Has anyone seen The Innocence of Muslims??

I never met a Muslim at all? Who were those people that invited me into their home to discuss the Qur'an after I visited the first Mosque built in Tyler, TX? Come to think of it, who were all those people in that Mosque? What about those people I met way back in 1984 who apologized to me about the way their country, which was Iran, treated the American hostages after their car broke down and I gave them a ride to the hospital? If they weren't Muslims why did they say they were?

:clap2: you still hate Muslims

Actually, I despise Islam.

I see it as the same thing. Judaism and Islam are no different. Moses and Muhamamd are exactly the same. So you despise Judaism and Islam. Cool
:clap2: you still hate Muslims

Actually, I despise Islam.

I see it as the same thing. Judaism and Islam are no different. Moses and Muhamamd are exactly the same. So you despise Judaism and Islam. Cool

Moses never slaughtered anyone he made a pact to protect, even after he found out they deceived him.

Mohammad did even though they were upfront and never betrayed their side of the deal.

Want to explain how they were exactly the same
Actually, I despise Islam.

I see it as the same thing. Judaism and Islam are no different. Moses and Muhamamd are exactly the same. So you despise Judaism and Islam. Cool

Moses never slaughtered anyone he made a pact to protect, even after he found out they deceived him.

Mohammad did even though they were upfront and never betrayed their side of the deal.

Want to explain how they were exactly the same

Exodus 32:27 Then he said to them, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.'"

Moses Was A War Criminal (The Bible Tells Us So) « The Ugly Truth

Btw those you spoke of broke the pact with Muslims

Moses wasn't in risk of annihilation either. Muhammad and the few Muslims had to be really careful to survive

Muhammad never ordered for boy children and women to be killed after any battle

This is your bible that claims that. We Muslims don't believe he ordered women and children to be killed. But you take your bible as the word. So I'm gonna be fair with you
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Laughin reaper I'm willing to discuss with you but don't keep listing quotes from the bible. Every Prophet was differen than each other. None were like Jesus. Muhamamd was similar to Moses and Abraham.

None were like Jesus, why do you think that is?
Laughin reaper I'm willing to discuss with you but don't keep listing quotes from the bible. Every Prophet was differen than each other. None were like Jesus. Muhamamd was similar to Moses and Abraham.

None were like Jesus, why do you think that is?

I already answered you earlier go look for the post

They were all as religous as each other if not more.
I don't agree with the rioting at all, and it was a poor movie. That's my stance and it still was very minor of the population. That's all I can say about that. We got off topic when reaper asked questions and listed her observation of quotes. And I corrected her/him. And she went on to claim other things.

You corrected a discrepancy between the online Koran and the Hard copy Koran. It's not my fault Muslims can't get the numbering on the various interpetations of Koran uniform. That said the verse I quoted was entirely correct. As for the patriarchs and Moses yeah I know about them.
I don't agree with the rioting at all, and it was a poor movie. That's my stance and it still was very minor of the population. That's all I can say about that. We got off topic when reaper asked questions and listed her observation of quotes. And I corrected her/him. And she went on to claim other things.

You corrected a discrepancy between the online Koran and the Hard copy Koran. It's not my fault Muslims can't get the numbering on the various interpetations of Koran uniform. That said the verse I quoted was entirely correct. As for the patriarchs and Moses yeah I know about them.

Why are you so bigoted against Muhamamd if you know what Moses did? I'll never understand...you don't need to explain...you are bigoted I get it. And every Koran Muslims read in Arabic says what I posted
I don't agree with the rioting at all, and it was a poor movie. That's my stance and it still was very minor of the population. That's all I can say about that. We got off topic when reaper asked questions and listed her observation of quotes. And I corrected her/him. And she went on to claim other things.

You corrected a discrepancy between the online Koran and the Hard copy Koran. It's not my fault Muslims can't get the numbering on the various interpetations of Koran uniform. That said the verse I quoted was entirely correct. As for the patriarchs and Moses yeah I know about them.

Why are you so bigoted against Muhamamd if you know what Moses did? I'll never understand...you don't need to explain...you are bigoted I get it. And every Koran Muslims read in Arabic says what I posted

:bang3: Well I don't read Arabic and the English versions of the Koran have different things listed for that verse.

Hardcopy gives 2:191 as what you said

Online lists 2:191 And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

Online lists the verse you gave as
[2.195] And spend in the way of Allah and cast not yourselves to perdition with your own hands, and do good (to others); surely Allah loves the doers of good.

Do you understand? The numbering is not same for the online koran. If you don't believe me look it up yourself. Personally I read the online Koran for reasons I have already stated and never noticed the difference between the two versions. I have many versions of the Bible and never had this problem. It never occured to me such a differece would occur in the different versions of Korans.

If the online Koran is in error, it is not my place as a Christian to request they correct it, that is for Muslims to determine because it is your book. Link below.

The Koran

FTR I'm a female BTW
I gave you the right verse. And you're a female? That's fine...

You took it out of context as well. It was a rules of war like chapter
I gave you the right verse. And you're a female? That's fine...

You took it out of context as well. It was a rules of war like chapter

That was the point I was trying to make. If Jesus was a Prophet in Islam, and he never advocated violence in any way, why does Mohammad undo Jesus' teachings? It's not like Jesus' mission was a fail, quite the opposite. He took 12 men, preached a non violent approach to God and Life and it exploded into Christianity and spread like wildfire by just words. Why then would allah need to send Mohammad to undo Jesus' peaceful teachings, that are working very well, and create a religion that through him that centers on violence and got conversion at the point of a sword. That to me makes no sense. Why go back to warring?
I gave you the right verse. And you're a female? That's fine...

You took it out of context as well. It was a rules of war like chapter

That was the point I was trying to make. If Jesus was a Prophet in Islam, and he never advocated violence in any way, why does Mohammad undo Jesus' teachings? It's not like Jesus' mission was a fail, quite the opposite. He took 12 men, preached a non violent approach to God and Life and it exploded into Christianity and spread like wildfire by just words. Why then would allah need to send Mohammad to undo Jesus' peaceful teachings, that are working very well, and create a religion that through him that centers on violence and got conversion at the point of a sword. That to me makes no sense. Why go back to warring?

Muhammad had a nation to lead. Muhammad had qualities from all Prophets. He needed them as the final Prophet and the final warning. He was known for his respect to people and his patience. That's what attracted people to Islam. Islam doesn't force anyone to convert. Moses did according to the bible. Are you aware there where Christian tribe leaders and Jewish tribe leaders who all had pacts with Muhamamd. They didn't want them persecuted. And Muhamamd didn't force them at all. They existed. Muslims were a minority at the time of Muhamamd in Arabia. They grew later
I gave you the right verse. And you're a female? That's fine...

You took it out of context as well. It was a rules of war like chapter

Ever since I first got on the internet 15 years ago, people have always mistaken me for a man. IDK why. Some of them, when I told them I was a woman insisted I was a gay man pretending to be a woman. If you Mistook me for a man, don't worry almost every board does at first.
I gave you the right verse. And you're a female? That's fine...

You took it out of context as well. It was a rules of war like chapter

Ever since I first got on the internet 15 years ago, people have always mistaken me for a man. IDK why. Some of them, when I told them I was a woman insisted I was a gay man pretending to be a woman. If you Mistook me for a man, don't worry almost every board does at first.

I actually thought you were a women :) anyway

That's why I got angry and called you a whore earlier. I apologize though :)
I see it as the same thing. Judaism and Islam are no different. Moses and Muhamamd are exactly the same. So you despise Judaism and Islam. Cool

Moses never slaughtered anyone he made a pact to protect, even after he found out they deceived him.

Mohammad did even though they were upfront and never betrayed their side of the deal.

Want to explain how they were exactly the same

Exodus 32:27 Then he said to them, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.'"

Moses Was A War Criminal (The Bible Tells Us So) « The Ugly Truth

Btw those you spoke of broke the pact with Muslims

Moses wasn't in risk of annihilation either. Muhammad and the few Muslims had to be really careful to survive

Muhammad never ordered for boy children and women to be killed after any battle

This is your bible that claims that. We Muslims don't believe he ordered women and children to be killed. But you take your bible as the word. So I'm gonna be fair with you

Strange, I don't see anything about him lying or him betraying a pact there.

You really should just shut up.
I don't agree with the rioting at all, and it was a poor movie. That's my stance and it still was very minor of the population. That's all I can say about that. We got off topic when reaper asked questions and listed her observation of quotes. And I corrected her/him. And she went on to claim other things.

You corrected a discrepancy between the online Koran and the Hard copy Koran. It's not my fault Muslims can't get the numbering on the various interpetations of Koran uniform. That said the verse I quoted was entirely correct. As for the patriarchs and Moses yeah I know about them.

Why are you so bigoted against Muhamamd if you know what Moses did? I'll never understand...you don't need to explain...you are bigoted I get it. And every Koran Muslims read in Arabic says what I posted

Moses never raped little girls.
Quantnam no one cares about you or what you say. Meanwhile it took me and reaper a couple dozen posts to agree a little bit and respect each other. Even though I already answered you many times.
What kind of sick priest teaches you to debate like that? It doesn't achieve anything and will only make people resent you
Quantnam no one cares about you or what you say. Meanwhile it took me and reaper a couple dozen posts to agree a little bit and respect each other. Even though I already answered you many times.

Reaper is a nice woman, I am an asshole, what's your point?

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