Hate Rising: White supremacy's rise in the U.S.

You don't "know" anything to be a fact. You are assuming.

Here is an actual "fact" for you to contemplate. Dean is not the first, but one of many to refer to #45 as a racist.

And, he(#45) has made some very ignorant statements that could be interpreted as racist, depending on the audience.

Quite a few of you extreme right wingers referred to Obama as a racist as well, without much to substantiate that claim.

Using yout logic, that makes them race baiting assholes as well.

1. I am impressed that you are self aware enough to use qualifiers such as "could be interpreted" and "depending". ON some level, you know it is all fucking bullshit. Good for you. The next step is to admit to yourself that it is wrong to spew shit our of your face hole.

2. Obama supported many racist polices and made many racist statements, to support an accusation of racism.

3. An accusation of racism, that you can support, is not being a race baiting asshole.

As opposed to "YOU" spewing such nonsense. Name ONE so called "racist policy" or "racist statement" that Obama made/supported.

And not YOUR version of it. Post what he ACTUALLY stated/supported from a credible news or fact checked source.

If you are even capable of doing so.

As opposed to posting completely biased, one sided personal opinions.

1. Policy example: His support of Affirmative Action which leads to pro-black and anti-white discrimination, such as has been well documented in Ivy League admissions.

How Diversity Punishes Asians and Poor Whites

" an “other things equal basis,” where adjustments are made for a variety of background factors, being Hispanic conferred an admissions boost over being white equivalent to 130 SAT points (out of 1600), while being black rather than white conferred a 310 SAT point advantage. Asians, however, suffered an admissions penalty compared to whites equivalent to 140 SAT points. The box students checked off on the racial question on their application was thus shown to have an extraordinary effect on a student’s chances of gaining admission to the highly competitive private schools in the NSCE database. To have the same chances of gaining admission as a black student with an SAT score of 1100, an Hispanic student otherwise equally matched in background characteristics would have to have a 1230, a white student a 1410, and an Asian student a 1550."

(there is more about how POOR whites are especially screwed, but off topic re Obama's racism)

2. Statement example: Obama falsely accusing McCain of using his race to scare white voters. That's is racism.

Aide 'Dollar Bill' Remark Referred to His Race

"Playing the Race Card
Obama's camp initially denied the remark was a reference to Obama's race.

Obama is poised to become the first black man to be the presidential nominee of a major political party when he claims the Democratic nomination on Aug. 28 -- the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

"He was referring to the fact that he didn't come into the race with the history of others," Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said Thursday. "It is not about race."

But Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, acknowledged on "Good Morning America" Friday that the candidate was referring, at least in part, to his ethnic background.

When pressed to explain the comment, Axelrod told "GMA" it meant, "He's not from central casting when it comes to candidates for president of the United States. He's new to Washington. Yes, he's African-American." "

Acknowleding that the "first" black candidate in history would possibly encounter a challenge based on the racial history of America is not racism.

Stating that the McCain campaign would use race to frighten voters, was inflaming racial tension for personal gain.

Secondly, college admissions of white students compared to black students do not show a substanstial displacement of white students in overall admissions.

Yes, they do.

But of course, your belief is likely that even ONE black student admission is likely at the expense of some potential white student.

No, I don't. I'v known plenty of highly intelligent black people that could compete on their own without discrimination in their favor.

"Legacy admissions" benefit white applicants far more than non white applicants.

I would be all for a completely equalized playing field, by eliminating legacy admissions as well, if AA was abolished.

I've seen that assumption made. I've not seen a breakdown on who benefits from legacy points.

Regardless, I'm not sure that legacy admissions should be lumped in, into this calculation. Poor whites get fucked enough as it is, without making it worse.

As far as Obama, being "racist" for his "strategist" acknowledging the fact that there were certainly some out there who would not vote for him because " he looked different" is not "racism". It is a fact.

He stated that McCains campaign would fear monger based on race. McCain did not do that. It was wrong of Obama to say that they did, or would.

Here are some examples of what could be construed as racism.

Suppose that when Obama ran for office, that he had pointed to a white person at one of HIS rallies and stated "Look at MY white person"? Racist?

Weird but not racist.

Suppose that AFTER he was elected, that he had declared a judge of a different race than himself to be unqualified to preside over a court case involving him? Racist?

"Unqualified"? Depends on if the judge was unqualified and if the reason Obama said that was the judge being white or asian.

Suppose that when he was in office that he had declared immigrants from a predominately white country to be "criminals or rapists"? Racist?

I doubt Obama would say that. Sounds like someone might be lying about what he said.

You said that Obama made "MANY racist statements and supported MANY racist policies"

What else besides these?

1. Statement:

Obama: 'If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon'

Identify with a criminal based on race, instead of the would be victim of a crime, who was initially reported as "White", that was almost certainly and mostly racism.

2. Policy. Appointing a moron to the Supreme Court based on race.

Trump said at one of his rallies..."Look at MY African American"

Trump: ‘Look at My African-American Over Here’

What so called "moron" are you referring to that Obama appointed? And what makes them a "moron"? Your opinion

As far as the Trayvon Martin case, there is sharp division on thd outcome of it. As a matter of record, Zimmerman, with all of his encounters with the law, was more of a "criminal/thug" than Martin was.

Furthermore, the situation could have been avoided if he had not been folliwing him. Especially. After he was told "we do not need for you to do that".

Obama stating that if he had a son, he could look like Martin, was not the most intelligent statement to make. But was certainly not racist. He did not demonize Zimmerman, he expressed concern for who was killed.

Like referring to both sides of the statue issue as having "some very fine people", explicitly stating that you were NOT referring to the white supremacists and having the media lie to the people that you said "some white supremacists were very fine people."

I acknowledge that the MSM is a bunch of vile race baiting asshole liars.

The a lie is repeated, is not proof it is not a lie.

Page 30 and none of you libs can support the race baiting bullshit of the OP or the thread title.

Hell, it seems that most of you don't understand the CONCEPT of supporting a conclusion.

Spoken like a true conspiracy theory believing self deluded, parrot.

That being said, what news source IS credible in your biased view? Or are there any?

Poor you. Surrounded by a world full of "race baiting assholes"....including every news media publication in the country.

Nothing left to do here except to view you as cheap entertainment


ALL you have been able to cite from these sources, is unsupported assumptions on who or what is causing the rise in antisemitic attacks.

You have not given me ONE source that even TRIES to support this assumption.

What you need to support your assumption, is a study where they researched all the reports from the last couple of years, the more the better, and counted the ones that were PROVEN to be white supremacist attacks, as opposed to other antisemites, AND finding that the rise is caused by white supremacists instead of all the other possibilities.

Then prove otherwise. Post something credible besides "your opinion" to debunk what most news sources are saying.

That aside. I am not wasting another second debating with you about "presenting information", because up until now, you've presented none.

I'm not the one making the claim. You libs are.

ANd you can't support it, yet you still insist on making it, because you can smear your enemies with it.

Now you're really getting out there. I do not have any "political enemies." IMO, both parties are questionable as well as crooked. And I am committed to neither.

However, it is a fact that the current administration and it's "leader" are among the most corrupt and hateful in history.

Dude, that fact that you consider this administration to be among "the most corrupt and hateful in history." shows that they ARE you enemy.

Or are you claiming that you are neutral on the issues of "corruption" and "hate"?
Do any of those sources support their claim, with something like say...

Numbers for arrest reports showing that the rise is caused solely by violent self identified white supremacists?

The fact that you see a lot of media talking heads making the same assumption you do, that a rise in reports can only be because of a rise is white supremacists,

is not supporting evidence.

So news agencies from coast to coast are identifying the same trend of incidents, and they are
"ALL making assumptions"?

That has got to be one of the most ludicrous statements ever made in this forum.

Says the man that cannot find one example of those media sites actually supporting their assumptions with anything other than other people's assumptions.

Calling it "ludicrous" is not a supporting argument, EITHER.

Look up the definition of "Ludicrous", and educate yourself, for a change.

It is within the realm of someone being shown more than enough information to support a trend in behavior and actions, and still being foolish enough to deny that there is truth in what is being reported.

Showing a bunch of talking heads repeating the same unsupported assumption, is NOT "more than enough information".

And not showing anything of any substance as a rebuttal does not invalidate what news agencies all over the country are pointing out.

Actually it does. They are making the claim, it is on them to support it, and they can't
Says the man that cannot find one example of those media sites actually supporting their assumptions with anything other than other people's assumptions.

Calling it "ludicrous" is not a supporting argument, EITHER.

Look up the definition of "Ludicrous", and educate yourself, for a change.

It is within the realm of someone being shown more than enough information to support a trend in behavior and actions, and still being foolish enough to deny that there is truth in what is being reported.

Showing a bunch of talking heads repeating the same unsupported assumption, is NOT "more than enough information".

Just because YOU state that they are all "talking heads", does not make it so.

Post something from any publication that you find that proves anything to the contrary.

The point was not whether they are "talking heads" or not, but that they are all just repeating the same unsupported assumptions.

And what makes that so, is that that is what they are doing as demonstrated by your links showing that.

And how would you know that what is reported is "unsupported"?

That's your opinion based on your "assumption" that the MSM is made up of "race baiting assholes"...lol

I do not assume the media are lying race baiting assholes, and then dismiss their claims based on my assumption.

That is how you lib behave.

I read their report and noted a lack of any supporting information. I've challenged you libs to support and you have spent 32 pages trying and utterly failed to find any supporting information.

Thus, since they are making accusations of racism, that they have not supported, and smearing good people by doing so,

based on their behavior, I conclude that they are

indeed, "race baiting assholes".

That you can't understand this, fits my view of liberals.
"In all of our years of tracking, we've never seen this many [hate] groups," Heidi Beirich told CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil. Beirich is the director of Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) Intelligence Project, which monitors hate group activity online. "We've never seen their ideas penetrating the mainstream the way they are. I would say most Americans don't realize how much of this there is."

The SPLC estimates that there are currently more than 900 hate groups -- organizations with beliefs that attack an entire group of people -- operating in the country. Many of these hate groups subscribe to the ideals of white supremacy.

In fact, Beirich says the number of hate groups has doubled over the past two decades -- a trend that appears to follow the impact minorities, financial crisis and political elections have on society.

According to the SPLC, there's a new generation of so-called white nationalism being run by millennials. Matt Heimbach, one of the main organizers of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, is the face of this movement.

Hate Rising: White supremacy's rise in the U.S.

This is a trend we have seen going on big time since 2016.

I came along at the end of the 50s and these types of rallies were big in those days.
we subscribe to capitalism; right wingers should learn how to have a capital good time.
1. I am impressed that you are self aware enough to use qualifiers such as "could be interpreted" and "depending". ON some level, you know it is all fucking bullshit. Good for you. The next step is to admit to yourself that it is wrong to spew shit our of your face hole.

2. Obama supported many racist polices and made many racist statements, to support an accusation of racism.

3. An accusation of racism, that you can support, is not being a race baiting asshole.

As opposed to "YOU" spewing such nonsense. Name ONE so called "racist policy" or "racist statement" that Obama made/supported.

And not YOUR version of it. Post what he ACTUALLY stated/supported from a credible news or fact checked source.

If you are even capable of doing so.

As opposed to posting completely biased, one sided personal opinions.

1. Policy example: His support of Affirmative Action which leads to pro-black and anti-white discrimination, such as has been well documented in Ivy League admissions.

How Diversity Punishes Asians and Poor Whites

" an “other things equal basis,” where adjustments are made for a variety of background factors, being Hispanic conferred an admissions boost over being white equivalent to 130 SAT points (out of 1600), while being black rather than white conferred a 310 SAT point advantage. Asians, however, suffered an admissions penalty compared to whites equivalent to 140 SAT points. The box students checked off on the racial question on their application was thus shown to have an extraordinary effect on a student’s chances of gaining admission to the highly competitive private schools in the NSCE database. To have the same chances of gaining admission as a black student with an SAT score of 1100, an Hispanic student otherwise equally matched in background characteristics would have to have a 1230, a white student a 1410, and an Asian student a 1550."

(there is more about how POOR whites are especially screwed, but off topic re Obama's racism)

2. Statement example: Obama falsely accusing McCain of using his race to scare white voters. That's is racism.

Aide 'Dollar Bill' Remark Referred to His Race

"Playing the Race Card
Obama's camp initially denied the remark was a reference to Obama's race.

Obama is poised to become the first black man to be the presidential nominee of a major political party when he claims the Democratic nomination on Aug. 28 -- the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

"He was referring to the fact that he didn't come into the race with the history of others," Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said Thursday. "It is not about race."

But Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, acknowledged on "Good Morning America" Friday that the candidate was referring, at least in part, to his ethnic background.

When pressed to explain the comment, Axelrod told "GMA" it meant, "He's not from central casting when it comes to candidates for president of the United States. He's new to Washington. Yes, he's African-American." "

Acknowleding that the "first" black candidate in history would possibly encounter a challenge based on the racial history of America is not racism.

Stating that the McCain campaign would use race to frighten voters, was inflaming racial tension for personal gain.

Secondly, college admissions of white students compared to black students do not show a substanstial displacement of white students in overall admissions.

Yes, they do.

But of course, your belief is likely that even ONE black student admission is likely at the expense of some potential white student.

No, I don't. I'v known plenty of highly intelligent black people that could compete on their own without discrimination in their favor.

"Legacy admissions" benefit white applicants far more than non white applicants.

I would be all for a completely equalized playing field, by eliminating legacy admissions as well, if AA was abolished.

I've seen that assumption made. I've not seen a breakdown on who benefits from legacy points.

Regardless, I'm not sure that legacy admissions should be lumped in, into this calculation. Poor whites get fucked enough as it is, without making it worse.

As far as Obama, being "racist" for his "strategist" acknowledging the fact that there were certainly some out there who would not vote for him because " he looked different" is not "racism". It is a fact.

He stated that McCains campaign would fear monger based on race. McCain did not do that. It was wrong of Obama to say that they did, or would.

Here are some examples of what could be construed as racism.

Suppose that when Obama ran for office, that he had pointed to a white person at one of HIS rallies and stated "Look at MY white person"? Racist?

Weird but not racist.

Suppose that AFTER he was elected, that he had declared a judge of a different race than himself to be unqualified to preside over a court case involving him? Racist?

"Unqualified"? Depends on if the judge was unqualified and if the reason Obama said that was the judge being white or asian.

Suppose that when he was in office that he had declared immigrants from a predominately white country to be "criminals or rapists"? Racist?

I doubt Obama would say that. Sounds like someone might be lying about what he said.

You said that Obama made "MANY racist statements and supported MANY racist policies"

What else besides these?

1. Statement:

Obama: 'If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon'

Identify with a criminal based on race, instead of the would be victim of a crime, who was initially reported as "White", that was almost certainly and mostly racism.

2. Policy. Appointing a moron to the Supreme Court based on race.

Trump said at one of his rallies..."Look at MY African American"

Trump: ‘Look at My African-American Over Here’

What so called "moron" are you referring to that Obama appointed? And what makes them a "moron"? Your opinion

As far as the Trayvon Martin case, there is sharp division on thd outcome of it. As a matter of record, Zimmerman, with all of his encounters with the law, was more of a "criminal/thug" than Martin was.

Furthermore, the situation could have been avoided if he had not been folliwing him. Especially. After he was told "we do not need for you to do that".

Obama stating that if he had a son, he could look like Martin, was not the most intelligent statement to make. But was certainly not racist. He did not demonize Zimmerman, he expressed concern for who was killed.

1. Yes. Very odd. But in no way puts down the man. Indeed, I'm sure that Trump considers it a honor to be his supporter.

2. Sotomayer of course. ANd her record and moronic statements makes her a moron, like this one.

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life. Sonia Sotomayor"
Read more at: Sonia Sotomayor Quotes - BrainyQuote

3. Obama sided with the violent thug because the thug was black. The evidence and eye witness account shows that Martin was the thug.
"In all of our years of tracking, we've never seen this many [hate] groups," Heidi Beirich told CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil. Beirich is the director of Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) Intelligence Project, which monitors hate group activity online. "We've never seen their ideas penetrating the mainstream the way they are. I would say most Americans don't realize how much of this there is."

The SPLC estimates that there are currently more than 900 hate groups -- organizations with beliefs that attack an entire group of people -- operating in the country. Many of these hate groups subscribe to the ideals of white supremacy.

In fact, Beirich says the number of hate groups has doubled over the past two decades -- a trend that appears to follow the impact minorities, financial crisis and political elections have on society.

According to the SPLC, there's a new generation of so-called white nationalism being run by millennials. Matt Heimbach, one of the main organizers of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, is the face of this movement.

Hate Rising: White supremacy's rise in the U.S.

This is a trend we have seen going on big time since 2016.

I came along at the end of the 50s and these types of rallies were big in those days.
Trumpleshitskin has simply made it ok to be openly racist, so it's not necessarily such a big increase as it is that they are now more visible.

1. No, he hasn't.

2. That is the claim you fucktards are making. None of you can back it up, of course.

Yes it has.

He has been backed up time and time again, you stinking Trump Humpers are either in denial or just don't want to publicly admit it.
The only thing that has risen are the number of white people who are CALLED white supremacists and the number of coordinated media articles designed to give the impression that white supremacists are more numerous than they are.

These days, a person is called a racist if they fall anything short of rolling on their back and peeing on their belly in abject shame that they bear the original sin of being born white.
The only thing that has risen are the number of white people who are CALLED white supremacists and the number of coordinated media articles designed to give the impression that white supremacists are more numerous than they are.

These days, a person is called a racist if they fall anything short of rolling on their back and peeing on their belly in abject shame that they bear the original sin of being born white.

Funny how we heard this same argument during the Civil Rights Movement, I guess when you are a racist you don't actually think you are one.
The only thing that has risen are the number of white people who are CALLED white supremacists and the number of coordinated media articles designed to give the impression that white supremacists are more numerous than they are.

These days, a person is called a racist if they fall anything short of rolling on their back and peeing on their belly in abject shame that they bear the original sin of being born white.

Funny how we heard this same argument during the Civil Rights Movement, I guess when you are a racist you don't actually think you are one.
I have no doubt that you do not see yourself as a racist. That is the driving force behind the current state of race relations in our country .
"In all of our years of tracking, we've never seen this many [hate] groups," Heidi Beirich told CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil. Beirich is the director of Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) Intelligence Project, which monitors hate group activity online. "We've never seen their ideas penetrating the mainstream the way they are. I would say most Americans don't realize how much of this there is."

The SPLC estimates that there are currently more than 900 hate groups -- organizations with beliefs that attack an entire group of people -- operating in the country. Many of these hate groups subscribe to the ideals of white supremacy.

In fact, Beirich says the number of hate groups has doubled over the past two decades -- a trend that appears to follow the impact minorities, financial crisis and political elections have on society.

According to the SPLC, there's a new generation of so-called white nationalism being run by millennials. Matt Heimbach, one of the main organizers of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, is the face of this movement.

Hate Rising: White supremacy's rise in the U.S.

This is a trend we have seen going on big time since 2016.

I came along at the end of the 50s and these types of rallies were big in those days.
Trumpleshitskin has simply made it ok to be openly racist, so it's not necessarily such a big increase as it is that they are now more visible.

1. No, he hasn't.

2. That is the claim you fucktards are making. None of you can back it up, of course.

Yes it has.

He has been backed up time and time again, you stinking Trump Humpers are either in denial or just don't want to publicly admit it.

Give me your best example of it then, so I can crush it and laugh at how stupid and dishonest you are,

OR, we can skip to the end, when you retreat into various logical fallacies to try to convince yourself that you were not made an utter fool of.
The only thing that has risen are the number of white people who are CALLED white supremacists and the number of coordinated media articles designed to give the impression that white supremacists are more numerous than they are.

These days, a person is called a racist if they fall anything short of rolling on their back and peeing on their belly in abject shame that they bear the original sin of being born white.

Funny how we heard this same argument during the Civil Rights Movement, I guess when you are a racist you don't actually think you are one.
I have no doubt that you do not see yourself as a racist. That is the driving force behind the current state of race relations in our country .

Of course I don't, since I am not the one defending racist behavior.
The only thing that has risen are the number of white people who are CALLED white supremacists and the number of coordinated media articles designed to give the impression that white supremacists are more numerous than they are.

These days, a person is called a racist if they fall anything short of rolling on their back and peeing on their belly in abject shame that they bear the original sin of being born white.

Funny how we heard this same argument during the Civil Rights Movement, I guess when you are a racist you don't actually think you are one.
I have no doubt that you do not see yourself as a racist. That is the driving force behind the current state of race relations in our country .

Of course I don't, since I am not the one defending racist behavior.

I'm sure you have. THe vast majority of "liberals" do.
The only thing that has risen are the number of white people who are CALLED white supremacists and the number of coordinated media articles designed to give the impression that white supremacists are more numerous than they are.

These days, a person is called a racist if they fall anything short of rolling on their back and peeing on their belly in abject shame that they bear the original sin of being born white.

Funny how we heard this same argument during the Civil Rights Movement, I guess when you are a racist you don't actually think you are one.
I have no doubt that you do not see yourself as a racist. That is the driving force behind the current state of race relations in our country .

Of course I don't, since I am not the one defending racist behavior.

I'm sure you have. THe vast majority of "liberals" do.

Really, what racist behavior or activity have I defended.
The only thing that has risen are the number of white people who are CALLED white supremacists and the number of coordinated media articles designed to give the impression that white supremacists are more numerous than they are.

These days, a person is called a racist if they fall anything short of rolling on their back and peeing on their belly in abject shame that they bear the original sin of being born white.

Funny how we heard this same argument during the Civil Rights Movement, I guess when you are a racist you don't actually think you are one.
I have no doubt that you do not see yourself as a racist. That is the driving force behind the current state of race relations in our country .

Of course I don't, since I am not the one defending racist behavior.

I'm sure you have. THe vast majority of "liberals" do.

Really, what racist behavior or activity have I defended.

Affirmative Action and diversity programs are the most obvious.
Funny how we heard this same argument during the Civil Rights Movement, I guess when you are a racist you don't actually think you are one.
I have no doubt that you do not see yourself as a racist. That is the driving force behind the current state of race relations in our country .

Of course I don't, since I am not the one defending racist behavior.

I'm sure you have. THe vast majority of "liberals" do.

Really, what racist behavior or activity have I defended.

Affirmative Action and diversity programs are the most obvious.

You mean the ones that white women benefit the most from.
I have no doubt that you do not see yourself as a racist. That is the driving force behind the current state of race relations in our country .

Of course I don't, since I am not the one defending racist behavior.

I'm sure you have. THe vast majority of "liberals" do.

Really, what racist behavior or activity have I defended.

Affirmative Action and diversity programs are the most obvious.

You mean the ones that white women benefit the most from.

The inability of various minorities to fully take advantage of discrimination in their favor, does not change the fact that you support racist discrimination in favor of blacks and browns at the expense of whites.
Of course I don't, since I am not the one defending racist behavior.

I'm sure you have. THe vast majority of "liberals" do.

Really, what racist behavior or activity have I defended.

Affirmative Action and diversity programs are the most obvious.

You mean the ones that white women benefit the most from.

The inability of various minorities to fully take advantage of discrimination in their favor, does not change the fact that you support racist discrimination in favor of blacks and browns at the expense of whites.

That sounded about as stupid as you do.
I'm sure you have. THe vast majority of "liberals" do.

Really, what racist behavior or activity have I defended.

Affirmative Action and diversity programs are the most obvious.

You mean the ones that white women benefit the most from.

The inability of various minorities to fully take advantage of discrimination in their favor, does not change the fact that you support racist discrimination in favor of blacks and browns at the expense of whites.

That sounded about as stupid as you do.

No, it didn't. It was quite brilliant, and you are lying, because you can't refute anything I said.

ANd you are too dishonest and cowardly to admit it.
Really, what racist behavior or activity have I defended.

Affirmative Action and diversity programs are the most obvious.

You mean the ones that white women benefit the most from.

The inability of various minorities to fully take advantage of discrimination in their favor, does not change the fact that you support racist discrimination in favor of blacks and browns at the expense of whites.

That sounded about as stupid as you do.

No, it didn't. It was quite brilliant, and you are lying, because you can't refute anything I said.

ANd you are too dishonest and cowardly to admit it.
No it was no where near brilliant. As a matter of fact I have known for a long time you are intellectually shipwrecked. Youre always saying something dumb which is why I cant possibly take you seriously. Your retarded ass is whining about a program that benefits whites more than Blacks but you are calling it discrimination against whites? :laugh:

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