Has the MSM told you that of China's 81,591 case.. 73,280 recovered or almost 90% recovery..

That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.

china also locked people down for real, not like the half ass way we do it
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.

china also locked people down for real, not like the half ass way we do it

Regardless of how tightly they locked their country down, someone brought the virus out of China and into the rest of the world.

An interesting fact is that China has a population of 1.39 billion people, with a population density of 148 people per square km. Wuhan, China has 1200 people per square km. Our population density is 35.7 people per square km. The bad news is that New York city's population density is 27,000 people per square mile, while Manhattan's is 69,468. The close proximity of other people means more cases, which is why they're being hit so hard.
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943

Why would believe anything the Communists say?
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.

Isn't that something? The left is pissed because they believe Russia "stole" the 2016 election, yet they're willing mouthpieces for the Communist Chinese propaganda machine.
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.

Actually I'm quoting (and posting) the Worldometer chart, which I believe is derived from the Johns Hopkins site.

Feel free to prove it wrong.
Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?

No, that's called a strawman. You have NO, ZERO evidence that "we haven't heard" shit. You sticking your fingers in your ears and going LA LA LA is not the same as "we haven't heard".
And you are the idiot that like the MSM uses a truncated video of the...
First Lady of Poland didn’t Snub Donald Trump’s handshake, Guardian Corrects
View attachment 315035

That's what the MSM is doing regarding the China virus!

I believe that's THREE nickels for Pogo's Law. Not only did you try to derail your own topic (1) but you did it with a strawman (2) in a soggy attempt to attack me (3), NONE of which relate in any way at all to the alleged topic.
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
Not good news for China, the death rate is much lower...unless you’re Italy or Spain. But also chinas not reporting all their numbers, they just got caught hiding another 45,000 cases. Which is silly because they were asymptomatic cases that would’ve brought their death rate down. The actual death rate might be lower than what it is now...unless your Spain or Italy. Most of the people volunteering or getting the test are people who show symptoms, or people who’ve been around others with symptoms. There’s data that appears to show that the infection rate is much higher than realized, but there’s a lot more asymptomatic patients.The only problem is, is that this is twice as contagious as the flu. Common flu is an R1.2-1.4, covid is R3.
Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?

No, that's called a strawman. You have NO, ZERO evidence that "we haven't heard" shit. You sticking your fingers in your ears and going LA LA LA is not the same as "we haven't heard".
And you are the idiot that like the MSM uses a truncated video of the...
First Lady of Poland didn’t Snub Donald Trump’s handshake, Guardian Corrects
View attachment 315035

That's what the MSM is doing regarding the China virus!

I believe that's THREE nickels for Pogo's Law. Not only did you try to derail your own topic (1) but you did it with a strawman (2) in a soggy attempt to attack me (3), NONE of which relate in any way at all to the alleged topic.

Ok.. whatever you FEEL is your right to FEEL. Just too bad it isn't believable as you haven't provided ANY proof to your 3 wooden nickels.
Prove where "I tried to derail my own topic"?????
Prove I did it with a "STRAW MAN"??? Do you know what a "straw man argument is????
Prove I made a "soggy attempt"... I think I I Proved that your dumb ass gif was totally like you fabricated!
Prove to me with links as I proved to YOU that your dumb "snubbed handshake" is BOGUS! I proved it.
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.
Not alarming but certainly amusing is the fact that you are telling me off for citing numbers released by China numbers Galt tried to use to make a ridiculous point and numbers healthmyths used not me. I was actually the only one in this OP who immediately doubted those numbers. So if that makes me an idiot what does that make Galt and healthmyths?
I personally think that number is high.
  • Thanks
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That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
LIES! Pogo told me the mortality rate is over 62%
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.
Not alarming but certainly amusing is the fact that you are telling me off for citing numbers released by China numbers Galt tried to use to make a ridiculous point and numbers healthmyths used not me. I was actually the only one in this OP who immediately doubted those numbers. So if that makes me an idiot what does that make Galt and healthmyths?
I personally think that number is high.

OK... FACTS...

From the above...
81,661 confirmed cases
Total China population 1,437,859,722
Divided by 81,661 equals: 0.00567934% of population contracted Coronavirus
Now DEATHS of 3,285 in China from Coronavirus...
Divided by total population is... (drum roll....!!!) 0.000228465%
Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 3.36.30 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 3.35.08 PM.png
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.
Not alarming but certainly amusing is the fact that you are telling me off for citing numbers released by China numbers Galt tried to use to make a ridiculous point and numbers healthmyths used not me. I was actually the only one in this OP who immediately doubted those numbers. So if that makes me an idiot what does that make Galt and healthmyths?
I personally think that number is high.

OK... FACTS...

From the above...
81,661 confirmed cases
Total China population 1,437,859,722
Divided by 81,661 equals: 0.00567934% of population contracted Coronavirus
Now DEATHS of 3,285 in China from Coronavirus...
Divided by total population is... (drum roll....!!!) 0.000228465%
View attachment 315239
View attachment 315238

81,661 confirmed cases

Because the commies said so? LOL!
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.
Not alarming but certainly amusing is the fact that you are telling me off for citing numbers released by China numbers Galt tried to use to make a ridiculous point and numbers healthmyths used not me. I was actually the only one in this OP who immediately doubted those numbers. So if that makes me an idiot what does that make Galt and healthmyths?
I personally think that number is high.

OK... FACTS...

From the above...
81,661 confirmed cases
Total China population 1,437,859,722
Divided by 81,661 equals: 0.00567934% of population contracted Coronavirus
Now DEATHS of 3,285 in China from Coronavirus...
Divided by total population is... (drum roll....!!!) 0.000228465%
View attachment 315239
View attachment 315238
Also facts. United States Coronavirus: 64,765 Cases and 910 Deaths - Worldometer Forgive me when I don't make your completely meaningless math sum. In 1 day the US added more than 11000 infected. More than 21000 in 2 days. A quarter of the total number of confirmed infected in China in 2 days. There is no end in sight. So please pray tell why you are being celebratory about the numbers in China when those in the US are an order of magnitude worse?
  • Thanks
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That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.

Actually I'm quoting (and posting) the Worldometer chart, which I believe is derived from the Johns Hopkins site.

Feel free to prove it wrong.
Kinda like in golf. At a par 3, you have a 50-50 chance at making a hole-in-one. Either you make it or you don't
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.

Actually I'm quoting (and posting) the Worldometer chart, which I believe is derived from the Johns Hopkins site.

Feel free to prove it wrong.

Which assumes the Communists are telling the truth. Holy shit kid, get with it.
Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?

No, that's called a strawman. You have NO, ZERO evidence that "we haven't heard" shit. You sticking your fingers in your ears and going LA LA LA is not the same as "we haven't heard".
And you are the idiot that like the MSM uses a truncated video of the...
First Lady of Poland didn’t Snub Donald Trump’s handshake, Guardian Corrects
View attachment 315035

That's what the MSM is doing regarding the China virus!

I believe that's THREE nickels for Pogo's Law. Not only did you try to derail your own topic (1) but you did it with a strawman (2) in a soggy attempt to attack me (3), NONE of which relate in any way at all to the alleged topic.

Ok.. whatever you FEEL is your right to FEEL. Just too bad it isn't believable as you haven't provided ANY proof to your 3 wooden nickels.
Prove where "I tried to derail my own topic"?????
Prove I did it with a "STRAW MAN"??? Do you know what a "straw man argument is????
Prove I made a "soggy attempt"... I think I I Proved that your dumb ass gif was totally like you fabricated!
Prove to me with links as I proved to YOU that your dumb "snubbed handshake" is BOGUS! I proved it.


A - your own topic is supposedly weeping and gnashing of teeth that "we" (meaning you, by your own choice), "haven't heard" about China's mortality rate. You then derailed that into a bizarre picture of the wife of the Prime Minister of freaking Poland. Doesn't get much more derailed than that.

B - the aforementioned derailment states, and I quote, "First Lady of Poland didn’t Snub Donald Trump’s handshake". Nobody claimed she did. You just brought in a counterargument to a point nobody made.

And by the way your specious claim that "we haven't heard" is ALSO a strawman. You just trotted it in here as an ass-sumption. One with ZERO basis.

C - "Soggy" was the first adjective that came to mind. I think it fits. I don't make GIFs btw, I don't even know how.

D - Once AGAIN I said nothing about a "snubbed handshake", nor do I need to prove it's "BOGUS". That, again, is your own strawman. And it's totally off the topic. Probably because your topic had its clock cleaned
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943
4 percent? Four percent of the US population is about 12.6 million deaths. Don't think that's good news. I personally think that number is high. So let's assume not 4 percent but 1. And not everybody gets infected so half of the population. Conservative according to health experts. So 1.6 million dead citizens. Still think 4 percent is good news?

Do the math: Out of a population of 1.38 billion Chinese, only
81,591 were infected. That's only 0.0059% of the total population that was infected.

The US population is 327.17 million people. At the same rate of infection, that would mean a total of 1,930303 will eventually be infected in the US. That would equate to 77,212 deaths overall in the US, if our model follows China, which I doubt.

Check my math, if you have any doubts.
I 'll take your math at face value. China tough locked down as in forbade it's citizens to leave the house. The US has not followed suit. By the way, the US already has a larger percentage of infected compared to total population as China. And there is absolutely no reason to assume that the rate of infection will slow down anytime soon.

Yep, currently 166 infections per 1M population, three times that of China. What's alarming about that is that, a week and a half ago that number was SIX. That's how fast it's running.

What's truly alarming is that idots like you believe everyhing China says.

Actually I'm quoting (and posting) the Worldometer chart, which I believe is derived from the Johns Hopkins site.

Feel free to prove it wrong.

Which assumes the Communists are telling the truth. Holy shit kid, get with it.

Natitonal economic systems have zero to do with what pandemic numbers are.

Oh by the way guess what country completely suppressed news of its own pandemic erroneously called the "Spanish Flu" a century ago, even going so far as to concoct a Ministry of Information to sanitize and censor that news, complete with prison penalties for criticizing the government. Take a wild guess. I'll even give you a hint -- its abbreviated name starts with "US". Want to expound on that country's national economic system too? Be my jest.

All of that aside, I said feel free to prove it wrong. Apparently you can't. So we have the numbers we have.
That is a recovery rate of nearly 90% and deaths of about 4%.

Now my point is why haven't we heard that from the MSM? Isn't that good news?
But I've not heard that from ANY of the 7/24 cable shows especially as they are certainly I would think be looking for "good news" for the public.
Why not?

View attachment 314943

Once again -- "recovery" has nothing to do with morbidity...

Recovery is a LAGGING indicator.. It take 2 to 4 weeks to recover... Comparing that to deaths in the SAME period is wildly inaccurate...

The calculation is deaths divided by infections.. And "infections" is NOT KNOWN exactly.. So the CDC is ESTIMATING infections to be about 2 times the "diagnosed" cases... That makes the calculation deaths divided by (2 X diagnosed).

CURRENTLY from CDC/WH daily briefings and questions -- Fauci and Birx are estimating a US mortality rate of 0.75%...

Screw the numbers from China... Can't believe a regime that PUNISHED their top med advisors after they DARED to try and alert the world to the crisis a MONTH before we even reacted to it...
China is an authoritarian communist state that limits freedoms of its people. That evil empire basically forced their people to stay inside to prevent its spread. Something I am sure the communist democrats here in America would love to do too. Because of those authoritarian police state actions, only 90k of their population was infected (allegedly) If the had real freedom and were not a police state and if the chinese people actually valued their freedom the way us Americans do, then at least billion of their people would have been infected at we would see much better numbers of like 40 million dead (4%) Unfortunately for china they don't value freedom and liberty the same was as we Americans do, and they didn't get anywhere close. Now, if we're lucky then we'll get the country opened back up and we can get every American infected with this. If so, that means we can maybe see maybe 14 million dead if that 4% number holds. Again, this is all dependent on how we handle ourselves. If we let the democrats get their way then that number will be much smaller because they will enforce their police state authoritarian tactics that keep people locked up at home. Don't let the demoncrap communists lead us down the road that China is on.

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