Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

I think it's ironic that the person who started this thread is living off the Government. :p

In what way does that person live off the government?

Ask Staph. I'd like to know why she bites the hand that feeds her.

I asked you. YOU'RE the one making the claim. That means you have to prove it.

She has already admitted to living off the Government.

That's a bit vague

Don't ask Carla to prove it. I did and she said I should ask the other person. I thought the person making the claim needed to prove the claim. Guess not with people like Carla.
Our subservience to the capitalist has made us a banana republic
Banana republics come about when govt starts leeching off otherwise-productive capitalists, and using their ill-gotten gains stolen from those capitalists to strengthen themselves far beyond anything needed to protect the people's rights (which is all government was originally intended to do).

As I said above, we've got the government part pretty well started. But the people have yet to get used to going along with the strong-arm dictators and their minions.
We've tried the war on poverty for 50 years and it hasn't worked.

I got mine by earning it. Must be sad to know you got yours by demanding someone else give it to you.

I don't have a responsibility to provide you or anyone else other than those I choose with a damn thing. If living in a society means contributing, why are you so quick to excuse so many from doing so?

Again, guy, I used to do the "Self-made" man schtick. Then I found out just how easy it was to get wiped out when a few rich assholes game the system.

I have no problem making everyone on welfare work. But they should be provided a fair means.

The problem is, we have crumbling roads while the rich by million dollar dancing horses, and that is all manner of fucked up. We have the labor and the resources to do the things that need to be done.

We just don't do them.

Sounds like YOU couldn't make it. You blame you failures on someone else. That means you are a failure.

Problem is you define fair as paying someone more than what they offer is worth. My employer has determined my skills are worth a certain amount. I doubt you have a problem with my employer paying me that amount and would claim that my wages are equivalent to what I offer. However, when an employer determines someone with fewer skills should be paid less and you don't think it's enough, you no longer based what the pay should be on skills but existence.

Exactly, he admitted he has a problem getting fired. He blames his bosses for firing him. I told him he should start by thinking about his attitude. Can you imaging actually being around someone like Joe all day? He'd make Mother Teresa want to off herself
Since I'm one doing the paying, it is up to me.

The craziness is thinking that someone who earned what they have owes someone that didn't a dime. I can understand why you think rich people are assholes. You'll never be anything but a simple minded asshole.

I think it's ironic that the person who started this thread is living off the Government. :p

In what way does that person live off the government?

Ask Staph. I'd like to know why she bites the hand that feeds her.

I asked you. YOU'RE the one making the claim. That means you have to prove it.

She has already admitted to living off the Government.

I asked you to provide specifics about in what ways. I'm not talking with her. I'm talking with you. If she made the claim, I'd ask her. She didn't, you did.
I think it's ironic that the person who started this thread is living off the Government. :p

In what way does that person live off the government?

Ask Staph. I'd like to know why she bites the hand that feeds her.

I asked you. YOU'RE the one making the claim. That means you have to prove it.

She has already admitted to living off the Government.

That's a bit vague

I don't have any details on her disability checks. She may receive them simply because she's crazy...I don't know.
We've tried the war on poverty for 50 years and it hasn't worked.

I got mine by earning it. Must be sad to know you got yours by demanding someone else give it to you.

I don't have a responsibility to provide you or anyone else other than those I choose with a damn thing. If living in a society means contributing, why are you so quick to excuse so many from doing so?

Again, guy, I used to do the "Self-made" man schtick. Then I found out just how easy it was to get wiped out when a few rich assholes game the system.

I have no problem making everyone on welfare work. But they should be provided a fair means.

The problem is, we have crumbling roads while the rich by million dollar dancing horses, and that is all manner of fucked up. We have the labor and the resources to do the things that need to be done.

We just don't do them.

Sounds like YOU couldn't make it. You blame you failures on someone else. That means you are a failure.

Problem is you define fair as paying someone more than what they offer is worth. My employer has determined my skills are worth a certain amount. I doubt you have a problem with my employer paying me that amount and would claim that my wages are equivalent to what I offer. However, when an employer determines someone with fewer skills should be paid less and you don't think it's enough, you no longer based what the pay should be on skills but existence.

Exactly, he admitted he has a problem getting fired. He blames his bosses for firing him. I told him he should start by thinking about his attitude. Can you imaging actually being around someone like Joe all day? He'd make Mother Teresa want to off herself
His attitude is that it's never enough and that someone owes him more. I don't have to imagine being around people like Joe all day. I've had them working under my supervision. The interesting thing is I'm still here and they aren't.
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In what way does that person live off the government?

Ask Staph. I'd like to know why she bites the hand that feeds her.

I asked you. YOU'RE the one making the claim. That means you have to prove it.

She has already admitted to living off the Government.

That's a bit vague

I don't have any details on her disability checks. She may receive them simply because she's crazy...I don't know.

Perhaps you shouldn't make such rash claims without details.
Considering the trend to legalize marijuana, I'd say that Obama is turning us into a Ganja Republic.

Mary Jane will be legal one day. Look at the attitude of kids about it. And wow, what a great day that will be in terms of ridding the government of one excuse to ignore the constitution and end the direct funding of organized crime

Agreed. It's time to get rid of all the graft and corruption enabled in the War To Get People Hooked On Drugs and To Fill Our Jails With Petty Criminals.

How does that make sense? Legalizing drugs will fill our jails with petty criminals?

And government not making drugs illegal is government getting people hooked on drugs? It is of course government's job to make sure we make good choices?

Also, you ignored the flagrant violation of our constitutional rights I pointed out. There is no probable cause required and no warrant to search us and no due process for government to take our property or get our financial data or confiscate our cash if they feel we have too much. You also ignored funding organized crime, just like alcohol did in the 30s. And I didn't even bring up destabilizing governments across the world from Columbia to Afghanistan.

Did you think you're the one "c" bodedica there for a second?

Scuze me - but I'm agreeing with you that the war on drugs on drugs should be ended. I think you are misreading my sentence. Perhaps I should have put quotes around "War To Get People Hooked On Drugs and To Fill Our Jails With Petty Criminals".
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Ask Staph. I'd like to know why she bites the hand that feeds her.

I asked you. YOU'RE the one making the claim. That means you have to prove it.

She has already admitted to living off the Government.

That's a bit vague

I don't have any details on her disability checks. She may receive them simply because she's crazy...I don't know.

Perhaps you shouldn't make such rash claims without details.

I know she's on disability, and I know she likes to bite the hand that feeds her. Where would she be without the Government she despises?
In what way does that person live off the government?

Ask Staph. I'd like to know why she bites the hand that feeds her.

I asked you. YOU'RE the one making the claim. That means you have to prove it.

She has already admitted to living off the Government.

That's a bit vague

I don't have any details on her disability checks. She may receive them simply because she's crazy...I don't know.

OK, but without that it's sort of an empty point. I've had liberals make so many retarded arguments on variations of that I trust nothing. Things like since I oppose social security I should not take the check after paying taxes my whole life, that tax refunds are welfare and that I should not take deductions. I don't get that one at all. They are all variations of kaz, you oppose most government, so to be intellectually consistent you have to give them more money. Hmm. I chalk it up to the mental retardation that led to their belief in liberalism in the first place
Ask Staph. I'd like to know why she bites the hand that feeds her.

I asked you. YOU'RE the one making the claim. That means you have to prove it.

She has already admitted to living off the Government.

That's a bit vague

I don't have any details on her disability checks. She may receive them simply because she's crazy...I don't know.

Perhaps you shouldn't make such rash claims without details.

Um...I asked what you were referring to. Do you mean my rash judgement that you could process and respond to points?
Considering the trend to legalize marijuana, I'd say that Obama is turning us into a Ganja Republic.

Mary Jane will be legal one day. Look at the attitude of kids about it. And wow, what a great day that will be in terms of ridding the government of one excuse to ignore the constitution and end the direct funding of organized crime

Agreed. It's time to get rid of all the graft and corruption enabled in the War To Get People Hooked On Drugs and To Fill Our Jails With Petty Criminals.

How does that make sense? Legalizing drugs will fill our jails with petty criminals?

And government not making drugs illegal is government getting people hooked on drugs? It is of course government's job to make sure we make good choices?

Also, you ignored the flagrant violation of our constitutional rights I pointed out. There is no probable cause required and no warrant to search us and no due process for government to take our property or get our financial data or confiscate our cash if they feel we have too much. You also ignored funding organized crime, just like alcohol did in the 30s. And I didn't even bring up destabilizing governments across the world from Columbia to Afghanistan.

Did you think you're the one "c" bodedica there for a second?

Scuze me - but I'm agreeing with you that the war on drugs on drugs should be ended. I think you are misreading my sentence. Perhaps I should have put quotes around "War To Get People Hooked On Drugs and To Fill Our Jails With Petty Criminals".

Yes, obviously I did misunderstand your reply. Thank you for clarifying
I asked you. YOU'RE the one making the claim. That means you have to prove it.

She has already admitted to living off the Government.

That's a bit vague

I don't have any details on her disability checks. She may receive them simply because she's crazy...I don't know.

Perhaps you shouldn't make such rash claims without details.

I know she's on disability, and I know she likes to bite the hand that feeds her. Where would she be without the Government she despises?

Saying she's "on disability" is not sufficient
Our subservience to the capitalist has made us a banana republic
Banana republics come about when govt starts leeching off otherwise-productive capitalists, and using their ill-gotten gains stolen from those capitalists to strengthen themselves far beyond anything needed to protect the people's rights (which is all government was originally intended to do).

As I said above, we've got the government part pretty well started. But the people have yet to get used to going along with the strong-arm dictators and their minions.
You can't have a banana republic without unrestrained capitalism.

The purpose of Government is to protect the corporations and create a subservient worker class

What we know of today as the Republican Party

To you, the purpose of government is to take from the one that earns it and hand it to the one that didn't all in the name of "fairness"

What we know of today as the Democrat party.

It is called contributing to the society from which you benefit. Nobody benefits more than the wealthy

Our wealthy are contributing at a lower rate than any time in the last 70 years

The Japanese wealthy made millions selling to Americans during the eighties when we lowered trade barriers. They obviously benefitted a lot from our society. Are they obligated, in the same way America wealthy, to contribute to our society?
She has already admitted to living off the Government.

That's a bit vague

I don't have any details on her disability checks. She may receive them simply because she's crazy...I don't know.

Perhaps you shouldn't make such rash claims without details.

I know she's on disability, and I know she likes to bite the hand that feeds her. Where would she be without the Government she despises?

Saying she's "on disability" is not sufficient

Sure it is.
Obama proposes projections for workers like mandatory healthcare, wage increases, equal pay.......and you claim banana republic where there is no consideration of the worker?

Who is the moron other than you and Stephanie?
A banana republic does not preclude consideration of workers. It has nothing to do with that as we have just established on the last page. The government looks out for the needs of the company over the people - you seem to think that healthcare is at odds with those needs - it is not.

Such impositions can actually help major companies by ensuring that the cost of entering the marketplace is to high and competition is stopped.

Note that Obama did not set up a system of healthcare for workers at all as a matter of fact. instead, he FORCED all people in this nation to buy a healthcare product from a company. Hmmm... would that be looking out for the people's needs or for the needs of healthcare companies that need customers?
Show me a historical example of a SINGLE Banana Republic that looked out for workers

Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico. Virtually all of them claim they are looking out for the workers.

They were banana republics at one time.......not today

Corruption and worker abuse moved them towards socialism

They are still banana republics, and they're getting worse under socialist government.

There is no government more corrupt than a socialist government.

And I believe this government under both parties is corrupted as hell. More so Democrats, but Republicans are working up to it...this administration is the worst I've lived under for corruption
What makes a banana republic a banana republic – among other things the lack of important, proper regulatory policy needed to ensure that a First Word Nation such as the United States remains a First World Nation, the same necessary and proper regulatory policy most conservatives oppose.

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