Harvey Milk Stamp Commemorated Today May 22nd 2014 At The Whitehouse

Does LGBT embracing Harvey Milk & forcing gay marriage on states affecting your vote?

  • I'm a gay advocate and no, I'll vote democrat

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • I'm ambivalent and no, I'll probably still vote democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a middle voter and yes, I'm thinking of voting more conservative because of it.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • I'm a middle voter democrat and thinking of switching parties now.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Watch live starting at 3:00 p.m. EST at whitehouse.gov/live. If you’re following on social media, the hashtag is #HarveyMilkStamp.

This Thursday, May 22nd, the White House Office of Public Engagement, the United States Postal Service and the Harvey Milk Foundation will host a first-day-of-issue dedication ceremony for the Harvey Milk Forever Stamp at the White House.

The event will feature remarks by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Tammy Baldwin, Representative John Lewis, Deputy Postmaster General Ronald A. Stroman, and other distinguished guests including the Co-Founders of the Harvey Milk Foundation, Stuart Milk and Anne Kronenberg....

...In 2009, President Barack Obama posthumously awarded Harvey Milk with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. And in 2013, the White House Office of Public Engagement honored ten openly LGBT elected and appointed officials as “Harvey Milk Champions of Change.” Watch Live: Harvey Milk Stamp Unveiling Ceremony | The White House

Harvey Milk's sexuality was sodomizing teen boys on drugs who were mentally ill. LGBTs worldwide embrace this sexuality as part of their group values and promote this predator of teen boys as their iconic hero. A detailed biography spells out his sexual assaults on homeless teen boys incapable of consent.

LGBTs and their sychophants in power even require as a matter of law in California that children in public schools celebrate his socio-sexual "achievements". They are pushing aggressively for this law or similar one to be instituted alongside gay marriage in each of the 50 states. Teachers and staff of public schools are encouraged to serve Milkshakes and Milk Duds in classroom celebrations of a man who did the same or worse as Jerry Sandusky. This is an officially-sanctioned psychological "want some candy little boy?"...

See the OP of this thread for more details:

The democratic party will come to rue this day in history. In fact, it may even be the pivotal turning point, the final gutting of the democratic party. As it has been slowly taken over by gay activists in its highest ranks at the DNC, the platform has become so odious, so repugnant to all but the most zealous of the far left insane, that this albatross will finally kill the neck that it hangs around.

May 22nd, 2014, the day the democratic party died. And if you're a republican popping a champagne cork today, just remember that as much as you hate people in the democratic party or those who think the way democrats do about most issues [not the radical LGBT but environment, healthcare etc.] just realize that a country without at least two major parties balancing the more fringe elements of their respective extremes is a country headed rapidly towards a fascist rule. And then as history teaches us ultimately, final destruction.

If you love the USA you also will rue this day, no matter who you are batting for in your myopic fury and shortsighted zeal..

Right now if you're a democrat, you're thinking "Silhouette is whacked. The GOP isn't going to try to harvest votes from the middle by all this sudden judicial activism forcing gay marriage on states that don't want it and the Harvey Milk celebration". The GOP won't stoop to that level. :cuckoo:

Right now if you're a republican you're thinking "Shut up! Shhhhhh! :eusa_shhh: "

And if true in either case, you're an idiot...
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For each democratic candidate in the next 3 years who loses by a margin to their republican challenger, I'm thinking of sending them a consolation letter with a Harvey Milk stamp on it.

Even then they probably wouldn't get the wry and ironic humor..
..seven years ago, right here in San Diego I launched a national letter writing campaign to get a stamp in honor of civil rights icon Harvey Milk.

The organizers and national sponsors of this campaign was the International Imperial Court System, which has chapters in more than 68 cities and everyone got behind this letter writing campaign.

We especially made sure that young people and elected officials wrote letters. Susan McGowan, an official spokesperson for the U.S. Postal Service stated that they received “thousands of letters of support for the Milk stamp … it was overwhelming the amount of public support for this stamp, it was really amazing.”

Letters came from the Imperial Court Chapters in Iowa, Kentucky, New Mexico, Montana, Utah, Alaska, Ohio etc. The first letters came from San Diego and the City’s Human Relations Commission (I was then its chair) and local elected officials and Court members.

The two major co-sponsors of the stamp campaign were the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) and the Harvey Milk Foundation. Going to the White House for the Harvey Milk stamp ceremony | LGBT Weekly

Today's ceremony is the public "wedding" first of all of the LGBT movement with a sexual predator of homeless teen boys, one of which at least was a minor.

That's the first "wedding" on the Whitehouse steps today.

The second wedding is that of the democratic party to the LGBT movement, and thereby, also to the pedophile movement.

Of course all democrats are invited to celebrate, especilally all those 'polled middle voters' who "support gay marriage etc.". However, millions of them are making excuses not to come to the weddings and instead are doing a silent shuffle to the right.

Millions upon millions of them...

Mission accomplished.
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Just like I was there and applauded when San Diego was the first to re-name a street in Hillcrest "Harvey Milk St".....I applaud this stamp. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
Sil's OP has been exploded in many other threads in the past.

Let's not get drawn into the vortex of OP silliness.
Just like I was there and applauded when San Diego was the first to re-name a street in Hillcrest "Harvey Milk St".....I applaud this stamp. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
So you as a gay person actually know and approve of Harvey Milk's treatment of Jack Mckinley?
At least when Dan White put a round through Milk's head, we got the Twinkie Defense out of the deal, so there is that.
Just like I was there and applauded when San Diego was the first to re-name a street in Hillcrest "Harvey Milk St".....I applaud this stamp. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Why?.....Why wait all this time to do this?
Smells like a political move. Shame on whomever came up with this idea.
I am not a supporter of commemorating people based on 'causes'.
Save for Mr. Milk's sexual orientation and that he was murdered, Milk is of no other significant or historical significance. He did not accomplish anything of note while Mayor of SFO.
So the only possibility remaining is politics. Shameful.
Just like I was there and applauded when San Diego was the first to re-name a street in Hillcrest "Harvey Milk St".....I applaud this stamp. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Why?.....Why wait all this time to do this?
Smells like a political move. Shame on whomever came up with this idea.
I am not a supporter of commemorating people based on 'causes'.
Save for Mr. Milk's sexual orientation and that he was murdered, Milk is of no other significant or historical significance. He did not accomplish anything of note while Mayor of SFO.
So the only possibility remaining is politics. Shameful.
He wasn't the mayor. The mayor was also killed by Dan White.
Just like I was there and applauded when San Diego was the first to re-name a street in Hillcrest "Harvey Milk St".....I applaud this stamp. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Why?.....Why wait all this time to do this?
Smells like a political move. Shame on whomever came up with this idea.
I am not a supporter of commemorating people based on 'causes'.
Save for Mr. Milk's sexual orientation and that he was murdered, Milk is of no other significant or historical significance. He did not accomplish anything of note while Mayor of SFO.
So the only possibility remaining is politics. Shameful.

Some political opponent lived on the street and the commissars wanted to drive down the value of his property?
Just like I was there and applauded when San Diego was the first to re-name a street in Hillcrest "Harvey Milk St".....I applaud this stamp. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Why?.....Why wait all this time to do this?
Smells like a political move. Shame on whomever came up with this idea.
I am not a supporter of commemorating people based on 'causes'.
Save for Mr. Milk's sexual orientation and that he was murdered, Milk is of no other significant or historical significance. He did not accomplish anything of note while Mayor of SFO.
So the only possibility remaining is politics. Shameful.

Yup ... the "gay" agenda. There was nothing whatsoever special about Harvey milk other than the fact that he liked very, very young men. (Could he be considered a pedophile? I say YES):

According to the acclaimed gay journalist Randy Shilts, at age eleven, Milk began attending performances of the New York Metropolitan Opera where he met with “wandering hands,” and soon was engaged in “brief trysts [with grown men] after the performances.” While still in junior high, he “dove headfirst into the newly discovered subculture,” and by the age of fourteen, Milk was “leading an active homosexual life.” As he grew older, the pattern reversed itself to the point that, at age thirty-three, Milk hooked up with a sixteen-year-old named Jack McKinley, one of a number of younger men with whom he was intimate.

And our kids celebrate Harvey Milk Day in their schools? Will they also celebrate the memory of Harry Hay, widely considered to be the founder of America’s gay liberation movement and another well-known friend of NAMBLA? When a gay pride parade in Los Angeles banned NAMBLA from participating, Hay decided to march in the parade carrying a sign that said, “NAMBLA walks with me.”

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

There are other "champions" of the gay community who are also supporters of NAMBLA (that's the sick group of grown men who believe it's okay to "mess" with under-aged boys. Sick stuff indeed).
They will find anything they can to celebrate and spend taxpayers monies

These two are out in the twilight zone...
Just like I was there and applauded when San Diego was the first to re-name a street in Hillcrest "Harvey Milk St".....I applaud this stamp. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Why?.....Why wait all this time to do this?
Smells like a political move. Shame on whomever came up with this idea.
I am not a supporter of commemorating people based on 'causes'.
Save for Mr. Milk's sexual orientation and that he was murdered, Milk is of no other significant or historical significance. He did not accomplish anything of note while Mayor of SFO.
So the only possibility remaining is politics. Shameful.

So...you also disapprove of MLB's retiring of Jackie Robinson's number?
Just like I was there and applauded when San Diego was the first to re-name a street in Hillcrest "Harvey Milk St".....I applaud this stamp. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Why?.....Why wait all this time to do this?
Smells like a political move. Shame on whomever came up with this idea.
I am not a supporter of commemorating people based on 'causes'.
Save for Mr. Milk's sexual orientation and that he was murdered, Milk is of no other significant or historical significance. He did not accomplish anything of note while Mayor of SFO.
So the only possibility remaining is politics. Shameful.

So...you also disapprove of MLB's retiring of Jackie Robinson's number?

Jackie Robinson was a homo?
Why?.....Why wait all this time to do this?
Smells like a political move. Shame on whomever came up with this idea.
I am not a supporter of commemorating people based on 'causes'.
Save for Mr. Milk's sexual orientation and that he was murdered, Milk is of no other significant or historical significance. He did not accomplish anything of note while Mayor of SFO.
So the only possibility remaining is politics. Shameful.

So...you also disapprove of MLB's retiring of Jackie Robinson's number?

Jackie Robinson was a homo?

Jackie Robinson's number was retired only because he was the first black man to play in the MLB........Save for Mr Robinson's color and that he was the first....Mr. Robinson is of no other significant or historical significance. :D

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