Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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Homosexuals have disowned nature
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

My spidey sense is kinda tingling again, something about maybe you harboring a secret conviction that all homosexuals are by nature child molesters, which means you probably do not know many gay men in real life.

Are gay men obnoxious ass hats? I've known more than a few, but I'd have to say the ratio is equal to what one encounters across the board.

The fact that you equate a demographic group that seeks equal rights as some kind of demand for "special rights" is also telling.

lol your 'spidey sense' tells you stuff, does it? Actually the statistics and history of the 'gay rights' hoax speaks for itself; kiddie rapers founded the 'movement', and NAMBLA was always welcome on the 'movement's' advisory councils from the beginning, tard. they aren't denied any rights, sicko boi, that's just an imaginary meme peddled by sickos themselves.
Somehow, I fail to see your concern for the 1 in 4 girls sexually abused by hetero males before they reach 18....MANY by their own fathers, brothers, uncles, other family members & friends.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
Someday we'll find the gay gene, then we can abort all the fetuses who has it.
That makes as much sense as those who abort female fetuses because they don't want daughters.
I picked John wayne, that's right, bitch! Because of the bombasticness. I'm a bombastic person.

You shoulda seen when I went over to the dykes house the other night. I tell it like it is baby, No filter.

She wants the dick, watch..
We always find that attitude amusing.....it's the core of many of our "hetero male" jokes around the lesbian campfire.
"you folks" I'm a compassionate Libertarian who thinks we should abort all fetuses that have genetic defects. I think we should sterilize the poor so only those who can afford kids has kids. and I'm for a program matching people based on genetics and having them make the next generations of Men Kind.

I could ALMOST HEAR those jack boots clicking when you said all that.
That was some impressive Aryan spew.

You sure it wasn't someone splooging in yur ear, dood?

lol yes, these deviants like to start threads about themselves and their fetishes, and then get all butt hurt when they can't bully anybody into submission over their bizarre attempts at 'acceptance' and fall back on the old 'reverse psychology' rubbish; you can set clocks by the phoney narratives they run daily. And it's always 'da evul Xians' who hate them, nobody else does, right? lol never mind it was those wonderful pagans responsible for the term 'faggots' and tossing them into bogs, and of course the sick gimps tried forever to claim Muslims were 'enlightened progressives' compared to those 'evul Xians' and their refusal to buy the nonsense that butt sex between men is 'normal' and 'wonderful' were the mostest evulest peeps in da world for not forcing their kids to accept being raped by homos, yet somehow they've dropped that ridiculous narrative recently for some reason. Wonder why ...
These posts just write themselves........:lol:
Title says it all.
The question is aimed at parents.
Do you have any gay children, and if so, have you disconnected from them or disowned them in any way?
Have you cut off communications with them entirely, or say perhaps, did you refuse to attend their gay wedding, or did you cut off financial support or school tuition?
Anything along those lines.

We've already no doubt seen several discussion threads where gay people have discussed being cut off or disowned by their parents, so now I'd like to see if anyone from the parental side is willing to discuss their side of the issue.

MY own VIEWS are NOT as IMPORTANT, because as it turns out, both my kids are apparently hetero.
For the record, both of us would support/stand by either of our kids if they turned out to be gay, but they are hetero, so I am much more interested in hearing from those who do not share that view, watching the discussion develop between the other members.
My children are my children regardless of their sexual preference or any other dilemma that may occur. And yes i have a daughter who is now out of 30 plus years of therapy ever since she came out. I have offered to be give her away in a marriage ceremony should one occur. I have met her partner and they seem to be a perfect match.
When my son was in NYU he told us some truly horrible stories about kids who had parents that disowned them. How fucked up do you have to be to treat your child like that?

That was my whole point.
I am straight but I do have a lot of gay friends. So does my wife, so did my first wife - - she had even more, most of whom remained my friends after we split up and after she passed away.
And almost to a one, their parents rejected them after they came out.
It pissed me off hearing that.
I DO UNDERSTAND the parents who STRUGGLED to accept the situation...it's not easy for everyone.
I get that.
What pissed me off however, were the parents who just outright CONDEMNED them.
Somehow, I fail to see your concern for the 1 in 4 girls sexually abused by hetero males before they reach 18....MANY by their own fathers, brothers, uncles, other family members & friends.

That sounds like a really great new thread idea. If YOU want it, I'll be delighted to hop on over and participate.
If not, I might start that one next.
Let me know!
"Parents - Have you rejected a daughter who informed you of family sexual abuse?"
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
Someday we'll find the gay gene, then we can abort all the fetuses who has it.
That makes as much sense as those who abort female fetuses because they don't want daughters.

That DOES happen.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.
That is quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement.!! Where do you get this crap from? The Family Research Council?
Title says it all.
The question is aimed at parents.
Do you have any gay children, and if so, have you disconnected from them or disowned them in any way?
Have you cut off communications with them entirely, or say perhaps, did you refuse to attend their gay wedding, or did you cut off financial support or school tuition?
Anything along those lines.

We've already no doubt seen several discussion threads where gay people have discussed being cut off or disowned by their parents, so now I'd like to see if anyone from the parental side is willing to discuss their side of the issue.

MY own VIEWS are NOT as IMPORTANT, because as it turns out, both my kids are apparently hetero.
For the record, both of us would support/stand by either of our kids if they turned out to be gay, but they are hetero, so I am much more interested in hearing from those who do not share that view, watching the discussion develop between the other members.
My children are my children regardless of their sexual preference or any other dilemma that may occur. And yes i have a daughter who is now out of 30 plus years of therapy ever since she came out. I have offered to be give her away in a marriage ceremony should one occur. I have met her partner and they seem to be a perfect match.

Wow, she's lucky to have you as a parent.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
Someday we'll find the gay gene, then we can abort all the fetuses who has it.
What other "conditions " that could be identified genetically or otherwise prenatally would be targets for your wrath while in the womb?
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.
That is quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement.!! Where do you get this crap from? The Family Research Council?

Careful, Picaro is an internet tough guy!
I don't care if a few insecure closeted conflicted queens who play internet tough guys call me a faggot, but "GIMP" is unacceptable. For one thing, my wife is a real life actual gimp. She's knockout gorgeous, she's adorable, she's a total badass and she's a veteran, but she's a GIMP.

But it's okay, I wager she could kick Picaro's ass with one hand and her eyes closed.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
Someday we'll find the gay gene, then we can abort all the fetuses who has it.
What other "conditions " that could be identified genetically or otherwise prenatally would be targets for your wrath while in the womb?

I'm guessing the "Jew" or "black" gene, certainly the "mixed race" gene too.
Matter of fact, if the fetus had all of them, and was female (a Jewish gay mulatto female) Slyhunter would probably run screaming down the hall of the clinic yelling "Kill it mit zee fire!!! Start zee ovens!!!"
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.
That is quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement.!! Where do you get this crap from? The Family Research Council?

Careful, Picaro is an internet tough guy!
I don't care if a few insecure closeted conflicted queens who play internet tough guys call me a faggot, but "GIMP" is unacceptable. For one thing, my wife is a real life actual gimp. She's knockout gorgeous, she's adorable, she's a total badass and she's a veteran, but she's a GIMP.

But it's okay, I wager she could kick Picaro's ass with one hand and her eyes closed.
There is something seriously wrong with someone who is burdened with that much hate. Not just mentally either. My guess is that it must drag them down physically -that it eats away at their gut. They are terrified of anything that does not conform to their narrow concept of what is good or normal and that is sad. They see the world changing and cant accept or adapt to it. It must be excruciatingly painful, but I don't feel sorry for them. Bigotry is a choice.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.
That is quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement.!! Where do you get this crap from? The Family Research Council?

Careful, Picaro is an internet tough guy!
I don't care if a few insecure closeted conflicted queens who play internet tough guys call me a faggot, but "GIMP" is unacceptable. For one thing, my wife is a real life actual gimp. She's knockout gorgeous, she's adorable, she's a total badass and she's a veteran, but she's a GIMP.

But it's okay, I wager she could kick Picaro's ass with one hand and her eyes closed.
There is something seriously wrong with someone who is burdened with that much hate. Not just mentally either. My guess is that it must drag them down physically -that it eats away at their gut. They are terrified of anything that does not conform to their narrow concept of what is good or normal and that is sad. They see the world changing and cant accept or adapt to it. It must be excruciatingly painful, but I don't feel sorry for them. Bigotry is a choice.

They can't stop what's coming, that's for damn sure.
In fact, by doing what they've been doing this last year, they are ACCELERATING what's coming, they just don't know it yet. But they will.
Yes, some people, like you of course, DO cling to the notion of requiring the universe to conform to THEIR limited and distorted notions of the truth. Far be it from anyone else here to attempt to enlighten you, you're far too intelligent to accept advice from any mere mortal, LOL.
Enlightenment comes from GOD and not from the latest fad or notion, nor what everyone wishes to believe.

_ _ _ _ your "GOD"
And that helped how?
It's demonstrating his atheistic superiority towards Christians...

No, it's demonstrating my intolerance of your intolerance.
My life has been blessed beyond my wildest dreams and it could only be because the Big Guy upstairs cut me a lot of breaks. It's only when I run into preachy self righteous bombasts such as yourself that I take on an attitude.
You sir are seemingly intolerant of a difference of opinion with your motives/values. I didn't write the Bible. I merely agree with what it presents. Show me my error in its understanding. Selfrighteousness is self originating. Blessings and being happy do not necessarily go hand in hand. Joy and blessings do. Joy is possible even in the face of adversity --- as are blessings. A break came when Jesus the Messiah died on the cross for the payment of sin. A blessing comes when one accepts the gift.
Enlightenment comes from GOD and not from the latest fad or notion, nor what everyone wishes to believe.

_ _ _ _ your "GOD"
And that helped how?
It's demonstrating his atheistic superiority towards Christians...

No, it's demonstrating my intolerance of your intolerance.
My life has been blessed beyond my wildest dreams and it could only be because the Big Guy upstairs cut me a lot of breaks. It's only when I run into preachy self righteous bombasts such as yourself that I take on an attitude.
You sir are seemingly intolerant of a difference of opinion with your motives/values. I didn't write the Bible. I merely agree with what it presents. Show me my error in its understanding. Selfrighteousness is self originating. Blessings and being happy do not necessarily go hand in hand. Joy and blessings do. Joy is possible even in the face of adversity --- as are blessings. A break came when Jesus the Messiah died on the cross for the payment of sin. A blessing comes when one accepts the gift.

See your previous attacks. We're done.

LittleNipperVIP Member
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Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.
That is quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement.!! Where do you get this crap from? The Family Research Council?

Careful, Picaro is an internet tough guy!
I don't care if a few insecure closeted conflicted queens who play internet tough guys call me a faggot, but "GIMP" is unacceptable. For one thing, my wife is a real life actual gimp. She's knockout gorgeous, she's adorable, she's a total badass and she's a veteran, but she's a GIMP.

But it's okay, I wager she could kick Picaro's ass with one hand and her eyes closed.
There is something seriously wrong with someone who is burdened with that much hate. Not just mentally either. My guess is that it must drag them down physically -that it eats away at their gut. They are terrified of anything that does not conform to their narrow concept of what is good or normal and that is sad. They see the world changing and cant accept or adapt to it. It must be excruciatingly painful, but I don't feel sorry for them. Bigotry is a choice.

They can't stop what's coming, that's for damn sure.
In fact, by doing what they've been doing this last year, they are ACCELERATING what's coming, they just don't know it yet. But they will.
Read Revelation and you will find that what will be will be. We don't wish to stop it, we just want less people kidding themselves.
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