Has Bernie lured some off the Trump Train...adults who want to depend on other adults?

People can go to a school that is a community college and pay reasonably.

College is more expensive than you might think. Most young people end up stuck with lots of debt these days for having the audacity to seek a higher education. We can do better than this.

If one wants to go to a good school, why do you think it should be free?

It would put young people ahead, which is a vital necessity for the decades to come if America is to maintain world dominance. Most millennials are fucked right now. They can't afford to buy houses. They have little to nothing in savings. They're just getting by. If we don't figure out a way to empower young people the future looks very bleak. As much as it might hurt your pride it is simply the truth that from an economic standpoint young people today have it harder than older people did. If you were growing up in the world today you'd struggle a lot more than you did.

Public High Schools suck.

Do you think we'd be better off without them? Imperfect as they are they are extremely important. Public university will be imperfect too, but nevertheless it'll be a huge boon to our society, and decades after we do it we won't be able to imagine going back. You'd have to be a lunatic to think we shouldn't have public k-12. That would be a catastrophe.
t would put young people ahead, which is a vital necessity for the decades to come if America is to maintain world dominance. Most millennials are fucked right now. They can't afford to buy houses. They have little to nothing in savings. They're just getting by. If we don't figure out a way to empower young people the future looks very bleak. As much as it might hurt your pride it is simply the truth that from an economic standpoint young people today have it harder than older people did. If you were growing up in the world today you'd struggle a lot more than you did.

why are they different than any other generation? how are millennials more fked than me or you? you're odd.
I went to a tech school and a local University. stayed at my mom and dad's while I went to school. worked, made a living. paid my tuition. Everyone has that option.

Do you seriously believe an entire generation is just lazy, and that they don't actually have it harder economically than the generations that preceded them? No, not everybody can just do what you did. The world isn't that simple dude. Public universities would be a huge boon to our society, just like it is in countries that have done it already.
This goes for most Democrats too now basically.
you're lost. you must have missed all the billionaires who are demofks. wow. you're lost.
I went to a tech school and a local University. stayed at my mom and dad's while I went to school. worked, made a living. paid my tuition. Everyone has that option.

Do you seriously believe an entire generation is just lazy, and that they don't actually have it harder economically than the generations that preceded them? No, not everybody can just do what you did. The world isn't that simple dude. Public universities would be a huge boon to our society, just like they are in countries that have done it already.
how do they have it harder economically? explain.
So far Confounding and Angelo have made it clear; they not only like Beggin' Berns promise to rob our most productive to pay for their poor decisions...they also like that he is a "good" "honest guy" disliked by the "establishment"....I guess good honest guys like to steal others shit....Anyhoo, they haven't really told us what within his platform is attractive other than his promise to steal and pass out free shit....Come on fellas...do better.
The vast majority described themselves s 'Biden Moderates'.

Let's not forget that the meat puppet faggot did not campaign as the red diaper baby he is. He pretended to be a straight, moderate family oriented normal guy. Most of us know he was just a queer commie sociopath.

The fact he was elected again in 2012 signaled to the bed wetters that the door was open for a Stalinist and they remain convinced the country is full of people who want to purge those of us who revere the COTUS.

how do they have it harder economically? explain.

They earn a lot less money proportionate to the economy. Look up the statistics. A lot of young people are spending half of their income or MORE just to have a place to live. A lot of degrees now will put you 75k or more in debt. Not everybody can just go to a technical school. We still need teachers, nurses and other professions. It used to be a lot easier than it is now. You'll hear baby boomers talk about how they had a part time job to pay for their car, home AND college out of pocket. A lot of millenials are working 40+ hours a week just to have a place to live, a shitty car and some food on the table. They WISH they could pay for college out of pocket. Anybody that's being realistic and nonpartisan can see clear as day that it's a lot harder to get started in the world today.

It's easy for you to not perceive their struggles because you're not living their life. Want to know why young people are turning to actual socialism? Because they're desperate. Our current system is failing them.
how do they have it harder economically? explain.

They earn a lot less money proportionate to the economy. Look up the statistics. A lot of young people are spending half of their income or MORE just to have a place to live. A lot of degrees now will put you 75k or more in debt. Not everybody can just go to a technical school. We still need teachers, nurses and other professions. It used to be a lot easier than it is now. You'll hear baby boomers talk about how they had a part time job to pay for their car, home AND college out of pocket. A lot of millenials are working 40+ hours a week just to have a place to live, a shitty car and some food on the table. They WISH they could pay for college out of pocket. Anybody that's being realistic and nonpartisan can see clear as day that it's a lot harder to get started in the world today.

It's easy for you to not perceive their struggles because you're not living their life. Want to know why young people are turning to actual socialism? Because they're desperate. Our current system is failing them.
post a link then.

they shouldn't go to a four year university at the cost they did. Their decisions are not mine. I went where I could afford to go. why is it they should just get what I couldn't get? and no, not all college graduates are morons. just ones with a D next to their party. Normal students know they must payback their loans. And they get loans they can manage.
post a link then

Before I do that I want you to clearly state that you disagree with what I said. Are they not earning less? Are things not generally harder for them due to more daunting expenses?
The nordic's have more billionaires per capita then here.

They also have a happier and healthier population. Homelessness is almost nonexistent. Maybe that's because their way of doing things is better. ;) Why would a successful person prefer to live in a society like that? Hmm, I have no idea.

Dude, you gotta let go of that nordic comparison bullshit...The nordic countries are inhabited by likeminded citizenry's, a likeminded citizenry shares the same goals and cultural value systems...They aren't forced to foster 100 million illiterate thirdworlders...The dynamic in predominantly white nations is nowhere near the dynamic here among citizens.
I can almost see socialism working in large degree in just the right nation with just the right dynamic among citizens.
earning less than who? I earned 4.50 an hour after I graduated.

Do you understand that 4.50 back then had a lot more buying power than it does today? Give me what I asked for. Will you state clearly that what I said is false?
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.
How many Mexicans are they FORCED to foster?

I am with you on immigration. We cannot make our society better while we open the gates for penniless noncitizens. It's a difficult thing to convince the left that we can't have public college and healthcare and other good shit while at the same time letting in any useless person that manages to make it to the border. They're bad at logic and math.
Bernie has a tempting message for people who struggle with high debt, low income or both. He has successfully identified the villain, all those greedy BILLIONAHS. He's going to take their money to fund his loan bailout and free stuff program. Sounds simple, too bad that wouldn't even come close to paying for his Socialist fantasy. Besides that the billionaires would leave, because they can.
what are the billionaires doing exactly? why can't we get an explanation? What do you think?

Oh that's easy they have the nerve to be wealthy while others struggle in debt.
Of course many of them are probably not irresponsible with their money... don't have drug habits, alcohol habits and gambling habits.... But that's beside the point!! Shame on them for being rich. We should kill them all immediately even the Democrat billionaires and take everything they own and spread it out so that everybody can have about forty-five bucks a piece.

College is more expensive than you might think. Most young people end up stuck with lots of debt these days for having the audacity to seek a higher education. We can do better than this.

By the time kids reach the collegiate age we have invested $144k in them...that's $12k per year per child for 12 years. Should we pay for double masters, law school and med school as well?

It would put young people ahead, which is a vital necessity for the decades to come if America is to maintain world dominance. Most millennials are fucked right now. They can't afford to buy houses. They have little to nothing in savings. They're just getting by. If we don't figure out a way to empower young people the future looks very bleak. As much as it might hurt your pride it is simply the truth that from an economic standpoint young people today have it harder than older people did. If you were growing up in the world today you'd struggle a lot more than you did.

Millennials are twisted useless pieces of shits...they can't get out of their own way...The tolerant, noble fucking idiots beg to be fucked over for their ignorance....It's time to toughen up in this country and put ourselves first...Wetbacks have got to go home for any change to have a measurable affect.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.

Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.
"take care of its own citizens"
Oh I didn't see that in Beggin Berns platform...so he's sending all wetbacks home and cutting them off the tit?

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