Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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Yes, some people, like you of course, DO cling to the notion of requiring the universe to conform to THEIR limited and distorted notions of the truth. Far be it from anyone else here to attempt to enlighten you, you're far too intelligent to accept advice from any mere mortal, LOL.
Enlightenment comes from GOD and not from the latest fad or notion, nor what everyone wishes to believe.

_ _ _ _ your "GOD"
And that helped how?
It's demonstrating his atheistic superiority towards Christians...

I called it early on. His only intention in starting this thread was to reinforce his existing prejudice against people of faith.

Depends on your definition of "people of faith".
And I would never hide behind prejudice, that's a blunt instrument.
I much prefer actively detesting hypocrites and reactionaries.
I don't need to post a thread about disowning a gay child to do that.
If you can read my early posts and come up with that, it's all in your head.
Unless eating poop and drinking urine is enjoyed by all, I'd have to imagine that most parents of gays worry regarding the health and welfare of such a child.

That had to come from watching some very twisted gay pr0n.
PRO TIP: Neither gay pr0n nor straight pr0n are all that representative of real sex in the context of a relationship, and for the purpose of the discussion, we're really talking about a typical normal relationship, because gay or straight, most of what goes on is in a relationship.

PRO TIP #2: Pretty much anything you might catch if having gay sex, you can also catch having straight sex.
No, seriously, not kidding, that's a fact.


It's an ancient internet joke way of saying "PORN".

To paraphrase Robin Williams. "Thank you very much. That's dumb! That's really fucking dumb!"
By the way, fnnceo, notice how not one single "person of faith" has guts enough to step up and declare that they have in fact disowned or cut off connection to a child who came out as gay.
Not even one stepped up to say that they would PRAY for that child.

But hey, if you wish to turn this thread into your little corner where you can troll instead of starting your own, by all means please go ahead. I already learned a lot just by reading posts from people like you.
Unless eating poop and drinking urine is enjoyed by all, I'd have to imagine that most parents of gays worry regarding the health and welfare of such a child.

That had to come from watching some very twisted gay pr0n.
PRO TIP: Neither gay pr0n nor straight pr0n are all that representative of real sex in the context of a relationship, and for the purpose of the discussion, we're really talking about a typical normal relationship, because gay or straight, most of what goes on is in a relationship.

PRO TIP #2: Pretty much anything you might catch if having gay sex, you can also catch having straight sex.
No, seriously, not kidding, that's a fact.


It's an ancient internet joke way of saying "PORN".

To paraphrase Robin Williams. "Thank you very much. That's dumb! That's really fucking dumb!"

I did not invent it.
It predates AOL.
Unless eating poop and drinking urine is enjoyed by all, I'd have to imagine that most parents of gays worry regarding the health and welfare of such a child.

That had to come from watching some very twisted gay pr0n.
PRO TIP: Neither gay pr0n nor straight pr0n are all that representative of real sex in the context of a relationship, and for the purpose of the discussion, we're really talking about a typical normal relationship, because gay or straight, most of what goes on is in a relationship.

PRO TIP #2: Pretty much anything you might catch if having gay sex, you can also catch having straight sex.
No, seriously, not kidding, that's a fact.


It's an ancient internet joke way of saying "PORN".

To paraphrase Robin Williams. "Thank you very much. That's dumb! That's really fucking dumb!"

I did not invent it.
It predates AOL.

But you used it! :D
By the way, fnnceo, notice how not one single "person of faith" has guts enough to step up and declare that they have in fact disowned or cut off connection to a child who came out as gay.
Not even one stepped up to say that they would PRAY for that child.

But hey, if you wish to turn this thread into your little corner where you can troll instead of starting your own, by all means please go ahead. I already learned a lot just by reading posts from people like you.

Maybe no one has a gay kid? Did you consider that possibility?
While it would suck if it it happened to you, I'm no certain I could disown my child.

Would I be disappointed? Oh yes.

Would it still be my kid? Unfortunately, yes.

A max of 4% of people end up homosexual, so at least there's that.
I called it early on. His only intention in starting this thread was to reinforce his existing prejudice against people of faith.

Are these "people of faith"?

Teen’s Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims Held Captive in Perris Home, Including Kids Chained to Beds: Sheriff

I ask because Mummy and Daddy were running one of those private religious schools and my spidey sense is tingling, telling me that this has church-ey written all over it, and half those thirteen kids came from one or more of his daughters.
Maybe this douche shoulda stayed banned. Eh, it's a free country. You're free to be the douche that you are, OP!

Rejoice! In your douchiness.
The only one in my extended family who is gay is the son of one of my brother-in-laws. He did not disown him but the son left home before graduating high school and sort of disowned himself.
I called it early on. His only intention in starting this thread was to reinforce his existing prejudice against people of faith.

Are these "people of faith"?

Teen’s Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims Held Captive in Perris Home, Including Kids Chained to Beds: Sheriff

I ask because Mummy and Daddy were running one of those private religious schools and my spidey sense is tingling, telling me that this has church-ey written all over it, and half those thirteen kids came from one or more of his daughters.

How would anyone know?
I called it early on. His only intention in starting this thread was to reinforce his existing prejudice against people of faith.

Are these "people of faith"?

Teen’s Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims Held Captive in Perris Home, Including Kids Chained to Beds: Sheriff

I ask because Mummy and Daddy were running one of those private religious schools and my spidey sense is tingling, telling me that this has church-ey written all over it, and half those thirteen kids came from one or more of his daughters.

How would anyone know?

Oh we will know soon enough. I hear tell they have a few of them "detectives" down there and I speck they might be doing some of that thar "detectin" soon enough.
That had to come from watching some very twisted gay pr0n.
PRO TIP: Neither gay pr0n nor straight pr0n are all that representative of real sex in the context of a relationship, and for the purpose of the discussion, we're really talking about a typical normal relationship, because gay or straight, most of what goes on is in a relationship.

PRO TIP #2: Pretty much anything you might catch if having gay sex, you can also catch having straight sex.
No, seriously, not kidding, that's a fact.


It's an ancient internet joke way of saying "PORN".

To paraphrase Robin Williams. "Thank you very much. That's dumb! That's really fucking dumb!"

I did not invent it.
It predates AOL.

But you used it! :D

Yes, I've always used "pr0n" and "pwned"...

I called it early on. His only intention in starting this thread was to reinforce his existing prejudice against people of faith.

Are these "people of faith"?

Teen’s Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims Held Captive in Perris Home, Including Kids Chained to Beds: Sheriff

I ask because Mummy and Daddy were running one of those private religious schools and my spidey sense is tingling, telling me that this has church-ey written all over it, and half those thirteen kids came from one or more of his daughters.

How would anyone know?

Oh we will know soon enough. I hear tell they have a few of them "detectives" down there and I speck they might be doing some of that thar "detectin" soon enough.

You asked. I answered. Based on the information known, you could not possibly know either, so why bring it into the discussion?
I called it early on. His only intention in starting this thread was to reinforce his existing prejudice against people of faith.

Are these "people of faith"?

Teen’s Escape Leads to Discovery of 13 Malnourished Victims Held Captive in Perris Home, Including Kids Chained to Beds: Sheriff

I ask because Mummy and Daddy were running one of those private religious schools and my spidey sense is tingling, telling me that this has church-ey written all over it, and half those thirteen kids came from one or more of his daughters.

How would anyone know?

Oh we will know soon enough. I hear tell they have a few of them "detectives" down there and I speck they might be doing some of that thar "detectin" soon enough.

You asked. I answered. Based on the information known, you could not possibly know either, so why bring it into the discussion?

Because I can.

It's an ancient internet joke way of saying "PORN".

To paraphrase Robin Williams. "Thank you very much. That's dumb! That's really fucking dumb!"

I did not invent it.
It predates AOL.

But you used it! :D

Yes, I've always used "pr0n" and "pwned"...


So you admit being juvenile. That works for me!
Many homosexuals get 'disowned' because they're obnoxious ass-hats, and a high percentage of them can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and molest other kids, usually younger kids, in their compulsive mental illness. Few people want sickos around molesting their other children or the neighborhood kids. The big giant Pity Party for homosexuals is a big giant joke for the most part, and with them being a protected species and bellwether demographic for acceptance of other sicko deviants of all stripes and fetishes, it's necessary to demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' so other neurotics can avoid treatments being found for their mental disorders as well. Mentally ill people never actually want to be helped, they want to be allowed to mindlessly indulge themselves without restraints and regardless of who they damage in the process.
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