Has Trump done irreparable damage to the election process in our country?

No, we are just seeing the process for what it truly is. Consider the following:

- This is the year of the outsider. Trump and Sanders have large support.

- People are angry with the establishment. Sick of the corruption.

That said, Clinton has the election wrapped up with the Super Delegates

Trump is losing steam. It looks like neither Trump nor Cruz will get enough to secure the nomination.

My prediction, is that after all that has happened, we will be faced with Clinton v Jeb! just as it was predicted from the start.
The only media I've heard claiming to be a victim is that dude from Telemundo. The media loves Trump. All the coverage keeps the ratings up.

Your narrative is false. Trump is the whiner

Speaking of game players ^^^
Is this the game where you got Murked? Lol

I have watched with my own two eyes Fox News, Kelly in particular poke and jab at Trump repeatedly trying to get a rise out of him then pretend to be innocent when he hits back so don't tell me what I know for a fact. I'm no Trump fan but Fox News behavior has been on par with MSNBC for months now its sickening really.
Stop watching Fox. Problem solved....
Translation: Stick your head in the sand and ignore reality.
Fox News isn't reality. It's a fucking TV station with an agenda I don't give two shits about. You control your future not Fox News or Harry Reid.
the left/dems are not any freaking better. They turned a Funeral into a campaign rally.
and these were Adults

Paul Wellstone Funeral - Election Rally

They are not, but I don't concern myself so much with the inner workings of a party I don't belong to.
Both sides need a serious overhaul that's for sure

did we see THAT in this election. the Elite GopE/Republicans were just as Nasty as the Democrats. something is up, I don't know, but I have a funny feeling they (both parties) are getting ready to become ONE tyrant bunch. Obama got the ball rolling that's for sure

AW GAWD; look what this DEMOCRAT party do to us: they DO,, them and the MEDIAS they do to us, WAKE UP people. Aw Gawd…
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

I don’t think so…4 years is a long time for something dormant (or POTUS election process) to awaken in the same way

Wait until the fall when you have close House races. I’m sure you’ll have people calling others names because Trump has made a living out of doing it.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?
If the GOP establishment usurps the will of their constituents and robs Trump of the nomination, it will be the GOP establishment that has done irreparable damage to the election process. The republican one that is. The Democrat process has no such wild complaints.
Dems supporting Sanders are really pissed off about the Super Delegates. If Sanders continues to win and he some how beats her in pledged delegates (he's 200 and some change behind right now) the SD's have already said they will under no circumstances support him. There's a shit ton of Dems pissed off at whats happening with the SD's and if they don't change their votes to support him...we'll see a revolt.

Problem with Dems is that after they are done kicking and screaming they'll all line up behind Clinton.

That’s not a problem.
That is maturity.
the left/dems are not any freaking better. They turned a Funeral into a campaign rally.
and these were Adults

Paul Wellstone Funeral - Election Rally

They are not, but I don't concern myself so much with the inner workings of a party I don't belong to.
Both sides need a serious overhaul that's for sure

The DNC has won 5 of the last 6 electoral votes; set on making it 6 of 7. Their opponent is in total disarray about what being a “republican” means. The current delegate leader extolls none of the virtues that come up when asked what being a “republican” means.

The Dems are in no need of an overhaul
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

It might depend on the results. He gets killed in the general and it will go away. If he actually wins it will be the norm and we become an idiocracy. I won't be voting for him.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

I think it's a one off disaster.

But the GOP is going to have to change.

Damned nice watching the slow motion car wreck though.

I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

This is amusing. The bona fide Tea Party candidate is Ted Cruz, whom the "establishment" (i.e. Neocons) utterly hate. Because he was a threat to Trump, he has been on the receiving end of some of the worst dirty tricks.

The media has virtually financed the Trump campaign, providing him free exposure at every turn.

But mainly, Trump is a left winger, the polar opposite of the Tea Party;

During CNN’s town hall on Tuesday night, Trump said, “the greatest function of all by far is security for our nation. I would also say health care, I would also say education.”

When CNN’s Anderson Cooper tried to clarify that his main response was security, Trump agreed, but again added health care and education.

“I say all top three are security, but health care, education, would be probably three that would be top. And then you can go on from there.”

A confused Cooper needed to follow up again: “So in terms of the federal government's role, you're saying security, but you also say health care and education should be provided by the federal government?”

“Well, those are two of the things. Yes, sure,” Trump replied. “I mean, there are obviously many things, housing, providing great neighborhoods...”

Recognizing that Trump's response contradicts what he’s said on the campaign trail, Cooper asked: “Aren't you against the federal government's involvement in education? Don't you want it to devolve to states?”}

Leah Barkoukis - GOP Frontrunner Thinks Health Care, Education Are Among Federal Government's Top Roles

With all due respect because I normally agree with you, Cruz is by no means anti establishment. Au contraire he is totally establishment playing a good game pretending he's an outsider.

Proof is in the pudding. Cruz was a major force in the election of GW. Heidi worked for Condi Rice and others in the Bush administration for years. Then Heidi became a big Goldman Sachs player.

First campaign for Senate was funded by Goldman Sachs and I believe Citi Bank. Let me know if you need more information.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

Trump is tame compared to what DC politicians do. Watching Harry Reid take advantage of the protection of his Senate position and make absolutely false claims that Mitt Romney didn't pay his taxes should outrage EVERY American. Watching Obama call President Bush un-American for adding 4 trillion to the debt while he himself goes on to add 10 trillion is a complete slap in the face and insult to all Americans (that's really an understatement). Hearing Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz attack President Bush over $3.00 gas and not a peep out of them when Obama nearly hits $4.00? Every time the race card is played by the Left it's an outrage. Yet we accept these types of tactics as part of the campaign season. These people are stealing elections with bold-faces lies. Truly think about what these people do and how it affects elections. It's stunning how low DC politicians go to stay in power. And yes, I'm sure Liberals can come here and post about the shit Republicans do. Sorry Grampa Murked U, but your anger at Trump is misguided. Trump retweeting a wives photo and whatever else he does is small time compared to these DC politicians.
While I agree with your post I don't see how pointing at the other scumbags excuses Trump.

It doesn't. But I can easily vote for Trump over Hillary with that logic and do my share to keep another 4 years of Obama out of the White House.
Here you have the queen of musical government positions, Hillary, running WHILE she is under investigation. If that is doing damage to our elections by making them a mockery.
they do what ever the hell they want and still run for President.
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

Either most on the right are too stupid to stay on topic or their failed efforts to deflect illustrate they’re ashamed of their candidates, and understandably so.

The thread’s about Trump.
Here you have the queen of musical government positions, Hillary, running WHILE she is under investigation. If that is doing damage to our elections by making them a mockery.
they do what ever the hell they want and still run for President.
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

Either most on the right are too stupid to stay on topic or their failed efforts to deflect illustrate they’re ashamed of their candidates, and understandably so.

The thread’s about Trump.
well then put it this was so we stay on topic.
Is the destruction of the Republican party responsible for Donald Trumps popularity or is Donald Trumps popularity responsible for the destruction of the Republican party.
What Trump is actually doing is exposing the corruption in the election process. He is bringing to light the way the parties select candidates and how they ignore the will of the people.

this is very healthy for democracy and our country.

Trump is part of the corruption – the lies, the hypocrisy, and the sophomoric rhetoric of simple ‘solutions’ to complex problems.

Change will never happen from the top down; change can only occur at the very local level.

The idiotic notion that Trump is an ‘agent of change’ is the most naïve and delusional aspect of Trump supporters.
What Trump is actually doing is exposing the corruption in the election process. He is bringing to light the way the parties select candidates and how they ignore the will of the people.

this is very healthy for democracy and our country.

Trump is part of the corruption – the lies, the hypocrisy, and the sophomoric rhetoric of simple ‘solutions’ to complex problems.

Change will never happen from the top down; change can only occur at the very local level.

The idiotic notion that Trump is an ‘agent of change’ is the most naïve and delusional aspect of Trump supporters.
Trump wont change anything except the Republican parties view on its voters.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?
He has set the bar low. But perhaps he has opened the door for candidates without his Brillo pad personality. Perhaps both parties will offer up a more dignified and Presidential nominees in the future as a rebuke to the Trump style.

At least that's my hope.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?
If the GOP establishment usurps the will of their constituents and robs Trump of the nomination, it will be the GOP establishment that has done irreparable damage to the election process. The republican one that is. The Democrat process has no such wild complaints.

KING: Superdelegates ripping off Sanders supporters
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

What damage has he caused? The one thing that I see is there is now no doubt to anyone that there is a Political Class. They want to keep their power, and they pretty much don't give a flying fuck who the American People want for POTUS. We the people can only choose between the pieces of shit that they shove down our throats. That's why Bernie, AND Trump, are doing as well as they have.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?
If the GOP establishment usurps the will of their constituents and robs Trump of the nomination, it will be the GOP establishment that has done irreparable damage to the election process. The republican one that is. The Democrat process has no such wild complaints.
Dems supporting Sanders are really pissed off about the Super Delegates. If Sanders continues to win and he some how beats her in pledged delegates (he's 200 and some change behind right now) the SD's have already said they will under no circumstances support him. There's a shit ton of Dems pissed off at whats happening with the SD's and if they don't change their votes to support him...we'll see a revolt.

Problem with Dems is that after they are done kicking and screaming they'll all line up behind Clinton.

Absolutely. If you ever needed proof that the election process has been hijacked by the ruling elite, that is it.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

Grampa...........there is only 2 ways he can cause severe harm to the process.........

1. If he breaks the magic number, and they change the rules to screw him...........


2. If he doesn't break the magic number, and some of these people keep carrying on about how he got screwed if he doesn't get the nomination!

Hell, we got President Abraham Lincoln and a host of others this way, and they weren't in the lead. It is up to TRUMP supporters to break the magic number, same with Cruz supporters. No excuses from them, not a 1! If they can't do it and get bypassed, it is because THEY FAILED, not because they got screwed, and it is not fair because they deserve it. That is a bullshit whine!

Let us reverse the logic ala Al Gore------------------> Trump is the nominee and wins 49 states by 1 vote each. Everybody in California votes for the Democratic nominee meaning the Democratic nominee wins by 17 million votes, but in the EC, loses in a landslide. Think Trump is gonna give up the Presidency!

Same thing in reverse here! You either break the threshold, or it goes to convention..........kinda like the House of Representatives because in a 3 way race, nobody got enough EC votes, AKA delegates. Who picks!

These are the rules, don't like it, shoulda run as a Democrat! Abraham Lincoln and a host of others were nominated, and elected this way. In fact, if I remember correctly, Abraham Lincoln only had 10% of the delegates!

So the deal is up to Trump and Cruz supporters to push them over the top. No whining if you can't do it. Nobody else should whine if you do! You would think that some supporters are already afraid they can't break the magic number. Well, those have been the rules since the party's inception, they weren't changed for Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan, so they won't be changed for Trump either.

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