Has cancel culture created a silent majority for Trump? You better believe it.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
In 2016, President Donald Trump consistently underperformed in presidential election polls versus actual voting results leading up to his historic victory against Hillary Clinton.

Using the RealClearPolitics.com average of polls in the days before the election, polls underreported Trump’s support in key battleground states that he ended up winning.

In Florida, polls underreported Trump support by 2 percentage points, in North Carolina by 3.3 points, in Ohio by 5.5 points, in Pennsylvania by 3.5 points and Michigan by 4.1 points.

BJ- The pull quote -

Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar Group, the only poll that called the 2016 race for Trump in Michigan, says in 2020 the race is a dead heat and that “social desirability bias” is “worse than it was four years ago.”

The goal was to make it socially unacceptable to support Trump. Instead, all that’s been accomplished is driving his support underground.
Proud liberal Sam Harris is horrified by what has become of the Left:

The fact that only 57% of Dems voted for Biden in the most recent Primary vote illustrates to me far more than some random poll. These are real voters, not gimmicks and pollsters. This late in the game where he has his endorsement by the usual suspects and is the nominee, and he still only gets just over half? That HAS to concern his supporters.

Trump just has to stay the course and keep his promises. He has to be the "America First", domestic libertarian who is not an ideologue. He will then drag many who see Biden as the Establishment. Trump has to remind everyone "I'm not a politician, I'm a businessman".

It's the one absolute Biden simply cannot overcome no matter how it is written. He's been in politics almost 50 years, Trump, less than 4.

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