Has Bernie lured some off the Trump Train...adults who want to depend on other adults?

The problem with free stuff presented the buttigieg way

If anything Bernie is pushing out independents who want some of the social programs but know that "free shit" comes with a huge price and is less than desirable.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

Nope, if anything, Trump will be stealing Democrats if BERNARD gets the nomination.

Those on the right who believe in BERNARD, would have voted Hilly last time. If Trump would lose 1/10th of 1% of his voters to BERNARD, it would shock me, while on the other hand, he will be taking 3 to 5% of the voters from the Democrats BECAUSE of Bernard!

Those on the right who believe in Bernard only believed in free shit to begin with.

I am sure the boogeyman white national socialist Reichtard Spencer will be voting for Bernie.

We must all remember, that believe it or not, a % of the Democrats will NOT vote for a SOCIALIST. That means if BERNARD is nominated, they will vote Trump, or sit this one out.

3 to 5% of Democratic votes is a whole lot of votes, no matter who is counting. And with a large number of Democratic voters in 4 states, that means if it is 3 to 5% across the board, the other states are much easier for Trump to win.

CONSIDER------------> Lets cut this in the middle down to 4% of the Democratic vote to make it fair. Even if they do NOT vote for Trump, subtract 4% from their vote total in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Penn. It is SIGNIFANT, and more than plausible!

And if 50% of the 4% cross over and vote Trump, it is virtually a national blowout!

Now you know why the DNC is making poopy in their pants-)
Which is why Bernie Sanders will NEVER get the DNC Domination...

I posted last week the link and story of a Black former Obama advisor declaring, 'Democrats have to remember that the Democratic party is a Party, that voters are allowed to vote for nominees but they don't pick nominees - the Democratic party chooses their candidates.'

This has been the case since its existence, has not changed, will not change.....


Perhaps the 'Castro FanBoy' should stop attempting to hide the fact that he is a Socialist / Communist by attempting to hide it by trying to win the DNC Nomination, which he will never be allowed to do.....perhaps he should just run as the 'New Liberal Progressive Democratic Republic Party'...or better yet, the United Socialist States Republic Party (USSR)....
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I'm probably one of the highest earners on this forum. I'm about to take a three month vacation to Brazil because fuck it, I can. I don't need anybody's help.

That being said there are a few things I like about Sanders.

1.) Love him or hate him he is consistent and he says what is in his heart. He is genuine, and that makes him quite unique in politics.

2.) His platform mirrors Nordic capitalism which I am a fan of. I knoooooow the word socialism gets thrown around and abused a lot by both sides, but if you understand the meanings of words you'll understand that that's not actually what he is or what he represents. Even the man himself seems to be a little confused.

3.) The establishment fucking hates him. He is not a status quo politician. They hate Bernie? Good, fuck them. It's the same way I feel about Trump. The enemy of my enemy etc etc...

Bernie definitely believes some pie in the sky bullshit, but I truly believe that underneath it all he's a good man that wants good things for our country and for the world, and I think that matters a lot. I'll take a good person over just about anything else that's available. Are there smarter and more realistic people I would love to vote for? FUCK YES, but those people are unfortunately irrelevant.

I think Trump might get my vote in 2020 because the damage he has done to status quo conservatism cannot be measured. He is invaluable for that. He's a true populist. Some may hate his methods, including me sometimes, but I think the change he is bringing about will ultimately be a good thing. The Republican party will never be the same again.
what the fk does this even mean?

Love him or hate him he is consistent and he says what is in his heart. He is genuine, and that makes him quite unique in politics.

he hasn't explained how his ideas work. so you're flat out fking wrong.

His platform mirrors Nordic capitalism which I am a fan of. I knoooooow the word socialism gets thrown around and abused a lot by both sides, but if you understand the meanings of words you'll understand that that's not actually what he is or what he represents. Even the man himself seems to be a little confused.

Not even close to Nordic capitalism. flat out wrong. They would tell you that.

The establishment fucking hates him. He is not a status quo politician. They hate Bernie? Good, fuck them. It's the same way I feel about Trump. The enemy of my enemy etc etc...

they aren't socialists. Not communist. Our country has hated communism since it existed. So you admit being a commie. gotcha.
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I'm probably one of the highest earners on this forum. I'm about to take a three month vacation to Brazil because fuck it, I can. I don't need anybody's help.

That being said there are a few things I like about Sanders.

1.) Love him or hate him he is consistent and he says what is in his heart. He is genuine, and that makes him quite unique in politics.

2.) His platform mirrors Nordic capitalism which I am a fan of. I knoooooow the word socialism gets thrown around and abused a lot by both sides, but if you understand the meanings of words you'll understand that that's not actually what he is or what he represents. Even the man himself seems to be a little confused.

3.) The establishment fucking hates him. He is not a status quo politician. They hate Bernie? Good, fuck them. It's the same way I feel about Trump. The enemy of my enemy etc etc...

Bernie definitely believes some pie in the sky bullshit, but I truly believe that underneath it all he's a good man that wants good things for our country and for the world, and I think that matters a lot. I'll take a good person over just about anything else that's available. Are there smarter and more realistic people I would love to vote for? FUCK YES, but those people are unfortunately irrelevant.

I think Trump might get my vote in 2020 because the damage he has done to status quo conservatism cannot be measured. He is invaluable for that. He's a true populist. Some may hate his methods, including me sometimes, but I think the change he is bringing about will ultimately be a good thing. The Republican party will never be the same again.

Sorry bud...but things don’t add up in your post...NO “high earner” supports higher taxes and paying for the poor decisions of others...NONE!
Also, the Nordic model is not one of capitalism...it is a system rooted in socialism with capitalism elements.
NO “high earner” supports any form of socialism...NONE!
You’ll appear more informed and credible if you drop the other shit and just go with the “I like that the establishment hates him” spin...OR you could always just come clean and own your need / desire for free shit?
Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed, you are insulated by anonymity here.
The problem with free stuff presented the buttigieg way


I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

Nope, if anything, Trump will be stealing Democrats if BERNARD gets the nomination.

Those on the right who believe in BERNARD, would have voted Hilly last time. If Trump would lose 1/10th of 1% of his voters to BERNARD, it would shock me, while on the other hand, he will be taking 3 to 5% of the voters from the Democrats BECAUSE of Bernard!

Those on the right who believe in Bernard only believed in free shit to begin with.

I am sure the boogeyman white national socialist Reichtard Spencer will be voting for Bernie.

We must all remember, that believe it or not, a % of the Democrats will NOT vote for a SOCIALIST. That means if BERNARD is nominated, they will vote Trump, or sit this one out.

3 to 5% of Democratic votes is a whole lot of votes, no matter who is counting. And with a large number of Democratic voters in 4 states, that means if it is 3 to 5% across the board, the other states are much easier for Trump to win.

CONSIDER------------> Lets cut this in the middle down to 4% of the Democratic vote to make it fair. Even if they do NOT vote for Trump, subtract 4% from their vote total in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Penn. It is SIGNIFANT, and more than plausible!

And if 50% of the 4% cross over and vote Trump, it is virtually a national blowout!

Now you know why the DNC is making poopy in their pants-)
Which is why Bernie Sanders will NEVER get the DNC Domination...

I posted last week the link and story of a Black former Obama advisor declaring, 'Democrats have to remember that the Democratic party is a Party, that voters are allowed to vote for nominees but they don't pick nominees - the Democratic party chooses their candidates.'

This has been the case since its existence, has not changed, will not change.....


Perhaps the 'Castro FanBoy' should stop attempting to hide the fact that he is a Socialist / Communist by attempting to hide it by trying to win the DNC Nomination, which he will never be allowed to do.....perhaps he should just run as the 'New Liberal Progressive Democratic Republic Party'...or better yet, the United Socialist States Republic Party (USSR)....

Question to Easy, Norman, and a few others; and I wonder if this would fly in a thread of its own------------> Who/whom is easier to beat, Sanders or Biden for Trump?

At first blush, you would think Sanders, wouldn't you, but that depends-)

Do WE believe that the Trump Administration is going to indict any of the spygate people long before November, which leads directly back to the Obama/Biden Administration? Not to mention, if that is the case, Sanders will be off the hook on that one, since he was NOT part of that Administration, and so goofy, we know he was kept out of the loop.

Then you have the charming and delightful Hunter, along with Bidens brother making a boatload of cash.

These are questions we must ask ourselves, while laughing all the way to Nov 3rd-)
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I'm probably one of the highest earners on this forum. I'm about to take a three month vacation to Brazil because fuck it, I can. I don't need anybody's help.

That being said there are a few things I like about Sanders.

1.) Love him or hate him he is consistent and he says what is in his heart. He is genuine, and that makes him quite unique in politics.

2.) His platform mirrors Nordic capitalism which I am a fan of. I knoooooow the word socialism gets thrown around and abused a lot by both sides, but if you understand the meanings of words you'll understand that that's not actually what he is or what he represents. Even the man himself seems to be a little confused.

3.) The establishment fucking hates him. He is not a status quo politician. They hate Bernie? Good, fuck them. It's the same way I feel about Trump. The enemy of my enemy etc etc...

Bernie definitely believes some pie in the sky bullshit, but I truly believe that underneath it all he's a good man that wants good things for our country and for the world, and I think that matters a lot. I'll take a good person over just about anything else that's available. Are there smarter and more realistic people I would love to vote for? FUCK YES, but those people are unfortunately irrelevant.

I think Trump might get my vote in 2020 because the damage he has done to status quo conservatism cannot be measured. He is invaluable for that. He's a true populist. Some may hate his methods, including me sometimes, but I think the change he is bringing about will ultimately be a good thing. The Republican party will never be the same again.

Sorry bud...but things don’t add up in your post...NO “high earner” supports higher taxes and paying for the poor decisions of others...NONE!
Also, the Nordic model is not one of capitalism...it is a system rooted in socialism with capitalism elements.
NO “high earner” supports any form of socialism...NONE!
You’ll appear more informed and credible if you drop the other shit and just go with the “I like that the establishment hates him” spin...OR you could always just come clean and own your need / desire for free shit?
Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed, you are insulated by anonymity here.
The nordic's have more billionaires per capita then here.
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I'm probably one of the highest earners on this forum. I'm about to take a three month vacation to Brazil because fuck it, I can. I don't need anybody's help.

That being said there are a few things I like about Sanders.

1.) Love him or hate him he is consistent and he says what is in his heart. He is genuine, and that makes him quite unique in politics.

2.) His platform mirrors Nordic capitalism which I am a fan of. I knoooooow the word socialism gets thrown around and abused a lot by both sides, but if you understand the meanings of words you'll understand that that's not actually what he is or what he represents. Even the man himself seems to be a little confused.

3.) The establishment fucking hates him. He is not a status quo politician. They hate Bernie? Good, fuck them. It's the same way I feel about Trump. The enemy of my enemy etc etc...

Bernie definitely believes some pie in the sky bullshit, but I truly believe that underneath it all he's a good man that wants good things for our country and for the world, and I think that matters a lot. I'll take a good person over just about anything else that's available. Are there smarter and more realistic people I would love to vote for? FUCK YES, but those people are unfortunately irrelevant.

I think Trump might get my vote in 2020 because the damage he has done to status quo conservatism cannot be measured. He is invaluable for that. He's a true populist. Some may hate his methods, including me sometimes, but I think the change he is bringing about will ultimately be a good thing. The Republican party will never be the same again.
what the fk does this even mean?

Love him or hate him he is consistent and he says what is in his heart. He is genuine, and that makes him quite unique in politics.

he hasn't explained how his ideas work. so you're flat out fking wrong.

His platform mirrors Nordic capitalism which I am a fan of. I knoooooow the word socialism gets thrown around and abused a lot by both sides, but if you understand the meanings of words you'll understand that that's not actually what he is or what he represents. Even the man himself seems to be a little confused.

Not even close to Nordic capitalism. flat out wrong. They would tell you that.

The establishment fucking hates him. He is not a status quo politician. They hate Bernie? Good, fuck them. It's the same way I feel about Trump. The enemy of my enemy etc etc...

they aren't socialists. Not communist. Our country has hated communism since it existed. So you admit being a commie. gotcha.

I think what Confounding means is that Beggin’’ Bernie “CONSISTENTLY” promises to act as Robin Hood...he consistently promises to rob others for degenerate incapables. Apparently that’s a guality...WTF?
Last edited:
If anything Bernie is pushing out independents who want some of the social programs but know that "free shit" comes with a huge price and is less than desirable.
I saw a Town Hall meeting / poll hosted buy MSNBC this weekend consisting of 10 Democrat voters..... 8 out of 10 agreed that they wanted ACCESS to (cheaper) health care, cheaper medications, cheaper education, and a Justice system that reigns in the weaponization seen of the Intel Agencies, DOJ, CIA, & FBI...WITHOUT VONVERTING TO / EMBRACING SOCIALISM.

The group made good points about each:

Offering Medicare for all WHO NEED IT is a good idea, but the government using force / making the private own healthcare illegal is communistic forced take-over of health care, which8 of the 10 wanted no part of.

Congress could be addressing this - the Trump administration has been pushing towards that more than Congress...the Coronavirus has exposed that reliance on China for medication has become a 'ingle point of failure'

Colleges continuously raise tuition because they know US tax-funded grants/loans/etc... will increase to match. The US Govt needs to tell Universities it will no longer do so, that these colleges must find ways to cut costs, that the govt will stop rewarding these colleges with tax-funded assistance and will begin pulling funding to reward / target colleges that aggressively look for ways to reduce the cost of educations at their schools.

Democrats refuse to acknowledge th massive FISA Court Abuses (especially approx. 2 dozen by the FBI over decades under 2 FBI Directors), refuse to make any changes to fix the Constitution-violating, existing law-breaking process they used to attempt a failed political coup

These were the top 4 concerns of these 10 people - 8 of them wanted changes without embracing Bernie's Socialism/Communism and mentioned ways they could be addressed without doing so.

This weekend Bloomberg told people to answer questions about what his campaign was all about by saying 'Defeating President Trump.
-- The majority of the group (again, 8 of 10) said 'Defeating Trump' did not address their concerns.

ALL of them said they were 'somewhat' concerned about Sanders' praise of Castro.

The vast majority described themselves s 'Biden Moderates'.
Bernie has a tempting message for people who struggle with high debt, low income or both. He has successfully identified the villain, all those greedy BILLIONAHS. He's going to take their money to fund his loan bailout and free stuff program. Sounds simple, too bad that wouldn't even come close to paying for his Socialist fantasy. Besides that the billionaires would leave, because they can.
what are the billionaires doing exactly? why can't we get an explanation? What do you think?

They are kicking ass and leaving lowlife degenerates behind...that pisses off lowlife degenerates and Beggin’ Bernie knows it.
Do they think the billionaires are stealing their money? Low life's don't want any money. If they did want money, then they be creating something and visiting the Shark Tank.

Unfortunately creating something for Shark Tank requires hard work and determination, which seems to be foreign words to many libs. And yes, they do feel billionaires stole their money.
Sorry bud...but things don’t add up in your post...NO “high earner” supports higher taxes

Bernie Sanders is a millionaire and he supports higher taxes. Believe me or don't; it doesn't change anything. I'll post some vacation pictures from the beach house I'm renting in a few weeks. ;)

Also, the Nordic model is not one of capitalism...it is a system rooted in socialism with capitalism elements.

There is a vibrant private sector in the Nordic countries. Yes, it is capitalism with socialist elements.

NO “high earner” supports any form of socialism...NONE!

False, but I don't personally support socialism. I love capitalism. I also love an educated and healthy society, so I'm for things like public colleges and healthcare.

You’ll appear more informed and credible if you drop the other shit and just go with the “I like that the establishment hates him” spin...OR you could always just come clean and own your need / desire for free shit?

I don't know how to reconcile your inability to accept reality. Not all successful people take huge issue with Bernie Sanders.

Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed, you are insulated by anonymity here.


I find myself a bit flattered by your disbelief.
The nordic's have more billionaires per capita then here.

They also have a happier and healthier population. Homelessness is almost nonexistent. Maybe that's because their way of doing things is better. ;) Why would a successful person prefer to live in a society like that? Hmm, I have no idea.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?
Some liberals who pretend to be moderates may come in out of the cold for crazy bernie

time will tell
Sanders & Trump shared some supporters in 2016, many who had had enough with business as usual.

Maybe there are some of them don't like the way Trump has conducted himself.
Question to Easy, Norman, and a few others; and I wonder if this would fly in a thread of its own------------> Who/whom is easier to beat, Sanders or Biden for Trump?

President Trump will not have to worry about facing Bernie Sanders.
Even the Democrats know Sanders has a following from age 18 - 40 of a minority of Americans who want and buy Bernie's promises of 'Free Stuff' and who don't care or haven't thought through the fact that Bernie refuses to explain how he intends to pay for it or what they will be forced to give up for that 'free stuff'. The Democrat know the vast majority of Americans do NOT want any part of Socialism / Communism.

Sanders lost Florida with his 'Castro FanBoy' praise of deceased Communist Dictator Fidel Castro and the 'achievements' of his imposed oppressive government. Sanders gave the Cuban exiles the opportunity to re-educate the next younger generation about Castro and life under the Communist dictator....and he lost a lot of Americans by doubling-down on his praise of Castro by defending his remarks.

Democrats know / fear the landslide they predicted in 2016 AGAINST Trump will happen if they give their nomination to an admitted Socialist / 'Communist FanBoy'.

The Black vote for Biden was an anomaly in SC. They literally turned their backs on Bloomberg, rejected Buttigieg, and did not seriously consider Warren.....

Biden's path if fraught with gaffes, Ukraine's new investigation into his extortion, and his own videotaped confession.....still, if he can make it to a Brokered Convention.....he will be the winner of Bernie Screwing 2.0

None of them can defeat Trump, though
By the way BrokeLoser I did say that I'll most likely prefer Trump in a Sanders vs Trump race. I just don't think Sanders is the antichrist.

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