Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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I called it early on. His only intention in starting this thread was to reinforce his existing prejudice against people of faith.

Are these "people of faith"?

Teen’s Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims Held Captive in Perris Home, Including Kids Chained to Beds: Sheriff

I ask because Mummy and Daddy were running one of those private religious schools and my spidey sense is tingling, telling me that this has church-ey written all over it, and half those thirteen kids came from one or more of his daughters.

How would anyone know?

Oh we will know soon enough. I hear tell they have a few of them "detectives" down there and I speck they might be doing some of that thar "detectin" soon enough.

You asked. I answered. Based on the information known, you could not possibly know either, so why bring it into the discussion?

Because I can.

By the way, fnnceo, notice how not one single "person of faith" has guts enough to step up and declare that they have in fact disowned or cut off connection to a child who came out as gay.
Not even one stepped up to say that they would PRAY for that child.

But hey, if you wish to turn this thread into your little corner where you can troll instead of starting your own, by all means please go ahead. I already learned a lot just by reading posts from people like you.

All I've noticed is people of faith ignoring your silly ranting bullshit narratives, not at all uncommon. They're used to you gimps spewing rubbish 24/7 by now, and your obsessive need to normalize neurotic mental illness and avoid admitting you're sick in the head.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

My spidey sense is kinda tingling again, something about maybe you harboring a secret conviction that all homosexuals are by nature child molesters, which means you probably do not know many gay men in real life.

Are gay men obnoxious ass hats? I've known more than a few, but I'd have to say the ratio is equal to what one encounters across the board.

The fact that you equate a demographic group that seeks equal rights as some kind of demand for "special rights" is also telling.
By the way, fnnceo, notice how not one single "person of faith" has guts enough to step up and declare that they have in fact disowned or cut off connection to a child who came out as gay.
Not even one stepped up to say that they would PRAY for that child.

But hey, if you wish to turn this thread into your little corner where you can troll instead of starting your own, by all means please go ahead. I already learned a lot just by reading posts from people like you.

All I've noticed is people of faith ignoring your silly ranting bullshit narratives, not at all uncommon.

Funny, they seem quite glued to the thread right now, don't they?
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
By the way, fnnceo, notice how not one single "person of faith" has guts enough to step up and declare that they have in fact disowned or cut off connection to a child who came out as gay.
Not even one stepped up to say that they would PRAY for that child.

But hey, if you wish to turn this thread into your little corner where you can troll instead of starting your own, by all means please go ahead. I already learned a lot just by reading posts from people like you.

All I've noticed is people of faith ignoring your silly ranting bullshit narratives, not at all uncommon.

Funny, they seem quite glued to the thread right now, don't they?

So, do you manage to find enough high heels in your size? Er wut? How many Gigs of Twinkporn are on yur comp? Hmm?


Yur a faggot, fo sho.
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Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

My spidey sense is kinda tingling again, something about maybe you harboring a secret conviction that all homosexuals are by nature child molesters, which means you probably do not know many gay men in real life.

Are gay men obnoxious ass hats? I've known more than a few, but I'd have to say the ratio is equal to what one encounters across the board.

The fact that you equate a demographic group that seeks equal rights as some kind of demand for "special rights" is also telling.

lol your 'spidey sense' tells you stuff, does it? Actually the statistics and history of the 'gay rights' hoax speaks for itself; kiddie rapers founded the 'movement', and NAMBLA was always welcome on the 'movement's' advisory councils from the beginning, tard. they aren't denied any rights, sicko boi, that's just an imaginary meme peddled by sickos themselves.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

My spidey sense is kinda tingling again, something about maybe you harboring a secret conviction that all homosexuals are by nature child molesters, which means you probably do not know many gay men in real life.

Are gay men obnoxious ass hats? I've known more than a few, but I'd have to say the ratio is equal to what one encounters across the board.

The fact that you equate a demographic group that seeks equal rights as some kind of demand for "special rights" is also telling.

lol your 'spidey sense' tells you stuff, does it? Actually the statistics and history of the 'gay rights' hoax speaks for itself; kiddie rapers founded the 'movement', and NAMBLA was always welcome on the 'movement's' advisory councils from the beginning, tard. they aren't denied any rights, sicko boi, that's just an imaginary meme peddled by sickos themselves.

Wow you know a LOT!!!
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
Someday we'll find the gay gene, then we can abort all the fetuses who has it.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?

Ah yes, now comes the inevitable pop psycho-babble, right on cue. And yes, it is a choice, as there has never been a shred of evidence of it being anything else except a mental illness, despite all the BS propaganda. The fact that you try to claim otherwise pretty much marks you as a liar and a moron, or just merely stupid and probably a kiddie diddler yourself.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

My spidey sense is kinda tingling again, something about maybe you harboring a secret conviction that all homosexuals are by nature child molesters, which means you probably do not know many gay men in real life.

Are gay men obnoxious ass hats? I've known more than a few, but I'd have to say the ratio is equal to what one encounters across the board.

The fact that you equate a demographic group that seeks equal rights as some kind of demand for "special rights" is also telling.

lol your 'spidey sense' tells you stuff, does it? Actually the statistics and history of the 'gay rights' hoax speaks for itself; kiddie rapers founded the 'movement', and NAMBLA was always welcome on the 'movement's' advisory councils from the beginning, tard. they aren't denied any rights, sicko boi, that's just an imaginary meme peddled by sickos themselves.

Wow you know a LOT!!!

Of course I do. Annoying for you hoaxers, isn't it?
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
Someday we'll find the gay gene, then we can abort all the fetuses who has it.

Yes, well, we've being hearing about that 'imminent scientific discovery any day now'' for going 5 decades, and no sign of it yet.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
Someday we'll find the gay gene, then we can abort all the fetuses who has it.

They already have found it but it's too bad you folks seem to be "pro life" or is that only if you get to know the sexual orientation of everyone else's children first?
It's not that "It takes one to know one" It's that "It takes one who's seen one" to know what the deal is.

Bottom line:

By the way, fnnceo, notice how not one single "person of faith" has guts enough to step up and declare that they have in fact disowned or cut off connection to a child who came out as gay.
Not even one stepped up to say that they would PRAY for that child.

But hey, if you wish to turn this thread into your little corner where you can troll instead of starting your own, by all means please go ahead. I already learned a lot just by reading posts from people like you.

All I've noticed is people of faith ignoring your silly ranting bullshit narratives, not at all uncommon.

Funny, they seem quite glued to the thread right now, don't they?

So, do you manage to find enough high heels in your size? Er wut? How many Gigs of Twinkporn are on yur comp? Hmm?


Yur a faggot, fo sho.

I'll defer to my buddy Henry Rollins on that one, namely that I would never be in the closet if I were gay.
I'd have outed myself long ago.
It's not that "It takes one to know one" It's that "It takes one who's seen one" to know what the deal is.

Bottom line:


Bottom line is, people who seem obsessed with knowing who is and isn't usually have some latent tendencies that they're ashamed of, don't be ashamed, John Wayne fella.
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.

By the way Picaro, the solution is very simple...if people like you stop having gay kids, less of them will be obnoxous ass hats and molesters. Why do you insist on having obnoxious gay children who turn into molesters?
After all, you seem to think it's a choice. You sure you're not inspiring them to make those choices?
Someday we'll find the gay gene, then we can abort all the fetuses who has it.

They already have found it but it's too bad you folks seem to be "pro life" or is that only if you get to know the sexual orientation of everyone else's children first?
"you folks" I'm a compassionate Libertarian who thinks we should abort all fetuses that have genetic defects. I think we should sterilize the poor so only those who can afford kids has kids. and I'm for a program matching people based on genetics and having them make the next generations of Men Kind.
By the way, fnnceo, notice how not one single "person of faith" has guts enough to step up and declare that they have in fact disowned or cut off connection to a child who came out as gay.
Not even one stepped up to say that they would PRAY for that child.

But hey, if you wish to turn this thread into your little corner where you can troll instead of starting your own, by all means please go ahead. I already learned a lot just by reading posts from people like you.

All I've noticed is people of faith ignoring your silly ranting bullshit narratives, not at all uncommon.

Funny, they seem quite glued to the thread right now, don't they?

So, do you manage to find enough high heels in your size? Er wut? How many Gigs of Twinkporn are on yur comp? Hmm?


Yur a faggot, fo sho.

I'll defer to my buddy Henry Rollins on that one, namely that I would never be in the closet if I were gay.
I'd have outed myself long ago.

For one, I remain unconvinced.

Exhibit a)
This OP

Exhibit b)

Your posts in this thread.



So much for your straight narrative.
"you folks" I'm a compassionate Libertarian who thinks we should abort all fetuses that have genetic defects. I think we should sterilize the poor so only those who can afford kids has kids. and I'm for a program matching people based on genetics and having them make the next generations of Men Kind.

I could ALMOST HEAR those jack boots clicking when you said all that.
That was some impressive Aryan spew.
By the way, fnnceo, notice how not one single "person of faith" has guts enough to step up and declare that they have in fact disowned or cut off connection to a child who came out as gay.
Not even one stepped up to say that they would PRAY for that child.

But hey, if you wish to turn this thread into your little corner where you can troll instead of starting your own, by all means please go ahead. I already learned a lot just by reading posts from people like you.

All I've noticed is people of faith ignoring your silly ranting bullshit narratives, not at all uncommon.

Funny, they seem quite glued to the thread right now, don't they?

So, do you manage to find enough high heels in your size? Er wut? How many Gigs of Twinkporn are on yur comp? Hmm?


Yur a faggot, fo sho.

I'll defer to my buddy Henry Rollins on that one, namely that I would never be in the closet if I were gay.
I'd have outed myself long ago.

For one, I remain unconvinced.

Exhibit a)
This OP

Exhibit b)

Your posts in this thread.



So much for your straight narrative.

HAR! Who's the one walking around naming themselves after a VERY MANLY COWBOY HERE, big fella.
The irony of this is palpable.

You should just take that brokeback self of yours back to the ranch.
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