Has anyone considered that Mueller may be working on a charge of treason against Trump?

DOJ releases Carter Page FISA docs

The Department of Justice has released documents relating to a FISA warrant against Carter Page, a former campaign adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump.

Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier was also a major component in subsequent renewals.

Based on what is visible, the dossier is not described as a political document, as the Democrats have asserted; rather the FBI speculates to the FISA court that it was commissioned to damage Candidate 1, who is Donald Trump.

On page 16, the full quote reads: “The FBI speculates to the FISA court that the U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit candidate 1’s campaign."

Fox believes that the U.S. person is Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that funded the Steele Dossier.

Reacting to the document release, Page told Fox News, "I'm having trouble finding any small bit of this document that rises above complete ignorance and/or insanity."

The materials released by the DOJ include an October 2016 application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to wiretap Page as well as several renewal applications, the New York Times reported. It is highly unusual for documents related to FISA wiretap applications to be released.

The surveillance of Page became a contentious matter between Republican and Democratic lawmakers earlier this year. Republicans alleged the FBI had abused its surveillance powers and improperly obtained the warrant, a charge that Democrats rebutted as both sides characterized the documents in different ways. The documents, meanwhile, remained out of public view.

House Democrats were quick to say that the documents bolstered their arguments.

Trump declassified the memo over the objections of the FBI, which warned that the document contained “material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy,” the Hill report said.

DOJ releases Carter Page FISA docs
In reply to your signature picture, it's just you.
Not a single word from the NRA about this Russian Intruder.

"You cancervatives are so damn gullible."

It's pretty obvious Dishonest Don is working under the Putin communist umbrella....

It sounds nice but the USSR went bankrupt a few decades ago

Putin's party is/was United Russia, the commies are the main opposition party with some 10%-20% support

But that's just a minor detail, the important thing is that the Russians are still evil and scary

Not a single word from the NRA about this Russian Intruder.

"You cancervatives are so damn gullible."


If she was in a bikinni or topless....it might make more sense.

I won't post a picture of Bill and Monika...but if you've got proof Santorum got a blowjob from this woman...please post it.
It's pretty obvious Dishonest Don is working under the Putin communist umbrella....

It sounds nice but the USSR went bankrupt a few decades ago

Putin's party is/was United Russia, the commies are the main opposition party with some 10%-20% support

But that's just a minor detail, the important thing is that the Russians are still evil and scary


So is the city of Chicago.
Not a single word from the NRA about this Russian Intruder.

"You cancervatives are so damn gullible."


If she was in a bikinni or topless....it might make more sense.

I won't post a picture of Bill and Monika...but if you've got proof Santorum got a blowjob from this woman...please post it.

Neither Bill nor Monica are charged with being a foreign agent.
Who says crowdstike is either relevant or necessary to any findings?

Do you imagine all of the detail in the indictments came from crowdstrike?

The very INapproriate substitution of Crowdstrike, and the absurd allowance by the FBI of them to even be part of the scenario, tells at least as much about this whole fiasco as anything else, and probably anything Mueller is going to say.

There's a bunch of people who maybe could be charged with treason in all this mess, and none of them are named Trump.
Not a single word from the NRA about this Russian Intruder.

"You cancervatives are so damn gullible."


If she was in a bikinni or topless....it might make more sense.

I won't post a picture of Bill and Monika...but if you've got proof Santorum got a blowjob from this woman...please post it.

Neither Biil nor Monica are charged with being a foreign agent.

And Santorum is ?

Who said he was? Hence the problem with your analogy.
Who says crowdstike is either relevant or necessary to any findings?

Do you imagine all of the detail in the indictments came from crowdstrike?

The very INapproriate substitution of Crowdstrike, and the absurd allowance by the FBI of them to even be part of the scenario, tells at least as much about this whole fiasco as anything else, and probably anything Mueller is going to say.

There's a bunch of people who maybe could be charged with treason in all this mess, and none of them are named Trump.

Obviously, the detail in the indictments had nothing to do with your strawman, crowdstrike. Certainly the server did not and would not have revealed such details as names and paymemt methods.

Try again, loser.
Whenever I see someone like Trump pretending to be such a great patriot and getting upset at flag issues, it reminds me of the saying 'patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel'. This poor little rich kid got several deferments during the Vietnam war and now he's pretending to be superpatriot.
Were you even born during the Vietnam War ?

I went in the Navy in '63 while JFK was still president.

Senility is your excuse then? OK! Gotcha!
I posted this thread over 4 months ago. It's more relevant now than it was then.

But before I comment further, I want to ask a rhetorical question that is considerably less provocative than it is a simple common sense inquiry.

If you're a president with nothing to hide, and you know that you and your campaign are both not guilty of any kind of collusion (conspiracy) with the Russians to affect the 2016 election, but you also understand that optics and your behavior could either bolster your argument or weaken it considerably in the eyes of people who still have an open mind about what happened (and why) in 2016, then I can't help but ask the following question:

With your countrymen and the world watching (from afar), why would you choose to meet Putin in private for 2 hours with no high-ranking American aides present, no stenographer, and no one other than an American translator? Why shouldn't reasonable, rational people be suspicious of what happened in that meeting room.under such circumstances?

President Trump, why would you do that if you have nothing to hide?

Great question. The answer is, Trump has something to hide.

EVERYONE has "something to hide," jackass. Don't tell me you live a perfect, flawless life! Let me get the Mayberry RFD set out for you then. The argument that you shouldn't object to having your life turned inside out if you don't have "something to hide" has been used over and over down through the centuries to exploit populations by every fascist dictator and tyrant on the Earth.

You are sending the post office to investigate? :D
Obviously, the detail in the indictments had nothing to do with your strawman, crowdstrike. Certainly the server did not and would not have revealed such details as names and paymemt methods.

Try again, loser.
How do YOU KNOW what the server revealed or didn't reveal ? You work for Crowdstrike, or the DNC ?

None of this stuff has a damn thing to do with the 2016 election and if anybody wants to talk about rigging that election, they can start with millions of sanctuary city Democrat-protected illegal aliens, illegally voting for Hillary Clinton, then progress to fixed debates, Democrat leaders who had to be fired or resign (DWS, Scott Foval, Amy Dacey, Brad Marshall, Luis Miranda, Donna Brazile etc), Hillary's earpiece, Hillary being fed information, Trump rallygoers being attacked by goons at trump rallies (San Jose, Chicago, etc), disruptors inside Trump rallies,


The purge: Senior DNC staff resigns after email revelations

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

I posted this thread over 4 months ago. It's more relevant now than it was then.

But before I comment further, I want to ask a rhetorical question that is considerably less provocative than it is a simple common sense inquiry.

If you're a president with nothing to hide, and you know that you and your campaign are both not guilty of any kind of collusion (conspiracy) with the Russians to affect the 2016 election, but you also understand that optics and your behavior could either bolster your argument or weaken it considerably in the eyes of people who still have an open mind about what happened (and why) in 2016, then I can't help but ask the following question:

With your countrymen and the world watching (from afar), why would you choose to meet Putin in private for 2 hours with no high-ranking American aides present, no stenographer, and no one other than an American translator? Why shouldn't reasonable, rational people be suspicious of what happened in that meeting room.under such circumstances?

President Trump, why would you do that if you have nothing to hide?

Let me elaborate. Not a chance in hell. I know it's the dream of every Lefty, but IT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. And yes, I will be more than willing to post an apology and an admission that I was totally wrong.

It's not a dream. Dreams are pleasant. This is an American nightmare!

You're a fucking idiot. A guy leaves his cushy lifestyle to try to do good for the America he loves, and here you are being an asshat. I'd like to kick you right in your ass, you piece of shit! What have you done for America? Fuck right the hell off. I'm tired of bullshit like this.

It seemed like nonsense (bullshit in your words) to many career people in government up until Trump unilaterally decided to meet Putin privately, essentially shutting out any kind of oversight about what was discussed.

STFU with your insinuated innuendo. What have you done for America lately? Huh, Bitchboi? GRRRRR

If insinuated innuendo is all you have, that it teh fucking weaksauce, and you can cram that up in your colon right next to your head. FAGGOT

Treason is more like what you're doing, than what Trump is, k?

What have I done for America lately? Well, I served in the military (U.S. Army). And unlike Trump, not only did I voluntarily enlist back in the 70's, I also didn't make up some BS story about having bone spurs to get out of serving.

But let's get past all that. There's an old axiom about innocence versus guilt. Innocent people don't act guilty. And people who act guilty (of something) are probably not innocent.

As an American, I'm sorry to say this but Trump IS behaving like a guilty man who has something to hide. Frankly, I'm open to another reasonable explanation, but I don't see one.

So, having served and knowing what you know, you have the balls to accuse someone of making up bone spurs, while knowing that it would be impossible to do in order to be physically disqualified? That makes you a complete moron! Congratulations!
It did nothing of the sort, moron.


It named no names?

There were no Americans indicted, shit for brains. Muellers witchhunt is supposedly about collusion. Remember that?

I never mentioned Americans, dope.
If there are no Americans implicated, then it's a farce. You can't have "collusion" without any Americans, now can you, fuck stick.
No Americans implicated? Two weeks ago it was announced that Mueller's team would release evidence tying Manafort chargets to Trump campaign.

But separately on the non-Mueller front, the arrest of Maria Butina points to different collusion.

WTF are chargets? Two weeks ago, and he still has nothing? Guess what he will have in two years? Still nothing!

Butina has nothing to do with anything related to the Trump campaign. Nothing has even been alleged. You just don't like her last name.
There were no Americans indicted, shit for brains. Muellers witchhunt is supposedly about collusion. Remember that?

I never mentioned Americans, dope.
If there are no Americans implicated, then it's a farce. You can't have "collusion" without any Americans, now can you, fuck stick.
No Americans implicated? Two weeks ago it was announced that Mueller's team would release evidence tying Manafort chargets to Trump campaign.

But separately on the non-Mueller front, the arrest of Maria Butina points to different collusion.
You mean "collusion" that doesn't involve anyone in the Trump administration or even anyone in the government?

You turds are so desperate.
Huh? Manafort was Trump's campaign manager for almost 5 months.
And Maria Butina was a bridge between Russia and NRA. And the NRA has its testicles in every part of the GOP; especially Rohrabacher.

Manafort's charges are from before Trump even knew the guy's name!
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?

Seth Rich downloaded the e-mails. The data breach was from the inside. Any attempt to download data from a foreign country would set off warnings in the firewall set up and the IT guys would have been alerted. China is the real threat to this country. The Clintons gave them a deep water port in California and opened up the patent office to them. Russia only became public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse when Putin embarrassed Barrypuppet by annexing Crimea after the E.U and George Soros funded coup of the Ukraine and installed a E.U and IMF friendly puppet. Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and they were denied it. Adding insult to injury, Russia stepped in for Syria and Assad when Assad was falsely accused of using chemical weapons on his own people. Barrypuppet claimed it was a "line in the sand"...this is the same POS along with that POS Hildebeast that took out Qaddafi in Libya because he wanted to unite Africa by using a gold backed currency which was a direct attack against the Federal Reserve and USA.INC's owners.

Soooo, they destabilized yet ANOTHER country rich in oil that didn't like the arrangement of selling their oil for Monopoly money and the people are suffering, the nation's 300 plus tons of gold vanished like a fart in the wind and now THEY have a Rothschild central bank.....so Barrypuppet, Hildebeast and their masters set their sights on Syria using Saudi intel, MI5, MI6, the Mossad to help finance (snicker) "freedom fighters" aka Al qaeda aka ISIS and arm them which was what Benghazi was all about. Using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to get weapons to them, Assad was to be taken out...enter Russia and Putin that did more damage to ISIS in two weeks than Barrypuppet's leadership was able to do in two years. In the mean time, this USA.INC supported terrorist group was killing/ beheading innocent people, mostly Christians that Assad had protected. Why did USA.INC pay millions to produce fake be-heading videos? Think about it....if you are capable of doing so.

Nope, Russia isn't any enemy of mine but the communist controlled DNC and commie deep state operatives definitely are....

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