Has Bernie lured some off the Trump Train...adults who want to depend on other adults?

You don't have a fking clue what I went through so practice your shaming some place else. I buried one wife, had medical bills out my ass. so spare me your insincerity. It's called life choices and one must live using the correct life choices.

You're not thinking pragmatically and that will lead to the U.S losing its way and no longer being in control of the reigns. I hope the Chinese are cool about everything when they take over the world. I doubt it but it's worth hoping.
I want illegals, gone, I want american jobs vs anywhere else on the planet. I'm pro US not globe. Jobs, jobs, jobs, and Trump is doing great for everyone, all minorities.
I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.
"take care of its own citizens"
Oh I didn't see that in Beggin Berns platform...so he's sending all wetbacks home and cutting them off the tit?

Are the "wetbacks" the only ones that will benefit from the "free shit" like medical care for those who cannot afford it?

Those who "can't afford it" are already getting free or taxpayer subsidized care...you didn't know that?

So you are saying that no American citizen is without healthcare?
correct no citizen is. anyone can go to a doctor.

And anyone can go into bankruptcy. 66.5% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical issues.
he can't, he'd be impeached. oh wait. LOL

Yeah, I get that he is limited. He needs to be more vocal though. He needs to be trashing idiot left wingers in debates about immigration.
he was, it won him an election. and instead of standing behind an incumbent president the congress ate him up and spit him out at his pro american objectives. To the point of taking him to court constantly. so again, spare me. I wasn't born fking yesterday.
"take care of its own citizens"
Oh I didn't see that in Beggin Berns platform...so he's sending all wetbacks home and cutting them off the tit?

Are the "wetbacks" the only ones that will benefit from the "free shit" like medical care for those who cannot afford it?

Those who "can't afford it" are already getting free or taxpayer subsidized care...you didn't know that?

So you are saying that no American citizen is without healthcare?
correct no citizen is. anyone can go to a doctor.

And anyone can go into bankruptcy. 66.5% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical issues.
yep, I didn't, I paid all of my bills. I put a young 30 year old in the ground as my reward. A daughter that lost her mother. Diabetes is the worse disease that exists.
I want illegals, gone, I want american jobs vs anywhere else on the planet. I'm pro US not globe. Jobs, jobs, jobs, and Trump is doing great for everyone, all minorities.

We should trade blockade China and fucking ruin their economy. It'd hurt us a bit too, but it would create a fuckload of jobs and industry state side in the long run. We'd be more self-sustaining.
By the way as we step into the future jobs will become more and more technical and require an education. Blue collar work is disappearing and will continue to. Investment in education is vital if we're going to have a commanding presence in the future.

What happens when technical advancement slows and everybody is an uber intellectual with meaningless degrees?
Shouldn't we bring back the core of America...industry and blue collar trades by sending wetbacks home? We have the means to make monumental improvements TODAY for the the low to middle class if we grabbed our balls and did whats right for Americans for once.

We will never bring back the golden years of blue collar industry. And that is not because of lazy millenials, shipping jobs overseas or even illegal immigrants.

Automation has cost us more jobs than those 3 things combined. It will never come back.

Homes will no longer be painted huh?

YOu think painting houses is the answer? lol I thought you were talking about industry.

You honestly didn't know that painting was a blue collar trade ruined by foreign slaves?

Is it ruined by foreign slaves or by people who want to save money?

I have never understood why an illegal alien is so reviled for charging less, but the people who hire them are ignored.

Yes, painting is a blue collar trade. But when you talk about industry, most people assume you mean factories and such.
I want illegals, gone, I want american jobs vs anywhere else on the planet. I'm pro US not globe. Jobs, jobs, jobs, and Trump is doing great for everyone, all minorities.

We should trade blockade China and fucking ruin their economy. It'd hurt us a bit too, but it would create a fuckload of jobs and industry state side in the long run. We'd be more self-sustaining.
yep, I was all for the trade war trump took on alone with no backing from anyone in congress. anyone. deport all illegals, get the wages up.
Are the "wetbacks" the only ones that will benefit from the "free shit" like medical care for those who cannot afford it?

Those who "can't afford it" are already getting free or taxpayer subsidized care...you didn't know that?

So you are saying that no American citizen is without healthcare?
correct no citizen is. anyone can go to a doctor.

And anyone can go into bankruptcy. 66.5% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical issues.
yep, I didn't, I paid all of my bills. I put a young 30 year old in the ground as my reward. A daughter that lost her mother. Diabetes is the worse disease that exists.

I applaud you for it. But most of those bankruptcies are not because they decided not to pay. It is because they were overwhelmed by high costs. Seniors are deciding between food and their medicines. That is not because of illegal aliens.

Diabetes is horrific. My condolences.
I want illegals, gone, I want american jobs vs anywhere else on the planet. I'm pro US not globe. Jobs, jobs, jobs, and Trump is doing great for everyone, all minorities.

We should trade blockade China and fucking ruin their economy. It'd hurt us a bit too, but it would create a fuckload of jobs and industry state side in the long run. We'd be more self-sustaining.
yep, I was all for the trade war trump took on alone with no backing from anyone in congress. anyone. deport all illegals, get the wages up.

Just a question. If the illegals are gone and the wages go up, won't prices go up accordingly?
Those who "can't afford it" are already getting free or taxpayer subsidized care...you didn't know that?

So you are saying that no American citizen is without healthcare?
correct no citizen is. anyone can go to a doctor.

And anyone can go into bankruptcy. 66.5% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical issues.
yep, I didn't, I paid all of my bills. I put a young 30 year old in the ground as my reward. A daughter that lost her mother. Diabetes is the worse disease that exists.

I applaud you for it. But most of those bankruptcies are not because they decided not to pay. It is because they were overwhelmed by high costs. Seniors are deciding between food and their medicines. That is not because of illegal aliens.

Diabetes is horrific. My condolences.
no, they allow you to pay at what you can pay. Dude, I did it, went to a lawyer had it financed at what I could afford. It took several years to pay off. but it can be done.
I want illegals, gone, I want american jobs vs anywhere else on the planet. I'm pro US not globe. Jobs, jobs, jobs, and Trump is doing great for everyone, all minorities.

We should trade blockade China and fucking ruin their economy. It'd hurt us a bit too, but it would create a fuckload of jobs and industry state side in the long run. We'd be more self-sustaining.
yep, I was all for the trade war trump took on alone with no backing from anyone in congress. anyone. deport all illegals, get the wages up.

Just a question. If the illegals are gone and the wages go up, won't prices go up accordingly?

Yes, but it'll be Americans working those jobs and earning those wages. Less oversaturation of uneducated workers will mean businesses the country over will have to offer more competitive wages for decent help. Yes, prices would go up, but the buying ability and net worth of average Americans would go up more.
I want illegals, gone, I want american jobs vs anywhere else on the planet. I'm pro US not globe. Jobs, jobs, jobs, and Trump is doing great for everyone, all minorities.

We should trade blockade China and fucking ruin their economy. It'd hurt us a bit too, but it would create a fuckload of jobs and industry state side in the long run. We'd be more self-sustaining.
yep, I was all for the trade war trump took on alone with no backing from anyone in congress. anyone. deport all illegals, get the wages up.

Just a question. If the illegals are gone and the wages go up, won't prices go up accordingly?
yes they will. It's called inflation, and it's been working wrongly since the Reagan years because of illegals wages.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?
Only GOP dupes believe people only vote for their own selfish interests. Really pathetic, brainwashed functional moron. You are perfect chumps of greedy idiot mega-rich GOP liars....the rich are getting away with murder while the rest pay too much in taxes and get too little back. What Sanders wants is what every other modern country has and they managed very well and are a hell of a lot happier than this mess. The worst upward mobility and inequality ever just keep getting worse.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.

Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?

I discussed 2 groups. The second group is already making us prosperous.

That really doesn't explain how they are making us prosperous.
Bernie has a tempting message for people who struggle with high debt, low income or both. He has successfully identified the villain, all those greedy BILLIONAHS. He's going to take their money to fund his loan bailout and free stuff program. Sounds simple, too bad that wouldn't even come close to paying for his Socialist fantasy. Besides that the billionaires would leave, because they can.
Bulshit every other modern country has everything Sanders is talking about Australia New Zealand Canada included. And they do just fine even though they are not as rich as we are. Or our Rich are, brainwashed functional moron. Way to wreck our middle class and working classa our infrastructure and respect around the world and the middle East for that matter. GOP is an ongoing disaster and disgrace.
Go back and see Wall Street again for a glimpse of what it was like before there were any billionaires, 30 years ago when a net worth of $50 - $100 million was considered being super - wealthy.

Now, guys like Bezos make twice that in a day.

I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.

Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?

I discussed 2 groups. The second group is already making us prosperous.

That really doesn't explain how they are making us prosperous.
Most of the country is not prosperous.you can't have a healthy economy without a healthy middle-class and working-class. Which we don't thanks to the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Trumpsters who recognize reality will be for the Democrat.
So you are saying that no American citizen is without healthcare?
correct no citizen is. anyone can go to a doctor.

And anyone can go into bankruptcy. 66.5% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical issues.
yep, I didn't, I paid all of my bills. I put a young 30 year old in the ground as my reward. A daughter that lost her mother. Diabetes is the worse disease that exists.

I applaud you for it. But most of those bankruptcies are not because they decided not to pay. It is because they were overwhelmed by high costs. Seniors are deciding between food and their medicines. That is not because of illegal aliens.

Diabetes is horrific. My condolences.
no, they allow you to pay at what you can pay. Dude, I did it, went to a lawyer had it financed at what I could afford. It took several years to pay off. but it can be done.

And many people do it. I did it too.

But that does not change the fact that many people cannot do it.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.

Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?

I discussed 2 groups. The second group is already making us prosperous.

That really doesn't explain how they are making us prosperous.

Ok, I will break it down for you.

When I referred to some of the voters as "But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens", I meant those who work and earn a living. They pay taxes. They spend money which helps the economy. That is prosperity.

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