Hate it, dontcha, Libs

Hate it, dontcha, Libs


When CNN and MSNBC started to mimic FOX they assumed there was a larger audience for spoon fed bs. Most normal people do not watch any of those 3 networks on a regular basis. Who in their right minds likes to be on edge, always on alert, constantly outraged and .. oh wait. Right wingers do.

never mind
Bingo. Ernie can't see this because FOX has him tied in emotional knots.
Emotional knots???? I am saying FOX has more viewers because they put out a product more people want to see and you people offer nothing of substance except snarky insults. And one sided marketing analysis.

Yes, emotional knots.
What's the first word in your title, Ernie?

There are a lot of Libs watching too. Y'all seem obsessed!

Uh --- who started this thread based on an ill-informed superiority complex?
Ill informed? And YOU sir have informed me? You've avoided questions and attempted to baffle us with bullshit, but informed? Really?
No Ernie, you're frustrated because your opening taunt failed and you know it didn't work for you.
It worked just fine. You are showing what a brain dead Liberal really is and Possum boy can explain successful marketing, but has yet to explain why Liberal Media had had far less success marketing their product. Each time I've asked him for comparison, he's avoided answering.

I've gone over this about six thousand times between this thread and the other 5,999 that brought it up. It just doesn't happen to be the one you want to hear, but that's irrelevant to its validity.

As I've explained from the first, your premise is inoperative, since ratings measure attention; they do not measure assent as you seem to think, and that what both these channels (indeed all commercial TV channels) are selling is not ideology or information or even entertainment; it is psychological manipulation to turn the viewer's brain into passive mush that he may be sensually defenseless against the inevitable advertisement. And the means to do that might be right ideology, left ideology, idiots trolling through storage bins ideology, duck hunting ideology or whatever the unwashed will buy, but they're all means to the same end. Same shit, different channel.

When Fox Noise goes to a non-commercial format then we'll talk about ideological TV and who's "winning", but for now, there's no such thing.
We dont need cable news telling us what to think like Fox listeners do. Very easy.
Lost cause.... Liberal media doesn't tell you what to think. They are aware that most of you are incapable of rational thought. They tell you what to feel.

Pffft. That model was invented by Fox. It's to the discredit of the CNNs and MSNBCs that they followed suit down that same hole, but that just reconfirms what I'm saying --- that ít's all about selling out commercials.

Again, nobody ever made money on straight news. Money is made on emotion. Emotion snares viewers and keeps them tuned in.
Blah blah blah. I understand all that as I've said a dozen times. MSNBC and CNN are not non commercial format either. They have marketing people who should be able to sell their product in the same way FOX marketing promotes their product. All things being equal, given left vs right citizens are pretty much equal in number, rating should be similar.

Blah blah blah. I understand all that as I've said a dozen times. MSNBC and CNN are not non commercial format either. They have marketing people who should be able to sell their product in the same way FOX marketing promotes their product. All things being equal, given left vs right citizens are pretty much equal in number, rating should be similar.


And I also pointed out before, MSNBC used to be a right-wing channel. Nobody remembers that, probably because it fell flat. If the content works on one and not on the other, that tells us the variable is not the content. If it's not the content, it must be the vehicle presenting it. Think about it.

Roger Ailes, Murdoch's man to run Fox Noise, was already experienced in psychological manipulation in the roles of political media consultant as far back as Nixon. This quote of his is telling:
"If you have two guys on a stage and one guy says, 'I have a solution to the Middle East problem,' and the other guy falls in the orchestra pit, who do you think is going to be on the evening news?"​

Roger Ailes seems to agree with my analysis of how this stuff works. And he's running Fox Noise.

There's prolly a lot to be said in terms of efficacy for being the first to come up with a concept. After you've done that, your imitators are not likely to reach your level. Case in point: Lush Rimjob. Often imitated, never quite duplicated.

So in sum, when you say "all things being equal" -- they're not.
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We dont need cable news telling us what to think like Fox listeners do. Very easy.
Lost cause.... Liberal media doesn't tell you what to think. They are aware that most of you are incapable of rational thought. They tell you what to feel.

Pffft. That model was invented by Fox. It's to the discredit of the CNNs and MSNBCs that they followed suit down that same hole, but that just reconfirms what I'm saying --- that ít's all about selling out commercials.

Again, nobody ever made money on straight news. Money is made on emotion. Emotion snares viewers and keeps them tuned in.
OMG!!! Your pseudo intellectual justification for the butt hurt you feel is really quite sad.
We dont need cable news telling us what to think like Fox listeners do. Very easy.
Lost cause.... Liberal media doesn't tell you what to think. They are aware that most of you are incapable of rational thought. They tell you what to feel.

Pffft. That model was invented by Fox. It's to the discredit of the CNNs and MSNBCs that they followed suit down that same hole, but that just reconfirms what I'm saying --- that ít's all about selling out commercials.

Again, nobody ever made money on straight news. Money is made on emotion. Emotion snares viewers and keeps them tuned in.
OMG!!! Your pseudo intellectual justification for the butt hurt you feel is really quite sad.

See what I mean about emotional attachment?
Fox is simply better than CNN and MSNBC.

CNN is plain vanilla warmed over 1960's liberalism that even bores progressives.

Wolf Biltzer....??? The guy is about as exciting as colonoscopy.

MSNBC sells racial animus and hatred. That is all they've got. Any network that has Al Sharpton as one of your primary media stars is deeply fucked.

Progressive hate Fox which delights Conservatives because Fox absolutely crushes the competition.

It's all good. :D
Fox is simply better than CNN and MSNBC.

CNN is plain vanilla warmed over 1960's liberalism that even bores progressives.

Wolf Biltzer....??? The guy is about as exciting as colonoscopy.

MSNBC sells racial animus and hatred. That is all they've got. Any network that has Al Sharpton as one of your primary media stars is deeply fucked.

Progressive hate Fox which delights Conservatives because Fox absolutely crushes the competition.

It's all good. :D

See what I mean? ^^ "Competition". Deep down y'all know what's really going on.

And once again, a post laden -- nay, dripping -- with emotive terms.

I think it is great that most Americans want to get their news from an Australian Criminal and a Saudi Arabian Prince.

Wasn't it the Saudis that did 9/11? Wasn't it Murdoch that sued for the right to lie? Geezzz????? Who else should we go to to get an All American point of view?
Wasn't it Murdoch that sued for the right to lie?

Not exactly, if you're thinking of the case I'm thinking of --- it was where a couple of reporters squelched and then fired by Fox for doing their job sued Fox and the court dismissed their suit on the basis that, the court said, it's not illegal to fabricate the news. Steve Wilson and Jane Akre were their names. Is that the one you're thinking of?
Blah blah blah. I understand all that as I've said a dozen times. MSNBC and CNN are not non commercial format either. They have marketing people who should be able to sell their product in the same way FOX marketing promotes their product. All things being equal, given left vs right citizens are pretty much equal in number, rating should be similar.

Because who might be watching what cable news program is in no way 'representative' of the Nation as a whole. To infer that because more people are watching Fox the majority of Americans agree with conservative political dogma is unfounded and ridiculous.

All things are not 'equal'; indeed, only 38 percent of Americans watch cable news – Fox, CNN, and MSNBC – with the percentage of those watching Fox alone reflecting likely less than a third of the population overall – again, in no way 'representative' of the Nation as a whole.

How Americans Get TV News at Home Pew Research Center s Journalism Project
Hate it, dontcha, Libs


When CNN and MSNBC started to mimic FOX they assumed there was a larger audience for spoon fed bs. Most normal people do not watch any of those 3 networks on a regular basis. Who in their right minds likes to be on edge, always on alert, constantly outraged and .. oh wait. Right wingers do.

never mind
Bingo. Ernie can't see this because FOX has him tied in emotional knots.
Emotional knots???? I am saying FOX has more viewers because they put out a product more people want to see and you people offer nothing of substance except snarky insults. And one sided marketing analysis.
a niche market. it's like high colonics. I bet they have the market on colonics :lol:

You'll justify anything with bullshit insults. While the left is busy watching the Simpsons, a lot of Conservatives are educating themselves with news programing. It shows willful ignorance by the left.

You still living under a rock? The Simpsons? Their audience were the youngins.

I guess your arguments are against kids, not Democrats or liberals.


Glen Beck was not educational tv, it was :cuckoo: propaganda
There are a lot of Libs watching too. Y'all seem obsessed!
I did watch the Youtube of that ditz calling Huckabee, Fuckabee...
you're enamored by Ed Schultz, aren't you?


When did YOU stop beating your grandmother????
after Rush Limbaugh admitted to being a drug addled hypocrite
How does Fox maintain editorial animosity toward immigrants without alienating the important voter group?

Fox News Latino Shameless - Salon.com

June 15, 2012: In response to President Obama’s announcement of a policy shift wherein certain young immigrants would be granted work permits rather than be deported, the Fox News Latino website posted a story headlined,“Obama Administration Halts Deportations for Young Immigrants.” That’s a factually accurate description that treats the news in a neutral manner. The headline was accompanied by a sympathetic photo of a young Latina child draped with an American flag.

However, on Fox Nation they went with the headline “Obama Administration Bypasses Congress to Give Immunity, Stop Deporting Younger Illegals.” In that short sentence they managed to imply impropriety on the part of the administration, suggest the controversial subject of amnesty, and insult Latinos by employing the dehumanizing label of “illegals” (even though the people affected by this initiative did not break any law). The photo accompanying this article was of adult Latinos sitting up against a wall in handcuffs.

They are illegals. If you swam the river to get here you are an illegal alien. You are a criminal, you have broken the law and should be arrested and tried in criminal court.

I think its hilarious nobody has pointed out that only FNC has a "latino" channel. Where is MSNBC's latino channel? CBS? CNN?

CNN Latino Shuts Down Operations
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Conservatives: The mainstream media is run my liberals! Fox News has better ratings than CNN and MSNBC!

Think about that logic for a second.
NPR....National Propaganda Radio for the left paid for by your tax dollars and donations by mindless liberal twats. I protest it by listening to it for free :fu:

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