Has anyone seen The Innocence of Muslims??

No it isn't a problem. But there isn't a need for it. You know as a Christian you're supposed to believe in the other prophets such as Abraham or Moses or Joseph? Right?
Liability you're too foolish for this discussion. Let people have a real discussion. I told her all prophets are different and she ignored me and came back with a cowardly and ignorant deflection. She doesn't know how to speak for herself. You are a racist and bigoted dipshit against Muslims. We all know how hateful you are. Just keep out of this discussion
Liability you're too foolish for this discussion. Let people have a real discussion. I told her all prophets are different and she ignored me and came back with a cowardly and ignorant deflection. She doesn't know how to speak for herself. You are a racist and bigoted dipshit against Muslims. We all know how hateful you are. Just keep out of this discussion

BecauseYouBlow, you flatter yourself when you imagine that you are up to the task of ANY intelligent discussion.

But it is amusing to see you prattle on about all the many things you have no clue on.

And you are also a flat out liar. I like Muslims. It's ISLAM that I find hideous, you dishonest low-life scumbag.

Now, as to what discussions I participate in or "stay out of," you should probably be able to grasp by now that asshole scumbag pussy motherfuckers like you get NO say in that.

So, eat shit some more, you complete fail. :thup:

Why would ANY intelligent person accept as truthful ANYTHING said by the pedophile Mohammed, anyway?
Yo bro I don't care about your ranting. It's stupid and annoying. This is the last time I'm gonna ask you to stop and don't interfere with this discussion I was having. I never addressed you
Laughin reaper I'm willing to discuss with you but don't keep listing quotes from the bible. Every Prophet was differen than each other. None were like Jesus. Muhamamd was similar to Moses and Abraham.

Moses and Abraham used lies to gain advantages over people who came to them for protection? Can you tell when, or should we just assume you know even less about the Old Testament than you do about the Qur'an?
Laughin reaper I'm willing to discuss with you but don't keep listing quotes from the bible. Every Prophet was differen than each other. None were like Jesus. Muhamamd was similar to Moses and Abraham.

Moses and Abraham used lies to gain advantages over people who came to them for protection? Can you tell when, or should we just assume you know even less about the Old Testament than you do about the Qur'an?

I'm confused so are you an atheist/agnostic? You can't claim to be Christian and reject Moses and Abraham. Me myself I believe in both of the God blessed prophets
To me my beliefs, and it's the Koran not from Muhamamds POV. This is the message that Gabriel sent from God in Islamic beliefs. I believe it. Youre a Christian that doesn't. End of story

Strangely enough, the Qur'an makes the claim that Gabriel dictated it to Muhammad. That makes your beliefs wrong by your own religion. I can now conclude that you aren't really a Muslim. Go back to playing with your dolls and stop pretending to be what you are not.

You almost sound like you're talking to yourself. And no it doesn't make my beliefs wrong. Gabirel didn't dictate,Muhamamd had accepted his request and they read. You don't decide who's a Muslim or not. You're a conservative fucking retarded bigot. Nothing you says makes any sense. You believe everything you say. And quit preaching your bigotry dumbassed faggot. Keep your mouth shut if you aren't mentally capable of having a decent and atleast semi respectful discussion.

I know more about Islam than you, which is surprising considering that I learned about Islam from members of the Nation of Islam. I have no reason to be respectful to anyone that thinks calling people faggots is an appropriate response to anything. Only bigots think calling people by names that upset them is going to hurt anyone.
Strangely enough, the Qur'an makes the claim that Gabriel dictated it to Muhammad. That makes your beliefs wrong by your own religion. I can now conclude that you aren't really a Muslim. Go back to playing with your dolls and stop pretending to be what you are not.

You almost sound like you're talking to yourself. And no it doesn't make my beliefs wrong. Gabirel didn't dictate,Muhamamd had accepted his request and they read. You don't decide who's a Muslim or not. You're a conservative fucking retarded bigot. Nothing you says makes any sense. You believe everything you say. And quit preaching your bigotry dumbassed faggot. Keep your mouth shut if you aren't mentally capable of having a decent and atleast semi respectful discussion.

I know more about Islam than you, which is surprising considering that I learned about Islam from members of the Nation of Islam. I have no reason to be respectful to anyone that thinks calling people faggots is an appropriate response to anything. Only bigots think calling people by names that upset them is going to hurt anyone.

You did all the name calling and insulting. And you can believe you know more about me all you want. Nation of Islam taught you? Ahahha wow :lol:

If you're an atheist then don't come on these religon discusions none of it matters to you so why are you dismissing every Prophet
You're the biggest bigot on the board too, are you seriously trying to claim you're not a bigot? What a joke
No it isn't a problem. But there isn't a need for it. You know as a Christian you're supposed to believe in the other prophets such as Abraham or Moses or Joseph? Right?

Joseph wasn't a prophet. By the way, Christians don't think of Moses and Abraham as other people's prophets. come to think of it, neither do Muslims.
Laughin reaper I'm willing to discuss with you but don't keep listing quotes from the bible. Every Prophet was differen than each other. None were like Jesus. Muhamamd was similar to Moses and Abraham.

Moses and Abraham used lies to gain advantages over people who came to them for protection? Can you tell when, or should we just assume you know even less about the Old Testament than you do about the Qur'an?

I'm confused so are you an atheist/agnostic? You can't claim to be Christian and reject Moses and Abraham. Me myself I believe in both of the God blessed prophets

Care to point out where I rejected anyone but you?
You almost sound like you're talking to yourself. And no it doesn't make my beliefs wrong. Gabirel didn't dictate,Muhamamd had accepted his request and they read. You don't decide who's a Muslim or not. You're a conservative fucking retarded bigot. Nothing you says makes any sense. You believe everything you say. And quit preaching your bigotry dumbassed faggot. Keep your mouth shut if you aren't mentally capable of having a decent and atleast semi respectful discussion.

I know more about Islam than you, which is surprising considering that I learned about Islam from members of the Nation of Islam. I have no reason to be respectful to anyone that thinks calling people faggots is an appropriate response to anything. Only bigots think calling people by names that upset them is going to hurt anyone.

You did all the name calling and insulting. And you can believe you know more about me all you want. Nation of Islam taught you? Ahahha wow :lol:

If you're an atheist then don't come on these religon discusions none of it matters to you so why are you dismissing every Prophet

I called you a faggot? Where?
No it isn't a problem. But there isn't a need for it. You know as a Christian you're supposed to believe in the other prophets such as Abraham or Moses or Joseph? Right?

Joseph wasn't a prophet. By the way, Christians don't think of Moses and Abraham as other people's prophets. come to think of it, neither do Muslims.

Which Jospeh are you talking about? You're confusing Joseph. And I never said Christians or Muslims see them as other people's prophets. They see them as their prophets as well. And you accused Moses and Abraham of lying. So which one are you for?
I know more about Islam than you, which is surprising considering that I learned about Islam from members of the Nation of Islam. I have no reason to be respectful to anyone that thinks calling people faggots is an appropriate response to anything. Only bigots think calling people by names that upset them is going to hurt anyone.

You did all the name calling and insulting. And you can believe you know more about me all you want. Nation of Islam taught you? Ahahha wow :lol:

If you're an atheist then don't come on these religon discusions none of it matters to you so why are you dismissing every Prophet

I called you a faggot? Where?

Doesn't matter what you called. In many other threads you have called me many names and you are extremely bigoted against Muslims. I'm not doing your dirty for you either. You try to make it like your oblivious to your bigotry. Joke of the century
* * * * This is the last time I'm gonna ask you to stop and don't interfere with this discussion I was having. I never addressed you

Good. I'm tired of having to read your imbecile directions or would be commands.

I will discuss it with you or without you at times of my choosing. That's true with or without your approval, too, you dishonest loser.

I am addressing YOU, you hapless fuckwit. You are never obligated to reply. Pussies like you often just turn tail and run.
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Now, back ON topic (BecauseYouBlow need not reply):

The "movie" that allegedly led to the mindless rioting of so many ignorant Islamic types is a piece of shit. It is really just a poor "movie." It says ignorant shit.

The pedophile Mohammed does not have to get lied about to demonstrate what a clusterfuck of imbecility Islam is.
Not at all you ranted. There's no point of replying to a hardheaded unemployed racist.

You might try to learn English, too, you low-life dip-shit.

I did not rant. I stated a point of view. That point of view is warranted by facts -- which is truth even if it offends you, you little dishonest pin head.

I am employed pretty well, by the way. So, you should stop projecting from the basement of somebody else's home. :thup:
I don't agree with the rioting at all, and it was a poor movie. That's my stance and it still was very minor of the population. That's all I can say about that. We got off topic when reaper asked questions and listed her observation of quotes. And I corrected her/him. And she went on to claim other things.

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