Has the Far Left Taken Over the Democratic Party?

hARRY, THE pUB HEALTH PLAN IS NOT SOCIALISM. i THINK YOU JUST GOT SICK OF mEXICANS, BUT KNEE JERK pUB HATE JUST MADE THE PROBLEM worse...and still does....We need a good SS/WORK ID card to stop more coming end of story...

i never said it was Frankie.....and if i am sick of Mexicans.....why do i know so many of them?....why do i sympathize with many,not all, but many Illegals.....and i would rather know some of the Mexicans here then some of you White fuckers.....

Truth hurts...you ALWAYS say California's been ruined by all the immigrants, and also go nuts when I say it's the Pubs' fault for refusing a work/ID card...lol...ONLY THING thAT WILL WORK, AND GET THEM all paying taxes, instead of 65 per cent...
80- Hard left my butt, and the middle of ANOTHER Pub economic meltdown is hardly the time to put in people who are threatening to Wall St.- The whole point was to calm the markets and the economy...

So, how is the FED a scam lol...get out the tinfoil...
hARRY, THE pUB HEALTH PLAN IS NOT SOCIALISM. i THINK YOU JUST GOT SICK OF mEXICANS, BUT KNEE JERK pUB HATE JUST MADE THE PROBLEM worse...and still does....We need a good SS/WORK ID card to stop more coming end of story...

i never said it was Frankie.....and if i am sick of Mexicans.....why do i know so many of them?....why do i sympathize with many,not all, but many Illegals.....and i would rather know some of the Mexicans here then some of you White fuckers.....

Truth hurts...you ALWAYS say California's been ruined by all the immigrants, and also go nuts when I say it's the Pubs' fault for refusing a work/ID card...lol...ONLY THING thAT WILL WORK, AND GET THEM all paying taxes, instead of 65 per cent...

the ONLY THING THAT WILL WORK is to secure our borders and ENFORCE our existing immigration laws.

If there were no illegals, americans would have to do those jobs----------and--------wait for it--------------they would have to pay higher wages because of minimum wage laws and the FACT that americans will not work for starvation wages like illegals.

the unemployment rate would go down, wages would go up-------seems like everything you libs want. Sooooooooooo, send the illegals home---do it now.
OP- All Dems are liberals, but Pubs have demonized the term so much many call themselves progressives or whatever...The truth is, and the rest of the world believes, that Dems are cener right and Pubs are savage capitalists and ugly American jerks and their dupes. I concur.

For the billionth time, the USSR, China, Cuba are NOT socialist, they're communist, socialists are always democratic- and btw Spain etc were just fine until the greedy idiot new GOP wrecked the world, hater dupes. PFFFFFT

people with your mindset is one of the reasons i left your shit party Franco....and until people like you leave it will never get better....tell everybody how you care,but behind their backs the real feelings come out....

You mean the well educated, intelligent, compassionate mindset...lol. Oh and you're psychic too..any actual argument, or are you tired- certainly getting cranky lol.

no... i mean people with your mindset....if you are as well Educated as you say you are you should be able to figure it out...but someone as left as you are will only see what you far Lefties see......everything else.....tough.....
hARRY, THE pUB HEALTH PLAN IS NOT SOCIALISM. i THINK YOU JUST GOT SICK OF mEXICANS, BUT KNEE JERK pUB HATE JUST MADE THE PROBLEM worse...and still does....We need a good SS/WORK ID card to stop more coming end of story...

i never said it was Frankie.....and if i am sick of Mexicans.....why do i know so many of them?....why do i sympathize with many,not all, but many Illegals.....and i would rather know some of the Mexicans here then some of you White fuckers.....

Truth hurts...you ALWAYS say California's been ruined by all the immigrants, and also go nuts when I say it's the Pubs' fault for refusing a work/ID card...lol...ONLY THING thAT WILL WORK, AND GET THEM all paying taxes, instead of 65 per cent...

..you ALWAYS say California's been ruined by all the immigrants,

yes....the immigrants from other States.....i have said that plenty of times....

..you ALWAYS say California's been ruined by all the immigrants,

now if you mean Mexicans.....show me saying that Frankie....if i do it ALL THE TIME.....it should be easy to produce....right?.....

and also go nuts when I say it's the Pubs' fault for refusing a work/ID card

i told you why Frankie 4-5 x.....so i am not going to say it again.....and out here it aint the "Pubs" fault.....
Do Democrat incumbents get primaried at the same rate as Republican incumbents?
A fence ain't gonna work period...

The Dems DO have blue dogs...you just threw out the last 2 not approved by Rush LIMBAUGH...
The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...

Fascism is widely regarded as extreme right wing. Communism is widely regarded as extreme left wing.

Fascism and Communism are almost as opposite as you can get politically.

Sigh...Such is the level of our public education system that they only teach theory without providing practical examples.

The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...

Fascism is widely regarded as extreme right wing. Communism is widely regarded as extreme left wing.

Fascism and Communism are almost as opposite as you can get politically.

True. Hitler hated unions, homosexuals and intellectuals. Sounds pretty much closer to the right wing in this country.
The far left has taken over the Democrat party...except for Obama.

For some reason he keeps pretending he is Mussolini.

It is the strangest set of circumstances.

not at all....fascism is just another variant of leftism...since force underlies both...

Fascism is widely regarded as extreme right wing. Communism is widely regarded as extreme left wing.

Fascism and Communism are almost as opposite as you can get politically.
So, Stalin's gulags were different from Hitler's concentrations camps in what way?

The KGB was different from the Gestapo how?

Goebbels' propaganda machine differed from TASS & Pravda how?

Who treated political opponents and dissidents better, the Soviets or the Nazis?

Yeah. They're polar opposites alright. :rolleyes:

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