Happy Washington's Birthday! We Were Lucky to Have Him


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
George Washington had faults, but his strengths far outweighed his flaws.

He was an excellent military leader, voted to be the most competent military adversary of the British Empire by a group of British military historians. He led a small irregular poorly supplied army against the most advanced and best trained and equipped imperial force of his time.He was greatly outnumbered in most of his battles but still had to harry the Brits enough to keep them in New York and not moving up the Hudson river to split New England from the rest of our nation. When he suddenly had a French fleet in the Chesapeake Bay, he force marched his small army to it and had it ferried to Yorktown where the war was brought to an end.

Despite years of being under supplied and underfunded, he still ahd a deep and abiding respect for the democratic Republic he fought so hard for. When he was presented with the opportunity to make himself King by his army, he refused it in humility. No streak of Bonapartism was found in him.

He ably led our nation in its first years of the current Constitutional government after witnessing years of the Federation stumble and fail. Despite his cheif desire to be simply left alone at his beautiful mansion, he instead gave eight years of his remaining life to serve our nation,, and he did serve us as a humble leader would.

Were it not for George Washington I doubt our nation would have secured its freedom, or kept it this long afterwards had he not been our first President.

So here is to the memory and great legacy of George Washington, and may we have more men like him leading us today.


Ten Facts About Washington's Presidency
Washington was a masterful defensive general. He kept us in the game until the French joined the war. Once he had the French fleet behind him, the British had no choice but to withdraw

As a President he was a figure we could rally around. Washington was above petty politics. He had perhaps the best cabinet in history

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