Has Bernie lured some off the Trump Train...adults who want to depend on other adults?

Millennials are twisted useless pieces of shits...they can't get out of their own way...The tolerant, noble fucking idiots beg to be fucked over for their ignorance....It's time to toughen up in this country and put ourselves first...Wetbacks have got to go home for any change to have a measurable affect.

Millenials are America's future. They are the generation that will pick up the mantle. They are America. If they fail America fails. I am with you on immigration.
So far Confounding and Angelo have made it clear; they not only like Beggin' Berns promise to rob our most productive to pay for their poor decisions...they also like that he is a "good" "honest guy" disliked by the "establishment"....I guess good honest guys like to steal others shit....Anyhoo, they haven't really told us what within his platform is attractive other than his promise to steal and pass out free shit....Come on fellas...do better.
If you wish to have an honest debate, please quote me directly instead
of Schiffty spin tactics and putting words in my mouth I never said.

Do better Huckleberry. C'mon.
By the way as we step into the future jobs will become more and more technical and require an education. Blue collar work is disappearing and will continue to. Investment in education is vital if we're going to have a commanding presence in the future.
earning less than who? I earned 4.50 an hour after I graduated.

Do you understand that 4.50 back then had a lot more buying power than it does today? Give me what I asked for. Will you state clearly that what I said is false?
no it didn't. you're confused. 4.50 was 4.50. That was 10k a year. I lived at home, eventually moved out to an apartment, had a car, had insurance, all under the 10k a year. I made it. I make six figures today, I've been at my company for 43 years. They want my salary today with no effort being made to rise through the ranks. Work in other words. So please, spare me your life choice crying. They make about 55k a year. gas is only a buck and half more than it was back then. rent is 10% greater of the costs back then where I lived then. I had to get a roommate to afford it. What you're advocating is them not having to endure the pain of aging.
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So far Confounding and Angelo have made it clear; they not only like Beggin' Berns promise to rob our most productive to pay for their poor decisions...they also like that he is a "good" "honest guy" disliked by the "establishment"....I guess good honest guys like to steal others shit....Anyhoo, they haven't really told us what within his platform is attractive other than his promise to steal and pass out free shit....Come on fellas...do better.
If you wish to have an honest debate, please quote me directly instead
of Schiffty spin tactics and putting words in my mouthg I never said.

Do better Huckleberry. C'mon.

My apologies if I misunderstood your position...Now tell us; other than free shit....what within his overall platform do you like?
Don't be shy, this should be simple for you.
Millenials are America's future. They are the generation that will pick up the mantle. They are America. If they fail America fails. I am with you on immigration.
God help us.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.
what does that mean? we have charitable organizations who take care of the poor and writing off those contributions. If you feel you need to give to them, you should. but you don't get to speak to me about what I spend my money on. And the government would never tell us where the money goes. so no thanks. Let's keep our charities working for the poor. or, you give up your money to the government. you can give them all of it.
the same week "Bernie honeymooned in the Soviet Union", you know who else was there? RONALD REAGAN!

the Cold War is over, my friends
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.

Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?

I discussed 2 groups. The second group is already making us prosperous.
no it didn't. you're confused.

What the fuck? Yes it did. A dollar is worth a lot less today than 30-40 years ago.
and salaries adjusted to make up for that inflation. As I already stated. But you're advocating they make what I make today, and sorry son, I earned my years of service for my salary. They don't get to graduate and make six figures on day one.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.
"take care of its own citizens"
Oh I didn't see that in Beggin Berns platform...so he's sending all wetbacks home and cutting them off the tit?

Are the "wetbacks" the only ones that will benefit from the "free shit" like medical care for those who cannot afford it?
By the way as we step into the future jobs will become more and more technical and require an education. Blue collar work is disappearing and will continue to. Investment in education is vital if we're going to have a commanding presence in the future.

What happens when technical advancement slows and everybody is an uber intellectual with meaningless degrees?
Shouldn't we bring back the core of America...industry and blue collar trades by sending wetbacks home? We have the means to make monumental improvements TODAY for the the low to middle class if we grabbed our balls and did whats right for Americans for once.
Bernie has a tempting message for people who struggle with high debt, low income or both. He has successfully identified the villain, all those greedy BILLIONAHS. He's going to take their money to fund his loan bailout and free stuff program. Sounds simple, too bad that wouldn't even come close to paying for his Socialist fantasy. Besides that the billionaires would leave, because they can.
what are the billionaires doing exactly? why can't we get an explanation? What do you think?

Oh that's easy they have the nerve to be wealthy while others struggle in debt.
Of course many of them are probably not irresponsible with their money... don't have drug habits, alcohol habits and gambling habits.... But that's beside the point!! Shame on them for being rich. We should kill them all immediately even the Democrat billionaires and take everything they own and spread it out so that everybody can have about forty-five bucks a piece.

that would squander it.
and salaries adjusted to make up for that inflation.

Not as much as you think. If you hit google and look even a little bit you will find a plethora or sources, some partisan and some not, that will confirm that millenials make less money than their parents and grandparents. It's irrefutable. They have it harder than you did.

Why Millennials Earn Less Than Their Parents | Bankrate.com

"Looking at historical data, though, that explanation may not tell the full story. A recent study by Resolution Foundation found that income growth between generations in eight “high-income” countries, including the United States, continues to slow. When Gen Xers reached ages 30-34, they saw a 30 percent income increase compared with the generation before, but millennials’ income level at the same age fell by 4 percent in comparison with Gen X.

Looking further back, a Young Invincibles’ analysis of Federal Reserve data shows that millennials’ net worth is only half what baby boomers held at the same age. Today’s millennials also earn 20 percent less in constant dollars than 25-34 year olds in 1989, when the demographic was populated by the youngest baby boomers.

A 2017 study by researchers at Harvard University, Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley put the data into a bigger long-term perspective. They found that absolute economic mobility, or the ability for children to earn more than their parents, has dropped by more than 40 percent since the 1940s.

Whereas baby boomers and the silent generation were almost certain (92 percent) to earn more than their parents, due to economic booms, increasingly accessible education and emerging industries, the study found that children born in the 1980s and beyond only have a 50 percent chance of attaining the same “American dream” of economic mobility."
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.
"take care of its own citizens"
Oh I didn't see that in Beggin Berns platform...so he's sending all wetbacks home and cutting them off the tit?

Are the "wetbacks" the only ones that will benefit from the "free shit" like medical care for those who cannot afford it?

Those who "can't afford it" are already getting free or taxpayer subsidized care...you didn't know that?
By the way as we step into the future jobs will become more and more technical and require an education. Blue collar work is disappearing and will continue to. Investment in education is vital if we're going to have a commanding presence in the future.

What happens when technical advancement slows and everybody is an uber intellectual with meaningless degrees?
Shouldn't we bring back the core of America...industry and blue collar trades by sending wetbacks home? We have the means to make monumental improvements TODAY for the the low to middle class if we grabbed our balls and did whats right for Americans for once.

We should do both. Close the border to useless people and work to help our young people face the future so America will continue to be a powerhouse. Otherwise our great grandchildren will be speaking Chinese.
Millennials are twisted useless pieces of shits...they can't get out of their own way...The tolerant, noble fucking idiots beg to be fucked over for their ignorance....It's time to toughen up in this country and put ourselves first...Wetbacks have got to go home for any change to have a measurable affect.

Millenials are America's future. They are the generation that will pick up the mantle. They are America. If they fail America fails. I am with you on immigration.
fine, let them earn it how we all earned it. hard fking work. Long hours, away from families. nothing gets handed to anyone not even me.

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