Har-de-Har, Har: Committee Requests Trump

House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant
His tax returns are relevant to the IRS and no one else. Anyone asking for them should be required to provide their own first.
Congress has an obligation to investigate possible criminal acts from the White House. Tax returns are relevant to that investigation

Did you whimper so much when Congress investigated Whitewater, Fast and Furious, Lewinski, emails ?
What on earth gave you the impression that Trump cheated on his tax returns? What criminal act are you talking about? Do you have proof of something, or are you just fishing?
As part of a Congressional Investigation ......he does
That is absolutely false...I heard a discussion on that point today between a team of lawyers...they all agreed the courts would say no way Jose.....not unless he was charged with a crime....you can't witch hunt a persons tax returns.....not in America comrade...
You shouldn't listen to lawyers Fox puts on
House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant
His tax returns are relevant to the IRS and no one else. Anyone asking for them should be required to provide their own first.
Congress has an obligation to investigate possible criminal acts from the White House. Tax returns are relevant to that investigation

Did you whimper so much when Congress investigated Whitewater, Fast and Furious, Lewinski, emails ?
What on earth gave you the impression that Trump cheated on his tax returns? What criminal act are you talking about? Do you have proof of something, or are you just fishing?

Lets see....

Money laundering, campaign finance fraud, misrepresenting his wealth, malfeasance, fraud
House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant

Investigations are meaningless especially when it concerns butt-hurt, TDS Democrats.
House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant

Investigations are meaningless especially when it concerns butt-hurt, TDS Democrats.
Tell it to Nixon

You can't see my tapes
President Trump does not have to release them, the law states the Treasury Secretary has to release them, when requested by congress under that law.... They will get them, and not from President Trump.

The law is crystal clear: Congress can obtain Trump's tax returns. ... In short: The Treasury Secretary, which, for practical purposes, means the IRS as the relevant agency within the Treasury Department, “shall furnish” each of the tax committees with “any return or return information” requested in writing by its chairman .
President Trump Cannot Hide His Tax Returns From Congress ...

House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant
His tax returns are relevant to the IRS and no one else. Anyone asking for them should be required to provide their own first.
Congress has an obligation to investigate possible criminal acts from the White House. Tax returns are relevant to that investigation

Did you whimper so much when Congress investigated Whitewater, Fast and Furious, Lewinski, emails ?
What on earth gave you the impression that Trump cheated on his tax returns? What criminal act are you talking about? Do you have proof of something, or are you just fishing?

Lets see....

Money laundering, campaign finance fraud, misrepresenting his wealth, malfeasance, fraud
What makes you think any of those things took place? I mean if we are just throwing out random crimes, why not throw in extortion, murder, kidnapping, etc? What are you talking about?
here it is:

The law is crystal clear: Congress can obtain Trump’s tax returns
The tax code provides that Congress’ tax committees—including the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)—are entitled to obtain any tax returns from the IRS that they request.3 Section 6103(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) reads:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.4
here it is:

The law is crystal clear: Congress can obtain Trump’s tax returns
The tax code provides that Congress’ tax committees—including the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)—are entitled to obtain any tax returns from the IRS that they request.3 Section 6103(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) reads:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.4
here it is:

The law is crystal clear: Congress can obtain Trump’s tax returns
The tax code provides that Congress’ tax committees—including the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)—are entitled to obtain any tax returns from the IRS that they request.3 Section 6103(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) reads:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.4
If the law was that clear, this thread wouldnt even exist because, it would have already happened. Trump isnt giving up his tax returns. You libs need to come to terms with that.
here it is:

The law is crystal clear: Congress can obtain Trump’s tax returns
The tax code provides that Congress’ tax committees—including the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)—are entitled to obtain any tax returns from the IRS that they request.3 Section 6103(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) reads:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.4
If the law was that clear, this thread wouldnt even exist because, it would have already happened. Trump isnt giving up his tax returns. You libs need to come to terms with that.
president trump can continue to keep his copies private, but these committee members will see the government's copies...
we the people won't see them, unless Pres Trump gives permission.
here it is:

The law is crystal clear: Congress can obtain Trump’s tax returns
The tax code provides that Congress’ tax committees—including the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)—are entitled to obtain any tax returns from the IRS that they request.3 Section 6103(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) reads:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.4
If the law was that clear, this thread wouldnt even exist because, it would have already happened. Trump isnt giving up his tax returns. You libs need to come to terms with that.
Dems are just getting started
under this law, the pertinent committee heads requesting such, have NEVER BEEN DENIED since the law was created in 1925...

they have previously obtained President Nixon's and President Ford's
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant
His finances were scrutinized to hell and back during the election....the dems do this at their own risk....Trump said so you want my tax returns?....go fuck yourself....Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahaha!!!!!
There was no such scrutiny. Trump never released his tax returns!
He doesn't have to release his returns....look at the democrats...they are digging their way to china looking for dirt they can use to try and harm Trump....he would be stupid to give them his returns....Trump was a private businessman...he did not shape and cover his finances like a politician does....he has not done what a cat dies in a litter box like say an Obama or a Hillary will...it doesn't mean he is corrupt...it means he is human and will not be lambasted for a mistake on one of his returns.....His voters don't want to see them....we do not care whether he turns them over or not....so in my opinion its a non issue.....live with it.....
Birth certificates, college transcripts

Seems Trump himself was pretty horny to have those released!
...and Obama avoided releasing his birth certificate for YEARS, until the pressure became too overwhelming.
And when he did it was a copy...the state of HI conveniently lost his original...but Obama didn't say it was a copy until people noticed issues with it....I'm still not convinced he was born in the USA....he grew up in HI but he hasn't proved he was born there...not to my satisfaction....
House Democrats Request Trump's Personal and Business Tax Returns | National Review

Here we have a case where something is stated as a "request" and it truly IS a request. If the IRS administrator chooses not to do so, THERE AIN'T A FUKKIN THING THE LEFTISTS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

There is no obligation to provide a President's tax returns, much less his returns from the time when he was a private person.

There is no legitimate concern here, merely a campaign to get as much paper as possible on the President, hoping that somewhere in the pile there will be things that can be used to create a disturbance. Democrats are manifestly lying scumbags. I hope the response is a big fat "KNOW!"
Trumps finances are under investigation by Congress

His tax returns are relevant

So are yours. Post them up.

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