Has Trump done irreparable damage to the election process in our country?

Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

I think it's a one off disaster.

But the GOP is going to have to change.
Change or die. It's looking like the latter.
The GOP and the Dems should merge and become the Whigs, the conservatives should break off and team up with the narco-libertarians to create the Tea Party, and the Bernie fans should join forces with CPUSA.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

He has brought what the democrats do every election to the GOP primary. Maybe the Republicans will learn to fight back against the filthy democrats in the general election?

OK let me get this right, Cruz and his campaign lie that Carson's out of the race. Then the Cruz campaign photo shops a picture of Rubio and Obama AND then sends out a false story that Rubio slagged the Bible AND then goes after Trump's wife in a big way and you are freaking knocking Trump?


Give me a freaking break. I won't even get into all the other dirty tricks that were out there from other camps.
This thread isn't about other camps dear.
Did your mother teach you it was ok to be bad if the other kids were being bad too?
Did your mother teach you to only punish the kids you don't like and excuse the other one's bad behavior?
I have several years of post history buddy. Look it up and shut your trap.
Just wondering why you're selective in who you hold accountable, which is what that comment indicates.
This topic is about Trump so why the fuck would I talk about Reid or Obama? WHY???
I'm not interested in derailing my own topic. I have thousands of topics blasting the left for their bullshit. This isn't one of them.
I'm not talking about Reid or Obama.
The GOP establishment ran over 40,000 pro tea party ads to win the 2014 election then the GOP establishment stabbed the tea party in the back, that's why you have this GOP primary fiasco.

Perhaps, but Trump has nothing in common with the Tea Party, and is a lot closer to Obama in his views than he his to the Tea Party.

Trump has brought the democrat shit flinging that is usually reserved for the general, where the democrats and the corrupt press line up against the Republican, to the GOP primary.
I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

He has brought what the democrats do every election to the GOP primary. Maybe the Republicans will learn to fight back against the filthy democrats in the general election?

This thread isn't about other camps dear.
Did your mother teach you it was ok to be bad if the other kids were being bad too?
Did your mother teach you to only punish the kids you don't like and excuse the other one's bad behavior?
I have several years of post history buddy. Look it up and shut your trap.
Just wondering why you're selective in who you hold accountable, which is what that comment indicates.
This topic is about Trump so why the fuck would I talk about Reid or Obama? WHY???
I'm not interested in derailing my own topic. I have thousands of topics blasting the left for their bullshit. This isn't one of them.
I'm not talking about Reid or Obama.
OK then what? Should I make threads telling people not to support Rubio or Bush? Cruz perhaps? Carson?

If you have a point, make it.
The GOP establishment ran over 40,000 pro tea party ads to win the 2014 election then the GOP establishment stabbed the tea party in the back, that's why you have this GOP primary fiasco.

Perhaps, but Trump has nothing in common with the Tea Party, and is a lot closer to Obama in his views than he his to the Tea Party.

Trump has brought the democrat shit flinging that is usually reserved for the general, where the democrats and the corrupt press line up against the Republican, to the GOP primary.
I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
Where have the media been attacking Trump? They report everything he says.
Trump Has...

1. Told the 'PC Police' to :anj_stfu:

2. He has listened to and given voice to the people and picked up the banner of the movement both the GOP and DNC Establishment began themselves by ignoring the American people, making them 2nd-class citizens in their own country, and who have made themselves 'rulers' above the Constitution and Rule of Law

Only a Liberal would argue that Trump's un-refined, rude, and what many would call 'Un-Presidential Behavior' has done more damage to the US election process than...
- Proven voter fraud in Iowa, confirmed by the Ex-Hillary employee now DNC Primary Lead in Iowa refusing STILL to turn over raw data showing Hillary won
- Miraculous Coin Flips and 'Pick a card, any card' 'carnival' tricks used to decide who gets delegates
- A system where '1 person 1 vote, and all votes count equally'....EXCEPT where a 'Super delegate' system has been created to help the party negate the people's votes / choice
- The GOP's open scheming billionaires and Party Leaders meeting to plot the circumvention of the people's will to give the nomination to a person of THEIR choosing, someone who might not have even been running during the primaries.

GOOD GRIEF! Both Parties have demonstrated during this primary race to date how DANGEROUS to the election process and to the voting rights of US citizens BOTH official parties have become in this country. Both parties are trying to screw the American people, negate their votes / actions and impose their will on them.
The GOP establishment ran over 40,000 pro tea party ads to win the 2014 election then the GOP establishment stabbed the tea party in the back, that's why you have this GOP primary fiasco.

Perhaps, but Trump has nothing in common with the Tea Party, and is a lot closer to Obama in his views than he his to the Tea Party.

Trump has brought the democrat shit flinging that is usually reserved for the general, where the democrats and the corrupt press line up against the Republican, to the GOP primary.
I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
The only media I've heard claiming to be a victim is that dude from Telemundo. The media loves Trump. All the coverage keeps the ratings up.

Your narrative is false. Trump is the whiner
I think the Democrats have taken it to a new low with their giving the witch bitch hillary all of the super delegates to make sure her wrinkled criminal prune ass is the nomination.
Really proves what I have thought all along, the people have no choice, our government is out of control.
this is why we NEED either Bernie, or Trump to win. The powers that be need to know their run is over.
The GOP establishment ran over 40,000 pro tea party ads to win the 2014 election then the GOP establishment stabbed the tea party in the back, that's why you have this GOP primary fiasco.

Perhaps, but Trump has nothing in common with the Tea Party, and is a lot closer to Obama in his views than he his to the Tea Party.

Trump has brought the democrat shit flinging that is usually reserved for the general, where the democrats and the corrupt press line up against the Republican, to the GOP primary.
I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
Where have the media been attacking Trump? They report everything he says.


I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

This is amusing. The bona fide Tea Party candidate is Ted Cruz, whom the "establishment" (i.e. Neocons) utterly hate. Because he was a threat to Trump, he has been on the receiving end of some of the worst dirty tricks.

The media has virtually financed the Trump campaign, providing him free exposure at every turn.

But mainly, Trump is a left winger, the polar opposite of the Tea Party;

During CNN’s town hall on Tuesday night, Trump said, “the greatest function of all by far is security for our nation. I would also say health care, I would also say education.”

When CNN’s Anderson Cooper tried to clarify that his main response was security, Trump agreed, but again added health care and education.

“I say all top three are security, but health care, education, would be probably three that would be top. And then you can go on from there.”

A confused Cooper needed to follow up again: “So in terms of the federal government's role, you're saying security, but you also say health care and education should be provided by the federal government?”

“Well, those are two of the things. Yes, sure,” Trump replied. “I mean, there are obviously many things, housing, providing great neighborhoods...”

Recognizing that Trump's response contradicts what he’s said on the campaign trail, Cooper asked: “Aren't you against the federal government's involvement in education? Don't you want it to devolve to states?”}

Leah Barkoukis - GOP Frontrunner Thinks Health Care, Education Are Among Federal Government's Top Roles
The GOP establishment ran over 40,000 pro tea party ads to win the 2014 election then the GOP establishment stabbed the tea party in the back, that's why you have this GOP primary fiasco.

Perhaps, but Trump has nothing in common with the Tea Party, and is a lot closer to Obama in his views than he his to the Tea Party.

Trump has brought the democrat shit flinging that is usually reserved for the general, where the democrats and the corrupt press line up against the Republican, to the GOP primary.
I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
The only media I've heard claiming to be a victim is that dude from Telemundo. The media loves Trump. All the coverage keeps the ratings up.

Your narrative is false. Trump is the whiner

Speaking of game players ^^^
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?
If the GOP establishment usurps the will of their constituents and robs Trump of the nomination, it will be the GOP establishment that has done irreparable damage to the election process. The republican one that is. The Democrat process has no such wild complaints.
Dems supporting Sanders are really pissed off about the Super Delegates. If Sanders continues to win and he some how beats her in pledged delegates (he's 200 and some change behind right now) the SD's have already said they will under no circumstances support him. There's a shit ton of Dems pissed off at whats happening with the SD's and if they don't change their votes to support him...we'll see a revolt.

Problem with Dems is that after they are done kicking and screaming they'll all line up behind Clinton.
This fails as a red fallacy - the thread's about Trump.
No, this thread is about who is destroying our election process. Right now its the Democrats.
I will say that the Republicans have threatened to change the rules so Trump will not be the nominee, so if that happens, Democrats and Republicans have destroyed the process together.
Oh well, at least they finally came together on something.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

it's only because the Republican party has been fucking over its base ever since Reagan rode off into the sunset.

It's about goddamn motherfucking time!!!

I don't give a single fuck about the Republican Party's poor hurt feeling about how Trump is so mean to them, "Half-a-dozen of 'em woulda strangled While they was suckin' on each others' dick!"

Fuck the entire fucking Republican Party to Fucking Hell
He has brought what the democrats do every election to the GOP primary. Maybe the Republicans will learn to fight back against the filthy democrats in the general election?

Did your mother teach you to only punish the kids you don't like and excuse the other one's bad behavior?
I have several years of post history buddy. Look it up and shut your trap.
Just wondering why you're selective in who you hold accountable, which is what that comment indicates.
This topic is about Trump so why the fuck would I talk about Reid or Obama? WHY???
I'm not interested in derailing my own topic. I have thousands of topics blasting the left for their bullshit. This isn't one of them.
I'm not talking about Reid or Obama.
OK then what? Should I make threads telling people not to support Rubio or Bush? Cruz perhaps? Carson?

If you have a point, make it.
I did. You just don't like it.
The GOP establishment ran over 40,000 pro tea party ads to win the 2014 election then the GOP establishment stabbed the tea party in the back, that's why you have this GOP primary fiasco.

Perhaps, but Trump has nothing in common with the Tea Party, and is a lot closer to Obama in his views than he his to the Tea Party.

Trump has brought the democrat shit flinging that is usually reserved for the general, where the democrats and the corrupt press line up against the Republican, to the GOP primary.
I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
The only media I've heard claiming to be a victim is that dude from Telemundo. The media loves Trump. All the coverage keeps the ratings up.

Your narrative is false. Trump is the whiner

Speaking of game players ^^^
Is this the game where you got Murked? Lol
Perhaps, but Trump has nothing in common with the Tea Party, and is a lot closer to Obama in his views than he his to the Tea Party.

Trump has brought the democrat shit flinging that is usually reserved for the general, where the democrats and the corrupt press line up against the Republican, to the GOP primary.
I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
The only media I've heard claiming to be a victim is that dude from Telemundo. The media loves Trump. All the coverage keeps the ratings up.

Your narrative is false. Trump is the whiner

Speaking of game players ^^^
Is this the game where you got Murked? Lol

I have watched with my own two eyes Fox News, Kelly in particular poke and jab at Trump repeatedly trying to get a rise out of him then pretend to be innocent when he hits back so don't tell me what I know for a fact. I'm no Trump fan but Fox News behavior has been on par with MSNBC for months now its sickening really.
Or is this a one off disaster?

Imo he has certainly taken electioneering to the lowest possible place it can go. Despite doing that his popularity remains steady so one has to wonder if this kind of low brow campaign will be what we see out of future candidates because it seems to work?

it's only because the Republican party has been fucking over its base ever since Reagan rode off into the sunset.

It's about goddamn motherfucking time!!!

I don't give a single fuck about the Republican Party's poor hurt feeling about how Trump is so mean to them, "Half-a-dozen of 'em woulda strangled While they was suckin' on each others' dick!"

Fuck the entire fucking Republican Party to Fucking Hell
This thread isn't about the GOP. It's about the state of our elections.
Besides that Trump is not even close to being a conservative. I mean the man bitches about our jobs going overseas while he makes his clothing line OVERSEAS. He bitches about foreigners taking our jobs here while he hires foreigners for his jobs here.

No bigger fraud ever ran as a Republican
I'm sorry, but it was the establishment candidates (and the media) who immediately went negative on Trump. It was when he hit back that they cried foul.

The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
The only media I've heard claiming to be a victim is that dude from Telemundo. The media loves Trump. All the coverage keeps the ratings up.

Your narrative is false. Trump is the whiner

Speaking of game players ^^^
Is this the game where you got Murked? Lol

I have watched with my own two eyes Fox News, Kelly in particular poke and jab at Trump repeatedly trying to get a rise out of him then pretend to be innocent when he hits back so don't tell me what I know for a fact. I'm no Trump fan but Fox News behavior has been on par with MSNBC for months now its sickening really.
Stop watching Fox. Problem solved....
The establishment and media have been attacking Trump relentlessly then when he strikes back they pretend like they are the innocent victims, this has been going on for months.
The only media I've heard claiming to be a victim is that dude from Telemundo. The media loves Trump. All the coverage keeps the ratings up.

Your narrative is false. Trump is the whiner

Speaking of game players ^^^
Is this the game where you got Murked? Lol

I have watched with my own two eyes Fox News, Kelly in particular poke and jab at Trump repeatedly trying to get a rise out of him then pretend to be innocent when he hits back so don't tell me what I know for a fact. I'm no Trump fan but Fox News behavior has been on par with MSNBC for months now its sickening really.
Stop watching Fox. Problem solved....
Translation: Stick your head in the sand and ignore reality.
the left/dems are not any freaking better. They turned a Funeral into a campaign rally.
and these were Adults

Paul Wellstone Funeral - Election Rally

They are not, but I don't concern myself so much with the inner workings of a party I don't belong to.
Both sides need a serious overhaul that's for sure

did we see THAT in this election. the Elite GopE/Republicans were just as Nasty as the Democrats. something is up, I don't know, but I have a funny feeling they (both parties) are getting ready to become ONE tyrant bunch. Obama got the ball rolling that's for sure

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