Have democrats misplayed the impeachment card?


Active Member
Dec 13, 2019
That appears to be the case...and thus they seem to be having second thoughts.

Have Democrats Misplayed the Impeachment Card?

Pelosi's Proposal to Withhold Senate Trial Is Unconstitutional

Trump's Achievements Make Him the Most 'Presidential' President Ever

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Democrats are like little children who don't really know what the hell they're doing, when it comes to adult stuff. Anyone who was paying attention throughout 8 years of Obama would know this to be true.

Thank God the adults are running this country now.
Democrats are caught in an anti-Trump maze of hate.
Pelosi and her ilk hold NO leverage over the Senate as I post this!
Peloski pulled the pin on a grenade, and now has NFI what to do next.
Where are the deadlines in the Constitution: article, clause? Pelosi doesn't have to jump through arbitrary hoops for anyone.
Like da' 'turtle-guy' said; the House investigation is over and it's trial time, muppets.
My theory is Pelosi's weakened condition allowed the Squad, Schiff, Maxine and Caveman etc. to pressure her into going for Impeachment on a wing and a 'prayer'.
Where are the deadlines in the Constitution: article, clause? Pelosi doesn't have to jump through arbitrary hoops for anyone.
Arbitrary hoops, Comrade? Wow, you Aces take on law is just amazing. The Constitution states Impeachment is a 2-step process, and as the DNC's own top lawyer has stated, it is the FILING of the impeachment with the Senate which makes it official. The Constitution only assumes that once impeached by the House, the House would WANT to file the charges with the Senate! For there to be any deliberate, stated, intentional delay is itself an abuse of the law. The law provides for such abuses with means to handle that and since the House's work is done, all power to finish the impeachment process rests with the Senate. Nancy is already at risk of being charged with Obstruction of Justice, Impeding a Congressional Process and summary resolution by the Senate. How this resolves is wholly up to Mitch McConnell and I'm both sure he is looking at the options right now and I hope he does the right thing and burns Nancy's ass.

This was obviously a planned, intended move for a long time to ram this impeachment through before Christmas and with a yes vote which makes the impeachment worthless since its outcome was decided long before it even started. The House never intended to really file this with the Senate because they have never believed Trump would be removed, so all the talk of Trump being an immediate danger to "national security" needing reigned in at once has always been hogwash. And if the House knew at the onset that an election was right around the corner, that no action would remove Trump, they had thin, specious grounds for charges at best, then what could have been the point to all of this?

If you have two brain cells or even a smidgen of intellectual honesty, the only possible conclusion is that the whole motive here was just another smear campaign against the president hoping to derail his election. Now they will try to spin it further to delay it as long as possible hoping to tie up senators from their own campaigns be trying to claim the delay is somehow the Senate's fault. Dems know they don't stand any good chance to beat him at the polls and this is just another effort to weaken him in the eyes of voters, ie, manipulate an election--- --- the very thing they try to claim of Trump. Biden is flawed, Biden is weak, Biden can't win without a team of horses pulling him across the finish line and now I hope McConnell is fed up enough to throw this entire debacle back in the faces of the House Democrats in a way that really hurts.
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.. bottom line ... the fake Democrat media parasites need a distraction from this reality, it's making absolute liars and weasel word phonies of them all..

Democrats are like little children who don't really know what the hell they're doing, when it comes to adult stuff. Anyone who was paying attention throughout 8 years of Obama would know this to be true.

Thank God the adults are running this country now.
Your saying this reminds me of what actor Tim Allen says during the Last Man Standing episode when how to punish his grandson on there for any wrong doing was the concern. He was like, "If your kid likes the way that they are being punished, you are probably doing it wrong."

God bless you and Tim always!!!

What President Trump has had to deal with should never happen to any President.

The insanity from the leftwingers is not only dispicable it is hurting the country....they seem not to care.

They are like a lynch mob that has been whipped up by msm and their fake news.
They followed the same polls aff the same cliff that Hillary did.

Maybe they got a group rate on lobotomies or sumpin'

Absolutely they did. And this is bad for all of us.

The problem I have now is, since they have absolutely blown their one shot... now Trump really could do something bad and get away with it, because the Democraps won't have the credibility or political capital to do another impeachment.

This is horrible. They should never have done this. You only pull out impeachment, when it is clear cut, undeniable, unambiguous high crimes and misdemeanors.

I really hate this. Because we need a credible opposition, to keep the other side in check. Now, Trump really could shoot someone outside the white house, and we wouldn't believe it. I wouldn't believe it. I would just assume the Democraps are making crap up again.... because that's what they have done.

Idiots. They are really going to destroy this country with their non-stop depravity.
Democrats realize that nobody is above the law

Republicans confirm that Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and they will look the other way

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