
Does anyone have an up to date map of the state of Schengen now? I keep trying to find an up to date one.

My Government also has a new advertisement. It's telling the "poor refugees" who we know 90% are Economic Migrants that there's no aslyum in Austria....good stuff!

I feel very sorry for Greece and Macedonia. They are the scapegoats for Merkels absurd open invite to these invaders, and Greece already had enough problems.

We must let Greece wither on vine Tilly, Greece tragically is going to have to be sacrificed.....the main aim is to save Mitteleuropa and to do this, Greece is going to have to fall, I feel bad for the Greeks, but we must think of the hundreds of millions of our peoples and not just one group of peoples.

Macedonians are tough, don't forget Alexander The Great was Macedonian, his spirit will be guiding his people through this....and we ALL stand with the Macedonians here.

Albania needs to be slapped, because Albania now needs to be forced to close it's borders, with the news from Budapest, all we need now is Tirana to close it's two borders - one with Greece, one with Macedonia - and then the Muslim savages are COMPLETELY trapped between Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Albania a weak and poor nation, let's bully them big time into closing those two borders.

Traitor Bitch Merkel isn't the only bully in town anymore.
Seems like the Albanians are quite keen on migrating to Germany too.

Ad campaign in Albania: German embassy warns against ‘economic asylum’
By Matthias Meisner | Der Tagesspiegel | Translated By Erika Körner

26 June 2015 at 09:32:22 BST (updated: 9 February 2016 at 16:00:37 GMT)

The Roma minority in Albania is heavily discriminated against.

[Attila Hargitay/Flickr]


Germany is a main target country for Albanian asylum seekers. Now, the German embassy in Tirana is warning potential refugees in Albanian newspapers of traffickers and profiteers. Der Tagesspiegel reports.

“Ne Gjermani nuk ka Azil ekonomik,” is in capital letters on the ads that appeared in six large Albanian newspapers this week – “no economic asylum in Germany”. The large-scale campaign is Germany’s reaction to the growing flood of asylum seekers from Albania. In six papers, including the most widely read Shekulli and Shqip, the German embassy in Tirana is warning Albanians of “scrupulous profiteers” who “spread fairytales of asylum granted, employment and apartments in Germany out of greed for profit”.

The campaign resembles one launched by Austria in February in Kosovar media. Sizeable waves of people are also fleeing from Kosovo and other Western Balkan countries to Europe. But by now, Albania has become the “main problem country” among German asylum authorities. The number of asylum applicants is growing rapidly. The acceptance quota is exceptionally low. Last year, the so-called protection rate was at 2.2% and so far this year it is only at 0.6%.
I feel very sorry for Greece and Macedonia. They are the scapegoats for Merkels absurd open invite to these invaders, and Greece already had enough problems.

We must let Greece wither on vine Tilly, Greece tragically is going to have to be sacrificed.....the main aim is to save Mitteleuropa and to do this, Greece is going to have to fall, I feel bad for the Greeks, but we must think of the hundreds of millions of our peoples and not just one group of peoples.

Macedonians are tough, don't forget Alexander The Great was Macedonian, his spirit will be guiding his people through this....and we ALL stand with the Macedonians here.

Albania needs to be slapped, because Albania now needs to be forced to close it's borders, with the news from Budapest, all we need now is Tirana to close it's two borders - one with Greece, one with Macedonia - and then the Muslim savages are COMPLETELY trapped between Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Albania a weak and poor nation, let's bully them big time into closing those two borders.

Traitor Bitch Merkel isn't the only bully in town anymore.
Seems like the Albanians are quite keen on migrating to Germany too.

Ad campaign in Albania: German embassy warns against ‘economic asylum’
By Matthias Meisner | Der Tagesspiegel | Translated By Erika Körner

26 June 2015 at 09:32:22 BST (updated: 9 February 2016 at 16:00:37 GMT)

The Roma minority in Albania is heavily discriminated against.

[Attila Hargitay/Flickr]


Germany is a main target country for Albanian asylum seekers. Now, the German embassy in Tirana is warning potential refugees in Albanian newspapers of traffickers and profiteers. Der Tagesspiegel reports.

“Ne Gjermani nuk ka Azil ekonomik,” is in capital letters on the ads that appeared in six large Albanian newspapers this week – “no economic asylum in Germany”. The large-scale campaign is Germany’s reaction to the growing flood of asylum seekers from Albania. In six papers, including the most widely read Shekulli and Shqip, the German embassy in Tirana is warning Albanians of “scrupulous profiteers” who “spread fairytales of asylum granted, employment and apartments in Germany out of greed for profit”.

The campaign resembles one launched by Austria in February in Kosovar media. Sizeable waves of people are also fleeing from Kosovo and other Western Balkan countries to Europe. But by now, Albania has become the “main problem country” among German asylum authorities. The number of asylum applicants is growing rapidly. The acceptance quota is exceptionally low. Last year, the so-called protection rate was at 2.2% and so far this year it is only at 0.6%.

The thing is Germany can't wait to deport them back to Albania.
Does anyone have an up to date map of the state of Schengen now? I keep trying to find an up to date one.

Hey what's Schengen anymore LOL :lol:
Yes, there can't be much left of it :eusa_dance:

Exactly, all going according to plan, which is the complete collapse of Schengen, with that Europa freed from tyranny of EU, nations restored FULL Sovereignty including FULL CONTROL of ALL borders.

Traitor Bitch Merkel and Traitor Jean-Claude Juncker soon have choice, do they want EU to die calmly or do they want EU to die in excruciating pain dragging this whole thing out?
Albania will not become the new route for migrants, Rama says

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has said that Albania will not become the new route for migrants headed for western Europe "because we have neither the conditions nor the strength nor the enthusiasm to save the world while others close their borders."

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has all but closed its border with Greece, blocking the path for migrants who are continuing to arrive at the rate of thousands daily, leading some to wonder whether a route through Albania would be viable.

Speaking on a talk show late Thursday Rama contradicted a statement made earlier by the integration minister in which she said Albania would not build a wall to prevent refugees and other migrants from entering...

Albania will not become the new route for migrants, Rama says | Kathimerini
Albania will not become the new route for migrants, Rama says

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has said that Albania will not become the new route for migrants headed for western Europe "because we have neither the conditions nor the strength nor the enthusiasm to save the world while others close their borders."

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has all but closed its border with Greece, blocking the path for migrants who are continuing to arrive at the rate of thousands daily, leading some to wonder whether a route through Albania would be viable.

Speaking on a talk show late Thursday Rama contradicted a statement made earlier by the integration minister in which she said Albania would not build a wall to prevent refugees and other migrants from entering...

Albania will not become the new route for migrants, Rama says | Kathimerini

Albania has no choice, they have to close border with Greece and Macedonia, if they don't ALL the savages pile into Albania because that's only way they can get in as of now. Close the borders.
This is encouraging.

'Send them back to Turkey' EU kicks out illegal immigrants as huge deportation plan begins
HUNDREDS of illegal immigrants were booted out of Europe today as Brussels called on member states to deport any migrants who travel through safe countries without claiming asylum.
PUBLISHED: 18:51, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:41, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Donald Tusk finally announced plans for the EU to get tough on migrants
The EU finally tried to wrestle back control of the spiralling migrant chaos today with the announcement that 308 illegals are being shipped back to Turkey as part of a landmark agreement.

Brussels also urged member states to automatically deport any migrants who deliberately pass up the opportunity to claim asylum in safe countries to travel to Britain, Germany and Scandinavia where benefits are more generous.

However, despite the rhetoric the EU still faces a gargantuan task to bring immigration under control with more than 20,000 migrants trapped in Greece alone.

Yesterday the boss of the EU's border agency Frontex revealed that immigration is running at an astonishing thirty times higher than during the same period last year, whilst Finland has said it is braced for a sixfold increase in asylum applications. .....

'Send them back to Turkey' EU kicks out illegal immigrants as huge deportation plan begins
I feel very sorry for Greece and Macedonia. They are the scapegoats for Merkels absurd open invite to these invaders, and Greece already had enough problems.

We must let Greece wither on vine Tilly, Greece tragically is going to have to be sacrificed.....the main aim is to save Mitteleuropa and to do this, Greece is going to have to fall, I feel bad for the Greeks, but we must think of the hundreds of millions of our peoples and not just one group of peoples.

Macedonians are tough, don't forget Alexander The Great was Macedonian, his spirit will be guiding his people through this....and we ALL stand with the Macedonians here.

Albania needs to be slapped, because Albania now needs to be forced to close it's borders, with the news from Budapest, all we need now is Tirana to close it's two borders - one with Greece, one with Macedonia - and then the Muslim savages are COMPLETELY trapped between Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Albania a weak and poor nation, let's bully them big time into closing those two borders.

Traitor Bitch Merkel isn't the only bully in town anymore.
Looks that way:

The 19-mile barbed wire fence seeing Greece SACRIFICED to save EU from migrant crisis
THIS barbed-wire fence built to keep migrants out of Macedonia has sealed off Greece from the rest of Europe as it faces being “sacrificed” to save the crumbling European Union (EU) from the flow of asylum seekers.
PUBLISHED: 09:44, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:20, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Macedonia has built a new razor fence to keep out refugees
Greece faces being transformed into a massive refugee camp as EU officials are today expected to hand over £375million to Athens in return for providing shelter for 100,000 people.

And this 19-mile long and 8ft high razor-wire fence was mounted yesterday at Macedonia's border with Greece blocking thousands of migrants from continuing their journey through Europe.

Austria and the Balkan countries have also refused to ease border restrictions, creating a bottle neck of migrants building in Greece....
The 19-mile barbed wire fence seeing Greece SACRIFICED to save EU from migrant crisis
I feel very sorry for Greece and Macedonia. They are the scapegoats for Merkels absurd open invite to these invaders, and Greece already had enough problems.

We must let Greece wither on vine Tilly, Greece tragically is going to have to be sacrificed.....the main aim is to save Mitteleuropa and to do this, Greece is going to have to fall, I feel bad for the Greeks, but we must think of the hundreds of millions of our peoples and not just one group of peoples.

Macedonians are tough, don't forget Alexander The Great was Macedonian, his spirit will be guiding his people through this....and we ALL stand with the Macedonians here.

Albania needs to be slapped, because Albania now needs to be forced to close it's borders, with the news from Budapest, all we need now is Tirana to close it's two borders - one with Greece, one with Macedonia - and then the Muslim savages are COMPLETELY trapped between Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Albania a weak and poor nation, let's bully them big time into closing those two borders.

Traitor Bitch Merkel isn't the only bully in town anymore.
Looks that way:

The 19-mile barbed wire fence seeing Greece SACRIFICED to save EU from migrant crisis
THIS barbed-wire fence built to keep migrants out of Macedonia has sealed off Greece from the rest of Europe as it faces being “sacrificed” to save the crumbling European Union (EU) from the flow of asylum seekers.
PUBLISHED: 09:44, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:20, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Macedonia has built a new razor fence to keep out refugees
Greece faces being transformed into a massive refugee camp as EU officials are today expected to hand over £375million to Athens in return for providing shelter for 100,000 people.

And this 19-mile long and 8ft high razor-wire fence was mounted yesterday at Macedonia's border with Greece blocking thousands of migrants from continuing their journey through Europe.

Austria and the Balkan countries have also refused to ease border restrictions, creating a bottle neck of migrants building in Greece....
The 19-mile barbed wire fence seeing Greece SACRIFICED to save EU from migrant crisis

Yes as tragic as this is for the Greek people, as I said, we need to think of big picture, saving Mitteleuropa, the only way to do this is the painful decision to sacrifice Greece.
Oh good Lord. You couldn't make it up.

MIGRATION TIMEBOMB: Europe braced for 'uncountable influx' as Turkey wins visa-free travel

EUROPE is facing a mass migration timebomb with a visa-free travel deal for Turkish citizens set to unleash an "uncountable influx" on the continent, a top German politician has warned.
PUBLISHED: 03:22, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:37, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Johannes Singhammer says a visa-free travel deal will worsen the migrant crisis
Officials in Brussels offered Turkey £2.3 billion and visa-free travel if it clamps down on the number of refugees making their way into Europe through its borders.

But today a prominent German politician warned EU leaders may have robbed Peter to pay Paul, shutting off one influx but opening up the continent to 80 million Turkish citizens...

MIGRATION TIMEBOMB: Europe braced for 'uncountable influx' as Turkey wins visa-free travel
Oh good Lord. You couldn't make it up.

MIGRATION TIMEBOMB: Europe braced for 'uncountable influx' as Turkey wins visa-free travel

EUROPE is facing a mass migration timebomb with a visa-free travel deal for Turkish citizens set to unleash an "uncountable influx" on the continent, a top German politician has warned.
PUBLISHED: 03:22, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:37, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Johannes Singhammer says a visa-free travel deal will worsen the migrant crisis
Officials in Brussels offered Turkey £2.3 billion and visa-free travel if it clamps down on the number of refugees making their way into Europe through its borders.

But today a prominent German politician warned EU leaders may have robbed Peter to pay Paul, shutting off one influx but opening up the continent to 80 million Turkish citizens...

MIGRATION TIMEBOMB: Europe braced for 'uncountable influx' as Turkey wins visa-free travel

This is NOT going to be allowed to happen, under the rules ALL 28 European Parliaments must agree to this....and that's not happening.

Don't worry Tilly, trust me.
This is encouraging.

'Send them back to Turkey' EU kicks out illegal immigrants as huge deportation plan begins
HUNDREDS of illegal immigrants were booted out of Europe today as Brussels called on member states to deport any migrants who travel through safe countries without claiming asylum.
PUBLISHED: 18:51, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:41, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Donald Tusk finally announced plans for the EU to get tough on migrants
The EU finally tried to wrestle back control of the spiralling migrant chaos today with the announcement that 308 illegals are being shipped back to Turkey as part of a landmark agreement.

Brussels also urged member states to automatically deport any migrants who deliberately pass up the opportunity to claim asylum in safe countries to travel to Britain, Germany and Scandinavia where benefits are more generous.

However, despite the rhetoric the EU still faces a gargantuan task to bring immigration under control with more than 20,000 migrants trapped in Greece alone.

Yesterday the boss of the EU's border agency Frontex revealed that immigration is running at an astonishing thirty times higher than during the same period last year, whilst Finland has said it is braced for a sixfold increase in asylum applications. .....

'Send them back to Turkey' EU kicks out illegal immigrants as huge deportation plan begins

Check this person who exists in some bizarre time warp, repeatedly posting me pointless articles that are FIVE MONTHS OLD!

260k Austrians sign EU exit petition,forcing referendum debate in parliament
Oh good Lord. You couldn't make it up.

MIGRATION TIMEBOMB: Europe braced for 'uncountable influx' as Turkey wins visa-free travel

EUROPE is facing a mass migration timebomb with a visa-free travel deal for Turkish citizens set to unleash an "uncountable influx" on the continent, a top German politician has warned.
PUBLISHED: 03:22, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:37, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Johannes Singhammer says a visa-free travel deal will worsen the migrant crisis
Officials in Brussels offered Turkey £2.3 billion and visa-free travel if it clamps down on the number of refugees making their way into Europe through its borders.

But today a prominent German politician warned EU leaders may have robbed Peter to pay Paul, shutting off one influx but opening up the continent to 80 million Turkish citizens...

MIGRATION TIMEBOMB: Europe braced for 'uncountable influx' as Turkey wins visa-free travel

Without even reading the article I knew this not happening, as I told you in other post....now I read article, here's what I just pointed out:

"Despite the deal being signed off, Turkey must meet dozens of EU demands to even receive a recommendation for visa-free access to the bloc by autumn 2016 and must also have the unanimous support of all 28 member states."

So again Merkel and Juncker agree TOGETHER on some insane and destructive evil and as they're BOTH now ready for strait-jackets, they think they can just ram this through. It's 100% obvious they want to DESTROY Europa.

No NOT HAPPENING. Forget about it. PERIOD.
This is encouraging.

'Send them back to Turkey' EU kicks out illegal immigrants as huge deportation plan begins
HUNDREDS of illegal immigrants were booted out of Europe today as Brussels called on member states to deport any migrants who travel through safe countries without claiming asylum.
PUBLISHED: 18:51, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:41, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Donald Tusk finally announced plans for the EU to get tough on migrants
The EU finally tried to wrestle back control of the spiralling migrant chaos today with the announcement that 308 illegals are being shipped back to Turkey as part of a landmark agreement.

Brussels also urged member states to automatically deport any migrants who deliberately pass up the opportunity to claim asylum in safe countries to travel to Britain, Germany and Scandinavia where benefits are more generous.

However, despite the rhetoric the EU still faces a gargantuan task to bring immigration under control with more than 20,000 migrants trapped in Greece alone.

Yesterday the boss of the EU's border agency Frontex revealed that immigration is running at an astonishing thirty times higher than during the same period last year, whilst Finland has said it is braced for a sixfold increase in asylum applications. .....

'Send them back to Turkey' EU kicks out illegal immigrants as huge deportation plan begins

Check this person who exists in some bizarre time warp, repeatedly posting me pointless articles that are FIVE MONTHS OLD!

260k Austrians sign EU exit petition,forcing referendum debate in parliament

Yes, I've encountered her/him before, posting out of date stuff and general pro Islamic invasion wackiness :cuckoo:
This is encouraging.

'Send them back to Turkey' EU kicks out illegal immigrants as huge deportation plan begins
HUNDREDS of illegal immigrants were booted out of Europe today as Brussels called on member states to deport any migrants who travel through safe countries without claiming asylum.
PUBLISHED: 18:51, Wed, Mar 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:41, Wed, Mar 2, 2016


Donald Tusk finally announced plans for the EU to get tough on migrants
The EU finally tried to wrestle back control of the spiralling migrant chaos today with the announcement that 308 illegals are being shipped back to Turkey as part of a landmark agreement.

Brussels also urged member states to automatically deport any migrants who deliberately pass up the opportunity to claim asylum in safe countries to travel to Britain, Germany and Scandinavia where benefits are more generous.

However, despite the rhetoric the EU still faces a gargantuan task to bring immigration under control with more than 20,000 migrants trapped in Greece alone.

Yesterday the boss of the EU's border agency Frontex revealed that immigration is running at an astonishing thirty times higher than during the same period last year, whilst Finland has said it is braced for a sixfold increase in asylum applications. .....

'Send them back to Turkey' EU kicks out illegal immigrants as huge deportation plan begins

Check this person who exists in some bizarre time warp, repeatedly posting me pointless articles that are FIVE MONTHS OLD!

260k Austrians sign EU exit petition,forcing referendum debate in parliament

Yes, I've encountered her/him before, posting out of date stuff and general pro Islamic invasion wackiness :cuckoo:

Incredibly strange stuff yes. I just noticed you encountered them in their Pro-Islamic thread where they attempt to tell everyone how GREAT the Ottoman Empire was for Hungary....yes, whatever....:rolleyes-41:

Not too surprising that Pommy Dumpling agreed with her.

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