Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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And we know from the last undercover operations against NAMBLA, they will also molest girls, if they're all that's available at the moment; few homosexuals are ever exclusively homo, despite all the noises they make as if they are, another reason the myth of being 'born that way' never flies with people who are truly informed and read all the fake studies the sickos constantly put out about themselves.
"you folks" I'm a compassionate Libertarian who thinks we should abort all fetuses that have genetic defects. I think we should sterilize the poor so only those who can afford kids has kids. and I'm for a program matching people based on genetics and having them make the next generations of Men Kind.

I could ALMOST HEAR those jack boots clicking when you said all that.
That was some impressive Aryan spew.

You sure it wasn't someone splooging in yur ear, dood?

lol yes, these deviants like to start threads about themselves and their fetishes, and then get all butt hurt when they can't bully anybody into submission over their bizarre attempts at 'acceptance' and fall back on the old 'reverse psychology' rubbish; you can set clocks by the phoney narratives they run daily. And it's always 'da evul Xians' who hate them, nobody else does, right? lol never mind it was those wonderful pagans responsible for the term 'faggots' and tossing them into bogs, and of course the sick gimps tried forever to claim Muslims were 'enlightened progressives' compared to those 'evul Xians' and their refusal to buy the nonsense that butt sex between men is 'normal' and 'wonderful' were the mostest evulest peeps in da world for not forcing their kids to accept being raped by homos, yet somehow they've dropped that ridiculous narrative recently for some reason. Wonder why ...

Careful, you're about to claim the #2 spot behind John Wayne.
Keep it up and you may very well claim the top spot.

You're only here for entertainment purposes; nobody takes your rubbish seriously, gimp. That's obvious to everybody, except to you, of course.
"you folks" I'm a compassionate Libertarian who thinks we should abort all fetuses that have genetic defects. I think we should sterilize the poor so only those who can afford kids has kids. and I'm for a program matching people based on genetics and having them make the next generations of Men Kind.

I could ALMOST HEAR those jack boots clicking when you said all that.
That was some impressive Aryan spew.

You sure it wasn't someone splooging in yur ear, dood?

lol yes, these deviants like to start threads about themselves and their fetishes, and then get all butt hurt when they can't bully anybody into submission over their bizarre attempts at 'acceptance' and fall back on the old 'reverse psychology' rubbish; you can set clocks by the phoney narratives they run daily. And it's always 'da evul Xians' who hate them, nobody else does, right? lol never mind it was those wonderful pagans responsible for the term 'faggots' and tossing them into bogs, and of course the sick gimps tried forever to claim Muslims were 'enlightened progressives' compared to those 'evul Xians' and their refusal to buy the nonsense that butt sex between men is 'normal' and 'wonderful' were the mostest evulest peeps in da world for not forcing their kids to accept being raped by homos, yet somehow they've dropped that ridiculous narrative recently for some reason. Wonder why ...

Careful, you're about to claim the #2 spot behind John Wayne.
Keep it up and you may very well claim the top spot.

You're only here for entertainment purposes; nobody takes your rubbish seriously, gimp. That's obvious to everybody, except to you, of course.

I'm a gimp, too?
So we have a "compassionate libertarian" with an intense desire to practice eugenics who uses words like "men kind" and a big cowboy who knows faggots when he sees em, and a pokemon named picaro
I picked John wayne, that's right, bitch! Because of the bombasticness. I'm a bombastic person.

You shoulda seen when I went over to the dykes house the other night. I tell it like it is baby, No filter.

Oh so you LIKE the lesbians!! Hey wow.
I'm OK with that. The faggotry, notsomuch. Sorry. :rolleyes:

No one actually gives two shits what you're okay with or not okay with.
See, that's the whole point. You can be not okay with any shred of it, just let my gay friends lead their lives and stop trying to dictate what rights they have or don't have.

I started the thread because I do have a lot of gay friends, and most of them come from homes where they were disowned. It was idle curiosity. To a one, they all said that they doubted any parent would come forward and explain why they disowned their gay kids, but that hordes of people would be eager to share their anti-gay views, and weigh in on how well they understand the dynamics of homosexuality, and they assured me that I would encounter at least one or two "straight types" who are actually closeted raging queens.
They assured me that the one or two straights who claimed to know the most were probably the queens in the bunch.

And goddam if they weren't 100% right on every single point.
Marion Morrison, you are the winner on this thread.
Don't be ashamed.
No one actually gives a shit about your perversion until you bring it out into public. Keep it private where it belongs. Don't march in our churches to force them to accept your gayness. Don't march down our streets to force normal people to accept you. Live your life and stay away from everyone elses.
Homosexual children, I can't personally speak to. I will say that I have homosexual relatives, and most of my family is some variety of fundamentalist Christian. It's a touchy area to navigate, but then, a lot of family issues are touchy to navigate.

Generally speaking, the attitude in my family is that you disapprove of people's actions, but family is still family. You don't stop loving people simply because you disapprove of something you do. Their partners, if they have any, are treated more or less the same as any other significant other being introduced into the family. They're invited to family gatherings, and our behavior toward them depends entirely on their behavior as individuals. In return, we expect that the beliefs of other family members be treated with the same respect.

So far, we have not been faced with the question of any homosexual family members getting "married". If it happened, I would assume each family member would have to decide individually what their personal beliefs required of them vis a vis attending. I suspect a lot of us wouldn't attend, but we would decline the invitation courteously and diplomatically.
Homosexual children, I can't personally speak to. I will say that I have homosexual relatives, and most of my family is some variety of fundamentalist Christian. It's a touchy area to navigate, but then, a lot of family issues are touchy to navigate.

Generally speaking, the attitude in my family is that you disapprove of people's actions, but family is still family. You don't stop loving people simply because you disapprove of something you do. Their partners, if they have any, are treated more or less the same as any other significant other being introduced into the family. They're invited to family gatherings, and our behavior toward them depends entirely on their behavior as individuals. In return, we expect that the beliefs of other family members be treated with the same respect.

So far, we have not been faced with the question of any homosexual family members getting "married". If it happened, I would assume each family member would have to decide individually what their personal beliefs required of them vis a vis attending. I suspect a lot of us wouldn't attend, but we would decline the invitation courteously and diplomatically.
So basically you grin and bear the homosexuals in your family. Thanks for sharing that.
Homosexual children, I can't personally speak to. I will say that I have homosexual relatives, and most of my family is some variety of fundamentalist Christian. It's a touchy area to navigate, but then, a lot of family issues are touchy to navigate.

Generally speaking, the attitude in my family is that you disapprove of people's actions, but family is still family. You don't stop loving people simply because you disapprove of something you do. Their partners, if they have any, are treated more or less the same as any other significant other being introduced into the family. They're invited to family gatherings, and our behavior toward them depends entirely on their behavior as individuals. In return, we expect that the beliefs of other family members be treated with the same respect.

So far, we have not been faced with the question of any homosexual family members getting "married". If it happened, I would assume each family member would have to decide individually what their personal beliefs required of them vis a vis attending. I suspect a lot of us wouldn't attend, but we would decline the invitation courteously and diplomatically.
So basically you grin and bear the homosexuals in your family. Thanks for sharing that.

No, we love them as family members, the same as we did before they came out, because they are still the same people they always were.
Homosexual children, I can't personally speak to. I will say that I have homosexual relatives, and most of my family is some variety of fundamentalist Christian. It's a touchy area to navigate, but then, a lot of family issues are touchy to navigate.

Generally speaking, the attitude in my family is that you disapprove of people's actions, but family is still family. You don't stop loving people simply because you disapprove of something you do. Their partners, if they have any, are treated more or less the same as any other significant other being introduced into the family. They're invited to family gatherings, and our behavior toward them depends entirely on their behavior as individuals. In return, we expect that the beliefs of other family members be treated with the same respect.

So far, we have not been faced with the question of any homosexual family members getting "married". If it happened, I would assume each family member would have to decide individually what their personal beliefs required of them vis a vis attending. I suspect a lot of us wouldn't attend, but we would decline the invitation courteously and diplomatically.
So basically you grin and bear the homosexuals in your family. Thanks for sharing that.

No, we love them as family members, the same as we did before they came out, because they are still the same people they always were.
So, if one gets married, are you going and wishing them well...?
So we have a "compassionate libertarian" with an intense desire to practice eugenics who uses words like "men kind" and a big cowboy who knows faggots when he sees em, and a pokemon named picaro
I picked John wayne, that's right, bitch! Because of the bombasticness. I'm a bombastic person.

You shoulda seen when I went over to the dykes house the other night. I tell it like it is baby, No filter.

Oh so you LIKE the lesbians!! Hey wow.
I'm OK with that. The faggotry, notsomuch. Sorry. :rolleyes:

No one actually gives two shits what you're okay with or not okay with.
See, that's the whole point. You can be not okay with any shred of it, just let my gay friends lead their lives and stop trying to dictate what rights they have or don't have.

I started the thread because I do have a lot of gay friends, and most of them come from homes where they were disowned. It was idle curiosity. To a one, they all said that they doubted any parent would come forward and explain why they disowned their gay kids, but that hordes of people would be eager to share their anti-gay views, and weigh in on how well they understand the dynamics of homosexuality, and they assured me that I would encounter at least one or two "straight types" who are actually closeted raging queens.
They assured me that the one or two straights who claimed to know the most were probably the queens in the bunch.

And goddam if they weren't 100% right on every single point.
Marion Morrison, you are the winner on this thread.
Don't be ashamed.
No one actually gives a shit about your perversion until you bring it out into public. Keep it private where it belongs. Don't march in our churches to force them to accept your gayness. Don't march down our streets to force normal people to accept you. Live your life and stay away from everyone elses.

Since it's not my "perversion" here's what I observe:
I observe my friends being denied access to the hospital when their MARRIED significant other is ill, because a state refuses to recognize gay marriage. Now that it's been legalized in all 50 states, hospitals can't do that anymore, but that bothers people like you and the other idiots on this thread.
I observe my friends being denied the same employment rights.
I observe discrimination in all areas.
These aren't people who devote much energy to displaying who they are, and they already lead fairly
private lives.
But they will continue to appear in public, even on your streets. They're not asking for your permission or forcing you to accept their orientation. They're demanding you take your foot off their throat.
You might never know who they are until YOU start screeching in public about your fear of them. So the same goes for you. They don't give a shit about your hangups and narrow minded views until you make them public, or until you hurt your children. They vote, and they are even sometimes armed.

You know what they say about an armed society, it's a polite society.
Nope......and I don't have any children that grew up to be pedophiles.....practice beastiality or are ax murderers.
Not that shit again!
Just curious, do you believe that it's "normal" to crave the intimacy of those of the same gender? That homosexuality should be placed on the same level as that of a man and a woman? Just curious.........
I certainly do...but I think that you knew that already
Guess what? That will never happen. The laws might satisfy the equal treatment under the law but the stigma of that lifestyle will never disappear as long as organized religion exists. You cannot police thought. Dealing with that fact is what you are left with.
Just curious, do you believe that it's "normal" to crave the intimacy of those of the same gender? That homosexuality should be placed on the same level as that of a man and a woman? Just curious.........
I certainly do...but I think that you knew that already
Guess what? That will never happen. The laws might satisfy the equal treatment under the law but the stigma of that lifestyle will never disappear as long as organized religion exists. You cannot police thought. Dealing with that fact is what you are left with.
Horseshit Ranking religions on acceptance of homosexuality and reactions to SCOTUS ruling

Just curious, do you believe that it's "normal" to crave the intimacy of those of the same gender? That homosexuality should be placed on the same level as that of a man and a woman? Just curious.........
I certainly do...but I think that you knew that already
Guess what? That will never happen. The laws might satisfy the equal treatment under the law but the stigma of that lifestyle will never disappear as long as organized religion exists. You cannot police thought. Dealing with that fact is what you are left with.
Horseshit Ranking religions on acceptance of homosexuality and reactions to SCOTUS ruling

Tolerance and acceptance are two different animals. How many in those numbers hate the sin and not the sinner?
Unless eating poop and drinking urine is enjoyed by all, I'd have to imagine that most parents of gays worry regarding the health and welfare of such a child.

What kind of gay porn are you watching?!
All porn is brainless. And I can only imagine all gay porn ends up the very same way ---- just the players, costumes, and sets differ.

Yes, some people, like you of course, DO cling to the notion of requiring the universe to conform to THEIR limited and distorted notions of the truth. Far be it from anyone else here to attempt to enlighten you, you're far too intelligent to accept advice from any mere mortal, LOL.
Enlightenment comes from GOD and not from the latest fad or notion, nor what everyone wishes to believe.
Which god is responsible for enlightenment?
Title says it all.
The question is aimed at parents.
Do you have any gay children, and if so, have you disconnected from them or disowned them in any way?
Have you cut off communications with them entirely, or say perhaps, did you refuse to attend their gay wedding, or did you cut off financial support or school tuition?
Anything along those lines.

We've already no doubt seen several discussion threads where gay people have discussed being cut off or disowned by their parents, so now I'd like to see if anyone from the parental side is willing to discuss their side of the issue.

MY own VIEWS are NOT as IMPORTANT, because as it turns out, both my kids are apparently hetero.
For the record, both of us would support/stand by either of our kids if they turned out to be gay, but they are hetero, so I am much more interested in hearing from those who do not share that view, watching the discussion develop between the other members.

When my son was in NYU he told us some truly horrible stories about kids who had parents that disowned them. How fucked up do you have to be to treat your child like that?
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