Has anyone seen The Innocence of Muslims??

Quantnam no one cares about you or what you say. Meanwhile it took me and reaper a couple dozen posts to agree a little bit and respect each other. Even though I already answered you many times.

Reaper is a nice woman, I am an asshole, what's your point?

Cool:cool: go away. You are here for trolls and not real discussion

I need to find someone who can actually discuss things, all you can do is flail around hoping something you say makes sense.
Cool:cool: go away. You are here for trolls and not real discussion

I need to find someone who can actually discuss things, all you can do is flail around hoping something you say makes sense.

I answered everything multiple times. You are here for the trolls though :cool:. Learn to be professional

You did? You never showed me where Abraham, Moses, or any of the other prophets ordered a massacre of people they made a pact with. Joshua was deceived by the the inhabitants of Gibeon who entered into a pact with him under false pretenses. Even though they lied to him he still honored his word to them by not having them put to death. Mohammad, on the other hand, was a thief, a liar, and had no problem killing people he agreed to protect, even if they honored their agreements.

You never showed me why you think Mohammad never had sex with his wives despite the fact that the Qur'an clearly says it would be wrong for him not to do so. In fact, he actually justified his having sex with widows because he was a prophet.

I have debated with children that can do a better job than you of answering my questions.
I need to find someone who can actually discuss things, all you can do is flail around hoping something you say makes sense.

I answered everything multiple times. You are here for the trolls though :cool:. Learn to be professional

You did? You never showed me where Abraham, Moses, or any of the other prophets ordered a massacre of people they made a pact with. Joshua was deceived by the the inhabitants of Gibeon who entered into a pact with him under false pretenses. Even though they lied to him he still honored his word to them by not having them put to death. Mohammad, on the other hand, was a thief, a liar, and had no problem killing people he agreed to protect, even if they honored their agreements.

You never showed me why you think Mohammad never had sex with his wives despite the fact that the Qur'an clearly says it would be wrong for him not to do so. In fact, he actually justified his having sex with widows because he was a prophet.

I have debated with children that can do a better job than you of answering my questions.

Bullshit. Look back again. I answered you and I ain't answering a bigoted troll again. :cool: go away no one wants you here. Me and reaper are having a sexy and respectful conversation :D
I answered everything multiple times. You are here for the trolls though :cool:. Learn to be professional

You did? You never showed me where Abraham, Moses, or any of the other prophets ordered a massacre of people they made a pact with. Joshua was deceived by the the inhabitants of Gibeon who entered into a pact with him under false pretenses. Even though they lied to him he still honored his word to them by not having them put to death. Mohammad, on the other hand, was a thief, a liar, and had no problem killing people he agreed to protect, even if they honored their agreements.

You never showed me why you think Mohammad never had sex with his wives despite the fact that the Qur'an clearly says it would be wrong for him not to do so. In fact, he actually justified his having sex with widows because he was a prophet.

I have debated with children that can do a better job than you of answering my questions.

Bullshit. Look back again. I answered you and I ain't answering a bigoted troll again. :cool: go away no one wants you here. Me and reaper are having a sexy and respectful conversation :D

Show me one time Isa lied, just one.
You did? You never showed me where Abraham, Moses, or any of the other prophets ordered a massacre of people they made a pact with. Joshua was deceived by the the inhabitants of Gibeon who entered into a pact with him under false pretenses. Even though they lied to him he still honored his word to them by not having them put to death. Mohammad, on the other hand, was a thief, a liar, and had no problem killing people he agreed to protect, even if they honored their agreements.

You never showed me why you think Mohammad never had sex with his wives despite the fact that the Qur'an clearly says it would be wrong for him not to do so. In fact, he actually justified his having sex with widows because he was a prophet.

I have debated with children that can do a better job than you of answering my questions.

Bullshit. Look back again. I answered you and I ain't answering a bigoted troll again. :cool: go away no one wants you here. Me and reaper are having a sexy and respectful conversation :D

Show me one time Jesus lied, just one.

I don't believe Jesus lied. I love him more than you do. I believe he's a prophet but I don't go more than that with any prophet. And I already know you disagree and I don't want to talk about it. I already answered your questions earlier. You missed out or ignored them. So I leave it at that :cool: have a good day

And Muhammad didn't attack anyone they had a pact with. You're lying and not even backing up your claims
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God told Muhammad and the very few Muslims they can defend themselves if they are attacked

Muhammad served Ba'al, not god. And Ba'al is nothing more than a hunk of stone, a meteorite that you bow to and worship. The stone god you worship never told the Warlord Muhammad anything, stone doesn't talk. The only revelation Muhammad. piss be upon him, ever had was that through violence and the force of arms he could take what he wanted.
God told Muhammad and the very few Muslims they can defend themselves if they are attacked

Muhammad served Ba'al, not god. And Ba'al is nothing more than a hunk of stone, a meteorite that you bow to and worship. The stone god you worship never told the Warlord Muhammad anything, stone doesn't talk. The only revelation Muhammad. piss be upon him, ever had was that through violence and the force of arms he could take what he wanted.

no one cares about you:cool:....go make some friends or do something fun you need relaxation

Why do you keep avoiding the question?

Have you traveled to Saudi Arabia, gone on Hajj to the Kaaba, and kissed the idol?

Are you embarrassed to answer? Isn't it the duty of every Muslim to travel to the idol?

{Performing these rituals, known as the Hajj, is the fifth pillar of Islam and the most significant manifestation of Islamic faith and unity. Undertaking the Hajj at least once is a duty for Muslims who are physically and financially able to make the journey to Makkah.}


So have you gone to Mecca, and kissed the idol of Ba'al ne Allah?

no one cares about you:cool:....go make some friends or do something fun you need relaxation

Why do you keep avoiding the question?

Have you traveled to Saudi Arabia, gone on Hajj to the Kaaba, and kissed the idol?

Are you embarrassed to answer? Isn't it the duty of every Muslim to travel to the idol?

{Performing these rituals, known as the Hajj, is the fifth pillar of Islam and the most significant manifestation of Islamic faith and unity. Undertaking the Hajj at least once is a duty for Muslims who are physically and financially able to make the journey to Makkah.}


So have you gone to Mecca, and kissed the idol of Ba'al ne Allah?


boohoo no one cares :cool:. White supremacist internet tough guy

no one cares about you:cool:....go make some friends or do something fun you need relaxation

The comment posted by Uncensored2008 was a valid question.

The symbolism of the Hajj ritual is one of many aspects of Islam that calls to mind the ancient pagan roots from which islam was derived and which were instrumental in shaping the religion that Muhammad created. One such reminder is seen on the tenth day of Hajj (the compulsory pilgrimage to Mecca) in a ritual called ¡ramyu 'r rijam¡, during which Muslim pilgrims cast seven small stones each at three pillars symbolizing evil and the devil. Anthropologists would call this sympathetic magic, which is the ascription of magical properties to everyday acts and objects in an effort to control ones environment.
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boohoo no one cares :cool:. White supremacist internet tough guy

You throw out words, but you have no idea the meaning.

Me, a "white supremacist?"


You truly are a fool.

And where have I ever threatened anyone or challenged anyone to a fight?

What we have is a cowardly internet Jihadist - you; a liar for Allah attempting to deceive the Kafir. You don't like it that I call you out on it, you don't like it that I know Islam and can nail you on the details of your filthy religion.

So, have you been faithful to the 5th pillar and gone on the Hajj, to kiss the idol?
boohoo no one cares :cool:. White supremacist internet tough guy

You throw out words, but you have no idea the meaning.

Me, a "white supremacist?"


You truly are a fool.

And where have I ever threatened anyone or challenged anyone to a fight?

What we have is a cowardly internet Jihadist - you; a liar for Allah attempting to deceive the Kafir. You don't like it that I call you out on it, you don't like it that I know Islam and can nail you on the details of your filthy religion.

So, have you been faithful to the 5th pillar and gone on the Hajj, to kiss the idol?

You give me a good laugh :lol:. Go drink another beer "christian". You aren't part of Jesus. Jesus isn't for the white man. God never sent the white man prophets. Because they are vile racists. Jesus was a brown middle easterner. He isn't for people like you. Unless you can learn to be like him. Or any other Prophets in the Bible. Christians aren't like you. And Jesus isn't like you. Jesus would ask God to wipe you out. Because you are a useless person in God's eyes. Sorry to tell you the truth :). You can thank me later. And btw where in the Bible does God say you can stop following my Law in the future? God expects humans to follow his Law ever since the Bible to the end of the world. So you are telling God too bad God. I don't want to follow your laws. Because i am not capable of being a respectful, patient or religous person. Religon is for those who can follow it. Jesus followed religon. You don't :cool:
You give me a good laugh :lol:. Go drink another beer "christian".

I prefer wine, thanks. Is it your belief that anyone who doesn't bow to your idol is a "Christian?"

You aren't part of Jesus. Jesus isn't for the white man.


You're really quite stupid, you know?

God never sent the white man prophets. Because they are vile racists.

What about Joseph Smith, Jim Jones, and David Koresh? They are certainly equal to Muhammad. They all had followers who would murder for them, just as Muhammad did and does.

Joseph Smith even acknowledged Muhammad as a prophet, lesser than himself. Just as Muhammad acknowledged Jesus as a prophet lesser than he.

Jesus was a brown middle easterner.

Actually not. The Arabs migrated from North Africa in about the 4th century. This was due to the fact that the Mesopotamians, Persians, Meads, etc. had basically wiped themselves out from centuries of war with the Greeks and each other. They were all White, in fact the term "Aryan" comes from the Persians. The Arabs are invaders in the Middle East, originating from Africa.

He isn't for people like you. Unless you can learn to be like him. Or any other Prophets in the Bible. Christians aren't like you. And Jesus isn't like you. Jesus would ask God to wipe you out. Because you are a useless person in God's eyes. Sorry to tell you the truth :).

Jesus was a composite figure compiled by Saul of Tarsus. There is no evidence that the Jesus of the New Testament ever existed. The Jesus fabricated by Muslims certainly never existed. You took a myth, and perverted it to fit the desires of the Warlord.

You can thank me later. And btw where in the Bible does God say you can stop following my Law in the future?

Why would the bible tell anyone to follow your law?

Paul's Jesus dealt with the fulfillment of Jewish law, which your Warlord stole in very clumsy fashion.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17-18)

The Christian faith holds that the death and resurrection of Christ fulfilled the Mosaic law. Thus the significance of the words "It is finished" while Christ was on the cross.

Of course Muhammad changed Christ on the cross to Satan, whom Muhammad actually worshiped.

{"Behold! Allah said: O Jesus! I will take thee And raise thee to Myself And clear thee (of the falsehoods) Of those who blaspheme; I will make those Who follow thee superior To those who reject faith, To the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, And I will judge Between you of the matters wherein ye dispute." } (Surah 3:55)

Islam is a perversion of legitimate religion, just as the Warlord Muhammad is a perversion of a prophet.

God expects humans to follow his Law ever since the Bible to the end of the world. So you are telling God too bad God. I don't want to follow your laws. Because i am not capable of being a respectful, patient or religous person. Religon is for those who can follow it. Jesus followed religon. You don't :cool:

If there is a god, those following the death cult of murderous Islam will surely be doomed to hell. The followers of the false prophet, piss be upon him.
You don't believe Jesus existed? You're a Mormon? Lol Joseph smith is a prophet? Haha that explains it all. Don't worry about me Mormon boy. I'm fine without you :). Jesus was brown sorry to hurt your feelings
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