Has World War III Already Started in the Mideast?

Considering the multitude of muslim enclaves in the USA_-----
New York and New Jersey alone-----we would probably have
a civil war--------starting in Queens NY-------the muslims vs the
hindus on points of policy

We should put them in concentration camps like we did the Japanese during WWII, and for the same reason. Of COURSE they would spy and sabotage!! Duh.

They need to be expelled, soonest.
America is at her weakest since WWII having fought for over a decade in the sands of the ME. China, Russia, Korea, Iran, Syria, and Pakistan, in combination, could be a formidable foe in the ME and Asia for the US, Germany, England, and Japan. Obama has been unilaterally dis-arming America. Our Economy is in tatters. We are ripe for WWIII.

Well said......worrying.

I worry most about Pakistan, because they have 170 million and jets and nukes. We have been very, very careful to bribe them into cooperation so far, but they are certainly our enemies.



1.Say that (a specified thing) will happen in the future: "Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest".
2.Speak or write by divine inspiration; act as a prophet: "when a man prophesies, it is because the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him".


predict - foretell - divine - forecast - prognosticate


Thank you very much!! For some reason, that just wasn't clicking. Okay, now we know how to prophesy our prophecies!
Has World War III Already Started in the Mideast?

.... everybody can feel something is about to happen...

All pieces are falling into place.

It is just a matter of time now.
There are a whole lot of countries dramatically falling apart in Sandland. There is no law that says world wars have to start in Europe: indeed, Japan's invasion of Manchuria had a lot to do with starting World War II.

The usual pattern is that the USA does NOT get involved right away: we wait a good year or two or three years and then are dragged into it all, kicking and screaming, which is exactly why we adopted the role of world policeman after WWII ended.

However, we can't stop all this going on: nobody could. Clearly the disorder is spreading, now to Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon. It's an out-of-control wildfire like the fires in California and Idaho. While the wars are all civil wars inside nationstates it's not so much of a problem, but when they spread to other states -- attacks on Israel, Turkey destabilized by refugees, Syrians blowing up Lebanon, the contagion spreading to oil-rich countries we depend on for fuel ---- that could become a big and sudden problem.

It's very hard to correctly identify the beginnings of huge conflicts: NO one knew WWI was starting till the last week in July 1914, a week before the Germans goosestepped over the Belgian border. Nobody took the "phoney war" seriously 1939-1940: until the quick conquest of France, and the Blitz started. Before that, war had been declared but nothing happened for months, so people thought, we can fix it, they'll have talks.

What's going on in the Mideast is HUGE. Anybody seen a lot of stuff happen in the world that's this bad? Because I haven't, and I've been watching for awhile. Is this WWIII?

ZIONIST Propaganda on display! No is the answer to your question.

Sherri I AM FASCINATED-----just what part of that post ---by Circe---which
seemed to me to be a review of actual events in europe-----seem to you to be
"ZONIST PROPAGANDA"? were you THAT offended by the line referring to
"nazis goosestepping into Belgium" I will try to put some brakes on circe and
his/her unfortunate lack of respect for the third reich---so ZIONISTIC OF HIM/HER

Yessssssss........... no doubt I need the brakes put on about my characterization of Germans goosestepping into Belgium August 4, 1914 because it's so Zionist...... (????????? I'm not Jewish; just usual American) They did, though; and sang patriotic German songs as they goosestep-marched, legs flung high in triumph, and since there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them, Belgians living by the roadway were kept awake for days at a time in early August with the noise from the soldiers singing as they marched past. I study WWI and so am interested in all that.
ZIONIST Propaganda on display! No is the answer to your question.

Sherri I AM FASCINATED-----just what part of that post ---by Circe---which
seemed to me to be a review of actual events in europe-----seem to you to be
"ZONIST PROPAGANDA"? were you THAT offended by the line referring to
"nazis goosestepping into Belgium" I will try to put some brakes on circe and
his/her unfortunate lack of respect for the third reich---so ZIONISTIC OF HIM/HER

Yessssssss........... no doubt I need the brakes put on about my characterization of Germans goosestepping into Belgium August 4, 1914 because it's so Zionist...... (????????? I'm not Jewish; just usual American) They did, though; and sang patriotic German songs as they goosestep-marched, legs flung high in triumph, and since there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them, Belgians living by the roadway were kept awake for days at a time in early August with the noise from the soldiers singing as they marched past. I study WWI and so am interested in all that.

I rely on Professionals like Historians to tell me when World Wars start, not Internet posters who have not shown they have qualifications to make such determinations.
Sherri I AM FASCINATED-----just what part of that post ---by Circe---which
seemed to me to be a review of actual events in europe-----seem to you to be
"ZONIST PROPAGANDA"? were you THAT offended by the line referring to
"nazis goosestepping into Belgium" I will try to put some brakes on circe and
his/her unfortunate lack of respect for the third reich---so ZIONISTIC OF HIM/HER

Yessssssss........... no doubt I need the brakes put on about my characterization of Germans goosestepping into Belgium August 4, 1914 because it's so Zionist...... (????????? I'm not Jewish; just usual American) They did, though; and sang patriotic German songs as they goosestep-marched, legs flung high in triumph, and since there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them, Belgians living by the roadway were kept awake for days at a time in early August with the noise from the soldiers singing as they marched past. I study WWI and so am interested in all that.

I rely on Professionals like Historians to tell me when World Wars start, not Internet posters who have not shown they have qualifications to make such determinations.

Let's see. US declares a world wide war on that which we fear, aka. our War on Terror, which from the perspective of our victims, the countries where the terrorists hid, is a world war on them. We've been fighting a war on drugs for decades and now this war on terror for over a decade. Sounds like a war of a broad scope to me. If these are not World Wars, what is a world war?
Let's see. US declares a world wide war on that which we fear, aka. our War on Terror, which from the perspective of our victims, the countries where the terrorists hid, is a world war on them. We've been fighting a war on drugs for decades and now this war on terror for over a decade. Sounds like a war of a broad scope to me. If these are not World Wars, what is a world war?

No, neither of those are world wars!

Though I agree they are unbelievably dumb.

A world war is when a state actually tries to defeat and conquer another state or states and many nationstates get involved.

Pinging an occasional drone over somebody's border or sending a helicopter in with herbicides to destroy a coco field does NOT count as a world war.

If we have a world war, we will notice.
Sherri I AM FASCINATED-----just what part of that post ---by Circe---which
seemed to me to be a review of actual events in europe-----seem to you to be
"ZONIST PROPAGANDA"? were you THAT offended by the line referring to
"nazis goosestepping into Belgium" I will try to put some brakes on circe and
his/her unfortunate lack of respect for the third reich---so ZIONISTIC OF HIM/HER

I rely on Professionals like Historians to tell me when World Wars start, not Internet posters who have not shown they have qualifications to make such determinations.

How Interesting sherri------I am not young and have ALWAYS been an avid reader----
I simply read just about anything available as a child----even my school history textbooks.
and lots of other "history" written by "historians" Over time I began to see that
the very last people to trust regarding HISTORY----those who write history books-----
which are actually simply OPINION You should get your hands on a standard high
school history book----after that try to do some serious reading------especially read
ancient texts, reveiw the findings of archaeologists and even etymologists---and
EVEN biologists. That high school history text is actually a joke ----believing it is almost
as silly as believing lawyers-----In my working life I encountered lawyers----sometimes
I was called to render "expert testimony" ------Lawyers lie, manipulate and distort
even more than do the writers of history textbooks. The people called "good lawyers"--
are often just good sophists-----and liars
Yessssssss........... no doubt I need the brakes put on about my characterization of Germans goosestepping into Belgium August 4, 1914 because it's so Zionist...... (????????? I'm not Jewish; just usual American) They did, though; and sang patriotic German songs as they goosestep-marched, legs flung high in triumph, and since there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them, Belgians living by the roadway were kept awake for days at a time in early August with the noise from the soldiers singing as they marched past. I study WWI and so am interested in all that.

I rely on Professionals like Historians to tell me when World Wars start, not Internet posters who have not shown they have qualifications to make such determinations.

Let's see. US declares a world wide war on that which we fear, aka. our War on Terror, which from the perspective of our victims, the countries where the terrorists hid, is a world war on them. We've been fighting a war on drugs for decades and now this war on terror for over a decade. Sounds like a war of a broad scope to me. If these are not World Wars, what is a world war?

RKM---an elderly lawyer once told me------"the only product I have to sell is time
and words"---------some people actually do make a living just playing around with
remember the good old days of the FERTILE CRESCENT---and THE NILE VALLEY---
when no one really starved ??? -------there was the INDUS VALLEY ---too........
-----grain for all-------all the time ------seems to me that the big fight will be over
bread and ----who gets to eat the blubber of the last whale

I'm fascinated with the fact that Egypt used to be the breadbasket of the known world, supplying Rome with all the wheat they ate.

Now Egypt is the largest grain IMPORTER in the world. Their population is 84 million, mostly urbanized and the rest restricted to the Nile area as ever, and they not only cannot feed themselves, they cannot pay for their imported food and fuel and have huge debts and no economy, especially now that tourism has been destroyed. If the oil states of the Mideast don't keep giving the government money for their grain imports, how will they feed all these people?

Grain has been subsidized in the form of cheap bread and flour in several countries that have gone up recently, Tunisia being the first. But the governments have no money to subsidize the bread; they have to borrow it. And the people have no jobs to buy unsubsidized food. As governments raise prices of food and fuel because they can't find the money or the borrowing capacity, the people start these huge riots.

But the basic problem is gross overpopulation: they have reproduced way, WAY past the carrying capacity of their country.

Malthus rides again.
Considering the multitude of muslim enclaves in the USA_-----
New York and New Jersey alone-----we would probably have
a civil war--------starting in Queens NY-------the muslims vs the
hindus on points of policy

We should put them in concentration camps like we did the Japanese during WWII, and for the same reason. Of COURSE they would spy and sabotage!! Duh.

They need to be expelled, soonest.

Circe don't get carried away----the internment of japanese during world war II----seems
to have been a BIG BIG MISTAKE-------however---I am ALL FOR surveillance-----the best
surrveillance ----- I M O-----"listen to what the children say" Children repeat what they
hear at home---- My most important insight into that which muslim kids learn came
to me at age 14----from a muslim child (first I met) who said his father was a pakistani diplomat.
It was then that I was introduced to the concept of "MUSLIM LAND" ----and bits of
"muslim history" -----intensely imperialistic with absolutely no regrets
remember the good old days of the FERTILE CRESCENT---and THE NILE VALLEY---
when no one really starved ??? -------there was the INDUS VALLEY ---too........
-----grain for all-------all the time ------seems to me that the big fight will be over
bread and ----who gets to eat the blubber of the last whale

I'm fascinated with the fact that Egypt used to be the breadbasket of the known world, supplying Rome with all the wheat they ate.

Now Egypt is the largest grain IMPORTER in the world. Their population is 84 million, mostly urbanized and the rest restricted to the Nile area as ever, and they not only cannot feed themselves, they cannot pay for their imported food and fuel and have huge debts and no economy, especially now that tourism has been destroyed. If the oil states of the Mideast don't keep giving the government money for their grain imports, how will they feed all these people?

Grain has been subsidized in the form of cheap bread and flour in several countries that have gone up recently, Tunisia being the first. But the governments have no money to subsidize the bread; they have to borrow it. And the people have no jobs to buy unsubsidized food. As governments raise prices of food and fuel because they can't find the money or the borrowing capacity, the people start these huge riots.

But the basic problem is gross overpopulation: they have reproduced way, WAY past the carrying capacity of their country.

Malthus rides again.

Screw Malthus-----agriculture seems to be ON THE WANE everywhere---even in the
USA -----I am thinking of growing herbs----in tiny little pots----on my window sill----
-----is that not pathetic. I have campaigned for a goat which could live on the veranda---
but there are laws ----besides ---what would it eat?
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Speaking of WWIII.........

Noon today, BBC:

Blasts heard in northern Israel
Explosions are heard in northern Israel, near the border with Lebanon, as air raid sirens sound in the area.

Attacking Israel would certainly be one way of distracting the world from the question of who is using chemical weapons.
Let's see. US declares a world wide war on that which we fear, aka. our War on Terror, which from the perspective of our victims, the countries where the terrorists hid, is a world war on them. We've been fighting a war on drugs for decades and now this war on terror for over a decade. Sounds like a war of a broad scope to me. If these are not World Wars, what is a world war?

No, neither of those are world wars!

Though I agree they are unbelievably dumb.

A world war is when a state actually tries to defeat and conquer another state or states and many nationstates get involved.

Pinging an occasional drone over somebody's border or sending a helicopter in with herbicides to destroy a coco field does NOT count as a world war.

If we have a world war, we will notice.

>>> A world war is when a state actually tries to defeat and conquer another state or states and many nationstates get involved.

How many states are involved in the war on terror and the war on drugs? How many states did we and our allies invade with our collective troops in the war on terror and the war on drugs? How many states were defeated, conquered, and said government replace since the beginning of the war on terror? How many nationstates have been involved in this war on terror? 20? 50?
How many states are involved in the war on terror and the war on drugs? How many states did we and our allies invade with our collective troops in the war on terror and the war on drugs? How many states were defeated, conquered, and said government replace since the beginning of the war on terror? How many nationstates have been involved in this war on terror? 20? 50?

You are a rebel against the normal naming conventions, I gather.

Well, we could have a world war of the IMF!! Many, many nationstates have been rescued or oppressed by the money loans and terms of the International Monetary Fund, depending on point of view.

We could have a world war of the Frankenfoods! Monsanto and the African states and the USA against all of Europe and wherever they don't like genetically modified crop plants.

How about a world war of the corporations invading nationstates worldwide? The World War of McDonalds invasion, or Coca-Cola, or Microsoft, or the one the French hate most, our Hollywood movie industry!

Let's rename them all. I want WWI to be what we now call the Thirty Years War, and you can number the rest after that, including anything you like to call a world war.

As long as you include McDonalds in there. No McDonalds world war, no deal.
How many states are involved in the war on terror and the war on drugs? How many states did we and our allies invade with our collective troops in the war on terror and the war on drugs? How many states were defeated, conquered, and said government replace since the beginning of the war on terror? How many nationstates have been involved in this war on terror? 20? 50?

You are a rebel against the normal naming conventions, I gather.

Well, we could have a world war of the IMF!! Many, many nationstates have been rescued or oppressed by the money loans and terms of the International Monetary Fund, depending on point of view.

We could have a world war of the Frankenfoods! Monsanto and the African states and the USA against all of Europe and wherever they don't like genetically modified crop plants.

How about a world war of the corporations invading nationstates worldwide? The World War of McDonalds invasion, or Coca-Cola, or Microsoft, or the one the French hate most, our Hollywood movie industry!

Let's rename them all. I want WWI to be what we now call the Thirty Years War, and you can number the rest after that, including anything you like to call a world war.

As long as you include McDonalds in there. No McDonalds world war, no deal.

How many have been killed by military action in your war on food stuffs? How many have been killed by military action in the war on terror?
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How many have been killed by military action in your war on food stuffs? How many have been killed by military action in the war on terror?

Let's see, counting only battlefield deaths alone, WWI had 10,000,000 and WWII had 40,000,000.

You've got to offer me between ten and forty million dead casualties to call it a world war, or you just don't have a sale.
How many have been killed by military action in your war on food stuffs? How many have been killed by military action in the war on terror?

Let's see, counting only battlefield deaths alone, WWI had 10,000,000 and WWII had 40,000,000.

You've got to offer me between ten and forty million dead casualties to call it a world war, or you just don't have a sale.

I see, so by your new definition of WW at least 10million have to die through collective foreign battlefield actions before it's a world war. Anything under 10m is just a minor skirmish. Genocides, incidental deaths, and civil wars don't count. Got it.
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How many have been killed by military action in your war on food stuffs? How many have been killed by military action in the war on terror?

Let's see, counting only battlefield deaths alone, WWI had 10,000,000 and WWII had 40,000,000.

You've got to offer me between ten and forty million dead casualties to call it a world war, or you just don't have a sale.

not a good criterion-------who and how many died of what -----always
comes under question. like-----"he died of a "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY
ARREST"------the gunshot wound to his chest is purely incidental"

or "stalin did not actually kill anyone-----some kulaks died because they
decided not to eat"

or lots of people died of "natural causes" in german concentration camps---
even Anne Frank died naturally of typhoid

or two million biafran children died-----circa 1970----also----they
were finicky eaters and decided not to eat

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