Has anyone seen The Innocence of Muslims??

This isn't about what Jesus said. This is about your bs trying to pull up a verse. I gave you the real translation in post 97. You see how very few word differences can change the whole meaning of it?

And I gave you the online and hard copy verses which both say the same thing. There is no word differences, only numbering differences. The verse still reads:

"And kill them where ever ye shall find them,and eject them from whatever place they have ejected you,for civil discord74 is worse than carnage: yet attack them not at the sacred mosque,unless they attack you therein;but if they attack you,slay them. Such is the reward of infidels."

Now find a place where Jesus said to kill anyone.
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This isn't about what Jesus said. This is about your bs trying to pull up a verse. I gave you the real translation in post 97. You see how very few word differences can change the whole meaning of it?

And I gave you the online and hard copy verses which both say the same thing. There is no word differences, only numbering differences. The verse still reads:

"And kill them where ever ye shall find them,and eject them from whatever place they have ejected you,for civil discord74 is worse than carnage: yet attack them not at the sacred mosque,unless they attack you therein;but if they attack you,slay them. Such is the reward of infidels."

Now find a place where Jesus said to kill anyone.

No it doesn't. It says oppression is worse than killing to defend yourselves. The right one is in post 97 and I have a real copy translated in English that says that too.

And Jesus didn't come to lead a nation. I believe in Jesus and his people weren't threatened like Muhammad and his followers were. Not as near as much as them. Jesus also had a very short time so he was all about talking to people. And God said the verse not Muhammad
This isn't about what Jesus said. This is about your bs trying to pull up a verse. I gave you the real translation in post 97. You see how very few word differences can change the whole meaning of it?

And I gave you the online and hard copy verses which both say the same thing. There is no word differences, only numbering differences. The verse still reads:

"And kill them where ever ye shall find them,and eject them from whatever place they have ejected you,for civil discord74 is worse than carnage: yet attack them not at the sacred mosque,unless they attack you therein;but if they attack you,slay them. Such is the reward of infidels."

Now find a place where Jesus said to kill anyone.

No it doesn't. It says oppression is worse than killing to defend yourselves. The right one is in post 97 and I have a real copy translated in English that says that too.

And Jesus didn't come to lead a nation. I believe in Jesus and his people weren't threatened like Muhammad and his followers were. Not as near as much as them. Jesus also had a very short time so he was all about talking to people. And God said the verse not Muhammad

What proof do you have that God said it?
And I gave you the online and hard copy verses which both say the same thing. There is no word differences, only numbering differences. The verse still reads:

"And kill them where ever ye shall find them,and eject them from whatever place they have ejected you,for civil discord74 is worse than carnage: yet attack them not at the sacred mosque,unless they attack you therein;but if they attack you,slay them. Such is the reward of infidels."

Now find a place where Jesus said to kill anyone.

No it doesn't. It says oppression is worse than killing to defend yourselves. The right one is in post 97 and I have a real copy translated in English that says that too.

And Jesus didn't come to lead a nation. I believe in Jesus and his people weren't threatened like Muhammad and his followers were. Not as near as much as them. Jesus also had a very short time so he was all about talking to people. And God said the verse not Muhammad

What proof do you have that God said it?

What proof do you have that God told Jesus everything?

I believe in God so I don't need God to come and personally address me
No it doesn't. It says oppression is worse than killing to defend yourselves. The right one is in post 97 and I have a real copy translated in English that says that too.

And Jesus didn't come to lead a nation. I believe in Jesus and his people weren't threatened like Muhammad and his followers were. Not as near as much as them. Jesus also had a very short time so he was all about talking to people. And God said the verse not Muhammad

What proof do you have that God said it?

What proof do you have that God told Jesus everything?

I believe in God so I don't need God to come and personally address me

What proof do you have that God said it?
What proof do you have that God said it?

What proof do you have that God told Jesus everything?

I believe in God so I don't need God to come and personally address me

What proof do you have that God said it?

What kind of proof do you want it? And if you're an atheist you should have told me that long ago I'm just wasting my time.

There is no literal proof if that's what you're asking as there is no literal proof Jesus spoke to God
What proof do you have that God told Jesus everything?

I believe in God so I don't need God to come and personally address me

What proof do you have that God said it?

What kind of proof do you want it? And if you're an atheist you should have told me that long ago I'm just wasting my time.

There is no literal proof if that's what you're asking as there is no literal proof Jesus spoke to God

You made a statement, what proof do you have that God said it?
What proof do you have that God said it?

What kind of proof do you want it? And if you're an atheist you should have told me that long ago I'm just wasting my time.

There is no literal proof if that's what you're asking as there is no literal proof Jesus spoke to God

You made a statement, what proof do you have that God said it?

On religons standard he would be a Prophet. And a few people that knew him actually witnessed Angel Gabriel in human form. That's my statement. So don't repeat your question. No one ask that question, a question of denial and ignorance. There isnt any literal proof. I don't go to Christians and tell them to prove to me Jesus spoke to God. It's childish
What kind of proof do you want it? And if you're an atheist you should have told me that long ago I'm just wasting my time.

There is no literal proof if that's what you're asking as there is no literal proof Jesus spoke to God

You made a statement, what proof do you have that God said it?

On religons standard he would be a Prophet. And a few people that knew him actually witnessed Angel Gabriel in human form. That's my statement. So don't repeat your question. No one ask that question, a question of denial and ignorance. There isnt any literal proof. I don't go to Christians and tell them to prove to me Jesus spoke to God. It's childish

Not sure how Mohammad being a prophet matters unless you said that Mohammad said it. You didn't, this is what you said.

God said the verse not Muhammad

What proof do you have that God said it?
You made a statement, what proof do you have that God said it?

On religons standard he would be a Prophet. And a few people that knew him actually witnessed Angel Gabriel in human form. That's my statement. So don't repeat your question. No one ask that question, a question of denial and ignorance. There isnt any literal proof. I don't go to Christians and tell them to prove to me Jesus spoke to God. It's childish

Not sure how Mohammad being a prophet matters unless you said that Mohammad said it. You didn't, this is what you said.

God said the verse not Muhammad

What proof do you have that God said it?

To me my beliefs, and it's the Koran not from Muhamamds POV. This is the message that Gabriel sent from God in Islamic beliefs. I believe it. Youre a Christian that doesn't. End of story
On religons standard he would be a Prophet. And a few people that knew him actually witnessed Angel Gabriel in human form. That's my statement. So don't repeat your question. No one ask that question, a question of denial and ignorance. There isnt any literal proof. I don't go to Christians and tell them to prove to me Jesus spoke to God. It's childish

Not sure how Mohammad being a prophet matters unless you said that Mohammad said it. You didn't, this is what you said.

God said the verse not Muhammad

What proof do you have that God said it?

To me my beliefs, and it's the Koran not from Muhamamds POV. This is the message that Gabriel sent from God in Islamic beliefs. I believe it. Youre a Christian that doesn't. End of story

Strangely enough, the Qur'an makes the claim that Gabriel dictated it to Muhammad. That makes your beliefs wrong by your own religion. I can now conclude that you aren't really a Muslim. Go back to playing with your dolls and stop pretending to be what you are not.
Not sure how Mohammad being a prophet matters unless you said that Mohammad said it. You didn't, this is what you said.

What proof do you have that God said it?

To me my beliefs, and it's the Koran not from Muhamamds POV. This is the message that Gabriel sent from God in Islamic beliefs. I believe it. Youre a Christian that doesn't. End of story

Strangely enough, the Qur'an makes the claim that Gabriel dictated it to Muhammad. That makes your beliefs wrong by your own religion. I can now conclude that you aren't really a Muslim. Go back to playing with your dolls and stop pretending to be what you are not.

You almost sound like you're talking to yourself. And no it doesn't make my beliefs wrong. Gabirel didn't dictate,Muhamamd had accepted his request and they read. You don't decide who's a Muslim or not. You're a conservative fucking retarded bigot. Nothing you says makes any sense. You believe everything you say. And quit preaching your bigotry dumbassed faggot. Keep your mouth shut if you aren't mentally capable of having a decent and atleast semi respectful discussion.
This isn't about what Jesus said. This is about your bs trying to pull up a verse. I gave you the real translation in post 97. You see how very few word differences can change the whole meaning of it?

And I gave you the online and hard copy verses which both say the same thing. There is no word differences, only numbering differences. The verse still reads:

"And kill them where ever ye shall find them,and eject them from whatever place they have ejected you,for civil discord74 is worse than carnage: yet attack them not at the sacred mosque,unless they attack you therein;but if they attack you,slay them. Such is the reward of infidels."

Now find a place where Jesus said to kill anyone.

No it doesn't. It says oppression is worse than killing to defend yourselves. The right one is in post 97 and I have a real copy translated in English that says that too.

And Jesus didn't come to lead a nation. I believe in Jesus and his people weren't threatened like Muhammad and his followers were. Not as near as much as them. Jesus also had a very short time so he was all about talking to people. And God said the verse not Muhammad

I told you the numbering on the online Koran is different from the hard copy. Honestly I don't know how that can be because if the Bible was that off Brother Bible Thumper and sister Mary Holy Roller would be all over the creators of the site like white on rice. John 3:16 better damn well read:

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Hey, not my book, not my mumberin system.

Wrong, Jesus spent his ministry with the Pharisee's plotting against him

Matthew 12:14
Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.

Matthew 22:15

King James Version (KJV)

15 Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.

Matthew 22:34-36
34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.

35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Matthew 27

King James Version (KJV)

27 When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death:

Even when they plotted to kill him Jesus didn't raise a hand to kill them. When Peter cut off the ear of one of those arresting Jesus,he told Peter to stop and then healed the mans ear.

What part of Jesus' teachings did Mohammad keep?
I watched it. I don't have any love for Muslims but I thought the whole things was just plain stupid and very cheaply made. If the muslims wanted to raise hell, they should have been raising hell about what a dumb assed movie it was not because they considered it an insult to Allah.
Laughin reaper I'm willing to discuss with you but don't keep listing quotes from the bible. Every Prophet was differen than each other. None were like Jesus. Muhamamd was similar to Moses and Abraham.
Laughin reaper I'm willing to discuss with you but don't keep listing quotes from the bible. Every Prophet was differen than each other. None were like Jesus. Muhamamd was similar to Moses and Abraham.

I quoted things from the life of Jesus,who is supposed to be a prophet in Islam,why is that a problem?
Some Muslims riot over cartoon pictures which are insulting to the old pig-dog Mohammed.

Others pretend that saying shit about the old pedophile is inconsequential.

But they'd likely want to slice your head off, if they had the chance, just for noting that the old sociopathic vile scumbag WAS a pedophile.

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