectly.

Lying faggot.
The archive JimBowie refers to above is a sham that allows people or groups to post their material for to avoid the rigor of critical thinking and objective, evidenced, factual material.

People can site their own material in the site without revealing that it is their own material.
What does it matter if communist killed, I can't think of one ethnic, nationality or race of humans that haven't to instill their will of the state..
Communism is not an " ethnic, nationality or race of humans"; they are ideologues and have slaughtered far more people than the next three causes of death combined other than accidental death and abortion.
No matter what banner it flies, they all have done the same..
No, that is just the point. They have not all done the same, dude, and you just repeating yourself does not make it true.

Ideologies are worse than plagues and warfare when it comes to killing innocent people and the communists are worse of all of them..
Well since their system wasn't true communism then I guess you have a point..

Ya the not true communist excuse, haven't heard this one before, none of them are true communists right? You have the really real communism right? Kill yourself faggot.
What does it matter if communist killed, I can't think of one ethnic, nationality or race of humans that haven't to instill their will of the state..
Communism is not an " ethnic, nationality or race of humans"; they are ideologues and have slaughtered far more people than the next three causes of death combined other than accidental death and abortion.
No matter what banner it flies, they all have done the same..
No, that is just the point. They have not all done the same, dude, and you just repeating yourself does not make it true.

Ideologies are worse than plagues and warfare when it comes to killing innocent people and the communists are worse of all of them..
Well since their system wasn't true communism then I guess you have a point..

Ya the not true communist excuse, haven't heard this one before, none of them are true communists right? You have the really real communism right? Kill yourself faggot.
Sure, to be a really, real communist, you must follow the outline..
Well since their system wasn't true communism then I guess you have a point..
"True Communism" is by definition impossible as it requires the complete eradication of even the concept of Capitalism.

And as that is a completely natural way of doing trade, True Communism is impossible.

All it is, is an excuse to justify the slaughter of people known to be innocent.
The archive JimBowie refers to above is a sham that allows people or groups to post their material for to avoid the rigor of critical thinking and objective, evidenced, factual material.

People can site their own material in the site without revealing that it is their own material.

Fuck you you genocide denying piece of shit, Stalin killed ten million in the Holodomor alone, fucking kill yourself.
From 1492 to 1600, nearly 100 million Native Americans died because the European eruption into the American continents. Colonialism was every bit as negative for First Peoples as were communism and fascism in the 20th century.

Jake, are you equating Progressive genocide and mass murder of 100MM people with the spread of small pox and influenza?
Are you, you goofy fascist?

I am Jake's defense of Communist Mass Murder
The archive JimBowie refers to above is a sham that allows people or groups to post their material for to avoid the rigor of critical thinking and objective, evidenced, factual material.

People can site their own material in the site without revealing that it is their own material.

Fuck you you genocide denying piece of shit, fucking kill yourself.
I am supporting the idea of colonial as well as ideological genocide. Are you not feeling well?

The archive.org however is an attempt for people to post material without acknowledging who is posting and without having to abide by rigorous standards.
Well...it is obvious that murdering close to 100 million people since 1917 wasn't enough to create a perfect society...so will our left wing friends step up, and murder another 100 million....or as many hundreds of millions of innocent people it takes to make a perfect society...

That is their challenge....will they really work for it?

So to our left wing freinds on this May Day......why are you celebrating when there are mass graves to fill?
Look you knownothing little cocksuck, May Day has been around for thousands of years.


The earliest May Day celebrations appeared with the Floralia, festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers, held on April 27 during the Roman Republic era, and with the Walpurgis Night celebrations of the Germanic countries. It is also associated with the Gaelic Beltane, most commonly held on April 30. The day was a traditional summer holiday in many European pagan cultures. While February 1 was the first day of spring, May 1 was the first day of summer; hence, the summer solstice on June 25 (now June 21) was Midsummer.[citation needed]

As Europe became Christianised, the pagan holidays lost their religious character and May Day changed into a popular secular celebration. A significant celebration of May Day occurs in Germany where it is one of several days on which St. Walburga, credited with bringing Christianity to Germany, is celebrated. The secular versions of May Day, observed in Europe and North America, may be best known for their traditions of dancing around the maypole and crowning the Queen of May. Fading in popularity since the late 20th century is the giving of "May baskets," small baskets of sweets or flowers, usually left anonymously on neighbours' doorsteps.[2]

Since the 18th century, many Roman Catholics have observed May – and May Day – with various May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary[3] In works of art, school skits, and so forth, Mary's head will often be adorned with flowers in a May crowning. May 1 is also one of two feast days of the Catholic patron saint of workers St Joseph the Worker, a carpenter, husband to Mother Mary, and surrogate father of Jesus.[4] Replacing another feast to St. Joseph, this date was chosen by Pope Pius XII in 1955 as a counterpoint to the communist International Workers Day celebrations on May Day.[4]

In the late 20th century, many neopagans began reconstructing traditions and celebrating May Day as a pagan religious festival.[5]

May Day - Wikipedia
From 1492 to 1600, nearly 100 million Native Americans died because the European eruption into the American continents. Colonialism was every bit as negative for First Peoples as were communism and fascism in the 20th century.

Jake, are you equating Progressive genocide and mass murder of 100MM people with the spread of small pox and influenza?
Are you, you goofy fascist?

I am Jake's defense of Communist Mass Murder
I am CrusaderFrank's defense of Colonial Mass Murder.
The archive JimBowie refers to above is a sham that allows people or groups to post their material for to avoid the rigor of critical thinking and objective, evidenced, factual material.

People can site their own material in the site without revealing that it is their own material.

Fuck you you genocide denying piece of shit, Stalin killed ten million in the Holodomor alone, fucking kill yourself.

The Black Book of Communism is well cited.

Jake the Fake Starkey is just trying to cover up for his Stalinist masters like his kind of scum have for decades.

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