Harvard Professor Jailed; Officer Is Accused of Bias

You make absolutely no sense. Arresting a homeowner inside his home when no crime has been committed is the dumbest thing I've heard all day. You're suggesting a cop would arrest a person when no crime has been committed.

Instead of assuming what you believe to be facts, you should study police procedure and when you come across the section that states " certain types of arrest are easier to justify later to a judge when they are made on public property instead of private property" please provide that portion for all to see.

Ok here is some history for you.

On that specific street in cambridge there have been 9 daylight front door break ins in the past 3 weeks.

A nosy neighbor saw him enter the front door in what looked to them like a break in and the neighbor called the cops.

The cops arrived and asked him to present ID to prove he lived there and he refused, and did so in a loud and obstinant manner
eye witness account said:
A 55-year-old neighbor who said he witnessed the incident but declined to give his name, however, said that Gates was in fact yelling loudly, as indicated by a photo taken by another neighbor.“When police asked him for ID, Gates started yelling, ‘I’m a Harvard professor . . . You believe white women over black men. This is racial profiling.’ ”

Upon further refusals the police officer placed him under arrest (which i think was over the top, he should have restrained the professor then gotten his ID and let him go once it was verified)

Henry Louis Gates Jr. demands apology, sensitivity training - BostonHerald.com

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt" — Abraham Lincoln

I fully understand the events of that day, but what Anguille (sp) is saying is that Gates asked the cop for an ID and the cop refused. My opinion is that the cop has a badge with his number on it and his name tag pinned to his shirt that is clearly visable. So why the heck would you ask a cop for his ID when it's right in front of your nose? It makes no sense and when it doesn't make sense it's usually not true. If I was in uniform and Anguille ask for my ID I'd point to my badge and name tag .... duh!

Perhaps we're smarter down here in the south.
You make absolutely no sense. Arresting a homeowner inside his home when no crime has been committed is the dumbest thing I've heard all day. You're suggesting a cop would arrest a person when no crime has been committed.

Instead of assuming what you believe to be facts, you should study police procedure and when you come across the section that states " certain types of arrest are easier to justify later to a judge when they are made on public property instead of private property" please provide that portion for all to see.

Ok here is some history for you.

On that specific street in cambridge there have been 9 daylight front door break ins in the past 3 weeks.

A nosy neighbor saw him enter the front door in what looked to them like a break in and the neighbor called the cops.

The cops arrived and asked him to present ID to prove he lived there and he (the professor) refused, and did so in a loud and obstinant manner
eye witness account said:
A 55-year-old neighbor who said he witnessed the incident but declined to give his name, however, said that Gates was in fact yelling loudly, as indicated by a photo taken by another neighbor.“When police asked him for ID, Gates started yelling, ‘I’m a Harvard professor . . . You believe white women over black men. This is racial profiling.’ ”

Upon further refusals the police officer placed him under arrest (which i think was over the top, he should have restrained the professor then gotten his ID and let him go once it was verified)

Henry Louis Gates Jr. demands apology, sensitivity training - BostonHerald.com

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt" — Abraham Lincoln

I fully understand the events of that day, but what Anguille (sp) is saying is that Gates asked the cop for an ID and the cop refused. My opinion is that the cop has a badge with his number on it and his name tag pinned to his shirt that is clearly visable. So why the heck would you ask a cop for his ID when it's right in front of your nose? It makes no sense and when it doesn't make sense it's usually not true. If I was in uniform and Anguille ask for my ID I'd point to my badge and name tag .... duh!

Perhaps we're smarter down here in the south.

I think i'm misfiring here, i'm not quite sure we were in disagreement on that. I dont think the cop should have had to provide ID either. I think the Professor should have been detained for not......oh just re-read my post I think we both misfired here.
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Why couldn't a "typical ******" become a Harvard professor?

for the same reason a blue collar heyseed shouldn't; we don't define our best efforts in education with low brow people. Do you expect ME to be a prof at Cambridge, Ang? Why not? If Your Mamma can do it then I guess so too can anyone else, eh? Which, pretty much makes a joke out of the concept of noting the best schools in a heirarchy.

Hey, go tell the next homless bum you see that he too can be a prof at Stanford! :thup:

You midwesterners are so provincial! :lol:

By all means. Clarify my error in logic. do you expect ivy league proffs to speak like Dave Chapelle?

"I'm robert Louis Gates, BEYOTCH!"

good grief.
for the same reason a blue collar heyseed shouldn't; we don't define our best efforts in education with low brow people. Do you expect ME to be a prof at Cambridge, Ang? Why not? If Your Mamma can do it then I guess so too can anyone else, eh? Which, pretty much makes a joke out of the concept of noting the best schools in a heirarchy.

Hey, go tell the next homless bum you see that he too can be a prof at Stanford! :thup:

You midwesterners are so provincial! :lol:

By all means. Clarify my error in logic. do you expect ivy league proffs to speak like Dave Chapelle?

"I'm robert Louis Gates, BEYOTCH!"

good grief.
Who knew the Shogun was such a snob. :lol:
You midwesterners are so provincial! :lol:

By all means. Clarify my error in logic. do you expect ivy league proffs to speak like Dave Chapelle?

"I'm robert Louis Gates, BEYOTCH!"

good grief.
Who knew the Shogun was such a snob. :lol:

that doesn't look like a clarification. So, i'll ask again:

Tell me how I'm wrong. DO YOU EXPECT the highest echelon of education to react like SNOOP DOG?

"One, Two three and two the fo'
Snoop doggy dog and Robert G is at the do'
Ready to make an entrance, so back on up
[Cause you know we 'bout to rip shit up]

Gimme the microphone first, so I can bust like a bubble
Cambridge and Long Beach together, now you know you in trouble

Ain't nothin' but a G thang, baaaaabay!
Two loc'ed out nigga's so we're craaaaazay!
Harvard school is the label that paaaaays me!
Unfadable, so please don't try to fade this [Hell yeah]

Ok here is some history for you.

On that specific street in cambridge there have been 9 daylight front door break ins in the past 3 weeks.

A nosy neighbor saw him enter the front door in what looked to them like a break in and the neighbor called the cops.

The cops arrived and asked him to present ID to prove he lived there and he (the professor) refused, and did so in a loud and obstinant manner

Upon further refusals the police officer placed him under arrest (which i think was over the top, he should have restrained the professor then gotten his ID and let him go once it was verified)

Henry Louis Gates Jr. demands apology, sensitivity training - BostonHerald.com

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt" — Abraham Lincoln

I fully understand the events of that day, but what Anguille (sp) is saying is that Gates asked the cop for an ID and the cop refused. My opinion is that the cop has a badge with his number on it and his name tag pinned to his shirt that is clearly visable. So why the heck would you ask a cop for his ID when it's right in front of your nose? It makes no sense and when it doesn't make sense it's usually not true. If I was in uniform and Anguille ask for my ID I'd point to my badge and name tag .... duh!

Perhaps we're smarter down here in the south.

I think i'm misfiring here, i'm not quite sure we were in disagreement on that. I dont think the cop should have had to provide ID either. I think the Professor should have been detained for not......oh just re-read my post I think we both misfired here.

I agree with you. Simple misunderstandings happen all the time, thanks for clearing things up.
Are you backing away from what you said now, Soggy? If you think he's a typical ****** because he said your momma then don't be afraid to admit it. I'm not saying you are a racist if you believe that.

I didn't call him a racist, Ravir. Do you REALLY need me to quote your stupid cuntly ass here? I said he acted like a typical ****** in busting out a Your Mamma to a cop. If that is the kind of statement you expect to hear from a harvard prof then I can understand why you have slurpee and dollar menu tastes.

I guess I might as well go ahead and quote you BEFORE you start dancing around like a retarded monkey

I didn't know your momma was a racist statement. The things I learn here.
Why couldn't a "typical ******" become a Harvard professor?

Apparently they can. :lol:
No idea what you mean, Snoogie.
I'm still left with the impression you think all Harvard professors look and act like Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady.
No idea what you mean, Snoogie.
I'm still left with the impression you think all Harvard professors look and act like Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady.

As opposed to fred Sanford?

"Naw, open your text books to page 31 class. Today we'ze gonna read about Thermodynamic, Ya Big Dummy!"


No idea what you mean, Snoogie.
I'm still left with the impression you think all Harvard professors look and act like Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady.

As opposed to fred Sanford?

"Naw, open your text books to page 31 class. Today we'ze gonna read about Thermodynamic, Ya Big Dummy!"



Or perhaps you'd like to enroll in Get in that Ass 101 with Professor Leon.

Forget it, this thread has been so overran by white apologist trolls doing all they can to deflect and deny the obvious racial profiling by the police and the dumb neighbor who called it in as if that neighbor didn't already know that Gates was staying there. A lot of latent racism in here.

I've just got back into the thread, haven't read the posts after yours Charlie so this comment is not made with the benefit of reading further posts. But I can't see racial profiling here. Someone is reported as breaking into a house in broad daylight that's worth a visit and a few questions. That would be all I'd need to know to scoot my arse around there to see what was going on.
I only assume that they might have called the cops because of latent tendencies. I can't know with any certainty. They might have called just because they saw what appeared to be to men breaking into a house. But they might have called because the men were black. It is a wealthy white neighborhood and it is Boston...I'm just sayin'.

Hey everyone, according to CMM, wealthy white people are racists. What a bigoted thing to say. :eusa_whistle:

Manifold, I never said that wealthy white people are racists. I implied that wealthy white people are more likely to call the cops when black men are apparently breaking in to houses in rich, white neighborhoods. Is that really so unbelievable?

If I saw anybody breaking into one of my neighbor's homes, I would call the cops. Why would I be racist if the perpetraters happened to be black?
Forget it, this thread has been so overran by white apologist trolls doing all they can to deflect and deny the obvious racial profiling by the police and the dumb neighbor who called it in as if that neighbor didn't already know that Gates was staying there. A lot of latent racism in here.

I've just got back into the thread, haven't read the posts after yours Charlie so this comment is not made with the benefit of reading further posts. But I can't see racial profiling here. Someone is reported as breaking into a house in broad daylight that's worth a visit and a few questions. That would be all I'd need to know to scoot my arse around there to see what was going on.

So apparently, now if we see someone break into a house and they happen to be black, we are racist if we call the cops?

The prof should be happy his neighbors are so vigilent. It really could have been a burglar.
No idea what you mean, Snoogie.
I'm still left with the impression you think all Harvard professors look and act like Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady.

As opposed to fred Sanford?

"Naw, open your text books to page 31 class. Today we'ze gonna read about Thermodynamic, Ya Big Dummy!"


You're kind of entertaining for a hick.
Why do you think cops ask people to step out side? To enjoy the summer breeze?

depends on the situation, i suppose.

if he wanted to arrest him, there was no reason he couldn't arrest him where he stood. as i said, i'm not clairvoyant, but it seems a pretty big leap to assume that was the cop's motivation.
From what little I know about police procedure and making arrests, they often ask people to step outside first.

Depends. In this situation, inside the house, perhaps. How many cops were in the house? If it's one cop and two men inside the house the cop has a couple of choices - call for backup to enter the house or ask the suspect to step outside where there's backup. I saw that photo in the newspaper link Ravi gave us, it seems there were police outside. That indicates to me that they were being fairly restrained about their behaviour - it's more usual for cops to pile into the house where they know another cop is speaking to a suspect. Step outside is also usually used where you think you're about to get the shit kicked out of you, such as when you're in a pub and about to arrest someone but a dozen of his mates are waiting for you to do exactly that.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KffID8m20UU]YouTube - Curb Your Enthusiasm: Larry beats up a Skinhead[/ame]

No idea what you mean, Snoogie.
I'm still left with the impression you think all Harvard professors look and act like Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady.

As opposed to fred Sanford?

"Naw, open your text books to page 31 class. Today we'ze gonna read about Thermodynamic, Ya Big Dummy!"



Or perhaps you'd like to enroll in Get in that Ass 101 with Professor Leon.

You ask them outside for safety. You don't know who else could be in the house or if the suspect has a weapon inside the house.

You should research police procedures before you make such asinine statements.
Maybe you should. You can't arrest someone for disorderly conduct inside their own house...but you can when they are outside, in public.

Show me the procedure that states a police officer cannot make a disorderly conduct arrest in an individuals home.

Depends on the law in a jurisdiction doesn't it?

Now you're just being intentionally dense. :lol:

Gates had just busted down his own door in broad daylight. No clairvoyance required to surmise how that might look to people who don't know you.
The fact that the officer's first words to Gates were to ask him to step outside, indicates he intended to arrest him.

You ask them outside for safety. You don't know who else could be in the house or if the suspect has a weapon inside the house.

You should research police procedures before you make such asinine statements.

Yes, never forget the kitchen (given that there's not a high rate of firearms ownership where I am).

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