Has anyone gone back and actually reviewed Rice's original testimony?

Obama's talking points

the video most never heard of before the pushing of it by the Obama administration. Broadcasts throughout the muslim world which caused more riots and deaths

Even at the funeral...How pathetic

We've had seven separate investigative hearings etc. on this non-story so far. What has come up? The usual spin and confusion. There is no treason, no conspiracy etc. The Republican right is beating a dead horse. Switching from the horrors of Obamacare to the Great Benghazi Conspiracy isn't going to help anything. The real problem for the GOP is that you can't beat something with nothing.

The Republicans have been promising an alternative to Obamacare for five years. Nothing. It has been whining about jobs even longer. Nothing. Declining middle class? Tax cuts for millionaires will fix it. Pathetic nothing.

National elections are won by the candidate who captures the independent vote in a handful of key swing states. Obama bashing didn't worked last time and it sure as hell isn't going to work when Obama isn't the candidate in 2016.
Susan Rice never said "the video" inspired Benghazi

It might be a good idea to actually review she said. Seems very different than what Republicans said she said.

Ya know what? I've been thinking about this.

I understand the democrats are thinking about not participating but believe they should. And like every other select committee, there should be an equal number of congresspersons from both sides appointed.


When a question is asked of a witness, I'd like to see them say, "Sure, watch this". And hit "play" on the video player and play the response that was given during the fifteen or so hearings that have already been held.

Why? Because yesterday morning I listened to a republican, when prodded, reply to the question...

"Wasn't this already brought up before?"

with his reply being:

"Yes, but I wasn't happy with the answer."

Guess what, dimwit. The truth is in front of you face. Nobody cares if it satisfies you or not.

This is, indeed, political posturing at it's McCarthyite worst.
Susan Rice never said "the video" inspired Benghazi

It might be a good idea to actually review she said. Seems very different than what Republicans said she said.

Ya know what? I've been thinking about this.

I understand the democrats are thinking about not participating but believe they should. And like every other select committee, there should be an equal number of congresspersons from both sides appointed.


When a question is asked of a witness, I'd like to see them say, "Sure, watch this". And hit "play" on the video player and play the response that was given during the fifteen or so hearings that have already been held.

Why? Because yesterday morning I listened to a republican, when prodded, reply to the question...

"Wasn't this already brought up before?"

with his reply being:

"Yes, but I wasn't happy with the answer."

Guess what, dimwit. The truth is in front of you face. Nobody cares if it satisfies you or not.

This is, indeed, political posturing at it's McCarthyite worst.

I also believe Democrats should participate. Since all the other committees didn't go anywhere, why change now? Besides, Cummings turned Issa into "damaged goods". That wouldn't have happened if Cummings hadn't been there.
Has anyone gone back and actually reviewed Rice's original testimony?

Subpoena President Obama

This time they will be, and they'll be cross-referencing it.

SUSAN RICE: (THESE ARE EXACT WORDS... I didn't make them up!!!)

"based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi
as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy –
sparked by this hateful video.
But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements,
individuals, joined in that– in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent."
Actually, yes, Susan Rice did say the Benghazi attacks were spontaneous | WashingtonExaminer.com
EXACT WORDS... BEGAN with protest SPARKED by video!!!

So before Rice went on 5 talk shows... here is the MEMO!!!
The below memo (from the brother of the President of CBS News) put out how the objective is to protect the image of Obama during the prime time of the 2012 re-election and keep from showing "a broader failure of policy"... at the price of American lives...

From Ben Rhodes Memo Friday, September 14, 2012


* To convey that the United States is doing everything that we can to protect our people and facilities abroad.

* To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;

* To show that we will be resolute in bringing people who harm americans to justice, and standing steadfast through these protests'

* To reinforce the President and Administration's strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.


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Susan Rice never said "the video" inspired Benghazi

It might be a good idea to actually review she said. Seems very different than what Republicans said she said.

I am not sure what your point is, other than that you didn't actually read your link.

Oh didn't I? What part did I "miss"?

This part here where she says it's the video.
"our current assessment is that what happened in benghazi was, in fact, initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video".
I think the pt is that the WH spun the story to keep it away from being a campaign issue about "is Obama's for policy in the ME a failure" instead of the message "we killed bin laden and al queda's on the run."

Personally, I think Benghazi itself has run the course, and Hillary's right about what could have been done to have better security. But, there is still the question for Hill the candidate, assuming she runs, as to what her for policy would be, and what she learned.

Of course, the gop still has two different for policies, and probably needs to decide: Randian Paul Isolationism of John "boom boom Tehran" McCain.
Susan Rice never said "the video" inspired Benghazi

It might be a good idea to actually review she said. Seems very different than what Republicans said she said.

So what, she was lying to the public for weeks when the "most open Administration in history" knew the exact opposite was true.

The truth being "Obama watched as they died" and that there was a "stand down order". Right? Right?


If it was such a trivial thing, why lie?
Let's see, RDean, Susan Rice, MSNBC and Daily Kos. What's not to believe?:eek:

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