Have YOU done ANYTHING to prepare for coronavirus?

Are you making any preperations?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I am already prepared for the zombie apocalypse

  • This is manufactured hysteria and I don't prepare for bullshit

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I have started providing vitamin C to my wife, and I am also taking it. My wife has a suppressed immune system, so she is vulnerable. Our kids are teenagers in very good health, so they would shake off COVID-19 like a bad cold.

As for provisions, I have a pantry which I have always keep well stocked with canned goods, vitamins, medical supplies, water and other beverages, and so forth. Enough to feed us all for a couple/few months, though we will get sick and tired of canned tuna and chicken. :D
I would think thorough cooking would kill the virus.
Yes, but food is not the primary vector. It is spread through water droplets from coughing and sneezing, and through physical contact. It is possible it is also passed by touching the surface that an infected person has touched. Thus the need to constantly wash one's hands.
Yes, but in terms of trying to subsist on canned foods, that might not be necessary if cooking kills the virus.

the idea of having a good stock of canned goods is so a trip to the store &then possibly coming in contact with the virus is lowered.
I understand, but if you are going to go to work or to school or to see your doctor, you are facing the same risk, so going to the supermarket probably doesn't increase the risk by much. Of course, you could even reduce the risk by having your groceries delivered or by ordering them online.

i'm going on the supposition that schools might close & people will be staying home if possible to work from there. the saddest thing is all the worker bees that have no sick time & go to work sick.

i think i heard that japan(?) is closing their schools for a month. if that should happen here, a lot of people are going to need to stay home for their kids - day care centers might not operate either.
I would think thorough cooking would kill the virus.
Yes, but food is not the primary vector. It is spread through water droplets from coughing and sneezing, and through physical contact. It is possible it is also passed by touching the surface that an infected person has touched. Thus the need to constantly wash one's hands.
Yes, but in terms of trying to subsist on canned foods, that might not be necessary if cooking kills the virus.

the idea of having a good stock of canned goods is so a trip to the store &then possibly coming in contact with the virus is lowered.
I understand, but if you are going to go to work or to school or to see your doctor, you are facing the same risk, so going to the supermarket probably doesn't increase the risk by much. Of course, you could even reduce the risk by having your groceries delivered or by ordering them online.

i'm going on the supposition that schools might close & people will be staying home if possible to work from there. the saddest thing is all the worker bees that have no sick time & go to work sick.

i think i heard that japan(?) is closing their schools for a month. if that should happen here, a lot of people are going to need to stay home for their kids - day care centers might not operate either.
Consider also that people will travel less in public transportation and imports will decrease and the economic consequences could be significant.
Stocked up on microbrew and single malt in case the zombies show up.
i'm going on the supposition that schools might close & people will be staying home if possible to work from there. the saddest thing is all the worker bees that have no sick time & go to work sick.

i think i heard that japan(?) is closing their schools for a month. if that should happen here, a lot of people are going to need to stay home for their kids - day care centers might not operate either.
By all means let's shut down the nation due to our one reported cased of corona nvirus.

That would be the smart thing to do.
i'm going on the supposition that schools might close & people will be staying home if possible to work from there. the saddest thing is all the worker bees that have no sick time & go to work sick.

i think i heard that japan(?) is closing their schools for a month. if that should happen here, a lot of people are going to need to stay home for their kids - day care centers might not operate either.
By all means let's shut down the nation due to our one reported cased of corona nvirus.

That would be the smart thing to do.

i don't believe i said that, jr. BUT ya never know. & i'm prepared for a lot of scenarios. shit happens & i don't rule anything out nowadays.
Well, have you?

I have not but am considering stocking up on bottled water and some non perishables.

Yeah, yeah, I'm not a prepper lol. On average I probably have enough food to last a couple weeks if rationed right.
Cancelled travel plans to China and no longer order take out from Chinese food restaurants
I washed my hands......just like I do to avoid the far deadlier regular flu here in the U.S.......

Don't let the media put you in a panic....this virus is no deadlier than the flu.......as long as you aren't elderly or extremelly young, you are going to be fine....

Communist government is causing the problem in china.....this is why we don't want socialised medicine here.....
I have a 7 in 1000 chance of dying if I get Coronavirus, so I'm not going to panic at this point.
I’m limiting my time in the ER and questioning any calls to rooms that have a patient on airborne precautions.
I'm about 20 miles from the coast. In a state frequently menaced by hurricanes. I'm always prepared.
Well, have you?

I have not but am considering stocking up on bottled water and some non perishables.

Yeah, yeah, I'm not a prepper lol. On average I probably have enough food to last a couple weeks if rationed right.
Most Americans would be a lot healthier if they did not eat for 2 weeks. Always look at the positive.
The virus has a 2.5% mortality rate. That is in Draconian medical conditions. It is not a big deal as it is. Medicinal treatments in 3 months.
Well, have you?

I have not but am considering stocking up on bottled water and some non perishables.

Yeah, yeah, I'm not a prepper lol. On average I probably have enough food to last a couple weeks if rationed right.

I live in earthquake county. We are prepped for 6 months without resupply.
Visually it looks like this -
Actually it looks more like this when weather permits.

View attachment 309071

I suspect FCT isn't old enough to remember when Merkins were running around building fallout shelters into their homes to prep for the coming "nuclear holocaust". Those of us who lived it remain unimpressed by paranoia. As Bob Dylan put it, oh no no, I've been through this movie before.
Paranoia and being prepared for emergencies are not one in the same. Its like keeping a small med kit in your car just in case or taking an EMT class even if you may never need it.

Yyyyyeeaaahhh I hate to break this to ya but carrying a med kit in your car is just a teeny weeny bit less deep than spending your days digging out your garage to install a whole new human vault room for when the boogieman comes.
Well, have you?

I have not but am considering stocking up on bottled water and some non perishables.

Yeah, yeah, I'm not a prepper lol. On average I probably have enough food to last a couple weeks if rationed right.

I'm stocking up on popcorn.

That's it.

Oh...and pulling out my Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD's.
Come to think of it I think I'm good for years.
I have every season of Star Trek NG and every Season of the Andy Griffith show + the board game....that we've actually never played in the 10 years I've had it lol
OOOH, I wanna play I love andy griffith.
PS. The episodes with ernest t are my favorite.

You won't believe this but ---- one of the guys running for governor this year --- here in North Carolina --- is literally named Ernest T.
Well, have you?

I have not but am considering stocking up on bottled water and some non perishables.

Yeah, yeah, I'm not a prepper lol. On average I probably have enough food to last a couple weeks if rationed right.
Just washing my hands more regularly, especially if having to shake hands with someone. If you do your research, you will find that experts are saying that the symptoms of this Upper Respiratory Virus Infection (COVID-19) is actually not as severe as the previous flu virus that made its rounds, with less deaths involved. It's just being hyped out of proportion.
Yes we stocked up today...we can hold out for a month or more...so far NC hasn't had any cases but with app state and Samaritans purse...we have active travelers

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