Has the Far Left Taken Over the Democratic Party?

OP- All Dems are liberals, but Pubs have demonized the term so much many call themselves progressives or whatever...The truth is, and the rest of the world believes, that Dems are cener right and Pubs are savage capitalists and ugly American jerks and their dupes. I concur.

For the billionth time, the USSR, China, Cuba are NOT socialist, they're communist, socialists are always democratic- and btw Spain etc were just fine until the greedy idiot new GOP wrecked the world, hater dupes. PFFFFFT

Why do you care what "pubs" call you?

"shhhhhhhh it's a secret, ancient Chinese Secret"


"shhhhhhhh it's a secret, ancient Chinese Secret"

Chairman Mao Zedong on liberalism

We stand for active ideological struggle because it is the weapon for ensuring unity within the Party and the revolutionary organizations in the interest of our fight. Every Communist and revolutionary should take up this weapon.

But liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, Philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration in certain units and individuals in the Party and the revolutionary organizations.

Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads.
The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.
OP- All Dems are liberals, but Pubs have demonized the term so much many call themselves progressives or whatever...The truth is, and the rest of the world believes, that Dems are cener right and Pubs are savage capitalists and ugly American jerks and their dupes. I concur.

For the billionth time, the USSR, China, Cuba are NOT socialist, they're communist, socialists are always democratic- and btw Spain etc were just fine until the greedy idiot new GOP wrecked the world, hater dupes. PFFFFFT

people with your mindset is one of the reasons i left your shit party Franco....and until people like you leave it will never get better....tell everybody how you care,but behind their backs the real feelings come out....
I just read an interesting piece from The Atlantic Monthly which questions whether like the GOP, there is a "civil war" going on within the Democratic Party between the more extreme versus The Establishment members.
The conclusion was no. At this point, The Establishment Democrats still control the show and that there hasn't been serious attempts with using litmus tests, pledges or purging of it's elected government membership. When purges have been attempted such as Howard Dean's "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" with the goal of having liberals dominate Democratic policies failed.
The reason why a complete take over the the Democratic party have failed is because in pure numbers, liberals don't have the strength. Where as within the GOP, 70% call themselves "conservative". Only 43% of Democrats call themselves liberals.
Below are two charts based on Gallup's polling of both parties. As shown, there is more equal diversity of political position within the Democratic Party, which forces more cohesion among the party leaders.
Link to The Atlantic article: No, Liberals Don't Control the Democratic Party
No, Liberals Don't Control the Democratic Party - Molly Ball - The Atlantic


The ‘far left’ and ‘liberals’ were successfully and permanently relegated to the political backseat between 1988 and 1992; that democrats have won four of the last six presidential elections starting in 1992 is proof of that.

The myth that the ‘far left’ or ‘liberals’ have ‘taken over’ the democratic party is a lie contrived and propagated by the partisan right, one of the many lies most conservatives repeat over again in the hope it’s perceived to be ‘true.’

you cant see that Jones because....YOUR FUCKING ONE OF THEM.....
Don't lump the two together. Please. Think it thru and don't pull a management meeting where you have to blame both equally.

I know that game quite well.

i look at it the same as Mac.....there is one thing i will say about both equally....they both care more about their damned party and power then this Countries well being....

It's impossible to blame both sides "equally" on anything, nor would I try. Besides, those on both ends will always and predictably blame the other side more, so it seems like a silly waste of time to begin with.

Overall, however, the wingers on both ends are causing this country grave damage, and I personally don't care which is "more" responsible. Both ends should clean their own house before attacking the other.


dont hold your breath....
The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...
hARRY, THE pUB HEALTH PLAN IS NOT SOCIALISM. i THINK YOU JUST GOT SICK OF mEXICANS, BUT KNEE JERK pUB HATE JUST MADE THE PROBLEM worse...and still does....We need a good SS/WORK ID card to stop more coming end of story...

i never said it was Frankie.....and if i am sick of Mexicans.....why do i know so many of them?....why do i sympathize with many,not all, but many Illegals.....and i would rather know some of the Mexicans here then some of you White fuckers.....
The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...

I beg to differ. Mussolini was adept at forming alliances with private enterprise, or corporations, to pass on risk to the public sector while retaining profits for the private sector. That is exactly what Obama is doing. Enrich the 1% on the public trough. A Leftist would dispense with that nonsense and just nationalize everything.

Your point about totalitarianism is taken.
The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...

I beg to differ. Mussolini was adept at forming alliances with private enterprise, or corporations, to pass on risk to the public sector while retaining profits for the private sector. That is exactly what Obama is doing. Enrich the 1% on the public trough. A Leftist would dispense with that nonsense and just nationalize everything.

Your point about totalitarianism is taken.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...

I beg to differ. Mussolini was adept at forming alliances with private enterprise, or corporations, to pass on risk to the public sector while retaining profits for the private sector. That is exactly what Obama is doing. Enrich the 1% on the public trough. A Leftist would dispense with that nonsense and just nationalize everything.

Your point about totalitarianism is taken.


I thought it was spelt 'potatoe'.

I proved you wrong by asking you the political makeup of the state congress in Mass. that passed "Romneycare".

It was overwhelmingly democrat, wasn't it?

Here's a nice co-op piece written my Mill Romney, where he's bragging about Romneycare.
07/30/09 - Mr. President, What's the Rush? | Mitt Romney Central
As governor he did sign off on the legislation. But as I try to stay honest he did veto 8 provisions which the legislature overrode.

Then there's this: Original 1989 document where Heritage Foundation created Obamacare’s individual mandate
Original document where Heritage created Obamacare individual mandate
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I beg to differ. Mussolini was adept at forming alliances with private enterprise, or corporations, to pass on risk to the public sector while retaining profits for the private sector. That is exactly what Obama is doing. Enrich the 1% on the public trough. A Leftist would dispense with that nonsense and just nationalize everything.

Your point about totalitarianism is taken.


I thought it was spelt 'potatoe'.


no....it's spelled potato....

but given Mussolini was from Italy i should have said 'tomato-tomato'.....guess Sochi Russia is on the brain....:tongue:
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It's not a talking point, it's a fact.
Prove me wrong.
I proved you wrong by asking you the political makeup of the state congress in Mass. that passed "Romneycare".

It was overwhelmingly democrat, wasn't it?

Here's a nice co-op piece written my Mill Romney, where he's bragging about Romneycare.
07/30/09 - Mr. President, What's the Rush? | Mitt Romney Central
As governor he did sign off on the legislation. But as I try to stay honest he did veto 8 provisions which the legislature overrode.

Then there's this: Original 1989 document where Heritage Foundation created Obamacare’s individual mandate
Original document where Heritage created Obamacare individual mandate
Doesn't matter. All that shows to me is that Romney is just another one of those aforementioned leftist neoconservatives.

How about reading the rest of that post? You know, the part about liberals being so bereft of ideas that they have to steal the horrible ideas of others?
The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...

Fascism is widely regarded as extreme right wing. Communism is widely regarded as extreme left wing.

Fascism and Communism are almost as opposite as you can get politically.
I just read an interesting piece from The Atlantic Monthly which questions whether like the GOP, there is a "civil war" going on within the Democratic Party between the more extreme versus The Establishment members.
The conclusion was no. At this point, The Establishment Democrats still control the show and that there hasn't been serious attempts with using litmus tests, pledges or purging of it's elected government membership. When purges have been attempted such as Howard Dean's "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" with the goal of having liberals dominate Democratic policies failed.
The reason why a complete take over the the Democratic party have failed is because in pure numbers, liberals don't have the strength. Where as within the GOP, 70% call themselves "conservative". Only 43% of Democrats call themselves liberals.
Below are two charts based on Gallup's polling of both parties. As shown, there is more equal diversity of political position within the Democratic Party, which forces more cohesion among the party leaders.
Link to The Atlantic article: No, Liberals Don't Control the Democratic Party
No, Liberals Don't Control the Democratic Party - Molly Ball - The Atlantic

I think there is. Obama hires/nominates the same Wall St thugs to run Fed/Treasury that the GOP does. IOW-Repub lite.
The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...

Fascism is widely regarded as extreme right wing. Communism is widely regarded as extreme left wing.

Fascism and Communism are almost as opposite as you can get politically.

they are two sides of the same coin called totalitarianism...
OP- All Dems are liberals, but Pubs have demonized the term so much many call themselves progressives or whatever...The truth is, and the rest of the world believes, that Dems are cener right and Pubs are savage capitalists and ugly American jerks and their dupes. I concur.

For the billionth time, the USSR, China, Cuba are NOT socialist, they're communist, socialists are always democratic- and btw Spain etc were just fine until the greedy idiot new GOP wrecked the world, hater dupes. PFFFFFT

Why do you care what "pubs" call you?
I don't , but don't live in a violent Red State. AND YOU'RE NOT A RICH GREEDY pUB, YOU'RE A DUPE..LOL
OP- All Dems are liberals, but Pubs have demonized the term so much many call themselves progressives or whatever...The truth is, and the rest of the world believes, that Dems are cener right and Pubs are savage capitalists and ugly American jerks and their dupes. I concur.

For the billionth time, the USSR, China, Cuba are NOT socialist, they're communist, socialists are always democratic- and btw Spain etc were just fine until the greedy idiot new GOP wrecked the world, hater dupes. PFFFFFT

people with your mindset is one of the reasons i left your shit party Franco....and until people like you leave it will never get better....tell everybody how you care,but behind their backs the real feelings come out....

You mean the well educated, intelligent, compassionate mindset...lol. Oh and you're psychic too..any actual argument, or are you tired- certainly getting cranky lol.
I just read an interesting piece from The Atlantic Monthly which questions whether like the GOP, there is a "civil war" going on within the Democratic Party between the more extreme versus The Establishment members.
The conclusion was no. At this point, The Establishment Democrats still control the show and that there hasn't been serious attempts with using litmus tests, pledges or purging of it's elected government membership. When purges have been attempted such as Howard Dean's "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" with the goal of having liberals dominate Democratic policies failed.
The reason why a complete take over the the Democratic party have failed is because in pure numbers, liberals don't have the strength. Where as within the GOP, 70% call themselves "conservative". Only 43% of Democrats call themselves liberals.
Below are two charts based on Gallup's polling of both parties. As shown, there is more equal diversity of political position within the Democratic Party, which forces more cohesion among the party leaders.
Link to The Atlantic article: No, Liberals Don't Control the Democratic Party
No, Liberals Don't Control the Democratic Party - Molly Ball - The Atlantic

I think there is. Obama hires/nominates the same Wall St thugs to run Fed/Treasury that the GOP does. IOW-Repub lite.
Wall Street banksters have always been quit fond of the hard left. It was Woodrow Wilson who gave them their biggest money scam in the Fed, after all.

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