Har-de-Har, Har: Committee Requests Trump

that's a lie! :rolleyes:

if they needed a law he was likely breaking, like the emolument's clause, and they were going after him in a criminal sense, which they are not, then a subpoena would be required, and the justice dept would be doing a criminal investigation.... not congress.... the law is written without such, only a request in writing by the chairman, of one of the 3 committees listed.

as far as being kept secret, I already said that...

Please try it... I would have you in court explaining yourself in about 2 seconds..

Fishing expeditions are not reasonable suspicion or probable cause.
i'm sorry, you are going to have to google when and why and history on why this law was created for these congress critter chairs to allow the request...

HINT, it does not involve the criminal justice system.

Spend a few minutes, inform yourself!

teapot dome
The only government agency that has any right to see Trumps tax returns is the IRS they have seen them and have not claimed there was anything illegal in them.
they are not looking for anything criminal... from my understanding... congress does not do that, it would be the justice dept.


at least any illegal actions or criminal actions would be referred to the Justice dept to investigate and charge.... and the president can not be indicted according to this justice dept rules, so it would simply be wrong doing, or an impeachment possibility, by congress....
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The only government agency that has any right to see Trumps tax returns is the IRS they have seen them and have not claimed there was anything illegal in them.
they are not looking for anything criminal... from my understanding... congress does not do that, it would be the justice dept.
Then Congress doesn’t really need to see them so it seems this is just an attempted fishing expedition for 2020.
The only government agency that has any right to see Trumps tax returns is the IRS they have seen them and have not claimed there was anything illegal in them.
they are not looking for anything criminal... from my understanding... congress does not do that, it would be the justice dept.
Then Congress doesn’t really need to see them so it seems this is just an attempted fishing expedition for 2020.

Doesn't matter what it seems to be to you. It's perfectly legal. Quit whining.
The only government agency that has any right to see Trumps tax returns is the IRS they have seen them and have not claimed there was anything illegal in them.
they are not looking for anything criminal... from my understanding... congress does not do that, it would be the justice dept.
Then Congress doesn’t really need to see them so it seems this is just an attempted fishing expedition for 2020.
is he compromised by foreign powers? is he breaking emolument rules? is he putting his own business dealings ahead of what is right for the USA, etc etc etc.... a thousand reasons to see them, that they oversee as the ''check'' on the executive...

plus, the IRS by law, is suppose to audit every president, every year in office... has IRS done this? Congress can check them on it...
'I am not a crook' Nixon, after a committee chairman requested his tax returns, got them, then requested the audit of them, and it showed he owed $500,000 more in taxes... that he ended up paying... i think it was after Nixon is when they made the law on all presidents being audited....
If Trump owes taxes I will elevate my view of him by the greatest amount of taxes he does not pay. Owing taxes 'won't affect his job' you know. After all, EVERYBODY avoids taxes don't they? Really who hasn't tried to pay LESS taxes? Who wants to pay MORE taxes? Come on you 'holier than thou' TDSers......... fess up. The IRS wants YOU!!! :1peleas:
Many things in Trump's history indicate he is a crook, including a long history of civil actions where he was either fined by the US Government or ordered to pay back people he defrauded. Trump being a crook defrauding folks is not really debatable, the question is, how many times has he robbed American taxpayers by not paying his taxes.
House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant
His tax returns are relevant to the IRS and no one else. Anyone asking for them should be required to provide their own first.
Congress has an obligation to investigate possible criminal acts from the White House. Tax returns are relevant to that investigation

Did you whimper so much when Congress investigated Whitewater, Fast and Furious, Lewinski, emails ?

What criminal acts? Names, places, dates please!!

What does Trump need to fear?

He is the most honest president in history
There you fucktards go again... The Accused has to justify why they shouldn't be able to take what they want... You fucking idiots think no one has the right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures...

How about you prove by reasonable suspicion and evidence why you need them?

Absent that... Go fuck yourselves!
You need to read the Constitution

Congress is allowed to investigate ..... remember all the Republican investigations?

Complain then?
Many things in Trump's history indicate he is a crook, including a long history of civil actions where he was either fined by the US Government or ordered to pay back people he defrauded. Trump being a crook defrauding folks is not really debatable, the question is, how many times has he robbed American taxpayers by not paying his taxes.
I don’t think Trump is capable of being honest in anything
The only government agency that has any right to see Trumps tax returns is the IRS they have seen them and have not claimed there was anything illegal in them.
they are not looking for anything criminal... from my understanding... congress does not do that, it would be the justice dept.
Then Congress doesn’t really need to see them so it seems this is just an attempted fishing expedition for 2020.
is he compromised by foreign powers? is he breaking emolument rules? is he putting his own business dealings ahead of what is right for the USA, etc etc etc.... a thousand reasons to see them, that they oversee as the ''check'' on the executive...

plus, the IRS by law, is suppose to audit every president, every year in office... has IRS done this? Congress can check them on it...
Again the IRS has seen has taxes and have found no evidence of anything illegal or out of the ordinary this is not about oversight it’s about 2020. I will tell you what I will do I will support the call for Trump to release his taxes providing every member of Congress Democrat and Republican agrees to do the same no exceptions if seeing taxes is truly this important lets se them all.
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This is what the Democrats are doing with the House majority the American people gave them in November. I can tell you one thing. I live in a conservative district that voted in a Democrat for the first time in I don't know how long. For the House. I can guarantee that rep is not loving what her cohorts are doing, and the district will not go Dem again next time with these hijinks going on.

Way to go Dems.
Congress has an obligation to investigate possible criminal acts from the White House. Tax returns are relevant to that investigation
Where and what is the charge and who is bringing it?...are you really willing to turn our nation into North Korea or China just because you don't like the results of an election?.....are you insane?......
He hasn’t considered the consequences. He’s not that smart.
House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant

No their actions indicate that it is a FISHING expedition.

Have you read the 4th Amendment or know what PROBABLE Cause is?

Democrats show a lot of disregard for the law here.
House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant

No the Mueller report cleared Trump so the shit show that is the Dem House Ways and Means Committee requested the IRS released Trumps tax returns using a law that has been used exactly three times since 1924.

Its purely politically motivated. They sure are a bunch of whinny assed loser bitches.
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant
His finances were scrutinized to hell and back during the election....the dems do this at their own risk....Trump said so you want my tax returns?....go fuck yourself....Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahaha!!!!!
There was no such scrutiny. Trump never released his tax returns!
Tell me moron who was and still is under investigation every year by the IRS.. He is audited EVERY FUCKING YEAR!
The perils of declaring multiple bankruptcies while bragging about business acumen and vast wealth.

But a stable genius with a very large brain and the best words would understand that.
Yet somehow he can afford to work for this county for free. If anything it's costing him millons a year to work for this ungrateful bunch of Yahoo's, crooks and idiots. Now you tell me who the assholes are in this situation.
here it is:

The law is crystal clear: Congress can obtain Trump’s tax returns
The tax code provides that Congress’ tax committees—including the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)—are entitled to obtain any tax returns from the IRS that they request.3 Section 6103(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) reads:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.4
If the law was that clear, this thread wouldnt even exist because, it would have already happened. Trump isnt giving up his tax returns. You libs need to come to terms with that.
Dems are just getting started
Democrats don't want justice.

Democrats just want revenge.
President Trump, did tell us he would release them to us, remember that....? after the so called and likely imaginary audit, was completed....

I don't know why you trumpsters are mad about this....?

it's what trump said...?

The committee's seeing them,

that doesn't even get shown to us... the American people, as he had promised.
Do you trust Democrats to not leak them?

I don't.

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