Has North Korea Become The Left's New Champion?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The new Lefty hero on the block is North Korea's Kim Jung Un!

One cruise through the channels of The Lefty media MSM outlets prove that. The Left Loves Kim Jung Un more than Herr Mueller.

Has Kim Jung Un dethroned Mueller as the Left's new Anti-Hero?

Remember Bill Clinton and Obama Bin Spying not only propped this guy up through back channels but they helped him get nuclear weapons and develop more reliable missiles.. so it's only natural The Left would admire Un while reviling The President of The United States..
Hasn't N.K. been a threat for at least the last decade? Why is the media (including Fox) so hysterical these days? Where were they during the Obama administration? I smell a rat.
The new Lefty hero on the block is North Korea's Kim Jung Un!

One cruise through the channels of The Lefty media MSM outlets prove that. The Left Loves Kim Jung Un more than Herr Mueller.

Has Kim Jung Un dethroned Mueller as the Left's new Anti-Hero?

Remember Bill Clinton and Obama Bin Spying not only propped this guy up through back channels but they helped him get nuclear weapons and develop more reliable missiles.. so it's only natural The Left would admire Un while reviling The President of The United States..

Leftist hate free market discipline and price discovery.
Listening to Lefty broadcasts is frightening. It's almost like they are wanting North Korea to Nuke America so they can attack our Presodent and blame him!

Therefore they are rooting for Kim Jung Un and rooting Against President Trump!
The new Lefty hero on the block is North Korea's Kim Jung Un!

One cruise through the channels of The Lefty media MSM outlets prove that. The Left Loves Kim Jung Un more than Herr Mueller.

Has Kim Jung Un dethroned Mueller as the Left's new Anti-Hero?

Remember Bill Clinton and Obama Bin Spying not only propped this guy up through back channels but they helped him get nuclear weapons and develop more reliable missiles.. so it's only natural The Left would admire Un while reviling The President of The United States..

Kap should go there with Rodman and hang out.
“You’ve got to give him credit," Mr Trump said. "How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden — you know, it’s pretty amazing when you think of it. How does he do that? "Even though it is a culture, and it’s a cultural thing, he goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss. It’s incredible.
"He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. - Donald Trump -

Orange-turd is in love with Fat Boy Un. Trump admires him.
I disagree. The Left is overwhelmingly siding with Kim Jung Un and allying with our enemies, and against our President like they always have.

At least they are consistent.
Your view of the Left is one seen through a welder's helmet. You know nothing. You only seek to find scapegoats for your hero's ineptitude. You aren't even an ideological Conservative. If Trump is your ideal, you're a Populist without real political consciousness or savvy.
Listening to Lefty broadcasts is frightening. It's almost like they are wanting North Korea to Nuke America so they can attack our Presodent and blame him!

Therefore they are rooting for Kim Jung Un and rooting Against President Trump!
i wonder if Nancy Pelosi called up Kim Small Dong and apologized in the behalf of what Trump said yesterday.,,,and offered to send Kim a basket of fruit as a show of concern
Personally, I think the left has goaded Trump into this think with North Korea, to see which one has a bigger set of balls. That was their whole Alinskyite strategy behind their "Russian collusion" nothingburger.

So if Trump doesn't carry it through, they can call him a "pussy". And if he does carry it through, they can blame Republicans for WWIII, if there are any of them left around.
Listening to Lefty broadcasts is frightening. It's almost like they are wanting North Korea to Nuke America so they can attack our Presodent and blame him!

Therefore they are rooting for Kim Jung Un and rooting Against President Trump!
i wonder if Nancy Pelosi called up Kim Small Dong and apologized in the behalf of what Trump said yesterday.,,,and offered to send Kim a basket of fruit as a show of concern

If Hillary had been elected, she would be once again blaming the whole thing on a movie...

Personally, I think the left has goaded Trump into this think with North Korea, to see which one has a bigger set of balls. That was their whole Alinskyite strategy behind their "Russian collusion" nothingburger.

So if Trump doesn't carry it through, they can call him a "pussy". And if he does carry it through, they can blame Republicans for WWIII, if there are any of them left around.

Yeah. The left made him do It!

The party of personal responsibility strikes again.
The new Lefty hero on the block is North Korea's Kim Jung Un!

One cruise through the channels of The Lefty media MSM outlets prove that. The Left Loves Kim Jung Un more than Herr Mueller.

Has Kim Jung Un dethroned Mueller as the Left's new Anti-Hero?

Remember Bill Clinton and Obama Bin Spying not only propped this guy up through back channels but they helped him get nuclear weapons and develop more reliable missiles.. so it's only natural The Left would admire Un while reviling The President of The United States..

Has North Korea Become The Left's New Champion?

No, but it certainly sounds like something you'd say.
The new Lefty hero on the block is North Korea's Kim Jung Un!

One cruise through the channels of The Lefty media MSM outlets prove that. The Left Loves Kim Jung Un more than Herr Mueller.

Has Kim Jung Un dethroned Mueller as the Left's new Anti-Hero?

Remember Bill Clinton and Obama Bin Spying not only propped this guy up through back channels but they helped him get nuclear weapons and develop more reliable missiles.. so it's only natural The Left would admire Un while reviling The President of The United States..

They love Jung because he gave the people Single Payer Health Care
next time John Kerry goes to N.Korea, I wonder what kind of animal he will hit with his K-Mart bicycle and fall down a 3400 foot cliff.
The new Lefty hero on the block is North Korea's Kim Jung Un!

One cruise through the channels of The Lefty media MSM outlets prove that. The Left Loves Kim Jung Un more than Herr Mueller.

Has Kim Jung Un dethroned Mueller as the Left's new Anti-Hero?

Remember Bill Clinton and Obama Bin Spying not only propped this guy up through back channels but they helped him get nuclear weapons and develop more reliable missiles.. so it's only natural The Left would admire Un while reviling The President of The United States..

No one is siding with KJU. But we should be caution going into a another war. Our last two wars were disastrous and created more problems than solution. Attacking Afghanistan just sent the Taliban into Pakistan which in tired distablized their country. Saddam was Tyrant but at least he kept a lot of extremist groups in line. Once he was toppled those groups ran amok and now we have a mess.

NK has more has a more equip military so they could do some real damage to neighboring countries. Picking a fight with them would be disastrous.

NK has been making threats for years. They are empty threats. They make threats to feed their country propaganda and make themselves seem tough. But they know better not actually carry out on those threats.

Trump's foolish behind is giving into the Kim Jon Fattie's game by reacting just as unhinged as Kim Jon Fattie. Trump needs to be the calm and think before speaking.
Clinton, Comey and Putin have been Lefty Heros in 2016. McCain, Graham Merkel, Trudeau, Mueller and now Kim Jung Un for 2017.

So I disagree. The Left has turned radically anti American and sides with our enemies! They do not even want to belong to The United States and want to cede from The Union or move to Canada or Mexico.

They hope for The President's failure and the failure of The United States every day!

They refuse to obey our laws and call for the assassinations of Law Enfoecement Officers. They coddle terrorists and advocate for Sharia Law.

They called for the impeachment or assassination of our president even before he took office!

They create havens for terrorists and illegals, and heroin traffickers in their Sanctuary Cities, and they refuse to protect the Integrity of our elections by helping illegals to vote.

They are even trying to circumvent US trade policy and foreign policy by making their own side deals as if they are Independent Nations and a law unto themselves!

They criticize our president and defend madmen, traitors, and seditious vipers who leak classified information to the press.

And yes, they love Kim Jung Un, but refuse to admit it, just like they refuse to admit they love Vladimir Putin!
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Kim Jung Un, is that you?

I disagree. The Left is overwhelmingly siding with Kim Jung Un and allying with our enemies, and against our President like they always have.

At least they are consistent.
Your view of the Left is one seen through a welder's helmet. You know nothing. You only seek to find scapegoats for your hero's ineptitude. You aren't even an ideological Conservative. If Trump is your ideal, you're a Populist without real political consciousness or savvy.

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