Have YOU done ANYTHING to prepare for coronavirus?

Are you making any preperations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am already prepared for the zombie apocalypse

  • This is manufactured hysteria and I don't prepare for bullshit

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We have a family-wide zombie apocalypse plan. It's always in force, no additional preparations needed.
Machete +1 and charisma-10?
Farmhouse in rural Kansas, nearest neighbor half a mile away.generators, good supply of fuel, food, a well with a hand pump, ammo, rifles, cleared lines of fire for minimum of 100 yards around the house, and so on.

Do I ever expect to use it? No.

But it's nice to have a bugout plan.
We've always lived in rural area also so just natural to stay stocked up.
I live in the largest city in Kansas. I'm 45 minutes away, but I have an off road capable vehicle that never gets parked with less than a full tank, just in case.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT --- USMB has several "sister sites"... A couple are "prepper sites".. You'll see links at the bottom of the home page... Even if you're NOT taking this seriously, I think those folks would LOVE to hear your suggestions about the video, game stash and the take-out chinese food...

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Lemme know what they think about your planning....
We have a family-wide zombie apocalypse plan. It's always in force, no additional preparations needed.
Machete +1 and charisma-10?
Farmhouse in rural Kansas, nearest neighbor half a mile away.generators, good supply of fuel, food, a well with a hand pump, ammo, rifles, cleared lines of fire for minimum of 100 yards around the house, and so on.

Do I ever expect to use it? No.

But it's nice to have a bugout plan.
We've always lived in rural area also so just natural to stay stocked up.
I live in the largest city in Kansas. I'm 45 minutes away, but I have an off road capable vehicle that never gets parked with less than a full tank, just in case.
We survived the bank takeout and lived on basically nothing for several years; including no electric or running water but we do have a well and a pond, wood to burn, etc. It just became habit to pick up candles and stuff one uses when you are in a situation like that. Back during that first couple years feeding my two hundred pound baby was the toughest part so I started fishing from our pond every morning to feed him. At one point in one of those winters I even butchered a fawn that got hit on the road. The mama deer had two every year here and she came up to the chicken house wondering why her baby was there when she knew it'd been hit in the road. She was never afraid of that dog. She and her babies would eat right up close to the house even after that happened and she had new twins the next few years.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT --- USMB has several "sister sites"... A couple are "prepper sites".. You'll see links at the bottom of the home page... Even if you're NOT taking this seriously, I think those folks would LOVE to hear your suggestions about the video, game stash and the take-out chinese food...

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Lemme know what they think about your planning....

Good to see the site coming out of the closet. :tinfoil:
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT --- USMB has several "sister sites"... A couple are "prepper sites".. You'll see links at the bottom of the home page... Even if you're NOT taking this seriously, I think those folks would LOVE to hear your suggestions about the video, game stash and the take-out chinese food...

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Lemme know what they think about your planning....

Good to see the site coming out of the closet. :tinfoil:

Lemme guess. You think preppers are all bible-thumping, gun-toting, nascar going right wing nuts... My Mormon mentor in bio-electronics and my "new age, crystal worshipping" neighbor in Cali would hotly disagree with you....

Once had the police come to that Mormon house while I was helping him unload about 8 50 gallon drums of grain and rice and beans... They SERIOUSLY thought we were terrorists..
Well, have you?

I have not but am considering stocking up on bottled water and some non perishables.

Yeah, yeah, I'm not a prepper lol. On average I probably have enough food to last a couple weeks if rationed right.
There really isn't very much one can do other than stock up on face masks, disposable gloves and anti viral or anti bacterial wipes. Canned or frozen foods or anything thoroughly cooked should be safe. However, so far there seems to be no cause for alarm unless you believe you may have been in contact with someone who is infected.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT --- USMB has several "sister sites"... A couple are "prepper sites".. You'll see links at the bottom of the home page... Even if you're NOT taking this seriously, I think those folks would LOVE to hear your suggestions about the video, game stash and the take-out chinese food...

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Lemme know what they think about your planning....

Good to see the site coming out of the closet. :tinfoil:

Lemme guess. You think preppers are all bible-thumping, gun-toting, nascar going right wing nuts... My Mormon mentor in bio-electronics and my "new age, crystal worshipping" neighbor in Cali would hotly disagree with you....

Once had the police come to that Mormon house while I was helping him unload about 8 50 gallon drums of grain and rice and beans... They SERIOUSLY thought we were terrorists..
Rice and beans will keep for years and they will sustain a person when there isn't other food stuffs available. I put a little diatomaceous earth on the top of mine food stuffs stored in 5 gallon pals with lids.
There really isn't very much one can do other than stock up on face masks, disposable gloves and anti viral or anti bacterial wipes. Canned or frozen foods or anything thoroughly cooked should be safe. However, so far there seems to be no cause for alarm unless you believe you may have been in contact with someone who is infected.
This thing will spread, but hopefully it will mutate down to less lethal forms by the time it hits the USA in strength.

The virus has a width of about 120 nm and is circular in shape. So if you dont get a N99 filter mask, you are wasting your time. The passage for a N99 mask is around 30 nm.
DHS Advises Americans to Store Two Weeks of Food, Water for Coronavirus Prep

DHS recommends storing a two-week supply of water and food. Officials also urge Americans to make sure they have all needed prescription medications filled for that time period....

Specifically, DHS recommends:

Before a Pandemic
  • Store a two week supply of water and food.
  • Periodically check your regular prescription drugs to ensure a continuous supply in your home.
  • Have any nonprescription drugs and other health supplies on hand, including pain relievers, stomach remedies, cough and cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins.
  • Get copies and maintain electronic versions of health records from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other sources and store them, for personal reference. Get help accessing electronic health records.
  • Talk with family members and loved ones about how they would be cared for if they got sick, or what will be needed to care for them in your home...
During a Pandemic

Limit the Spread of Germs and Prevent Infection (emphasis below copied from website, not added by writer)

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.
  • Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
DHS doesnt recommend this during typical flu season.​
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT --- USMB has several "sister sites"... A couple are "prepper sites".. You'll see links at the bottom of the home page... Even if you're NOT taking this seriously, I think those folks would LOVE to hear your suggestions about the video, game stash and the take-out chinese food...

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Lemme know what they think about your planning....

Good to see the site coming out of the closet. :tinfoil:

Lemme guess. You think preppers are all bible-thumping, gun-toting, nascar going right wing nuts... My Mormon mentor in bio-electronics and my "new age, crystal worshipping" neighbor in Cali would hotly disagree with you....

Once had the police come to that Mormon house while I was helping him unload about 8 50 gallon drums of grain and rice and beans... They SERIOUSLY thought we were terrorists..

Nape. What I think is that NASCAR is an acronym. :eusa_snooty:

Personally I like preppers. I grow them here and make prepper sauce.

No I think of preppers as more like MindWaste. What's her name? MindWash? The one always posting Alex John Brinkley Jones and "End Times".

Visually it looks like this -
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Visually it looks like this -
Actually it looks more like this when weather permits.

View attachment 309071

I suspect FCT isn't old enough to remember when Merkins were running around building fallout shelters into their homes to prep for the coming "nuclear holocaust". Those of us who lived it remain unimpressed by paranoia. As Bob Dylan put it, oh no no, I've been through this movie before.
Nothing to prepare for other than practice good hygiene. At this time people residing in the US are not in danger.
Nothing to prepare for other than practice good hygiene. At this time people residing in the US are not in danger.
As far as we know.

There is risk, but of an unknown quantity given the lengthy incubation periods.

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